Научная статья на тему 'The properties of photon and electron. Part I'

The properties of photon and electron. Part I Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Barykinsky Gennady Mikhailovich

The subject of the present work is devoted to the study of essence and sense of basic physical properties of photon and electron; relativity of perception of properties of these particles is also discussed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The properties of photon and electron. Part I»

Section 11. Physics

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-3.4-115-117

Barykinsky Gennady Mikhailovich, Institute of conceptual studies Moscow, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

The properties of photon and electron. Part I

Abstract: the subject of the present work is devoted to the study of essence and sense of basic physical properties of photon and electron; relativity of perception of properties of these particles is also discussed.

Keywords: photon, electron, structure, field generation, interaction, virtuality and relativity of observation.

Perceiving the essence of things, We gain knowledge. And understanding the sense of things, We create consciousness [1]. In the equation (4) we decrease the charge q 2 by the value p 2 and obtain:

e 2p 2 = q 2, (5)

where p is determined by the equation: p 2a = 1, a - fine structure constant;

e - electron electric charge, included into Coulomb's law: F = e 2/r 2

We write down the equation (4) in the form:


1. Tendency to non-application of complex mathematics was used in this work. This creates a condition, which let focus major attention on the logic of existence of specific electron properties that characterize it as a fundamental natural phenomenon, and which accordingly promotes a more comprehensive understanding of its real physical essence and sense.

2. Nonlinear effects are not considered in the work, since their influence does not violate the logic of the essence of what is going on.

3. Many physical forecasts, notions and conclusions, which are made in the current work, relate also to other elementary particles.

4. All physical equations, values and constants are used in the CGS measurement system (The centimeter-gram-second system of units).

On the example of electron, we introduce two fundamental constants:

mrk = k (1)

«erk = c (2)

where: me - rest mass; «e - frequency of internal energy oscillations; rk - Compton radius, which is determined from the ratio = 2nrk, where Ak - Compton wave length; c - light speed in vacuum;

Definition № 1: Constants k and c determine the action of mass and frequency of elementary particle within its Compton radius.

The following equations (3, 4, 5) prove the fact that the fundamental constant k has a right for universal existence.

Multiplying both sides of the equation (1) by the light speed, we obtain:

mecrk = k c = h (3)

where: h - Planck's constant, which determines the action of impulse of electron internal energy within its Compton radius.

Multiplying both sides of the equation (3) by the light speed, we obtain:

Eelrk = mec 2rk = k c 2 = hc = q 2, (4)

where q - "blank" electron charge, Eel = mec 2 - electron internal energy, which acts within its Compton radius.

m c 2r = q 2.

e k 1


Several fundamental conclusions come from analysis of the equation (6):

1. Full electron internal energy mec 2, which acts within Compton radius rk, determines the generation of full electron intrinsic charge q.

2. Admission of fullness of electron internal energy mec 2 and fullness of its charge q in the equation (6) let us conclude, that the real electron radius r concurs with rk, i. e.:

r = r = q 2/m c 2.

e k 1 e

-k ,,-e-. (7)

3. We write down the commonly known equation for classical electron radius:

r = e 2/m c 2.

cl e


In a series of scientific works a wrong conclusion was made from the equation (8), that the electron full energy mec 2 corresponds to the full energy of electron electrical field Eel = e 2/rcl. In reality it is not so! As e is not a full electron charge, but only a small part of it, which is less than q in p times, which exactly follows from the equation (5): ep = q. Essence and sense of classical electron radius r , is that it is not real, but virtual, i. e. unobservable. Therefore,


there is no possibility to look for explanation to random coincidence of electron radius with the radius of action of nuclear forces.

The essence of the current problem is that full charge q and electrical charge e of the electron are intrinsically not the same.

Definition № 2: The relativity of observation over the electron, i. e. from inside or outside, characterizes its different physical perception.

Electron charge q determines not only the electron electrostatic field, but also fully determines all kinds of interaction of electron

Section 11. Physics

with the surrounding environment, which includes not only physical vacuum, (in determination of quantum electrodynamics and chromodynamics), but also the fact of existence of dark matter and dark energy. All interactions of electron with the environment occur on the external side of the electron surface, confined by the sphere rk, as a result of which the formation of electrical and gravitational fields takes place exactly on this surface, as well as interaction with different virtual particles of the vacuum and probably something else.

In this regard Victor F. Weisskopf [2, 85] made a suggestion in 1972 that formula of electrical field, which encompasses the electron at rest,

Eel = e/r 2, (9)

(where r - distance from the electron centre) is not correct inside the electron, moreover, in his opinion, it is convenient to assume, that the electron charge e is concentrated on the surface of the sphere rcl, and inside the electron - Eel = 0.

According to the abovementioned analysis, inside the electron indeed there is an electrical filed generated by the electron Eel = 0, however, the reason of such conjecture needs to be specified. In the equation (9) r can not take on values within the range ofval-ues 0-rk, as the electron generates its own electrical field Eel on its surface and to the external environment. The electron charge is indeed concentrated on the electron surface, but its full part q rather than its small part e, besides, within the surface of the electron sphere rk. Hence it appears that, if the electron charge q is concentrated on the surface of the sphere rk, then consequently the electron internal energy mec 2, which is a carrier of the charge q, is in the same place most of the time. Obviousness of this judgment results also from the fact that the amount of time spent by the electron on generation of electrical and gravitational fields, and also on interactions with all representatives of the environment is somewhat more than duration of the half-period of electron internal energy oscillations.

Let us note another equally important conjecture: distribution of the charge density q during one half-period of the electron internal energy oscillations occurs with increment in the direction of the propagation gradient of the electron internal energy towards the surface of the sphere re besides, distribution of the charge density q has a linear dimension. This conclusion can be easily confirmed by reduction to absurdity. For this purpose we consider the ratio between Compton radius and classical electron radius. Solving simultaneously the equations (5, 7, 8), we obtain:

q 2/e 2 = rk/rd = p 2 (10)

From the equation (10) it follows that ifwe increase the degree of radiuses to 2 D or 3 D dimensionality, then we would have to increase the degree of p, which is not possible.

The conclusion, that inside the electron Eel ~ 0, is also confirmed by the following circumstances: according to the modern notions of elementary particle physics, the electron is defined as indivisible and structureless particle with the sizes up to less than 1018 cm, moreover, there are recent conjectures that its size is within the range of Planck's values up to r ~ 10-33 cm. All these circumstances are unlikely, at least because they contradict to the simple reduction to absurdity, from which it follows that in the case of decrease of rk in the equation (1) it is impossible to preserve the existing electron energy within the range Eel = mec 2, remaining always within the fundamental constant k. Thus, from the corpuscular viewpoint (Eel = mec 2), the electron is really a structureless particle, and, on the contrary, from the wave viewpoint - the electromagnetic field inside the electron is fairly structured.

Thus, it begs the question: if inside the electron is Eel ~ 0, and charge q and energy mec 2 are concentrated on its surface, what is

then inside the electron? In order to find the answer to this question, we consider the result of addition of two equations (1 and 2): me = (k/c) (11)

Then, multiplying both sides of the equation (11) by c 2, and taking the equation (3) into account, we obtain:

mec 2 = hwe (12)

The important conclusion follows from the equation (11), that the existence of mass of the electron at rest is determined by oscillation frequency of some electron internal energy. It is reasonable to assume, that this energy has electromagnetic origin at least due to the fact that electron-positron annihilation results in origination of electromagnetic radiation quanta. And thus, understanding of electron intrinsic properties follow largely from the understanding of photon physical properties. From the equations (11 and 12) it follows that electron internal energy, its mass and frequency are intrinsically the same:

Eel = mec 2 = hwe. (13)

Definition № 3: The mass is intrinsically a closed flow ofenergy. The fundamental conclusion about relativity ofperception of the electron follows from the equation (13). If we observe the electron from its surrounding environment, then we define the action of its energy as the particle, where Eel = mec2, and if we observe it from inside, then the action of its internal energy is presented as photon, i. e. electromagnetic field quantum, where Eel = h«e. Substantial structural difference between internal energy ofphoton and electron is that free photon owes its motion to its internal magnetic constituent of electromagnetic field, which twice during one oscillation period shifts lateral oscillations of the electrical field forward along-track direction, and the same occurs inside the electron, except that during one period the electrical field oscillations shift once forwards and once backwards. Figuratively speaking, photon "runs" uninterruptedly forward, and electron "runs" uninterruptedly on the site. This conclusion becomes possible regardless of the modern notions that photon is a stable, structureless elementary particle, and on the other hand, thanks to the recent discovery of photon decay in the external magnetic field with polarization change of newly born photons. Therefore, during the dispersion on crystal lattice at classic speed values, the electron leaves on the screen a diffraction pattern, which is typical for dispersion of electromagnetic wave, which it is actually inside.

Even more important conclusion follows from the equation (11, 13) and definition № 3, that the electron mass me is not a scalar value, but has vector properties, as exactly we is intrinsically a vector value. Scalar properties of the electron mass are important only in the case of averaging out the amount of the internal oscillations of its electromagnetic field for a much longer period of time than the period of one oscillation.

Definition № 4: The mass has, intrinsically, vector properties. The modern standard model of the universe structure defines the photon also as the particle with zero rest mass and zero electrical charge. All current experiments confirm that photon has no charge with accuracy up to 10-33e and no mass with accuracy up to 10-22me. However, as early as at the beginning of the previous century Ed-dington proved experimentally that starlight rays are diffracted by the sun; and in Pound and Rebka's experiments it was established that photons, which move in the direction of gravitational field, experience the change of frequency. The apparent paradox follows from these experiments. Ifwe admit that rest mass of photon is zero, then what does attract the sun? And if we admit that in gravitational terms the sun attracts the energy of photons, then we must admit that the description of gravity, which is determined by Newton's universal law of gravitation

Fgr = ym 2/r 2, (14)

(where y - gravitational constant, m - the mass of interacting objects), needs to be clarified, thus in this case the equation (14) does not fully correspond to the description of the nature of interacting objects. The paradox is eliminated, if we accept the requirement resulting from the Eddington's experiments, related to the extension of the very essence of the concept "gravitational interaction" and hence a respective extension of its description. Extension of the description of gravitational interaction shall be that Newton's equation should include energies of interacting objects, rather than their masses. Although masses are perceived easier and more convenient in earthly sense, despite the fact that the mass is just the proportionality coefficient between force and acceleration, but energy is fundamental in its essence. Introduction of appropriate changes into the equation (14) leads to an equivalent, but expanded in its essence, description of Newton's universal law of gravitation:

Fg, = gE 2/r 2, (15)

where g = y/c 4, E = mc 2 = hw.

On the other hand, curvature of the photon motion traj ectory in the aquatorium of the sun owes its origin to the presence of closed (i. e., lateral towards the photon motion trajectory) oscillations of electric and magnetic component of the photon electromagnetic field, i. e. direction of the vector of these oscillations concurs with the vector of the source gravitational field. Thus, admitting the vector nature of oscillations of fields inside the photon, we must also admit the vector nature of photon mass that corresponds to these oscillations:

m = hw/c2 (16)

Vector nature of the mass is also confirmed by the experiments on study of the photon motion towards the source of gravitational field. In this case, the photon frequency increases as its density increases when it approaches the source of the gravitational field, and, consequently, its elasticity increases, which reacts against lateral oscillations of the photon inner fields. The absence of changes in the photon motion speed towards the source of gravitational field indicates that inside photon there are no lengthwise field oscillations.

Definition № 5: Stability of the light speed is determined by the fact that inside the photon there are no oscillations in the direction of its motion trajectory.

Let us write down the equation (6) as follows:

mec 2 = q 2/rk. (17)

From the analysis of the equation (17) it follows that the left part represents the internal energy of one electron, and the right part — interaction energy within the radius rk of quasi two electrons, i. e. in the equation there is no equality in relation to the amount of particles. Logic of formulation of the equations (1-4) presupposed the construction of mathematical expressions for main values that characterize the properties of one electron, but in the equation (4)

quasi second charge appears, but of the virtual electron. What is connected with it? To answer this question, let us consider the conclusion that describes the reason for the photon frequency increase when it moves towards the source of gravitational field. According to this conclusion, internal oscillations of the electron electromagnetic field also have to elastically interact with external fields, which are constantly present in its surrounding environment. As the result of elastic interaction, the electron internal energy mec 2 produces not only the internal charge q of its own electron, but also creates a similar charge q of the virtual electron in the external environment, as shown in the equation (17).

Definition № 6: the electron exists steadily due to the existence of stable elastic density of respective fields of the environment.

The examples of virtual parameters of the electron are presented below.

1. It is known [2, 45; 3, 50] that the electron charge q polarizes around itself the electron-positron pairs e+e", present in the vacuum, which in their turn screen the primary electron charge q, lowering its value in p times up to the value e, which is the main source of the electron electric field (9), then the virtual charge and the classical radius of the electron take the following form:

e = q/p, rd = e 2/mec 2 = Vp 2

2. It is known [2, 91-93], that the electron charge q is influenced by the electric field of the virtual photons of vacuum, which leads to the fact that the electron moves with a certain mean square displacement, like Brownian particle. In this regard, there is some effective indistinctness of its sizes and, consequently, the shift of electron energy levels, the so-called Lamb shift, as the result of which a virtual Lamb radius and charge emerge:

q = q/p 1/2, ri = rk/p.

3. Despite the fact that the electron gravitational field Egr = yme/r 2 is weaker than electrostatic one Eel = e/r 2 in about 10 25 times, however, its generation is obviously connected with the electron internal energy and respectively with only virtual charge q, which determines emergence of the electron gravitational field.

Concluding the first part of this work, it is difficult not to recall the optimistic words of the great creator of the classical electron theory Lorentz G. A. [4, 38]: "I speak so boldly about what is going on inside the electron, as if I managed to look inside of these small particles, and afraid that someone would think that it was better not to try to go into all these details. My excuse is that, if we need to have a quite definite equation system, we should not act otherwise; moreover, as we will see further, the experience can really give some indication about size of electrons."

In my defense I will refer to the words of the unknown author: "You can say the right words, but talking nonsense at the same time; and you can say the wrong words, but trying thus to send the important message."


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3. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus G. V., Staudt A. / Non-accelerator particle physics. Per. Bednyakov V. A. // M, Nauka. Fizmatlit. - 1997. - 4. Lorentz G. A. / The Theory of electrons and its applications to the phenomena of light and radiant heat. Per. Kravets T. P. // M., Gill, ed. 2nd, - 1956.

4. Lorentz G. A. / The Theory of electrons and its applications to the phenomena of light and radiant heat. Per. Kravets T. P. // M., Gill, ed. 2nd, - 1956.

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