Научная статья на тему 'The problem of young teachers of foreign language at school'

The problem of young teachers of foreign language at school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Smatova Aliya, Dauylbayeva Aigul, Kalibekova Laura, Ormakhanova Gulnaz

Nowadays according to the contemporary level of the development of our country communication with different ethnic groups is inevitable, that's why we have to be aware of other people's culture and language, because we live in a multinational country. Today it is quite evident that everyone should know at least one foreign language. In order to achieve better results in learning a language, we should first of all improve the quality of teaching.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The problem of young teachers of foreign language at school»

Спб.: «Дидактика плюс», 2002. 2. Стариченко Б. Е. Обработка и представление данных педагогических исследований с помощью компьютера / Б. Е. Стариченко; Урал. гос. пед. ун-т. Екатеринбург, 2004. С. 218.

The problem of young teachers of foreign language at school Smatova A.1, Dauylbayeva A.2, Kalibekova L.3, Ormakhanova G.4 Проблемы молодых учителей иностранного языка в школе Сматова A. E.1, Дауылбаева А. С.2, Калибекова Л. А.3, Ормаханова Г. С.4

'Сматова Алия Ералиевна / Smatova Aliya — магистр, старший преподаватель;

2Дауылбаева Айгул Сарсенбековна /Dauylbayeva Aigul — магистр, преподаватель, кафедра иностранный; языков, департамент иностранных языков, Южно-Казахстанская государственная фармацевтическая академия; 3Калибекова Лаура ААлтынбековна /Kalibekova Laura — магистр, старший преподаватель; 4Ормаханова Гулназ Суинбаевна / Ormakhanova Gulnaz — преподаватель, кафедра иностранный; языков для гуманитарный; специальностей, филологический факультет,

Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Ауэзова, г. Шымкент, Республика Казахстан

Abstract: nowadays according to the contemporary level of the development of our country - communication with different ethnic groups is inevitable, that's why we have to be aware of other people's culture and language, because we live in a multinational country. Today it is quite evident that everyone should know at least one foreign language. In order to achieve better results in learning a language, we should first of all improve the quality of teaching.

Аннотация: в наше время согласно современному уровню развития нашей страны - связь с различными этническими группами неизбежна, вот почему мы должны знать о культуре и языке других людей, потому что мы живем в многонациональной стране. Сегодня довольно очевидно, что все должны знать, по крайней мере, один иностранный язык. Чтобы достигнуть лучших результатов в изучении языка, мы должны, в первую очередь, улучшить качество обучения.

Keywords: foreign language, training, teacher, method. Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, обучение, учитель, метод.

Exploratory Teaching with Teachers of Young Learners: Integrating Research and Teaching. In recent years discussions of professional development have focused on the value of using research as an effective tool for teachers' professional growth. Teaching is often seen as an isolated job and very often teachers can't see any problems in their classrooms, as they don't consider the investigation to be a necessary part of their daily routine. Moreover once they have been teaching for some time and developed a set of routines that they can rely on, they start to depend on well-tried procedures so they don't need to make much effort. The teachers don't want new challenges (they had lots of them earlier and now want some peace) and get into a Cycle of Standing Still. Exploratory teaching: is a small-scale research by its nature; is started with 'puzzles' rather than 'problems; is initiated and managed by the teachers according to their classroom needs; involves careful watching, listening, recording, asking. reflecting, analyzing and interpreting; can be easily integrated into the normal process of teaching and learning; involves learners into research stimulating the development of the new formation of this age: ability to reflect; involves other teachers stimulating wider change in school; gives the opportunity to connect practice and theory; improves teachers' professional self-esteem; brings teachers closer to learners and contributes to deeper understanding of conditions for effective teaching and learning [1].

Exploratory teaching strand has been recently incorporated into the regional teacher training course «Teaching English to Young Learners» supplying practicing teachers with new skills and competencies. The aim of this strand is not to turn the teacher into 'researcher' but to facilitate the 'reflective cycle' to improve professional action. The teachers occupy the leading role in quality assessment because they are the bearers of traditions, morality, scientific and educational information, purposes and means of education, methods of development of professional competencies and personality's creativity [1, р. 34].

There is no unanimity of views towards the criteria of teachers' activity, which is to be taken into consideration while quality assessment. The most general approach is based on the opinion that quality of the educational process is provided by teachers' age, period of pedagogical activity, education, level of skills, innovative character of teaching activity, self-education, ability to reflexivity, to creativity while solving educational problems a number of teachers possessing master and doctor degrees, combination of educative,

research and teaching activities, etc. The categories reflecting the level of teachers' satisfaction with their work are not less important: availability of social protection system, different ways of information exchange among the stuff, agreement among the University police and aim of individual teachers, reality of teachers' participation in managing decisions, the role of the University in the community life and the corresponding professional sphere, etc. [2].

A popular theory of effective teacher is very useful for understanding of the role of the teacher in the University life. The following main blocks of the term «effective teacher» are used in the process of his professional activity assessment: general pedagogical indicators: organization, lesson planning, students' motivation, favorable psychological climate, effective use of lesson time, etc.; clear explanation; psychological block; lesson organization. Trying to give our definition of quality of educational process we consider it as a measure of content correspondence of every component and all the process to the aims and tasks of free self-development of educational process subjects who build up their life activity on the basis of finding personal essence in cultural, social and educational reconsideration and into account the personalities' conscience structure. The University teacher being the connecting ling between the college educational area and educational process acts as a condition and an indicator of the latte's quality. Thanks to his special position in information society the teacher guarantees pedagogical support, humanization of education, up-dating of its content towards getting personal values in knowledge, skills and competences acquisition [3].

In opposition to the theory of effective teacher in Russian pedagogic a theory of pedagogical culture has been actively developed. Pedagogical culture of the teacher is an integrated of his personality. It has a complex structure, because it is consist of a hierarchy of different elements. The system-building component is humane, democratic, student-centered morality of a teacher which determines the choice of the following aggregate of professional competences: subject competence - deep knowledge and practical skills in the sphere of the subject being taught; value-meaningful competence - a wide range of cultural interests, deep comprehension of national and world culture; general cultural competence - a developed system of life values, socially significant ethical norms, which determine the content and performance of the professional activity; social organizing competence -teacher's competence in the sphere of planning, aiming, structuring, controlling both his own activity and the students' or colleagues' work; communicative competence - knowledge of communication laws, possession of professional speech techniques, availability of social cultural and speech competences, compensatory skills, a rather fluent possession minimum of one foreign language; informative-research competence - the skills to look for information identify its value, analyze, generalize, put into a system, make conclusions, use it in order to meet professional and personal aims, the skills to use modern informative technologies; valiological competence -attentive approach to ecology of human labor, providing favorable conditions for students as well as himself during educational process; reflection competence of personal self-perfection - reflection and self-regulation of thinking, availability of skills of psychological, physical, moral perfection, emotional development, the organization of labor, working regime and a working place; the complex of professionally significant traits such as love to students, empathy, fascination, hard-working, etc. [4].

The result of all of this is that the elementary teachers have a great deal of responsibility for getting their class successfully through the necessary curriculum, so that the following year, the next teacher can do the same, building on the knowledge of the previous year. Should any child fall behind, through sickness, or any other reason, then every effort has to be made by the teacher to help that child catch up and understand the lessons that have been missed. But the life of an elementary school teacher is not all about imparting knowledge. Elementary education also involves helping children become good citizens, which requires the elementary school teacher to spend time helping students with this important aspect of education. This means that the elementary teacher has a great deal of responsibility, an enormous task, and a task that is not always appreciated by others who consider the life of a teacher to be a very easy job. A teacher's life can be very stressful, dealing with children from widely differing backgrounds, helping them with language difficulties, and helping the parents to understand what is happening in their child's life at school. Of course with language difficulties, this becomes even more of a challenge for the elementary teachers [4, р. 47].

As you can see, elementary education is full of challenges, for the school teachers as well as the students, but they are challenges that are eagerly faced by teachers and students alike. Two things must be kept in mind to understand the system of teacher education in Kazakhstan. The first is that teacher education in Kazakhstan is going through various stages of reform. The second is that Kazakhstan has not had a history of pre-service teacher preparation. Traditionally teachers have entered the profession with some professional training and as a result there is a large percentages of untrained teachers in the system this is one of the strongest shaking forces in teacher education. The problem of teachers'' training of the new generation is actual in all the times. The present epoch presents great demand for people, who have undertaken a serious wear to teach other people. Teaching is an activity which is embedded within a set of culturally bound assumption about teachers, teaching and learners. These assumptions reflect what the teacher's responsibility is believed to be, how learning is understood and how students are expected to interact in the classroom. Learning involves mastering

a body of knowledge, a body of knowledge that is presented by a teacher in chunks small enough to be relatively easily digested. Both teachers and learners are concerned with the end product of learning, that is, they expect that the learner will, at an appropriate time, be able to reproduce the knowledge in the same form as it was presented to him by his teacher.


1. Abbot G., McKeating D., Greenwood J., and Wingard P. The teaching of English as an international language. A practical guide. London: Collins, 1981. P. 137.

2. Wright T. The roles of teachers and learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. P. 23-39.

3. Acheson K. A., and Gall M. D. Techniques in the clinical supervision of teachers: Preservice and inservice applications (3rd ed.) New York: Longman, 1992. P. 230.

4. Haycraft J. An introduction to English language teaching. Harlow: Longman, 1978. P. 145.

Implementation of communications of physics with general education and with the special objects Konushbaeva R. Осуществление связей физики с общеобразовательными и специальными предметами Конушбаева Р. К.

Конушбаева Рахат Карыпбаевна /Konushbaeva Rahat - преподаватель, профессиональный лицей № 18, г. Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Аннотация: в этой статье рассматривается осуществление связи курса физики со специальными предметами и технология обучения физики с помощью межпредметных связей.

Abstract: in this article is considered implementation of communication of a course of physics with special objects and technology of training ofphysics by means of intersubject communications.

Ключевые слова: межпредметная связь, технология, методика, производственное обучение, профессиональный лицей.

Keywords: intersubject communication, technology, technique, inservice training, professional lyceum.

Проблема межпредметных связей стала сейчас одной из актуальнейших проблем в практической деятельности преподавателей и мастеров производственного обучения в начальном профессиональном образовании.

Реализация межпредметных связей позволяет преподавателем и мастерам производственного обучения активизировать работу учащихся на уроках, стимулировать у них творческий поиск, осуществлять индивидуальный подход, экономить время за счет устранения дублирования учебного материала, что в целом способствует повышению эффективности учебно-воспитательного процесса.

На уроках общеобразовательных предметов развиваются этические и эстетические понятия (добро, зло, честь, достоинство, ответственность перед обществом, смысл жизни и др.), которые формируют нравственные идеалы, эмоционально-волевые качества личности [13].

Поэтому нельзя рассматривать общеобразовательные предметы только с точки зрения их прямого вклада в профессиональную подготовку будущего рабочего. Нужно учитывать не только связи общеобразовательных предметов с общетехническими, специальными предметами и производственным обучением, но и взаимосвязь общеобразовательных предметов. Например, физика -фундаментальная наука, исследующая основные закономерности движения и взаимодействия материи на макро- и микроскопическом уровнях, является основой современного естествознания. Изучение физики даёт будущим рабочим политехническое знания, развивает у них стремление к техническому творчеству и изобретательству. Система знаний по физике послужит одной из основ формирования у учащихся научного мировоззрения; она знакомит их с объективными закономерностями, строением и свойствами окружающего мира, физическими основами современной техники и технологии. С помощью физических законов, теорий, принципов объясняется множество явлений, с которыми учащиеся знакомятся при изучении предметов профессионально-технического цикла. Для профессиональной подготовки учащихся необходимо глубокое знание основ механики, молекулярной

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