Научная статья на тему 'The reforming of housing and comunal services markets in the conditions of the economic crisis in Ukraine'

The reforming of housing and comunal services markets in the conditions of the economic crisis in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
housing and communal services / housing and utilities / reforming / maintenance of houses and local area / local markets / жилищно-коммунальное хо- зяйство / жилищно-коммунальный сервис / реформи- рование / содержание домов и придомовой террито- рии / локальные рынки

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — V. Lyashenko

The article is devoted to research of the problems of local markets of Ukraine. The paper identified the geographical limits of the local markets,their problems in the conditions of economic crisis, the problems of housing and communal services of Ukraine. The possible ways of solving the problem moments of industry. The need to reform the sector and the ineffectiveness of the reforms taking place in our time are caused.

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Реформирование рынков жилищно-коммунального хозяйства в условиях экономического кризиса в Украине

Статья посвящена исследованию существующих проблем локальных рынков Украины. В статье определены границы локальных рынков, их проблемы в условиях экономического кризиса, проблемы жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Украины. Предложены возможные пути решения проблемных моментов отрасли. Обусловлена необходимость срочного реформирования отрасли и неэффективность реформ, которые проводятся в наше время.

Текст научной работы на тему «The reforming of housing and comunal services markets in the conditions of the economic crisis in Ukraine»

UDC 332.8:338.124.4(477)

V. Lyashenko,

DrHab (Economics), Institute of Industrial Economics NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv ORCIDID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6302-0605


One of the important reasons for the under-filling of the national budget is the lack of an in-depth market research directly related to the end user. Each of these markets makes insignificant financial injections into the national budget and the development of the country as a whole. However, one should pay attention to the fact that a huge number of markets that work with the end user together constitute a significant part of the country's budget. The actuality of the problem of studying the above-mentioned markets is that very little attention has been paid to them during the market economy research. A person decides the main problems associated with his life activity on these local markets . The development of local markets contributes to the creation of additional jobs, the availability of goods for the end user.

In the process of studying local markets it is advisable to pay attention to the functions they perform in a single economic system of interaction of all participants in this market. Among these we can highlight [1;2;7-11]:

1. Bringing the product through the provision of services by the subjects of the local market to the final consumer (trade, transport, distribution, delivery services, etc.);

2. Filling of market niches, not occupied by subjects of global, national and regional markets by creating own business (rent, repair, home appliances, rendering of services on repair of a dwelling, hairdressing, cooking, etc.);

3. Optimization of logistics chains of higher-order markets in terms of transferring to subjects of local markets inefficient for large enterprises of work with the localization of individual works and operations (rough handling, service of goods, manufacturing of small batches of spare parts, processing of goods, storage and distribution and t etc.)

4. Increasing the efficiency of reproduction of capital involved in market processes on the global and national commodity markets by accelerating its turnover (delivery to the consumer, improvement of its qualitative conditions through service, reducing claims, appeals and increasing demand);

5. Local markets play an important connecting role between the actors of global and national markets and consumers in terms of solutions to the problems of changing demand. It is the subjects of local markets, be-

ing closest to the consumer, are able to capture the demand for change, respond flexibly to it and implement feedback with the actors of global markets.

More attention should be paid to the definition of geographic market boundaries, because this criterion is a key to the local market. In determining the above limits, the following factors are taken into account [3]:

• the physical and technical characteristics of the goods, including its shelf life and implementation, as well as the adaptability of the product to the climatic conditions of the region and transportation;

• the possibility of establishing technological connections between producers and consumers of goods, including the possibility and feasibility of establishing a service (technological, guarantee, subscriber) service in this territory (in the region);

• the level of distribution costs for the delivery of goods to the region, the implementation and degree of their impact on the price of goods;

• The level of trade infrastructure development in the region necessary for the promotion of goods, including: wholesale trading bases, retail outlets, warehouses, loading and unloading complexes, berths, refrigerators, etc .;

• specific features of the legislative framework or specific regulatory restrictions in force in the area in respect of this product (for example, sanitary norms or environmental requirements) - increased duties, special additional requirements for the product or, for example, packaging;

• the presence of strong protectionist barriers (regulations) that prevent the penetration of goods to this market (regional or state)

• market regulation (profitability regulation, product intervention, privileges, etc.)

• The level of technical, financial and administrative barriers (restrictions) in terms of promoting goods from other regions, countries to this territorial market (local taxes, trade surcharges, licensing, quotas, etc.).

• the presence of strong dominant (monopoly) competing structures in the region, capable of creating powerful artificial barriers to the promotion of goods to this territory, the region in the form of anti-advertising, the failure of sales networks in the implementation or warehouse structures in storage.

One of the most important and most problematic markets is the housing and communal services market. It includes the following local markets:

EKOHOMÎHHHH BÎCHHK ^OHÔacy № 4(50), 2017

- the heat energy, its production, transportation and supply, services for the centralized heating market;

- centralized hot water supply market;

- centralized water supply market;

- centralized water disposal market;

- the market for the maintenance of houses and local areas;

- market for the removal of domestic waste;

- market for removal of large-sized waste;

- market for recycling and (or) burial of waste.

Despite the fact that all the above-mentioned markets are local, their full regulation takes place at the national level. In addition, prices for centralized water supply, disposal, and heat supply services are set for all country, without taking into account the needs and characteristics of each region. This is one of the reasons for the colossal debt for housing and communal services in the country. The lack of interest of monopolistic organizations rendering services and local governments in energy saving, saving resources and maintaining technological networks in proper technical condition due to price regulation at the national level leads to the impossibility of reducing prices at the local level.

Special attention should be paid to the market of services for the maintenance of the house and the local area. The unsatisfactory technical condition of residential buildings, the lack of regular and high-quality cleaning of adjoining areas are the factors that have become the most important reason for the dissatisfaction of the population with housing and communal services. The conducted researches allowed to draw a conclusion that the state of fixed assets of housing and communal services has reached a level at which it will be impossible to prevent technogenic accidents in the near future [4].

This situation in housing and communal services has been developing for decades and is due to a number of fundamental reasons [5]. Among them one can distinguish: imperfection of the regulatory framework, the maximum level of wear of objects of communal infrastructure, and, consequently, the high cost of their maintenance. The imbalance of tariff policy on the part of local self-government bodies has led to additional expenses at the enterprises of housing and communal services complex. In the conditions of an acute financial deficit, the old and emergency fund increases annually, the level of wear of communications of water supply, networks and generating capacities responsible for heat supply increases. Planned repair of the housing stock, networks and equipment is almost completely replaced with emergency repairs.

At the end of 2016, the debt for the maintenance of houses and adjoining territories in Ukraine amounted to 2.4 billion UAH [6]. In the conditions of a rigid monetary deficit the enterprises rendering services are not able to fulfill their duties to the full. First of all, this affects the absence of maintenance, which led to the technical condition of residential buildings in this position.

As a consequence of the accumulation of debt, one can note:

- Inability to provide a full range of services due to lack of funds for each residential building separately due to incomplete payment of services;

- Actual understatement of cash receipts from each house separately as a result of payment of VAT from the total amount of charges, and not from the amount paid by the residents;

- Lack of company profits, the impossibility of development, and, as a consequence, the lack of replenishment of the local treasury at the expense of the income tax;

- The need for staff reduction, which entails a reduction of deductions to the local treasury, the country's treasury, as well as the pension fund.

Considering the above, it should be noted that without immediate reform of the housing and communal services sector, we will see further deterioration of the housing stock, an increase in the number of emergency houses, an increase in the number of man-made accidents in the country's housing stock.

When drawing up a strategy for reforming the housing and communal services, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that services are provided locally and should be regulated, first of all, by local self-government bodies. The interest of enterprises providing services in the timely receipt of funds; of local government in the satisfaction of the population; of the population in timely and qualitative reception of housing and communal services will allow to formulate a rational policy of rendering priority services to the population at the local level. Limiting state influence both on the formation of prices for managing housing stock, and on water supply, disposal, and heat supply services will allow local authorities to take into account all the specifics and needs of the locality on which they find themselves, as well as the needs and interests of the end user. As a result of handing over some of the state powers in pricing for housing and communal services to local governments, it may allow to improve the quality of life of the population and satisfy their priority needs.


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Ляшенко В. I. Реформування римкчв житлово-комунального господарства в умовах еко-номiчноï кризи в УкраТш

Стаття присвячена до^дженню юнуючих проблем локальних риншв Украши. У статп визначено

границ локальних риншв, !х проблеми, проблеми житлово-комунального господарства Украши. За-пропоновано можливi шляхи виршення проблем-них моментов галузг Обумовлено необхвднють тер-мiнового реформування галузi i неефективнiсть реформ, ям проводяться в наш час.

Ключовi слова: житлово-комунальне господар-ство, житлово-комунальний сервiс, реформування, утримання будиншв та прибудинково! територii, ло-кальн ринки.

Ляшенко В. И. Реформирование рынков жилищно-коммунального хозяйства в условиях экономического кризиса в Украине

Статья посвящена исследованию существующих проблем локальных рынков Украины. В статье определены границы локальных рынков, их проблемы в условиях экономического кризиса, проблемы жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Украины. Предложены возможные пути решения проблемных моментов отрасли. Обусловлена необходимость срочного реформирования отрасли и неэффективность реформ, которые проводятся в наше время.

Ключевые слова: жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство, жилищно-коммунальный сервис, реформирование, содержание домов и придомовой территории, локальные рынки.

Lyashenko V. The Reforming of housing and communal markets in the condition of economic crisis in Ukraine

The article is devoted to research of the problems of local markets of Ukraine. The paper identified the geographical limits of the local markets,their problems in the conditions of economic crisis, the problems of housing and communal services of Ukraine. The possible ways of solving the problem moments of industry. The need to reform the sector and the ineffectiveness of the reforms taking place in our time are caused.

Keywords: housing and communal services, housing and utilities, reforming, maintenance of houses and local area, local markets.

Received by the editors: 29.11.2017

and final form 22.12.2017

Економiчний вюник Донбасу № 4(50), 2017

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