Abduvokhidov F.
Group commander of Namangan City Guard Department of Namangan
region Guard Department of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Annotation. In this article, prevention and prevention of cyber-terrorism and religious extremism, which threaten the whole world in maintaining public order and ensuring the safety of citizens in our country, as well as cyber-threats of a communicative nature, the most common sites of virtual communication and the use of social networks for criminal purposes, in forums, to fight against corrupting the consciousness of the society with anonymous threats, insults, blackmail and negative thoughts about the current policies and reforms in the process of creating and posting videos and recordings of violent scenes in chat rooms, social networks, e-mail and mobile devices, public portals, and methods offorming strong ideological immunity are shown. The signs of new types of cyber terrorism and religious extremism, their consequences, prevention methods and types of prevention are described.
Keywords: cyber terrorism and religious extremism, public order and citizen security, cyber threat, information security, information war, social networks, prevention, cyber crime.
Terrorism (lot. terror-terror, terror) - acts of violence aimed at losing or intimidating political opponents, opponents, causing panic and unrest among the population-stalking, disrupting, hostage-taking, murder, blasting, etc. Terrorism -individual and group terrorism-is divided into categories such as the actions of extremist political gangs. In political science, the concept of state terrorism also applies to repression of dictatorial and totalitarian regimes. Terrorism has occurred in all regions and countries since the Middle Ages. But from the end of the last century, new manifestations of it appeared killing or kidnapping the leaders of foreign states and governments, their diplomatic representatives, blowing up the buildings of embassies, missions, international organizations, committing explosions at airports and stations, hijacking aircraft, hostage taking people, etc. International terrorism has spread widely, and terrorism has a transparent political beginning. Cases have occurred where terrorists receive support from the governments of some countries and nearby structures. The level of social danger of crimes committed by them has increased. The threat of nuclear, chemical, biological weapons falling into the hands of terrorists increased, cyberterrorism appeared, namely, electronic terrorism. In many cases, terrorism
began to be associated with religious extremism, drug addiction, separatism, and there was a confusion.
Today, terrorism and religious extremism are not limited to the territory of a particular state, where terrorists are hiding or their headquarters are located. They have already moved to the cyber world. Terrorist organizations are very masterfully using the latest capabilities of technology and the internet in the way of expanding their ranks, groups and achieving their mercenary goals. In this way, actions such as providing information about terrorist actions, goals and objectives, spreading its destructive idea and ideology among the public, as well as providing information and psychological influence on internet users, creating panic among people, raising funds to support terrorist actions, providing information about toxic substances, explosive devices and devices and technologies for their preparation, and accepting new members into the ranks of.
Such actions can also be seen when" ISHID " is masterfully used by the terrorist organization of the Islamic State of Iraq Shom. It was one of the first to establish a separate structure in its system that brought together professionals involved in promoting ideas and goals of subversion. Today, 80% of the information distributed on the internet belongs to terrorist organizations operating in the regions of the Middle East.
According to the analysis of media data and the confessions of victims, the distribution of radical ideas and most of the recruitment efforts to the organization are being carried out on social networks such as Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, Youtube Telegram.
Cyber terrorism and anti-religious extremism and Prevention:
Multilateral conventions and acts of law have been adopted in most countries to strengthen the fight against terrorism. Including in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a special law on the fight against terrorism was adopted No. 167 of December 15, 2000. Terrorism in this law - in order to achieve political, religious, ideological and other goals, the destruction of property and other objects that pose a threat to an individual's life, health, pose a threat of injury, and force the state, international organization, physical or legal entity to commit some kind of action or refrain from committing, complicate international relations, violate the sovereignty, territorial integrity, undermine security of the state, aimed at destabilizing the socio-political situation, responsibility in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan is defined as violence, intimidation with the use of violence or other criminal acts. The law provides legal justification for such issues as the competence of state bodies in the field of Counterterrorism, the conduct of an anti-terrorist operation, compensation for damage caused by a terrorist act and social rehabilitation of injured persons.
According to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the preparation and commission of terrorist acts, an attempt to provide or collect any funds and resources, other services directly or indirectly to persons participating in such activities, is punishable by imprisonment for 8 to 10 years. If a terrorist
act causes a person to die, other severe consequences arise, then a sentence of imprisonment for 15 to 20 years or expulsion from the country is prescribed.
A person involved in the preparation of terrorist acts is exempt from criminal liability if he actively contributes to the timely notification of authorities or in another way to prevent the occurrence of severe consequences, as well as the implementation of terrorist goals, if there is no other composition of the crime in the actions of this person.
On July 1, the presidential decree" on approval of the national strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the fight against extremism and terrorism for 20212026" was adopted.
According to the roadmap on the implementation of the national strategy and national strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the fight against extremism and terrorism for 2021-2026, the following are the priorities and goals of the strategy:
• promoting the ideology of patriotism, traditional values and tolerance in order to prevent the spread of ideas of extremism and terrorism;
• prevent the spread of ideas of extremism and terrorism among minors and young people;
• strengthening women's rights and their role in fighting extremism and terrorism;
• protection of citizens who have been abroad for a long time from the influence of the ideas of extremism and terrorism;
• Fight against the use of the Internet world Information Network for extremist and terrorist purposes;
• broad involvement of civil society institutions and media in the fight against extremism and terrorism;
• improving legal harassment and prosecution measures for committing extremist and terrorist acts and financing them;
• development of international and regional cooperation in this area.
In addition to conducting preventive conversations about not entering prohibited sites in public places, educational institutions, organizations, enterprises, self-government bodies, neighborhoods, not belonging to different types of channels, not being influenced by terrorist and religious extremist ideas.
Now psychologically processed, in addition to the videos of the militants coughed up with jihadi prints, a mobile application has become a structural element of cyberterrorism and religious extremism, as well as an increasing number of internet stores that allow you to buy items with a terrorist icon. We must always be aware of this danger and protect our children from their influence in every possible way.
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