SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(1), Jan., 2023
Nazarova Nilufar Juraevna
Senior teacher Department of Social Sciences Jumaniyazova Nasiba Saparbaevna Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor Department of Social Sciences Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
In this article, the authors analyzed the problem of the formation of young people and their deviant behavior in the process of transforming society.
Key words: deviant, behavior, youth, society, cultural terror, pop culture, family + neighborhood + education.
В данной статье авторы проанализировали проблему формирования молодежи и ее девиантного поведения в процессе трансформации общества.
Ключевые слова: девиантное поведение, молодежь, общество, культурный террор, поп-культура, семья + соседство + образование.
The youth is considered as the principal power in our political, economic social, spiritual and democratic development. They also play a great role in achieving the high aims, which are market in transforming and renewing of our country. Therefore, the youth's massive role helps look at the future of our economics that is supported with new powers.
In Uzbekistan for years of independence some legal basis of the state's policy related with the youth were created. Especially, the youth policy is based on the constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, such as other law documents which rule economic, social, political relations connecting with the youth's interests. We can observe easily that the state is gives special attention to the youth with lots of faith and hopes by adopting legislative documents about the basic state policy on the youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Physical education and sport", "Education", "Discretion", Family low codex, citizenship codex, labor codex. The youth and teenagers make more than 65 percent of our country's population. It demands from the state constant solution of problems of youth. For instance, Uzbek historian and
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politician scientist N.Juraev illustrated some issues among the youth in information society: "The possibility of increasing dangerous illnesses and hooliganism, crime, violation of the law as a result of an inclination to drugs, smoking, alcoholism among the youth; various dangerous ideas from the West, "cultural terror" which are in conflict with our lifestyle and our national dogmas; all of them ruin the youth who have no enough vital imagination and outlooks" [1]. It brings to study some negative incidents that are happening among the youth in an information society. Particularly the influences of information technology microelectronics, the connection of artificial satellite, internet, the enlargement of the information services, the connection of science achievements and the youth's consciousness are so important for us to study.
We should look through the factors which may cause the state of deviation scientifically as most crime is being done by information attacks. We can see easily that deviation doesn't choose any nations, states and territory. Deviation behavior is social negative action which can't suit with the official measure. It was appeared as special sociologic theory - deviation behavior and social supervision sociology in the subject of sociology [2]. Most investigators mark such behavior as social psychological negative form. There are different definitions of social deviation, like A.Koen's definition in an American sociology; according to English D.Uolsh's definition behavior is such behavior: social deviation is pinning a label on someone [4]. Meanwhile G. Avanesov emphasized that deviations behavior is such behavior which doesn't suit with the measures and norms in the society [5]. We can meet a full definition of social deviation in A.Kovalyov. For example, he said that deviating from the measures. The meaning of deviating is measure is behavior or development which doesn't match with social structure based on the social degrees, law and moral measures. The meaning of deviating is missing understanding one's place, takes and aims in the society [6]. Most youth who have deviating behaviors commit their first behaviors during their adolescence, such as they drink alcohol or drugs or commit a crime. Hence, one should pay more attention to the youth deviation behaviors [7].
Furthermore, one of the known deviation's forms in the world today is spiritual immorality. Spiritual immorality is the way of making nations especially the youth deviate in order to support their ideological interests and to fulfill their aims. It is active under the mask of "pop culture". Likewise, the most popular theme among sociologic researches is deviation behavior and its reasons. Besides, although there are a lot of theories and conceptions about deviation behavior, we can still observe contradictory opinions, reflections. There are different social measures and deviation
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behaviors in different societies. The youth, who stay with their parents, are always under control by their parents. Consequently, the youth may express their refusal. In such cases, they use the way of fraud. West Scientists studied these cases and they considered that natural fraud is an economic way of defending themselves from their parents and also can destroy the information consciously. This way is only a defense mechanism and it is constantly repeated after being exposed. Symbolization is also one of the most known deviation's forms and with the help of symbols the youth describe themselves. Such kind of symbolic models have various forms in different time. For instance, yuvenology that connects youth sociology with the lifestyle of beatniks in 50-60 years of XX century, then hippi, panks, revers were the music symbolic complex ways of the youth. Russian sociologist S. Ivanenko said about the role of graphitte, one of negative behaviors: the youth draw a lot of pictures and write different letters on buildings, walls and desks. Studying graphitte has significance. In the first place it is human's anonymous, on the other hand it is the weakness of social control [8] without a doubt, these writings connect with subculture and give financial and spiritual harm to the society. The pictures in the buildings, auditorium on desks, walls draw people's attention quickly. Anyway, we grown-ups despite of seeing such pictures pretend them and continue walking. However, it's the result of our indifference and apathy so we can see such symbolization in food, goods, and nicknames. The way of treatment symbolization among the youth is a social process and improves under the influence of science, technique's achievements and external environment. Furthermore, slang is also one of the negative phenomena. Slang is considered as certain subculture. The youth's slang consists of some jargons. They separate in to "theirs" jargons. The youth realize themselves well among their friends. We can observe that using mocking, rough jargons has become habit. It is the way of encountering culture [9]. Humankind separates their vital aims in the process of accepting cultural traditions. But he realizes that this way is not an easy and light way. There is an innovation as the factor of creating the deviation in economical developing countries. If we think objectively, parents are responsible for their children's moral and legal culture in front of society.
This educating and bringing up the child for him to be healthy, convinced is harder than giving a birth to him. Hence, parents should care and give educational attention to their children together. We can sum up with all opinions given above:
First, deviation behavior is a human activity or behavior which doesn't match with moral measurements in the society. In order to prevent its negative consequences, we should analyze and work on scientific research.
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Second, the members of our society who have healthy opinions and organizations should make the youth's ideological prevention in order to prevent negative, bad behaviors such as reivers, hippie, slang, graphitte.
Third, for preventing the deviation among the youth, it is very important to get the cooperation of family + neighborhood + education.
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