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Ключевые слова
Small business / export / competition / trade relations / foreign market / national brand / international quality standards / marketing research. / малый бизнес / экспорт / конкуренция / торговые отношения / внешний рынок / национальный бренд / международные стандарты качества / маркетинговые исследования.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Odamboyev Doniyor Botir Oʻgʻli, Pardayev Mamayunus Qarshiboyevich

This article describes the program for the development of promising sectors of the economy, aimed at high localization of export-oriented products for the development of export potential of small businesses in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the creation and modernization of new production facilities, competitive, serves to introduce modern technologies for the production of export-oriented products and materials.

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В данной статье описана программа развития перспективных отраслей экономики, направленная на высокую локализацию экспортоориентированной продукции для развития экспортного потенциала малого бизнеса Республики Узбекистан, создание и модернизация новых производственных мощностей, конкурентоспособных, служит для внедрения современных технологий производства экспортоориентированной продукции и материалов.



Odamboyev Doniyor Botir o'g'li

Master of SamIES Pardayev Mamayunus Qarshiboyevich

DSc of SamIES e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This article describes the program for the development of promising sectors of the economy, aimed at high localization of export-oriented products for the development of export potential of small businesses in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the creation and modernization of new production facilities, competitive, serves to introduce modern technologies for the production of export-oriented products and materials.

Key words: Small business, export, competition, trade relations, foreign market, national brand, international quality standards, marketing research.

Аннотация. В данной статье описана программа развития перспективных отраслей экономики, направленная на высокую локализацию экспорто-ориентированной продукции для развития экспортного потенциала малого бизнеса Республики Узбекистан, создание и модернизация новых производственных мощностей, конкурентоспособных, служит для внедрения современных технологий производства экспортоориентированной продукции и материалов.

Ключевые слова: малый бизнес, экспорт, конкуренция, торговые отношения, внешний рынок, национальный бренд, международные стандарты качества, маркетинговые исследования.

Introduction. The program adopted in the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the development of promising sectors of the economy, aimed at a high level of localization of export-oriented products in the country, construction and modernization of new production facilities, development of competitive, export-oriented products and materials. serves to introduce modern technologies for production.

The Export Development Concept for 2018-2021 sets the following main tasks:

• expansion of exports of high value-added products;

• identification of target markets for the development of trade relations for Uzbekistan;

• further development of large-scale export-oriented production based on the study of foreign markets;

• organization of marketing research in foreign markets, state support for studying the needs and requirements of potential consumers;

• extensive marketing communications, advertising and PR, sales promotion, participation in fairs and exhibitions to promote national brands;

• wide implementation of international quality standards (ISO 9001), familiarization of manufacturers with information on product standardization and certification in foreign markets.

Certain problems in the production of small businesses for export, which are the priorities of production, scientific and technical, monetary and financial, trade and economic relations with foreign partners, the development of foreign economic relations existing, and their solution is an urgent task today.

Analysis and results. Clearly define the goals and objectives of small exporters in the effective use and expansion of the export potential of the country, the formation of export strategies based on the directions of their implementation, the role and position of small businesses in today's highly competitive environment helps to determine the correct. The sharp increase in competition in global markets shows that now small businesses in defining their goals and objectives should be based not only on simple demand and supply of the product, but, first of all, on the needs and desires of potential consumers. and it is important that they always focus on their goals, study them in depth, and implement strategies that are appropriate to the circumstances.

It is obvious that marketing plays an important role in the development of small businesses' export activities. Marketing is the king and the main tool for the development of export activities of small businesses. Marketing is an activity aimed at in-depth study of the needs and desires of potential customers. Therefore, it is advisable for each small business to develop its own marketing program for the development of export activities.

The income of small businesses is increasingly dependent on their ability to communicate effectively with consumers through market research and the efficient distribution, acceleration and promotion of sales. In addition, the level of corporate culture and the sense of social responsibility of each entrepreneur to society for the results of their activities can be mentioned as additional factors that contribute to the effectiveness of marketing. Each small business operates in a unique environment, addressing specific issues, and as a result, the marketing system will look different, depending on where it is used and in what industry. This is one of the reasons why marketers need to take into account the specifics of the sectors of the economy in the process of coordinating resource opportunities and consumer demand in a market environment.

In our opinion, in-depth analysis and consideration of all factors in the market environment is a guarantee of commercial success for every small business. In order to grow a large business that is the backbone of any economy, small business needs to be well established. Marketing can be one of the most important functions of a small business in a market economy. A serious obstacle to the use of marketing technologies in small businesses is explained by the limited financial resources of such enterprises. Large manufacturing associations (holdings, corporations) have the

opportunity to engage in marketing research, at least experimentally, knowing that there is a risk of loss. They do this without rejecting traditional technologies. And a small business can hardly afford to spend huge sums on marketing. However, marketing technologies such as market research or direct (without intermediary) sales do not always require large investments, and in many cases such marketing activities are carried out by the enterprise with its own internal resources can also do. It is also known that the direct damage caused by negligence in marketing often exceeds the "savings".

Marketing in different areas of small business is a complex system of activities that includes management, regulation and research, in which the production of the specifics of each industry. This activity is to facilitate the participation of the consumer in response to his request. So, the main goal of marketing is to take society into account, both materially and spiritually. The main directions of marketing work are divided into important parts at all stages of the processing process, from the production of material goods to their distribution and final consumption. Although marketing technologies are diverse, they have a common goal. The purpose is to control the tolerance of the enterprise and the product on the market. Let's take a look at the most innovative marketing technologies to effectively adapt to the favorable environment for small business.

Small business management, marketing management. At the same time, business executives do a lot of business management and develop a marketing strategy for small equipment development. In addition, production should be removed along with all stages of the strategic experience of marketing activities. This is something that can be especially beneficial over time: by, in the process of monitoring the implementation of the strategy, consumer demand at this time changes and grows rapidly, and in such circumstances, marketing activities they have to observe.

We do a lot to export small and private businesses, to provide them with legal production, business and organizational support in the production of modern, modern, industrial production and its export to foreign markets. Additional export guides have been prepared for exporters starting with the joint project of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United Nations "Support to Foreign Trade and Investment in Uzbekistan."

Foreign economic activity requires, first of all, a clear idea of the legal framework. Entrepreneurs have talked about this in a variety of products, emphasizing the importance of providing advice and support. This is especially the case in supplements. The need for special printed brochures in Uzbek was noted. After all, most people who want to export do not know the basics.

There are some entrepreneurs before launching their products in foreign markets should know the answers to the questions. How to find a buyer? How to determine the cost of export, competitive prices and payment for goods? How to conclude an export contract? How to optimize the terms of delivery? In which bodies it is necessary to carry out the relevant procedures, what documents need to be drawn

up for this? The answers are given in the step-by-step instructions in the form of thematic blocks in the manual. The main stages of export include product advertising and marketing research, negotiations with foreign buyers, signing a contract, its registration with the bank and customs authorities, product certification, customs clearance, payment procedures, logistics tracking of goods. From the results of research conducted by economists

In general, the export potential of small businesses is defined as the export potential of small businesses, current or future gross production, human resources, financial capacity, marketing opportunities based on external market conditions, and endogenous and exogenous factors in the export potential. impact resistance is understood. Based on the above definition of export potential, it is possible to draw a diagram of the factors influencing it (Figure 1).

Production potential:

The main visits of small businesses, their volume, composition, duration of use

Expo rt potential of small bus inesses


Profitability indicators of small business: total sales, profit from profit, profitability, enterprise activity

Personnel potential:

Number and composition of employees and labor efficiency


Marketing potential:

Ability to meet the needs of potential consumers in foreign markets, product quality, pricing strategy, JBR in the international market, marketing

Figure 1. The main directions of the export industry of small businesses

In the scientific literature, the factors that affect the export potential of small businesses are divided into manageable and unmanageable factors. Controllable factors are managed by small businesses in the conditions they need. Uncontrollable factors can be divided into government-controlled and non-government-controlled. Government-controlled factors include those that can be managed by the government to increase export efficiency.

Factors can be divided into continuous and intermittent. This characteristic cannot be applied to all factors, only to factors that can lead to the same amount. Factors can be used over time, depending on whether they are permanent or temporary. Examples of factors in the constant range are geographical location and regional climate. An example of a temporary factor is a network marketing strategy.

In addition, the export potential of small businesses. There are a number of factors that affect human capital quality; research and development costs; product quality; marketing strategy; government direct export subsidies; exchange rate fluctuations; the size, quantity, etc. of the export market. The world of products produced in a particular country.

Conclusion. The conditions that make it necessary to export to markets are primarily related to international marketing theories. The marketing department will

also focus on all issues related to the end users of the product, while other departments will focus on various small tasks.

The marketing activity of an enterprise involves the production of a product once the quality of the product is ready, but rather a combination of production activities in all areas. Therefore, the implementation of production in the economy will help to further improve the production of export-oriented production through the modernization of small-tech production, the renewal of production of new products. given. Consequently, the production is effectively exported.


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