Gurushkin P.Y., Labush N.S., Nikonov S.B., Puyu A.S. The phenomenon ofvalue conflict in the mass media space // Litera. 2024. № 3. DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.3.70026 EDN: JJGJIQ URL:
The phenomenon of value conflict in the mass media space
Gurushkin Pavel Yurievich
PhD in Politics
Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communications Management, St. Petersburg State University 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg region, Saint Petersburg, Uni\ersitetska^a str., 7-9
Q [email protected] Labush M kola i Sergeevich
Doctor of Politics
Professor, Department of International Journalism, St. Petersburg State University 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Univsrsitetska^a str., 7-9
El [email protected] Nkonov Sergey Borisovich
ORCID: 0000-0002-8340-1541 Doctor of Politics
Professor, Department of International Journalism, St. Petersburg State Uni\ersity 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Univsrsitetska^a str., 7-9
Puyu Anatoly Stepanovich
ORCID: 0000-0002-1220^217 Doctor of Sociology
Professor, Department of International Journalism, St. Petersburg State Uni\ersity 199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Univsrsitetska^a str., 7-9
Article was published in rubric "Journalism"
10.25136/2409-8698.2024.3.70026 Keceivea:
Abstract: The author examines in detail the phenomenon of value conflict in the mass media space. With the advent of mass media, political conflict has acquired a new scale and role, developing on several planes: in reality, in the media, in social media and in the minds of the audience. Modern society is oversaturated with information, which leads to the question of the effective use of media resources and their uneven distribution. In the context of the information society, new types of conflicts arise related to the relationship of factual and necessary information, which emphasizes the importance of studying the mediatization of political conflicts and their impact on public relations. The media space is an environment where political conflicts are formed and resolved, thereby defining many aspects of social life and interaction. The article focuses on the role of values in the political process, reveals the influence of the media on the formation of attitudes and behavior in conflict conditions. The object of the study is a political conflict in the media space. The subject of the study is the mediatization of political relations in the context of the value characteristics of society. The purpose of the study is to determine the role and place of media in the processes of managing political and value conflict in modern society. The research uses activity-based, axiological and systematic approaches that allow us to penetrate into the essence of the phenomenon of the mass media space and trace the transformation of values in it that are the subject of conflict relations. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it substantiates the need to revise classical approaches to the consideration of such categories as: information war, political and value conflict in the media space. As part of the conflict agenda, the media can chronicle events, mediate and make forecasts. They influence the formation of attitudes and behaviors of social groups in conflict conditions, have the potential to form stereotypes of constructive (or not) behavior. The study of the mediatization of political conflict in a value-based way allows us to identify the features and patterns of formation of models of "conflict behavior" in the information field (participating and observing parties), the choice of motives, strategies and opportunities in the conflict, goals and ideas about the development of the conflict.
Media space, Conflict, Political conflict, Value conflict, Mediatization, Mediacracy, Ethnic conflict, Mass media, Mass media space, Journalism
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The subject of the reviewed article is nontrivial, new, and relevant. The author turns to the analysis of the phenomenon of value conflict in the mass media space. The stated vector, in my opinion, looks constructive, the actual component is quite obvious. The work is differentiated into conditionally semantic blocks - the introductory part, the main block and the conclusion are solidified. At the begi nning of the text, the author notes that "society has always been characterized by contradictions arising on this or that issue, the political field has become a new battlefield. Politics itself presupposes different positions and their clash. And if earlier the political activity of citizens was a kind of democratic conquest, a new stage, gained value, then gradually (with the expansion of the possibilities of mediatization), the political conflict began to play a separate, independent role. Of course, this role has gained scale - when it comes to a network society." It is appropriate to assume that media discourse is woven from heterogeneous elements, it is difficult to perceive it holistically, but it is necessary. Actually, this is what the work is aimed at, and the author stands at this positional level. The actual dominants are correctly identified: "the purpose of the study is to determine the role and place of media in the processes of managing political and value conflict in modern society. Tasks: - to consider the phenomenon of conflict in the context of global mediatization processes; - to reveal the nature of the concept of mass media space and its role in political and value conflicts; - to determine the role of the media in the transformation of social contradictions into political conflicts." The methodological level is relevant: "the research uses activity-based, axiological and systemic approaches that allow us to penetrate into the essence of the phenomenon of the mass media space and trace the transformation of values in it that are
the subject of conflict relations." The work has a completely completed appearance, the actual / structural components are sustained. I believe that the research style is aimed at the scientific type itself: "political conflict can also be discussed as a civilizational achievement - a mechanism for the development of a (political, civil) system, overcoming stagnation, an indicator of the presence of competition in the political field and its sublimation into confrontation between groups of political actors, public figures or the population (while we are not talking about violent methods of conducting political struggle). It is also quite reasonable to assume that all sorts of contradictions of the modern information society lead it to a state where conflict is present on a permanent basis, and the political emphasis only highlights the necessary facets." The terms and concepts used in the work are unified, there are no actual discrepancies. Information "discharges" in the work make it possible to compare the empirical and the nominal, in fact, the novelty of the reviewed work is a qualification for this contrast. The proper information bias is quite consolidated, for example, "the category "information space" refers to the philosophical understanding of the fullness of the material world with information as a property of matter and therefore it is advisable to interpret the phenomenon in a broad sense. In relation to the broad meaning, it is advisable to apply a narrow understanding of the information space, characterizing the use of information transmission media, social information, starting with signs, sounds and ending with modern media capabilities." I believe that the stated goal of the work has been achieved, the topic has been disclosed: the author positionally notes that "the appeal to the mass media space is caused by the need to isolate the information space formed by information media, on the other hand, by the importance of scientific understanding of the changes taking place in the sphere of action of mass media at different levels (channel, nature) and range (especially for support of artificial or natural political contradictions, political conflictogenesis). These changes relate to the values of the political spectrum and conflict relations arising from the intensification (expansion) of contradictions." The empiricism of judgments is objective, in the final part the author notes that "the struggle of values, their conflict is a reflection of the political process in the conditions of pluralism of political forces and democratic procedures. The special role of values in the political process stems from the fact that they act as significant social guidelines for the subject. A political conflict can "grow out" of a clash not only on some issues on the agenda, but on a more conceptual level - the level of values, which, as it turns out, can "meet" in the virtual information space, also characterize and emphasize the diversity of society (norms, customs, traditions, etc.). Thus A certain ideological (civilizational, value-based) character may also be layered on the socio-political or socio-economic basis of the conflict." I think it is advisable to continue a number of positions in new related case studies. The work can be used in the development of courses on the theory and practice of mass media, visual and media sphere. With this in mind, I would like to state that the article "The phenomenon of value conflict in the mass media space" can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Litera".