Beknazarova Saida Safibullayevna,
Senior Lecturer Department of Audiovisual Technology Tashkent University of Information Technologies,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Muhamadiev Abduvali Shukurovich,
PhD., associate Professor Department of Audiovisual Technology, Tashkent University of Information Technologies,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Nabiyev Ilkhom,
Department of Audiovisual Technology Tashkent University of Information Technologies,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abstract. The article describes the basic principles of discrete-continuous processing of information resources, describes the technology of processing streams of information resources of multimedia systems, describes the process of formation of the criteria and requirements of information processing resources, multimedia systems, the basic parameters are classified TIAV- multimedia system.
Keywords: discrete-continuous processing of information resources, TIAV- multimedia system
It was determined that in multimedia systems the following types of information flows: depending on the type of linking flow systems: the horizontal and vertical; depending on the place of passage: external, internal; depending on the direction in relation to the multimedia system: input and output; depending on the type of information carrier recovered paper, electronic, mixed; depending on the density: horizontal, vertical; depending on the frequency: regular, random, random. The information flow is as follows: the source of; the direction of flow; speed transmission and reception; flow rate, and others.
The analysis shows that the organization of the processing of the information flow involves: providing multimedia processes necessary technical means; distribution between the subsystems, modules and individual performers of tasks for the preparation and transmission of information on the place of its origin to the user. The principle of the multimedia system shows in fig. 1.
TIAV- multimedia system can be seen as a global information system area network. In developing the conceptual model TIAV-multimedia system must take into account all aspects of the system need. The development, design process, the definition of basic information flows, initialize the input and output of the system, the algorithms change, the processing units, and database storage, as well as ways of presenting information for each stage of the initialization by the system is based on the application of the model work discretely-continuous processing of information resources TIAV-multimedia system.
Selected components are presented in the form of a complex that will provide the functionality of multiple set of services for the physically distributed users.
Each level, which are used in TIAV-entertainment system to the unique requirements of design software and the quality of customer service that allows you to create a model of multi criteria indicators, resulting in a model of discrete-continuous processing of information resources in TIAV-multimedia system [3, p. 12-19].
As a general model multimedia system proposes the following specification of abstract discrete model
x(k + 1) = f(k,x(k),u(kj), k e K = [klt k2,+1,..., kf], he U(k, x) where k- step number, not necessarily the physical time, x,u- the variables of an arbitrary nature (text, image, audio, video) for different k, U (k, x)- specified for each k and x subset.
Suppose that for some subset K ,u = (ud, mc), ud- discrete control, mc = - some continuous controlled process. We describe the process of the system of differential equations:
^ = fc{z,t,xc,uc),teT{z),xc e
Xc (z,t)CRn(fc) ,uc 6 Uc (z, t, xc)CRP(fc) , z = (k, x,ud) .
The operator right side of f ( k,x (k),u (k) ) , has the form:
f ( k,x,u) = 9 (z,yc (z)),yc = (t „xf,tF,xf) 6 M (z) .
The optimal solution for the multimedia system will be defined as a
m = (x(/c), u(/c)) e D, where in when k e K':
u(k) = (ud(/c),mc(/c)),mc(/c) 6 Dc (t,x{k),ud{k)),
it called discrete-continuous process. Analogues general sufficient optimality conditions Krotov and their concretization in the form of Bellman, which is used in
Fig.1. The principle of constructing TIAV- multimedia system.
the derivation of algorithms improve. introduced functionality p (k, x) and parametric family of functions p c (z) :R n (k+1 ) - R ,z = ( t, x ( t) ,ud ( t) ) .
We construct a generalized Lagrangian L = G{x(kF)) + Y.K\K\tP (/*(*) - R{k,x{k),u(k))) + ZMk) - Gc(z(k)) + Tz (fez k- R e(z k, t,xct, uc(t))) dt),
and a number of structures with sufficient conditions of optimality of Krotov: G (x) = F (x) + <p(K, I©) - <p0/, x{kj)) - Z^"1 piit),
R(k.,x,u) = p(/c + 1, f(k, x, u, )) — p(/c, x), Gc{z, Yc) = -<p{k + 1, 0(z, yc)) + <p(k, x(k)) + (pc{z, tF, xcF) - (pc{z, t„ xc(t,)) -jT(z)Hc(z,t)dt,
Rc{z, t,xc,uc) = (pfcfc{z, t,xc,uc) + p£(z, t,xc), [sup{R(k,x,u)\xeX(k),uel](k,x)} ,keK\K
~ \-inf{lc(z)-.xeX(k),udel]d(k,x)},keK\K', fc (z, t) = sup{Rc (z, t, xc, uc) : c (z, t) , u ce Uc (z, t, xc) } ,
Ie(z) = inf{Gc(z,Yc): (Yc)eM(zlxceXc(z,tp)}
Sufficient optimality conditions in terms minimals or minimizing sequence
represent the minimum condition L without discrete chains and differential constraints for some special way of specifying functions p , p c. One possible scheme is Bellman. By designing TIAV-multimedia system must meet the following basic requirements: a rational and comprehensive utilization of raw TIAV facilities; Ensuring high productivity, achieved the intensification of the process media, the use of high technology, integrated automation control and multimedia process; development and use of the necessary software; finding the most economical solutions organization TIAV-entertainment system through the rational use TIAV objects [3, p.45-51].
№ 4(4), Vol.4, December 2015 7
1. Granichina O.A. Mathematical models of quality control of the educational process in institutions of higher education. SPb .: Publishing House of DBM, 2008. - 180 p.
2. Romanovsky J.V. Discrete Analysis: Textbook for students, 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Dialect; BHV Petersburg, 2003.
3. Beknazarova S.S. Discrete-continuous processes TIAV -multimedia systems. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2015, 58.
Kurmanbek T.,
Senior lecturer of the Department of the Languages Kaldarova A. K.
Kazakhstan, Almaty, the International Information Technologies University
Abstract. The intention of this research is to understand the negative aspects of smart phones. The research will focus on impact of smart phone on education, health area, human psychology and social life. Smart phone addiction is a great concern, and even more concerning is how young people are becoming addicted to their smart phones. As individuals become more involved with this addiction, they spend more time on it and eventually lose touch with the outside world. Human connection is important for both physical and mental well-being, and we lose this when we spend more time on our phone than interacting with those around us.
Keywords: technology, smart phone, health problems, smartphone addiction, applications,
The main topic of our research is the role of our smart phone in our life. As we know smart phones have become a major part of our everyday life. Most of us use smart phone every day to surf the internet, check emails, manage calendars, listen to music, play games, watch videos, take photos, read the news, write text messages and also, every use it for their original purpose, to make phone calls. The world existing without smart phones is difficult to imagine to users now.
As we know this advanced gadget has many benefits, but there are also some disadvantages which unknown to some users. The main targets of our research are to show to the students the disadvantages of the smart phone and ways that helps to avoid from bad consequences of smart phone. The hypothesis is people never stop using smart phone despite of harmful effects of it. The above hypothesis has been tested by using the method of a simple survey.
Tibi Puiu in "Your smart phone might be making you stupid" (2015) states that people who excessively rely on their smart phones scored lower on tests which gauged cognitive abilities like analytical thinking than those who use their smart phones less frequently. The psychologists at University of Waterloo suggest that using smart phones to find answers to questions - difficult or not - via search engines makes you lazy and less apt at solving problems. Nathaniel Barr, the other lead author of the paper, and a postdoctoral researcher at Waterloo announces that decades of research has revealed that humans are eager to avoid expending effort when problem-solving and it seems likely that people will increasingly use their smart phones as an extended mind. (as cited in Tibi, 2015, para.4) The author have pointed out that our reliance on smart phones and other devices will likely only continue to rise and it's important to understand how smart phones affect and relate to human psychology before these technologies are so fully ingrained that it's hard to recall what life was like without them.
As co-lead author Gordon Pennycook, a doctoral candidate in the psychology department at the University of Waterloo in Canada notes that they may look up information that they actually know or could easily learn, but are unwilling to make the effort to actually think about it. (Robert, 2015, para.2) According to Robert the researchers assessed the thinking styles and smart phone use of 660