Научная статья на тему 'The resistant breeding to imidazolinone herbicide group in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. )'

The resistant breeding to imidazolinone herbicide group in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. ) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Kaya Yalcin, Goksel Evci, Pekcan Veli, Gucer Tahir, Yilmaz Mehmet I.

Sunflower is the main oil crop both for Turkey and other Black Sea countries. The IMI herbicide resistance research in sunflower was started in 2003 and first resistant lines and hybrids were developed in 2008 with planting in winter and in summer seasons. Selection was performed based on phytotoxicity observations apllied double dose IMI herbicide. From these resistant ones, the best plants which had other desired characteristics were selected each generation. In 2007, 46 inbred restorer line and 64 inbred female lines rows in different breeding levels were tested and 41 female and 4 restorer lines were resistant respectively. In 2008, 96 restorer and 83 female lines were tested. From these material, 94 restorer and 63 female lines were founded resistant and resistant ones selected for next generations.

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Похожие темы научных работ по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству , автор научной работы — Kaya Yalcin, Goksel Evci, Pekcan Veli, Gucer Tahir, Yilmaz Mehmet I.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The resistant breeding to imidazolinone herbicide group in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. )»


На основании проведенных исследований можно считать установленным, что основными соединениями, определяющими аромат у сортов винограда Цитроннный Магарача и Спартанец Магарача, а также у их гибридных форм, являются терпеновые соединения и альдегиды.

В исследованных образцах идентифицированы линалоол и его оксиды, гераниол, лимонен, а-терпинеол, 3,7-диметил-1,5-октадиен-3,7-диол и его изомер 3,7-диметил-1,7-октадиен-3,6-диол.

Среди терпеновых соединений линалоол и лимонен являются основными компонентами в формировании аромата ягоды у изученных сортов винограда и гибридных форм, полученных от скрещивания с ними, а остальные - дополнительными.

Наличие большого количества ненасыщенных спиртов в ягодах сорта Спартанец Магарача определяет выраженный аромат свежести.

Результаты кластерного анализа позволили установить, что гибридные формы М. № 223-96-16-1 и М. № 223-96-16-14 по ароматобразующим показателям ближе к сорту Цитронный Магарача. В целом это позволяет говорить о возможности формирования научных подходов в хемоселекции винограда по признаку специфической ароматики.

Список литературы

1. Датунашвили Е.Н. Исследование эфирных масел некоторых сортов винограда: Автореф. дисс. ... канд. тех. наук: 05.18.08. - Москва: МИПТП, 1959. - 23 с.

2. Красохина С.И. Подбор и селекция сортов винограда с мускатным ароматом для условий Нижнего Придонья: Автореф. дисс. ... канд. с.-х. наук: 06.01.07. - Москва: ТСХА, 2001. - 24 с.

3. Содержание терпеновых спиртов в гибридных сеянцах винограда с мускатным ароматом / Левченко С.В., Воробей С.К., Толкачева Н.В., Волынкин В.А., Рошка Н.А. // Магарач. Виноградарство и виноделие. - 2008. - № 1. - С. 6-8.

4. Теория и практика виноделия / Риберо-Гайон Ж., Пейно Э., Риберо-Гайон П., Сюдро П. М. - М.: Пищевая промышленность, 1979. - Т. 2. - 352 с.



VELI PEKCAN; TAHIR GUCER; MEHMET I. YILMAZ Trakya Agricultural Research Institute, Edirne, Turkey


Sunflower is an essential crop in the rotation system in Blacksea Region and over the 50% of world sunflower areas and production are existed in this region. Broomrape parasite (Orobanche cernua Loeffl.) and the weeds are the biggest problems in sunflower production both in Turkey and also in some other countries. The weeds control generally in sunflower production by trifluralin as pre emergence applications in Turkey and other countries [4]. However, some weeds such as Xanthium strumarium Wallr., Chenopodium album L., Echinochloa cruss-galli L., Solanum nigrum L., Avena sterilis L., Amaranthus albus L., Datura

stramonium L. etc. could not controlled by pre-emergence herbicides and reduce sunflower yield significantly.

The use of Imidazolinone (IMI) herbicide controlling these weeds as post emergence application with IMI resistant hybrids as obtained by classical breeding called CLEARFIELD system use in sunflower and also soybean, corn, wheat and canola in the world but only in sunflower in Turkey [1, 2, 4]. IMI resistant genes firstly discovered in wild plants in US and these genes were transferred to cultural types utilizing backross method in 1998 [6]. IMI resistance were determined in sunflower, two genes with additive gene effects but both side dominat in the parents increase the level of resistance to herbicide [3, 7].

Broomrape which is a parasite influence seed yield and other yield traits in sunflower until 100%. After developping resistant sunflower cultivars against the broomrape, parasite overcame and new protypes and races produced. New races of broomrape in sunflower is big problem in Turkey and Spain but these races also started to appear in other Blacksea countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Russia. Now, the most agressive races were found in Turkey but parasite were controlling with planting high tolerant hybrids and also by IMI herbicide as post applicaiton in sunflower production. Therefore, Due to controlling both broomrape and key weeds together, the IMI herbicide use with IMI resistant hybrids in sunflower prodction reached about % 50 market share in Trakya Region (European part of Turkey) having over 70% of Turkish sunflower areas in recent years.

Research was covered of breding works to develop IMI type inbred lines and hybrids in National Sunflower Project conducting by Trakya Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) in Edirne, Turkey in between 2003-2008.

Objects and methods of investigation

The research was conducted in TARI fields between 2003-2008 to develop IMI type inbred lines and hybrids in National Sunflower Project. After getting the IMI herbicide resistant public lines from USDA Sunflower Research Unit at Fargo, ND in 2003 and they were multiplied in first year. Then, they started to cross institute lines firstly to convert them as IMI resistant ones in 2004.

Sunflower has about 120-150 days growing season normally. Therefore, in summer season, plants were planted in April and harvested at September in each year. In winter seasons, plants were planted in October in growth chamber and harvested in January. IMI herbicides (Imazamox + Imazapyr (33+15 g/l)) advised normally to apply 1.25 l / ha to farmers but double dose (2.50 l/ha) applied at 6-8 leaves stage in the reseaarch to abstain any double dose application in the sunflower production. Phytotoxicity observations were performed at first and 2n week after application each breeding stage. P-4223 hybrid from Pioneer Seed Co. as non IMI resistant but broomrape resistant and Sanay as IMI resistant hybrid from Sygenta Seed Co. were existed as control in the research. Herbicide resistance was evaluated of the plants based on 1-9 scale as 1- No damage, 2- Light Green, 3-Yellow Green, 4- Reducing growth, 5- Less deformed plants 6- Mid size deformed plants, 7- Many deformed plants, 8- Some died plants, 9-All plants died [4, 5]. Based on these scale, 1-2 was selected as resistant plants in the research.

Results and Discussions

The research was started under in National Sunflower Project in 2003 after getting the public lines from US. Each year, plants were planted in the pots then selection contiuned at growth chamber in the winter and similarly the same breeding process continued in the fields in summer seasons.

In earlier generations, selection was performed based phenotype as seed type and plant appearance and also higher oil content. However, in later generations, selection was performed based on combining ability (general and special) of the inbred lines crossing each other one

tester inbred line with producing test hybrids. After apllying IMI herbicide, resistant plant were selected and from these ones, the best plants which had other desired characteristics were selected each generation.

In 2007, the 46 breeding lines originated from 0536-R, 01018-R, 01001-R and 3500-R inbred lines, were existed in F4-F7 stages. Only four of them were observed under segregation and others were found as resistant (Table 1). From female inbreds in 2007, breeding lines originated from 2517-B and 2453-B were existed and 42 of these 61 lines was found resistant in F4-F6 stages in the study (Table 2).

Table 1

The IMI herbicide resistance results of restorer lines in 2007

Breeding stage Originated Inbred line Number of line Resistant lines Segregated Non resistant

F4 0536-R 9 5 4 -

01018-R 2 2 - -

01001-R 3 3 - -

F5 0536-R 5 - - -

01018-R 3 - - -

01001-R 5 - - -

F6 3500-R 11 - - -

F7 3500-R 8 - - -

Table 2

The IMI herbicide resistance results of female lines in 2007

Originated Inbred Number of Non

Breeding stage line lines Resistant lines Segregated resistant

F4 2517-B 3 - 3 -

2453-B 5 4 1 -

F5 2517-B 48 33 15 -

F6 2517-B 5 5 3 -

On the other hand, the breeding lines were advanced one generation in 2008, so restorer and female lines were existed in F5-F8. From restorer lines only 8 of 79 breeding lines were under segreagation and others were found resistant (Table 3). From the 78 females orginated from same two inbred lines in 2008, 43 of them were found as resistant, but others were under segratation (Table 4).

Table 3

The IMI herbicide resistance results of restorer lines in 2008

Breeding stage Originated Inbred line Number of line Resistant lines Segregated Non resistant

F5 01018-R 10 5 5 -

01001-R 12 9 3 -

F6 0536-R 18 18 - -

01018-R 9 9 - -

01001-R 13 13 - -

F7 3500-R 7 7 - -

F8 3500-R 10 10 - -

The breeding process to develop sunflower IMI resistant inbred female and restorer lines in the research were given in Fig. 1, 2 by sunflower growing seasons altering by breeding works in growth chamber at winter and institute fields at summer.

Table 4

The IMI herbicide resistance results of female lines in 2008

Breeding stage Originated Inbred line Number of line Resistant lines Segregated Non resistant

F5 2517-B 24 7 17 -

2453-B 8 2 6 -

F6 2517-B 39 34 5 -

F7 2517-B 7 - 7 -



rr RR




Selected Female B lines were crossed with any IMI-B plants with giving pollen







Selected Restorer lines were crossed with any IMI-R plants with giving pollen







RR +</Rr+jrf

CMS To any CMS

plant, backross % 50.0 were started

F2 plants were developed and plants were spread byIMI herbicide at 6 leafstage. Resistant plant were selected.

F3 plants were developed and plants were spread byIMI herbicide at 6 leafstage. Resistant plant were selected.

The backross F4 plants were developed and continued from B plants were spread by IMI plants to CMSs herbicide at 6 leaf stage.

Resistant and exhibited non segregation plants were selected.

F5 plants were developed and were es • ■spread by IMI herbicide at 6 leaf

obtained and the

. stage. The best ones were selected backross continued

among resistant plants. 3 plants were crossed with restorers to produce test hybrids for yield trials.

Test hybrids were F6 plants were developed. The best

observed and the ones were selected among resistant backross continued. plants. Test hybrids results in yield

Seeds increased. trials were evaluated.

Test hiyrids and inbred lines phytotoxity rates were observed.

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The GCA of test hybrids were evaluated existed in yield trials. These hybrids were tested aganist IMI herbicide resistance applying double dose and theirphytotoxity rates were observed.








%75 +


%B7.5 +


%93.B +



F2 plants were developed and plants were spread by IMI herbicide at 6 leaf stage. Resistant plant were selected.


F3 plants were developed and RR + R plants were spread by IMI

herbicide at 6 leaf stage. Resistant plant were selected.

F4 plants were developed and plants were spread by IMI RR herbicide at 6 leafstage.

Resistant and exhibited non segregation plants were selected.

Test hybrids were Test hybrids were observed obtained to check GCA. on consisting dominant Selfing continued restorer genes or not.

Test hybrids were Test hybrids were observed

obtained to check GCA. on consisting dominant Selfing continued. restorer genes or not.

Test hybrids were obtained and their seeds were increased. Selfing of the inbred lines continued.

The GCA of test hybrids were evaluated existed in yield trials. These hybrids were tested aganist IMI herbicide resistance applying double dose and their phytotoxity rates were observed.

Fig. 1. The breeding scheme of CMS and maintainer lines in the research

Fig. 2. The breeding scheme of restorer lines in the research


After a long breeding period to convert the insitute lines to IMI herbicide resistant ones utilizing from crossing, selfing and selection process, first resistant lines and hybrids were developed at the end of 2008. However, IMI inbred lines were sent to registration center in 2009 to produce certified seed in this year also. IMI hybrids from these lines will be produced and will send to registration trials in 2009 too.


1. Anonymus. BASF Company. 2009. http://www.clearfieldsystem.com.

2. Chemical control of broomrape (Orobanche cernua Loeffl.) in sunflower (H. annuus L.) resistant to imazethapyr herbicide / Alonso L.C., Rodriquez-Ojedo M.I., Fernendez-Escobar J., Lopez-Ruiz-Calero G. // Helia. - 1998. - 29. - P. 45-54.



% B7.5

% 93.8

% 96.9

3. Bruniard J.M., Miller J.F. Inheritance of imidazolinone herbicide resistance in sunflower // Helia. - 2001. - 24 (35). - P. 11-16.

4. Kaya Y., Evci G., Demirci M. Broomrape (Orobanche cernua Loeffl.) and Herbicide Resistance Breeding in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Turkey // Helia. - 2004. - 27 (40). - P. 199-210.

5. Malidza G., Jocic S., Skoric D. Weed and broomrape (O. cernua) control in Clearfield in Sunflower // Proc. European Weed Research Society 7th Mediterranean Symp. Cukurova Univ., Adana, Turkey, 6-9 May, 2003. - Adana, Turkey, 2003. - P. 51-52.

6. Miller J.F., Al-Khatib K. Development of Herbicide Resistant Germplasm in Sunflower // Proc. of The 15th Int. Sunflower Conf. Toulouse, France, June 12-15, 2000. -Toulouse, France, 2000. - P. 37-41.

7. Sala C.A., Bulos M., Echarte A.M. Genetic Analysis of an Induced Mutation Conferring Imidazolinone Resistance in Sunflower // Crop Science. - 2008. - 48. - P. 1817-1822.


Ю.О. ЛАВРИНЕНКО, доктор сшьськогосподарських наук, Херсонський державний аграрний ушверситет


Використання географiчно-вiддалених форм культурних рослин з метою створення нового вихщного матерiалу мае давш позитивш приклади. Аналiзуючи причини походження видiв, Ч.Дарвш зазначив: «...сам факт того, що численш види одного роду, як перебувають у певнш кршш, вже вказують на те, що в умовах ще'1 краши е щось сприятливе для роду.» (стор. 122 [3]). Тому в таких кранах очшувалось i найбшьше рiзноманiття рiзновидiв та мшливосп рослин. Одним з засновниюв широкого використання географiчно вiддалених форм у науковш селекцп зернових був вщомий австралiйський селекцiонер Фаррер. Створеш ним сорти Федерейшн, Аврора, як були отриманi шляхом схрещувань галицьких, американських, шдшських пшениць, протягом десятирiч були провiдними в Австралп та европейських кранах (цит. за М.1. Вавиловим [1], стор. 75, 102). Особливо плщне використання географiчно вщдалених форм у селекцп спостерiгалось в роботах П.П. Лук'яненка [7] в середиш минулого столiття.

Метою дослщжень було вивчення параметрiв мiнливостi ендемтв Середньоазiйського генетичного центру, проведення штрогресп еколого-географiчно вiддалених та екзотичних генотитв в елiтний генофонд зернових культур твденного регiону Украши.

Об'екти та методи дослщження

Афганiстан належить до Середньоазшського генцентру, який е основним постачальником рiзноманiття гексапло'дних пшениць роду Triticum L. Микола 1ванович Вавилов простежив надзвичайний полiморфiзм пшениць прських систем Гiндукушу, де iснують ендемiчнi види T. compactum Host та T. sphaerococcum Perc. [2]. Пшениця для Афганютану е традицiйною культурою. Вона виаваеться на площi понад твтора мiльйона гектарiв, з них 620-630 тис. га - на зрошенш. Кожна наукова експедищя до ще'' кра'ни привносить новi висновки про походження, рiзноманiття та поповнення до генетично'' колекцii роду Triticum. Але вщвщання Афганiстану з чаав М.1. Вавилова i досi залишаеться для науковцiв рiдкiсним явищем. Тому перебування в цш краiнi стало реальним шансом переконатись у висновках попередниюв, ознайомитись зi станом

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