Oriental Journal of Economics, Finance and Management SJIF for 2022: 5.806
journal homepage: https://www.supportscience.uz/index.php/oiefm
Erkin I. Ergashev
Tashkent Financial Institute Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Murodjon M. Fozilov
Master's student Tashkent Financial Institute Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Key words: competition, economy, market, monopoly, oligopoly, pure competition, perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopolistic competition.
Received: 04.04.22 Accepted: 06.04.22 Published: 09.04.22
Abstract: This article describes the role and place of competition in the development of various sectors of the economy, its origin and definitions of the concept of competition by foreign and domestic scientists. The concept of competition also includes the economic views of scientists.
Эркин И. Эргашев
Тошкент молия институти Тошкент, Узбекистон
Муроджон М. Фозилов
Магистратура талабаси Тошкент молия институти Тош^нт, Узбeкистон
Калит сузлар: ракобат, иктисодиёт, Аннотация: Ушбу маколада
бозор, монополия, олигополия, соф ик;тисодиётнинг турли тармокларини ракобат, мукаммал ракобат, монополистик ривожлантиришда ракобатнинг урни ва ракобат, олигополистик ракобат. роли, унинг келиб чикиши хдмда хорижий
ва махдллий олимлар томонидан ракобат _тушунчасига таърифлар берилган. Ракобат
TyrnyHnacHra o^HM^apHHHr hkthcoahh _Kapam^apH xaM Knpagn._
Эркин И. Эргашев
Ташкентский финансовый институт Ташкент, Узбекистан
Муроджон М. Фозилов
Ташкентский финансовый институт Ташкент, Узбекистан
Ключевые слова: конкуренция, Аннотация: В данной статье
экономика, рынок, монополия, рассмотрены роль и место конкуренции в
олигополия, чистая конкуренция, развитии различных отраслей экономики, совершенная конкуренция, ее происхождение и определения понятия
монополистическая конкуренция, конкуренции зарубежными и
олигополистическая конкуренция. отечественными учеными. В понятие
конкуренции входят и экономические взгляды ученых.
Based on the findings of scientists who have conducted research in this area, it is possible to analyze different approaches. In particular, the concept of competition is different, it is formed on the basis of supply and demand. Defines supply and demand in the market as the main factors determining the level of competition. So the concept of statistical equality is based on being a point of competition. According to this theory, competition is a statistical factor that firms in the market do not sell at high prices and profits are not as high as they forecast. In contrast, representatives of the Austrian school argued that competition should be a determining factor in this struggle. One of the founders of this school, Kurno was one of the first to argue that there should be free competition in the market and that competition could be developed on that basis.
THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS Market and competition are closely intertwined. Without competition there is no market, without competition there is no competition. "Competition is a general social category, meaning the struggle for better living conditions between participants in social processes." Competition is inherent in all aspects of human life and reflects the struggle between people to make full use of their opportunities, to show their superiority in certain areas, to live a more prosperous life, to be more prestigious among the community. Since economic activity of people is the basis of other activities, competition in the economic sphere plays an important role in the life of human
society. The subjects of competitive industrial relations in the economic sphere are manufacturers, service providers, consumers, entrepreneurs, hired workers, etc.. is a struggle for. The occurrence of competition is, by its nature, chaotic and spontaneous, as well as civilized, that is, regulated competition. Only the ratio between them will change. As society develops, civilized competition comes to the fore.
Depending I on the
Free, perfect Limited, i perfect
'Spontaneous (wild) Adjustable
National economy World Economy
/ Acc<
Í to me
According to the method
Through price Without using the price
Figure 1. Forms of competition
Competition is the result of the development of society. It goes beyond the national economy and occurs on an international scale. Competition occurs primarily between firms that look at the same network. Intra-industry competition is a force that stimulates the development of science and technology. The struggle in all forms of competition is intensifying, especially in a market economy.
"Competition is the competition between the participants of a market economy to realize their interests." It is clear from the above descriptions of our economists that competition is first and foremost a struggle for self-interest. Competition in the domestic market in any country is a key indicator of the success of banks, as evidenced by the adoption of competition laws in many countries around the world, including countries with economies in transition, and the establishment of national organizations to deal with these issues.
Competition is a defining concept in which the price is equal to the cost of production. In order to achieve a competitive position, it is necessary to have a number of proposals, in which the number of competitors in the market should not be taken into account at all, free access to the
market should be created. Edworth, Djevonsom, Valrasom, Marshall, and Clark are among the scholars who took an analytical approach. Their book, Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit, argues that perfect competition is a key factor in the fight against monopolies. Competition is derived from the Latin word Concure, which means "running towards a goal". In explaining the essence of the concept of competition, Harvard University professor Michael E. In much of his work in the field of economics, Porter has always maintained the concepts of competition and the market. There is no country or company that distances itself from competition. They always do the same thing will have to understand it correctly and elevate competition as an art. In our opinion, it is very difficult to study the concepts of competition in all sectors of the economy at the same time. Because with an in-depth study of competition in theory, promoting it in practice may not serve the intended purpose. Therefore, the study of competition in theory and practice requires a lot of work. " A number of scientists believe that T.N. Tsoy, P.G. Grabovyy, Bassam Satel Merashdalar in their work "Risk Management and Competition in Organizations in Market Conditions", we always live in a competitive atmosphere. The market and competition are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to imagine a market without competition. Competition is the line of interdependence between seller and buyer in the market. In the market, the seller and the buyer look for conditions that are mutually compatible. Any form of competition is beneficial to the economy, as everyone involved in the process seeks to create an "effective tool" based on their ability. This tool or system - whether chemical, physical or economic - always strives for mutual equality. While the goal is to achieve maximum profit on a competitive basis, it presupposes the movement made as a means of mutual equality. Competition keeps income within a certain limit. This will allow the price level to fall and rise, he said. According to scientists, any process is constantly associated with competition. They argue that this dependence allows competition to have constant control over price. G.L. In his book "Competition: Analysis, Strategy and Practice", Azoev describes the evolution of theoretical views on competition as follows:
Table 1.
Economic views on the concept of competition
Economic module of competition Scientists who contributed to the creation of the module
Pure competition Many organizations are involved. Prices are controlled, elastic demand is high, unhealthy competition is not practiced. Monopolistic competition A large number of organizations are involved, differential products are available, prices are controlled in a small case, elastic Perfect competition A. Smith "Study of the nature and origins of the riches of the people" (1776 g), D. Riccardo "Principles of political economy and taxation" (1817), Dj. S. Mill «Printsipy politicheskoy ekonomii» (1848 g.), K. Marx's "Capital" (1863-1854) Imperfect competition A.O. Kurno "Study of
demand, the competitive method of competition is applied.
Oligopolistic competition
A small number of organizations are involved, the level of price control is related to the movement of organizations, an inherent competitive advantage. Pure monopoly One organization participates, a single product is produced, no substitute product is produced, there is no price control, demand is inelastic, access of other organizations to the market is limited or non-existent.
mathematical principles of the theory of wealth" (1838), F.N. Edjourt's Theory of Monopolies (1897), K. Viksell «Lectures on political economy» (1901), Dj. Robinson «Ekonomicheskaya teoriya nesovershennoy konkurentsii» (1933 g.), Dj. Keynes, "The General Theory of Labor, Percentage, and Money" (1936), Y. Schumpeter, "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy" (1942), A.P. Lerner's "Economics of Control" (1949).
We know that in a monopolistic competitive environment, firms and organizations establish their dominance in the market by controlling price. There are different views on the data of the oligopolistic statistical theory, which allows to change the structural structure of the market. Oligopoly theory offers complete competition, incomplete competition, and monopoly in the market structure. Competition in this form is based on different concepts, and its correct interpretation in the market is important for enterprises and organizations. The core of the competition is of course the financial institutions participating in the market and their position in the market. The competition process is based on a certain mechanism, the main principle of which is its participants. According to the author, the relationship between people plays a key role in the competition, but other scientists believe that everyone participates in the competition. Summarizing the above, considering that competition covers all areas, a group of our scientists believe that very strong competition encourages companies to enter and master the world market, as local competition allows the company to focus on foreign markets and increase the efficiency of its activities. forces production to increase profitability. They argue that the narrower the range of local competitors, the more intense the competition between them. Typically, competition is traditionally viewed in three aspects: behavioral, as a struggle for the customer in a competitive market, structural, the degree of freedom of the buyer and seller in the market, methods of exit from it, and functional aspects. At the same time, as a mechanism of self-management and development of the market of goods and services, the scientific literature has traditionally considered commodity markets as an acceptable, priority task.
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