ISSN 1026-9428. Медицина труда и промышленная экология, № 9, 2015
ние цитопротектора «Мексикор» при хроническом оксидативном стрессе, связанном с длительным производственным контактом с силикатсодержащей пылью, с целью коррекции дисфункции эндотелия и устранения атерогенных сдвигов сыворотки крови, для включения резервных возможностей респираторной системы.
УДК 613.6.027:615.277.4
Международное агентство по изучению рака (МАИР), Секция окружающей среды и радиации, Лион, Франция
THE ROLE OF CANCER REGISTRATION IN RESEARCH ON OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CARCINOGENS. Schuz J. Section of Environment and Radiation, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France, 150 cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France
Ключевые слова: регистрация, онкологические заболевания, оценка воздействия, канцерогены. Key words: cancer, registration, exposureassessment, carcinogens.
The aim of a cancer registry is to serve as an organisational unit for the systematic collection, storage, analysis, interpretation and reporting of data on all subjects with cancer. Population-based cancer registries ideally seek to collect data on all new cases of cancer which occur in a well-defined catchment population (nationwide in small countries or more commonly network of regional cancer registries in larger countries). The key quality criterion for a population-based cancer registry is to achieve a sufficient coverage of all newly-occurring cancers within the catchment population. Whereas it is usually straightforward to remove ineligible cases from all cases collected, demonstrating that a relevant proportion of eligible cases has not been missed is often a major challenge. The main objective of this type of cancer registry is to evaluate the occurrence of cancer in a defined population. In other words, a population-based registry has a true public health focus in that it is set up to monitor population trends of disease. Population-based cancer registries, if sufficiently complete, can provide an unbiased picture of the cancer burden in the population and in this way can serve as the basis for planning and evaluating cancer control programmes. Population-based cancer registries can also form the basis for aetiological research, if mechanisms are in place that technically and legally allow identification of cancer patients for respective studies. Countries having such functioning population-based cancer registries have convincingly shown how they can be utilised in environmental and occupational epidemiological studies. In many occupational settings, databases of workers exist over long time periods, that include the workplace and usual job activities and time periods during which certain jobs were held, or, even better, information on individual exposures through dosimetric surveillance (often in radiation-related jobs) or expert assessments of working in hazardous conditions. Such databases often allow the creation of a workers' cohort with for each worker having exposure information over time. Groups of workers can then be defined and individuals linked with the cancer registry, and the incidence rates calculated by exposure level. Such register-based cohort studies or nested case-control studies have often been used in occupational epidemiology, with the advantage of having affordable large-scale studies, but the limitation that for exposure one relies on archived records and many times no additional information on common cancer risk factors (confounding factors such as smoking or alcohol consumption) are available. If the recording of cases in cancer registries is with little delay, they can also form the basis for case-control studies, with the cases identified by the registry. Last but not least, sometimes time trend changes in aggregated data also give hints on changes in the environment, particularly if the presumed environmental factor is very common. The Nordic countries have a longstanding history of high-quality cancer registries covering their entire population. Their legislation allows utilisation of data and linkage of databases for cancer research. Therefore there are many examples from occupational settings, but also general population exposures, such as mobile phone use, with some of them being presented in this overview.
УДК 613.62
Эглите М.Э. Ванадзиньш И.А., Ресте Е.Д., Берзина А.Дз., Букина А.А., Коннова А.Б.
Рижский Университет Страдыня, Институт охраны труда, ул. Дзирциема 16, Рига, Латвия, LV-1007
HEALTH PROMOTION IN THE WORKPLACES. Eglite M.E., Vanadzins I.A., Reste J.D., Berzina A.Dz., Bukina A.A., Konnova A.B.
Riga Stradins University, The Institute of Occupational Safety and health, 16 Dzirciema str., Riga, Latviya, LV 1007
Ключевые слова: укрепление здоровья на рабочем месте, периодические медицинские осмотры работающих. Key words: health promotion on the workplaces, workers compulsory medical examinations.
Ведение. Укрепление здоровья на рабочем месте (УЗРМ) является объединенным усилием работодателей, работников и общества по улучшению здоровья и благополучия людей на работе. УЗРМ имеет большое значение в связи с увеличением заболеваемости сердечно-сосудистой и скелетно-мышечной систем, а также профессиональной заболеваемости. Цель работы — проанализировать ситуацию на предприятиях Латвии по вопросам УЗРМ и проведению периодических медицинских осмотров (ПМО) работающих. Методы и результаты. Разработаны анкеты опроса и в 2014 г. проведены интервью на тему УЗРМ со 296 специалистами по охране труда. Вопросы проведения ПМО