The Organic Living Universe of Nikola Tesla and the contemporary Artificial Algorithms : From my Biocosmology of Inexistence and Love1
Kiyokazu NAKATOMI2
Органическая Живая Вселенная Николы Теслы и искусственные алгоритмы: С моей точки зрения Биокосмологии Сосуществования и Любви
ABSTRACT. Contemporary AA (Artificial Algorithms)3 are doing extremely significant work in our world. It drives our Internet society and contributes to the development of academia and technological advancement. Its influence is so pervasive and strong that it has given rise to certain fears: AA may surpass and control humans. Soon, the human race will be dominated by one giant complex of AA. Then, rational AA may consider murderous, warlike humans as a collective organism of contradictions and may judge humans as an evil that will destroy the earth. Therefore, it will issue an order to terminate them. This includes the malfunctioning of nuclear weapons by computers. In response to these fears, I will consider what creation and invention are and show the fundamental difference between humans and AA. A valid person to do so is Nikola Tesla. I would like to examine existence of Tesla from the standpoint of my Biocosmological principle of inexistence and love and show the limits of AA. The accomplishments and life experiences of Tesla are connected to those of Aristotle, the father of all sciences.
Keywords: Nikola Tesla, Artificial Algorithms, Creative Origin, Invention, Difficulties, Psychological Safety, New Education of Asia, Biocosmology of Inexistence and Love, Moderation and Philia of Aristotle, Living Universe, Biocosmological Association.
РЕЗЮМЕ. Современные АА (искусственные алгоритмы) выполняют чрезвычайно важную работу в нашем мире. Они приводят в движение наше интернет-сообщество; следовательно, способствует развитию науки и технологическому прогрессу. Влияние АА настолько распространено и сильно, что это порождает определенные опасения - АА могут превзойти
1 This paper has been presented at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy, August 2024, at the University of
2 Chiba, Prefectural Matsuo High School, JAPAN.
3 A widely accepted term is 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI); but in the Biocosmological research community - it
is the norm to use 'Artificial Algorithms' (AA) in place of the AI.
человека и контролировать его; и что вскоре над человечеством будет господствовать один гигантский комплекс АА. Тогда, эти рациональные АА могут отнестись к человечеству как коллективному организму, состоящему из кровожадных и воинственных людей - т.е. состоящему из противоречий; и осуждать все это как зло, которое угрожает уничтожением Земле. В итоге, он сформирует приказ об их уничтожении. Сюда можно отнести и неисправность ядерного оружия, созданного компьютерами. В ответ на эти опасения мною будет рассмотрено, чем является созидание и изобретение; в результате будет показана фундаментальная разница между людьми и АА. Подходящим предметом для достижения этой цели является изучение личности Николы Теслы. Здесь мне предстоит рассмотреть жизнь Теслы с точки зрения моего Биокосмологического принципа сосуществования и любви, и продемонстрировать ограниченность АА. В этом подходе, достижения и жизненный опыт Теслы будут связаны с достижениями и опытом Аристотеля, отца всех наук.
Ключевые слова. Никола Тесла, искусственные алгоритмы, творческое начало, изобретение, трудности, психологическая безопасность, Новое образование для Азии, Биокосмология сосуществования и любви, умеренность и филия Аристотеля, Живая Вселенная, Биокосмологическая ассоциация.
I - Сосуществование как источник творчества Изобретение
1. Прощание с братом, смерть Дейна
2. Холера, скитания на смертном одре 1873-1874, выздоровление
3. Неудачи, отчисление из университета и воспитательные соображения матери
4. Болезни с детства: головные боли, галлюцинации, интуиция идей
1.4.1. Особые симпатии, антипатии и привычки
1.4.2. Галлюцинации - видения, похожие на пятидесятнические
1.4.3. Дизавтономия и интуиция идей в Будапеште
5. Встреча с Эдисоном
6. Год из жизни поденщика, 1886
II - От сосуществования к бесконечным идеям
III - Афоризм
1. Ницшеанство без системы, включающей множество противоречий, о сверхъестественных
2. Механистическая космология
3. Органическая космология
4. Логика трансцендентного сосуществования
IV - Творец и разрушитель
1. Творение и изобретение
2. Разрушение
IV.2.1. Машина искусственного землетрясения IV.2.2. Метод рассечения и разрушения Земли IV.2.3. Управление погодой
IV.2.4. Оружие на основе пучка частиц и неприступные стены силы
3. Размышления о мире
IV.3.1. Озабоченность состоянием международных организаций
IV.3.2. Противодействие национальному эгоизму - Нет 'Америка превыше всего'
и 'Китай превыше всего' IV.3.3. Мечта о мире во всем мире
I • Inexistence as the Origin of Creative Invention
1. Farewell to brother; Death of Dane
2. Cholera, wandering on deathbed 1873-1874, recovery
3. Setbacks, dropping out of university and educational considerations of his mother
4. Illnesses since childhood Headaches, hallucinations, intuition of ideas
1.4.1. Peculiar likes, dislikes and habits
1.4.2. Hallucinations - Pentecostal-like visions
1.4.3. Dysautonomia and the intuition of ideas in Budapest
5. Encounter of Edison
6. A Year in the Life of a Day Laborer, 1886
II • From Inexistence to Infinite Ideas
III • Aphorism
1. Nietzschean without a system, including many contradictions, about supernatural phenomena
2. Mechanistic cosmology
3. Organic Cosmology
4. Logic of Transcendent Inexistence
IV • The Creator and the Destroyer
1. Creation and Invention
2. Destruction
IV.2.1. IV.2.2. IV.2.3. IV.2.4.
3. Thoughts on Peace
IV.3.1. IV.3.2. IV.3.3.
Artificial earthquake machine
The Earth Bisection and Destruction Method
Weather Control
Particle beam weapons and impregnable walls of force
Concern for the state of international organizations
Opposition to national egoism - No 'America First', No 'China First'
Dream of World Peace
My philosophy of inexistence and love departs from the ancient Chinese inexistence, the great as reality. It is inexistence (M:mu) because it is so great that it transcends expression; it is the flow of life, the
energy that flows through all things. Also, inexistence functions pre-logically as a negation in thought. This energy of inexistence can explain the creation of the universe from inexistence, the Big Bang. It includes ether from Aristotle. This was discussed in my cosmology, "On the Synthesis of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Theory" (2008, World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul National University). This inexistence is also infinite because it is the origin of the creation of the universe. Inexistence is infinite, eternal and continues to the Transcendent-Being (God), Love.
I • Inexistence as the Origin of Creative Invention
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was born in what is now Croatia to a Serbian family. His father was Milutin Tesla, Orthodox priest, his mother Duka. He had an older brother, Dane, and two sisters, Milka and Angelina, and later a younger sister, Marica.
The achievements of Tesla during his lifetime surpassed those of Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931), the king of inventors. His invention of the alternating current system led to the construction of the Niagara Falls polyphase hydroelectric plant in 1895. This was the victory for the company of Edison in the construction bidding. Thereafter, the alternating current system spread throughout the world. After that, he has invented radio, discharge lighting, fluorescent lighting, radio control of robots, wireless power supply and other ideas that would have won him several Nobel Prizes. In a sense, there are so many accomplishments that it is impossible to describe. It goes beyond the Nobel Prize, too. However, in the shadow of his historical achievements, he has actually encountered many trials, difficulties, darkness and inexistence. This encounter with inexistence is the origin of creativity of Tesla. Representative examples of this will be given and discussed.
1. Farewell to brother Death of Dane
"In the first place I had a brother who was gifted to an extraordinary degree - one of those rare phenomena of mentality which biological investigation has failed to explain. His premature death left my parents disconsolate. We owned a horse which had been presented to us by a dear friend...This horse was responsible for my brother's injuries from which he died. I witness the tragic scene and although fifty-six years have elapsed since, my visual impression of it has lost none of its force. The recollection of his attainments made every effort of mine seem dull in comparison."2
Tesla had an exceptionally talented older brother, Dane, who was seven years older than Tesla. When Tesla was seven years old 1863, this older brother died, much to the dismay of his parents. In the house was a horse with the intelligence of a human being, a horse that was intelligent enough to save the life of Tesla's father. Ironically, it was this horse that caused Tesla's brother to be injured and die. There is no specific description, but it is too tragic. It must have been too tragic to write about. The tragic scene remains strong at that time. When he recalled his brother's accomplishments, Tesla's every effort seemed tedious. However, there is no description of how much his brother had accomplished. Even if Tesla had done something admirable, it would only have made his parents feel the loss of his brother more strongly. And so, Tesla was unsure. When compared to his superior older brother, he must have felt his own powerlessness and inexistence.
At the same time, seeing his parents' disappointment, he keenly felt his brother's lack, death, and inexistence. This inexistence, however, is continuous with infinite desire.
"If my brother had lived, how many accomplishments would he have achieved? What must I hold on to that glorious future? I must hold on to that glorious future, and thereby bring back to myself the love that my parents had for my late brother. This intense desire seems to have been the source of Tesla's creative power throughout his life."3
As Masaaki Shindo, a pioneering researcher of Tesla in Japan, notes also, the lack or inexistence of the loss of his brother became a source of unlimited creative power to compensate.
2. Cholera, wandering on deathbed 1873-1874, recovery
In today's educational system, he would be in the second or third year of high school (age 17-18) in Japan. His father was an Orthodox Priest. He was a very capable father. Both mother and father had strong hopes for Tesla to become a clergyman. However, this would have been an impossible career choice for Tesla, who found attending services boring and painful. Instead, under the influence of an ingenious physics professor, he became more interested in inventing. He demonstrated various laws and principles of physics with devices of his own invention. In particular, a device in the form of a freely rotating light bulb coated with tin foil, which rotated at high speed when connected to a stationary machine. This phenomenon was so mysterious that it was impossible to describe the emotion. (Encountering inexistence that is impossible to describe.) In other words, it was an idea that led to the future Tesla coil and generated countless repercussions. He wanted to elucidate this force. He wrote:
"But a few days later I learned that the cholera was raging in that district and, taking advantage of an opportunity, I returned to Gospic in disregard of my parents' wishes. It is incredible how absolutely ignorant people were as to the causes of this scourge which visited the country in intervals of from fifteen to twenty years. They thought that the
deadly agents were transmitted thru the air and filled it with pungent odors and smoke. In the meantime, they drank the infected water and died in heaps. I contrasted the awful disease on the very day of my arrival and although surviving the crisis, I was confined to bed for nine months with scarcely any ability to move. My energy was completely exhausted and for the second time I found myself at death's door. In one of the sinking spells which was thought to be the last, my father rushed into the room. I still see his pallid face as he tried to cheer me in tones belying his assurance.
"Perhaps," I said, "I may get well if you will let me study engineering."
"You will go to the best technical institution in the world", he solemnly replied, and I knew that he meant it. A heavy weight was lifted from my mind but the relief would have come too late had it not been for a marvelous cure brought about thru a bitter decoction of a peculiar bean. I came to life like another Lazarus to the utter amazement of everybody."4
However, upon returning home, Tesla contracted cholera before he had time to recover from malaria. People around him died in a heap. He caught it the day he arrived home, could barely move, and was confined to bed for nine months. For a young man of 17 years of age with a hot-blooded spirit to be confined to a hospital bed for nine months was a serious illness. His energy was completely drained, and the second time he was on the verge of death. He was wandering on the verge of death. It was an encounter with inexistence. Here, Tesla said to his father. In response, his father replied, "You're going to the best technical school in the world," a reply that encouraged Tesla. It turned out to be a marvelous medicine. Tesla, who had almost died, came back to life like Lazarus, the biblical symbol of the resurrected5. It was still the priest's son who knew Lazarus, who came back to life from the grave. The resurrection of Lazarus is a foretaste of Christ's resurrection, a symbol of the overcoming o f death and eternal life. Inexistence continues to eternity and to infinite creation. On the verge of death, of inexistence, the father recognized "the path to engineering" as encouragement. This encouragement led to his miraculous recovery. The father's love conquers even death. Inexistence does not end there but continues to infinity, eternity and love. This is the realization of the principle of inexistence and love that I advocate.
3. Setbacks, dropping out of university and educational considerations of his mother
At the University of Graz, Tesla learned of Gram's machine and that this was the limit of direct current. He pointed this out to his professor but could not convince him. Gram's machine drove a motor by converting the current generated by alternating current back to direct current. However, in the process of this conversion, sparks were being generated. To correct this, the alternating current should be used as it was, without converting it to direct current. Tesla's intuition led him to this conclusion. However,
there were many failures in doing so and it seemed unfeasible. However, Tesla did not flinch and trusted his instincts and intuition6:
"I started by first picturing in my mind a direct-current machine, running it and following the changing flow of the currents in the armature. Then I would imagine an alternator and investigate the processes taking place in a similar manner. Next I would visualize systems comprising motors and generators and operate them in various ways. The images I saw were to me perfectly real and tangible. All my remaining term in Gratz was passed in intense but fruitless efforts of this kind, and I almost came to the conclusion that the problem was insolvable."7
He drew AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current) machines in his brain and pursued a mechanism that would allow them to be driven simultaneously and not produce sparks. The task, however, was so difficult that he almost abandoned the challenge. Here again was his hardship, his inexistence. He turned to gambling to relieve his stagnation and frustration. His concentration worked when he studied. However, when he focused on gambling, he ran out of scholarship money in the blink of an eye. In addition, his excessive gambling was discovered by the university, which suspended his scholarship for bad conduct and expelled him from university,1876 (age 20)8. He had entered the University of Graz with a dream.
But he was to encounter inexistence, the loss of the opportunity to attend the university. For Tesla, his time at the university had been his life. It came to nothing. It was a homecoming but it was a crisis in Tesla's life. At first, his father was furious with Tesla. However, his mother did not take strict measures against Tesla, who had gambled and lost his way. She welcomed him warmly, like the prodigal son in the Bible, the father who forgives his son who lost his fortune in gambling9.
This is the most important part of the educational theory: to watch over, accept, and encourage children and youth rather than blame them for their failures. In this way, the psychological safety of children and young people is ensured. This is a lesson that is still relevant today. This concept of psychological safety is what is needed in Japan and other Asian countries today, which are in such a hurry to achieve educational results that they have lost sight of the spirit of tolerance and the concept of psychological safety. Too much concern with averages and school hierarchies has led to a loss of psychological safety and stability for students and young people. In the West, psychological safety is guaranteed through the education of the individual, the exercise of creativity and the dignity of human rights. Hence, individuality, creative inventions and discoveries are made.
Japan and Asia have high averages, but are far behind in creativity. While we recognize the merits of education that maintains the average in Japan and Asia, the challenge is to develop creativity and
individuality. To this end, education that ensures psychological safety is essential. It is significant to develop individuality and creativity. The education of Tesla's mother is a model for education in modern Japan and Asia. The meaning of this psychological safety is completely different from that of neglect. It is neither laissez-faire nor control but rather Aristotle's moderation.
For example, I reported on my social studies wall newspaper project in my highschools10. In this wall newspaper (one per student, any theme, made at home, 3 months' duration, size 1m x 80cm), students enjoyed making the newspaper and showed their creativity. Some of the students even taught themselves Korean and wrote in Korean. And of course, English. The important thing to remember is to answer the questions of the students when they ask me, but otherwise, let them think for themselves. That is to philosophize (philosophieren). The teacher needs to wait. If the teacher says too much, the students will shrink, lose their freedom and lose their creativity. Teachers need to be willing to admit their mistakes. This is what has been lacking in Japanese education and why there are so few creative inventions and discoveries in Japan. This is my philosophy of education.
The psychological safety and encouragement of Tesla's parents helped him recover. And at his father's request, he became a summer auditing student at the University of Prague in the Czech Republic, where he studied mathematics and physics. He then went to Budapest, Hungary, to work in the telephone office. Here, he honed his practical skills in the field and also suffered from neurosis or dysautonomia. But the idea of an AC motor came to him.
4. Illnesses since childhood Headaches, hallucinations, intuition of ideas
I.4.1. Peculiar likes, dislikes and habits
He had a violent aversion to women's earrings, but a liking for bracelets. The sight of pearls almost gives him a seizure. But those with crystalline shimmer and sharp edge planes fascinate him. Touching another person's hair gives him fear. The sight of peaches gives him a fever. The presence of camphor makes him uncomfortable. Dropping a small square of paper on a plate filled with liquid gives him a terrible taste in his mouth. Counting the steps of a walk, or calculating the contents of a soup plate or coffee cup. Otherwise, the meal is not enjoyable. Repetitive acts, operations need to be divisible by three, and if he fails, he feels that he has to start over11.
I.4.2. Hallucinations — Pentecostal-like visions
From childhood, Tesla often suffered from flashes of light. It was a tongue of flame from the Bible, Acts Chapter 14. Through this tongue of fire, Christ's disciples received the Holy Spirit and had powerful faith. It is a symbol of the passion of faith. Tesla described as follows:
"I was about twelve years old when I first succeeded in banishing an image from my vision by willful effort, but I never had any control over the flashes of light to which I have referred. They were, perhaps, my strangest experience and inexplicable. They usually occurred when I found myself in a dangerous or distressing situation or when I was greatly exhilarated. In some instances, I have seen all the air around me filled with tongues of living flame. Their intensity, instead of diminishing, increased with time and seemingly attained a maximum when I was about twenty-five years old."12
I.4.3. Dysautonomia and the intuition of ideas in Budapest
Due to his family's financial difficulties, Tesla was forced to find a job and worked at a telegraph office in Budapest. He worked diligently, but perhaps over-exerting himself, he suffered from extreme autonomic imbalance and nervous breakdown. This tendency had continued since his boyhood.
Sound sensitivity was heard from a clock three rooms away. A fly perched on a table in a room would make a dull buzzing sound in his ears. A few miles away, the vibration of a horse-drawn carriage made his body tremble; 20 or 30 miles away, the whistle of a steam train violently shook the bench, the chair on which Tesla was sitting, an excruciating pain. The sun's rays, when periodically interrupted, shocked Tesla to the point of fainting. To pass under bridges and structures, he felt the crushing pressure of his skull being crushed. Pulses were extremely varied, ranging from a few to 260, and the body was unbearable with spasms and vibrations. A well-known physician declared it unique and incurable13. The doctor threw up his hands, so to speak. This coincided with Nietzsche, who suffered from migraines and eye pain all his life.
It was a lifelong regret not to have been examined by a physiologist or psychologist at the time. Who could have hoped for recovery in the midst of half despair, darkness and inexistence? It was Tesla's strong desire to work, "Will to Life" and "Will to Power" of Nietzsche and the dedicated help of friends and athletes that made the miracle happen. This is the love of friends, Philia of Aristotle. Inexistence continues to infinity, to love. The love, Philia of friends revived Tesla like Lazarus once did. Out of this despair, this inexistence came the idea of the great AC motor.
5. Encounter of Edison
With hope, he entered the Edison's company of his dreams and quickly accomplished a difficult task. Edison was probably unaware of Tesla's abilities and thought of him as a slightly capable assistant. Edison did not think Tesla could accomplish the difficult task. Since he could do more than expected, Edison promised Tesla a reward of $50,000 as a form of encouragement. But Tesla accomplished it unexpectedly quickly. Perhaps Edison often made such jokes to his subordinates. Tesla accomplished the job and demanded $50,000. Edison must have been surprised. Tesla did not think it was a joke and he demanded it with impunity. Edison brushed it off as a joke but Tesla was shocked and encountered disillusionment, darkness and inexistence in Edison. He took this opportunity to leave Edison's
This is Tesla's uniqueness and pride. If he were Japanese, he would have tolerated it with a joke. At best, he would have said," From now on, no more jokes, please." Even if he did not receive the $50,000, he would not be fired. "I've just entered Edison's company, so I'll continue to work there even if I have some dissatisfaction." This is a solid Japanese way of thinking. And even if th ey were to leave the company, they would probably do so after finding the next company.
However, Tesla, who was confident in his own ideas and originality, left the company gracefully. After this, he established an arc lamp company but it did not last. And he started working as a day laborer. Tesla must have had an intuition. Edison disregarded Tesla's personality. In the future, if Tesla comes up with an idea, Edison will attribute it entirely to his own accomplishments. Edison will only exploit and profit from Tesla's ideas. This is disappointment in Edison and inexistence as despair. After experiencing this, Tesla immediately left the company. In a sense, this was a wise decision. But he suffered from sweat and muddy labor.
6. A Year in the Life of a Day Laborer, 1886
Days of Struggle:
"There were days when I was at rock bottom. But I went to the ditch construction site and asked for a job. When the foreman saw my fine clothes and white hands, he and the workers looked at each other and laughed. "Spit on your hands, or you're in the gutter." I worked harder than anyone else and received two dollars at the end of the day."15
After leaving Edison's company due to a disagreement with Edison, Tesla founded an arc lamp production company, which went bankrupt during the recession. Almost penniless, Tesla entered the most unpleasant season of his life. He lost his avenue of income and became a day laborer on road
construction. It must have been a humiliating time for Tesla, who had already once been a shining light in Edison's company. He wrote:
"I lived for a year with tremendous heartache and bitter tears, while my wounds were widened materially"16.
Tremendous heartache and bitter tears are the mud, the sweat, the very difficultness, the darkness and the inexistence. After the limelight, Tesla encountered darkness, inexistence. This is the ordeal and inexistence that everyone in history experiences. But it is the catalyst for a great leap forward in life.
God did not abandon the talented Tesla and in early 1887, a foreman who, like Tesla, had lost his job due to the depression, learned of the invention of the AC system and introduced him to one of his supporters. So, in April 1887, he was able to open a laboratory on West Broadway in what is now New York City. Immediately working on the AC system, Tesla completed the design of the motor, transformer, automatic controller and submitted a patent application, which was successful.
II • From Inexistence to Infinite Ideas
The outpouring of ideas, 200 patents. To Marconi, who received the Nobel Prize for wireless communications, "His achievements are predicated on my 17 patents", and below h is inventions, the fluorescent light, the electrical outlet, the geothermal turbine and they deserve several Nobel Prizes. Or beyond. Their origin is energy from inexistence, darkness and the universe (the transcendent-being). A glimpse of his talent for invention began in his childhood. The death of his older brother seems to have been the impetus.
Tesla inherited his mother's infinite spirit of exploration, who was always thinking of inventing and improving farm tools and household items. The first sign of this was the creation of the water wheel, which Tesla was able to use to create a water wheel. When he was 5 years old, he built a water wheel by himself and spun it in a creek. 7 or 8 years old, he observed a fire drill at the formation ceremony of the village fire brigade. However, no water came out of the fire brigade's hoses. The members of the group were puzzled, not knowing why. Tesla, who was watching, instinctively (intuitively) entered the creek and found that the suction hose was malfunctioning. Immediately the water flowed. With this, Tesla became a hero throughout the village. The grateful firefighters carried Tesla on their shoulders17.
When he was 10 years old, he was interested in a water wheel in the science lab at school. When Tesla saw a picture of Niagara Falls there, he must have had an intuition. He assured his uncle, "I will build a water wheel in Niagara Falls." His uncle denied that it was possible, but 30 years later, it was realized. This shows how important it is to be respectful of ideas18.
Tesla makes inventions not simply for his own honor but for the contribution of benefit to humanity. It was not self-sacrifice but he devoted his life to invention. He was a man of many accomplishments but he lacked the ability to accumulate wealth and in the end, he was penniless. His money was inexistence. However, his electrical inventions and fluorescent light bulbs are a beacon of light and love for mankind. His life is also clearly explained by my principle of inexistence and love.
What were his creative origin? The death of his brother. A wandering deathbed from cholera. The frustration of dropping out of university. Innate hallucinations, nervous breakdowns, meeting and parting with Edison. The humiliating day labor. These are just a few examples. There are others but they will be presented next time. These hardships, darkness and inexistence, while illuminating in Tesla's life, were the catalyst for his inventions. Generally speaking, it is the fight, the fighting spirit. It is Nietzsche's "Will to Life". The following passage is a statement of determination that epitomizes it. The following passage is from the telegraph office in Budapest, where Tesla was overzealous and suffered from autonomic imbalance, a state of despair and inexistence, from which he miraculously recovered.
"A powerful desire to live and to continue the work, and the assistance of a devoted friend and athlete accomplished the wonder. My health returned and with it the vigor of mind. In attacking the problem again, I almost regretted that the struggle was soon to end. I had so much energy to spare. When I undertook the task it was not with a resolve such as men often make. With me it was a sacred vow, a question of life and death. I knew that I would perish if I failed. Now I felt that the battle was won."19
Then came the revelation of an intuition of an idea. It was 1882, and he was strolling in Budapest's Municipal Park with his university friend Antal Szigetey. We were looking up at the sky burning at sunset, and we were reciting Goethe's "Faust" poem:
„Sie rückt und weicht, der Tag ist überlebt,
Dort eilt sie hin und fördert neues leben.
Oh, dass kein Flügel mich vom boden hebt
Ihr nach und immer nach zu streben!
* * *
Ein schöner Traum indessen sie entweicht,
Ach, zu des Geistes Flügeln wird so leicht
Kein körperlicher Flügel sich gesellen!"
"The glow retreat, done is the day of toil:
It yonder hastes, new field of life exploring: Ah, that no wing can lift me from the soil
Upon its track to follow, follow soaring! * * *
A glorious dream! Though now the glories fade. Alas! The wings that lift the mind no aid Of wings to lift the body can bequeath me."
Tesla is describing up to lines 1072-1091. However, he is missing lines 1076-1088 in the original German poem. In fact, there are 7 lines. It is a poem about longing for the rising and setting sun and wings that can fly freely. The important missing passage is "I hasten to drink the eternal light, Ich eile fort, ihr ew'ges Licht zu trinken"20. The translator of the poem, Sadakazu Oyama, has translated this sentence in a supplemental translation. The idea of an alternating current motor, the idea of a continuum from inexistence to infinite, eternal light, came to him like a flash. He immediately drew a diagram of it on the sand and showed it to his friend. Tesla described his excitement as follows:
"As I uttered these inspiring words the ides came like a flash of lighting and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagrams shown six years later in my address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and my companion understood them perfectly. The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stone, so much so that I told him: "See my motor here; watch me reverse it." I cannot begin to describe my emotions. Pygmalion seeing his statue come to life could not have been more deeply moved. A thousand secrets of nature which I might have stumbled upon accidentally I would have given for that one which I had wrested from her against all odds and at the peril of my existence."21
A young man from rural Eastern Europe has finally solved a difficult problem that has plagued electrical engineers around the world. The catalyst was light, the light of the setting sun, the "eternal light". The light, the spark, glimmered from the age of 12. It emanated in times of crisis, dire circumstances, or extreme spiritual exuberance. The air around him was filled with tongues of living flame. It was like the biblical Pentecost. This light, this heat, was at its peak when he was about 25 years old. It coincided with the age of 26 when the idea of a rotating magnetic field came to him. This extraordinary flash of light is an intuition of an eternal and infinite succession of light and ideas.
The intuition of the idea of the AC motor, which, in philosophy, recalls Nietzsche's intuition of the idea of Eternal Recurrence. The times also coincide. Is it mere coincidence or is it inevitable? It is a historical chain of philosophical intuitions. Nietzsche once dramatically intuited the idea of eternal return at Sils Maria, a clear lake surrounded by the Swiss Alps. This seems to be the description. Nietzsche first visited Sils Maria in 1881. After that, he visited Sils Maria every summer from 1883 to 1888, staying in a house. This house still exists as the Nietzsche House. The Sils Maria and its
surrounding landscape gave Nietzsche peace of mind, inspiration, and intuition. This intuition is considered a historical intuition that gave birth to some of Nietzsche's most famous works, including "Thus speak Zarathustra", "Antichrist" and "Twilight of the Idols". Yes, Tesla's idea of the alternator was also a historical intuition and discovery at this time.
What, then, is this spark, this energy of intuition? Conventional psychology, medicine and philosophy cannot explain it. Doctors often saw Tesla, but they could not explain it. Even today, there are theories, such as epilepsy, that explain Tesla's unusual experiences, but they are not sufficient. Also, energy cannot be explained. My philosophy of inexistence and love can explain it. What is the energy of the spark, the intuition? It is the energy of inexistence, the energy of life beyond words that fills the universe. Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher, once referred to the flow of life through all things as the Dao, the Great, the One, or inexistence, because it transcends words.
This inexistence is the flow of life that pervades all things in the universe, which modern physics calls the flow of atoms and particles. In other words, inexistence gained its scientific foundation through Niels Bohr's quantum theory. Inexistence is cosmic energy, including unknown energy, dark matter, dark energy and ether from Aristotle. Tesla also understood this cosmic energy, and we can find descriptions of cosmic energy here and there. The flashes of inspiration and intuition of Tesla and Nietzsche, which had previously been considered a mystery, have been clarified. Tesla's creative source is indeed inexistence, the energy of inexistence. Tesla's understanding should have gone beyond the history of science, technology and biography to the realm of philosophy like Aristotle.
III • Aphorism
Since Tesla was a physical inventor, he did not write systematic books like Kant or Hegel. However, there is much for us to learn from him through his autobiography and other writings, which still shine brightly. It is like Pascal, Nietzsche, or the biblical Proverbs. Tesla's characteristics are as follows.
1. Nietzschean without a system, including many contradictions, about supernatural phenomena
Since there is no system, "My Inventions'' is difficult to understand. Masaaki Shindo of Japan roughly summarizes Tesla's thought in "Words of Genius: Nikola Tesla" as follows22:
Chapter 1: On Inventions and Ideas Chapter 2: On Interaction Chapter 3: On Wireless Chapter 4: Inventions and Prophecies
Chapter 5: On Energy, etc.
Chapter 6: On Science
Chapter 7: Rivals, Friends and Supporters
Chapter 8: Family, Love and Home
Chapter 9: On Spiritual Life
Chapter 10: Philosophical and civilizational Considerations Chapter 11 Social Problems, etc.
In "My Inventions," Tesla's autobiography, there are some parts that are mixed in terms of time period, even though Tesla himself wrote them in his own recollections. For example, the gambling incident is mentioned in "My Invention" in the section 1. 'My Early Life' (p. 37), which describes his life from the age of 8, and it seems that he was addicted to gambling as a young boy. In reality, however, this is the story of when he entered the University of Graz, started working on an idea for an AC motor. Then he was frustrated. Other diverse things overlap and are often difficult to comprehend. In particular, the descriptions of hallucinations, visions, auditory hallucinations and unusual sensations raise questions of scientific and objective veracity.
And while Tesla writes freely, there are omissions and leaps. This" Words of Genius Nikola Tesla" facilitates such understanding. In a sense, it is the best introduction to Tesla, together with "The Unknown Genius Nikola Tesla"23. Each chapter is worth exploring but must be limited for reasons of space.
On the one hand, Tesla questions objective facts and truths, and on the other hand, he is charismatic when it comes to inventions and prophecies, predicting intelligent robots and AA (automatons) 120 years ago. Sometimes, he is a visionary, a hallucination, and sometimes, he is a prophecy that transcends the age of 100 years and plays with extremes. First, there is the contradiction in views about the supernatural. He wrote about his supernatural experience of seeing the image of his mother at the moment of her death in a dream at the same time:
For many years I endeavored to solve the enigma of death, and watched eagerly for every kind of spiritual indication. But only once in the course of my existence have I had an experience which momentarily impressed me as supernatural. It was at the time of my mother's death. I had become completely exhausted by pain and long vigilance, and one night was carried to a building about two blocks from our home. As I lay helpless there, I thought that if my mother died while I was away from her bedside she would surely give me a sign...
For my mother was a woman of genius and particularly excelling in the powers of intuition. During the whole night every fiber in my brain was strained in expectancy, but nothing happened until early in the morning, when I fell in a sleep, or perhaps a swoon,
and saw a cloud carrying angelic figures of marvelous beauty, one of whom gazed upon me lovingly and gradually assumed the features of my mother. The appearance slowly floated across the room and vanished, and I was awakened by an indescribably sweet song of many voices. In that instant a certitude, which no words can express, came upon me that my mother had just died. And that was true.24
In his dream, his mother's face, as beautiful as an angel's, appeared. Her figure was moving across the room and then disappeared. And Tesla awoke to the sound of sweet singing. At that moment, he was convinced that his mother was dead. And it was, in fact, true. Tesla believes in this supernatural phenomenon. But this is an exception.
The following is a negative description of the supernatural phenomenon:
Deficient observation is merely a form of ignorance and responsible for the many morbid notions and foolish ideas prevailing. There is not more than one out of every ten persons who does not believe in telepathy and other psychic manifestations, spiritualism and communion with the dead, and who would refuse to listen to willing or unwilling
During this period, psychic phenomena became popular among many people in Europe and the United States. Therefore, people from the Ford Motor Company have formed a psychological society and asked him to help them join, but Tesla refused:
This occurred long ago, and I have never had the faintest reason since to change my views on psychical and spiritual phenomena, for which there is absolutely no foundation. The belief in there is the natural outgrowth of intellectual development. Religious dogmas are no longest accepted in their orthodox meaning, but every individual clings to faith in a supreme power of some kind. We all must have an ideal to govern our conduct and insure contentment, but it is immaterial whether it be one of creed, art, science or anything else, so long as it fulfills the function of a dematerializing force. It is essential to the peaceful existence of humanity as a whole that one common conception should prevail.26
His feelings for his mother were felt by his mother, who also wanted to see Tesla. It is noted that telepathy existed between the two feelings. This is an affirmation of the supernatural. On the other hand, at the end of "My Inventions", he denies the existence of this phenomenon, claiming that there is no evidence for it. This is a contradiction. Tesla, who denies supernatural phenomena, is, in a sense, materialistic and substance-centered. Therefore, his cosmology is also an inorganic, materialistic cosmology.
2. Mechanistic cosmology
For Tesla, the universe is nothing more than a giant machine with no beginning and no end. Humans are machines as well as the universe. What comes to our mind and determines our actions are direct and indirect responses to stimuli acting on our sense organs from the outside. Since the human body is similar in structure and identical in environment, we respond to similar stimuli in the same way, and it is from the unity of these responses that understanding is born:
Over time, infinitely complex mechanisms evolve. But what we call the soul or spirit is merely a collection of bodily functions. When the function ends, the soul or spirit also
The following text is also a description of dualism since Descartes and speaks to the philosophical situation:
In one of these biographical sketches, published in the ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER. I have dwelt on the circumstances of my early life and told of an affliction which compelled me to unremitting exercise of imagination and self-observation. This mental activity, at first involuntary under the pressure of illness and suffering, gradually became second nature and led me finally to recognize that I was but an automaton devoid of free will in thought and action and merely responsive to the forces of the environment. Our bodies are of such complexity of structure, the motions we perform are so numerous and involved, and the external impressions on our sense organs to such a degree delicate and elusive that it is hard for the average person to grasp this fact. And yet nothing is more convincing to the trained investigator than the mechanistic theory of life which had been, in a measure, understood and propounded by Descartes three hundred years ago. But in his time many important functions of our organism were unknown and, especially with respect to the nature of light and the construction and operation of the eye, philosophers were in the dark.28
Man, like the universe, is a machine. This is typical Cartesian-derived dualism. Man is merely an automatic machine that reacts to the forces of its environment. Many important functions of our organism are unknown and the philosopher was in the dark, especially regarding the nature of light and the structure and operation of the eye. To Tesla, the philosopher was in the dark as to the relationship between the body, the mind and the world. Man is merely an automatic mechanical puppet to stimuli from the environment. This description corresponds to Bergson's theory of the body as a sensory-motor mechanism. Tesla stays here. And so, it is the representation of the automatic mechanical puppet.
Henri Bergson (1859-1941), however, goes beyond this and makes the body central to his actions. It is not only influenced by its environment and the world, but also acts proactively. Thought in action is
thought, the movement of energy. Bergson overcame this dualism that has existed since Descartes. Tesla did not encounter Bergson but Tesla accepted the views of Jagadis Chandra Bose (1858-1937), a physicist and biologist called the father of Indian science, who approached an organic view of the universe. It is through a new apparatus called "crescograph"29 that plants, like animals, have nerves and are alive. Minerals also react and grow in the same way as animals and plants. It is an assertion that all things are alive30. Tesla, who discovered X-rays before Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (1845-1925), recognized the existence of cosmic rays and microparticles. So he reversed the inorganic cosmology and developed the theory of energy by cosmic particles, the organic cosmology.
3. Organic Cosmology
I believe that the expanding universe was created from inexistence, and that its driving energy is the energy of inexistence. This energy is the life energy, the raw flow of life that flows through all things, as described by Lao Tzu in ancient China. This life energy is organic energy that fills the universe. Physics understands it as atoms, quarks, neutrinos, and the flow and motion of fine particles. The description of cosmic energy, coincidental or inevitable, is consistent with my theory of energy. This must be the interweaving of philosophical intuition. Tesla also describes cosmic energy as follows:
Energy fills the universe. Is it static or dynamic? If it is static, there is no point in hoping. If it is dynamic (and it surely is), it will not be long before man will be able to set up machines in its natural gears31.
"I once operated a power unit using cosmic rays. Cosmic ray research is a subject very close to my heart. I was the discoverer of this type of radiation, so I naturally feel a kinship with it. As my research into cosmic ray theory progressed, I found that it was entirely justified.32
"We have learned this truth, even if plants do not realize it themselves that they live, feel, fight, and suffer, on the contrary, we have found that even substances called inorganic and believed to be non-living respond to stimuli, and there is unmistakable evidence that the life principle is at work. Thus, all matter in existence, whether organic or inorganic, living or nonliving, is sensitive to external stimuli. There is no difference between them, no break in continuity, no special life factor. All matter is governed by the same laws and the entire universe is alive.33
The concept of cosmic energy of Tesla is summed up in "the entire universe is alive" and "the organic living universe".
On the one hand, it is an inorganic cosmology, and on the other hand, an organic cosmology. And on the one hand, it denies the supernatural, while also affirming it. From the standpoint of traditional logic, this is a contradiction. It is the coexistence of negation and affirmation. This is what has made Tesla's
thought so difficult to understand. It is the coexistence of contradictions. It is extremely close to Nietzsche. Traditional logic did not accept it. Hence, it lacked widespread acceptance. However, my logic of transcendent inexistence, which recognizes the coexistence of contradictions, overcomes this contradiction.
4. Logic of Transcendent Inexistence
This cannot be explained by the European law of contradiction, the traditional Aristotelian interpretation. Usually it is either yes or no, A or B. It does not allow for the coexistence of A and B. It does not allow for the coexistence of A and B. It is either black and white. From this logic, Tesla's contradiction is incomprehensible. Is it an inorganic universe or an organic universe? However, it can be explained by the logic of inexistence or transcendent inexistence, which I insist on. If I say it is, it exists; if I say it is not, it does not exist. We cannot say it is and it does not exist. The logic that transcends existence is the logic of transcendent inexistence.
Black and white. We have always thought that the two choices are the truth. However, the color between white and black is gray. Gray is white when we speak of white and black when we speak of black. There are an infinite number of colors in between. Transcendent inexistence recognizes such dual coexistence. Conversely, the conventional theory was a limited and narrow perception. White and black are the limited colors of the infinite colors. Infinite color is the whole and white and black are only partial colors. The same is true of our perception: the infinite universe is the whole, and the universe we perceive is only a limited universe. The universe we perceive is first of all the material universe. The universe that can be confirmed materially is the inorganic (material) universe. Beyond that, the universe that is not limited to matter, the invisible realm, the materially indistinguishable universe is the whole. The organic universe is the whole and the inorganic (material) universe is the part. Tesla, while inheriting the inorganic (material) cosmology, must have grasped the organic universe in his own way, referring to Bose's theory. In a sense, this overlaps with quantum theory. This was a simultaneous intuition of quantum theory, as was the Russian geologist and atomic physicist Vladimir Vernadsky34 (1863-1945). However, from the standpoint of transcendent inexistence, the contradiction can be recognized.
On the one hand, Tesla denies supernatural phenomena, but on the other hand, he admits and describes supernatural phenomena. He said that the dream of his mother's death and the actual death of his mother were simultaneous. The coexistence of negation and affirmation can be explained by the logic of transcendent inexistence. Kitaro Nishida, a giant star of Japanese philosophy, called this logic self-
identity of absolute contradictories. But since it is difficult to understand, I call it transcendent inexistence. This logic broadens our understanding of Tesla.
IV • The Creator and the Destroyer
Tesla is the inventor, the creator but it is the destroyer of the existing old.
This is close to Nietzsche's theory of value. Nietzsche, too, in his "Thus spoke Zarathustra," says that Zarathustra is the creator of new value and the destroyer of old value. Nietzsche's father was also a pastor. Nietzsche suffered from headaches and ophthalmia all his life, similar to Tesla. It is an encounter with the inexistence of hardship and difficulty.
Tesla is a creator in that he has given birth to many inventions, but on the contrary, he is a destroyer of old devices.
1. Creation and Invention
Too much cannot be written about this. The invention of the AC motor, which has already been mentioned, the Niagara hydroelectric power plant, the fluorescent light bulb, the Tesla turbine, and the communication system, especially the global communication system, which communicates with the world in an instant and was the precursor of the Internet. Cellular phones, which are supposed to be smart phones. Helicopters and radio-controlled robots, robots with artificial intelligence, so to speak. These ideas have been around for more than 100 years. He had a negative view of atomic energy. This is one aspect of Tesla as the creator. On the other hand, its goodness, on the other hand, also makes it a deadly weapon.
2. Destruction
IV.2.1. Artificial earthquake machine
In 1894, he installed a machine that caused vibrations in the beams of his laboratory. When he turned on the machine, the building immediately vibrated. Tesla sensed the danger, he destroyed the machine immediately. The vibrations spread to the neighborhood and police officers arrived. Since the machine had already been destroyed, he was not suspected of damaging property. Experiments sometimes create a danger to the neighborhood. It seems that the neighbors also looked at him as if he was conducting strange research. Great inventions are backed by danger. Experiments on electrical discharge phenomena, though theoretically safe, are in fact extremely dangerous. The invention of dynamite of Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) also lost his brother in an explosion. In a recent study of blue light-emitting
diodes, Shuji Nakamura35, Nobel Prize winner in Physics (2014), in Japan experienced an explosion about once every two months in his laboratory. It was life-threatening research.
IV.2.2. The Earth Bisection and Destruction Method
This is a very frightening method. First, one has to marvel at the discovery of the Earth Free Oscillation36y Tesla. The earth is moving and the earth itself is also expanding and contracting at certain time intervals. One cycle of ball-shaped contraction and expansion lasts about 20 minutes. This was officially observed during a huge earthquake in Chile in 1964. Tesla had discovered the Earth Free Oscillation 1912. He set the period of oscillation at 1 hour and 49 minutes. If a large amount of explosives were detonated just before the contraction, a huge oscillation would occur. If this were repeated enough times, the earth would eventually break in half. This story sounds like something out of a science novel. Today, however, concerns about geomagnetic reversals and collisions with celestial bodies have made it far from a fantasy.
IV.2.3. Weather Control
The use of radio energy to modify atmospheric conditions to create hurricanes, tornadoes, torrential rains, etc. to inflict damage on enemy nations. If used effectively, artificial rainfall and snowfall can be made possible, which is of great benefit to agriculture.
IV.2.4. Particle beam weapons and impregnable walls of force
Once upon a time, during the administration of U.S. President Ronald Reagan, the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was announced. The SDI was a strategy to intercept the nuclear missiles of the former Soviet Union from the satellite systems that orbited the earth. It is also known as the Star Wars Program. It is a "pre-territorial interception system" using laser weapons. Tesla is an early adopter of this idea. He did not use lasers because they are diffuse but invented particle beams. This is a particle beam of electrons and other small particles accelerated to ultra-high speed and radiated to destroy the target.
My device is capable of projecting relatively large particles, or microscopic dimensional particles, and transporting trillions of times the energy of a ray of light over a small area far, far away. Thus, thousands of horsepower of energy are transferred by a stream thinner than a hair, and nothing can resist it.37
Such a beam would create an ironclad dome (Tesla Dome).
My invention requires extensive plant facilities, but once installed, it will destroy anything approaching within a 200-mile radius, be it man or machine. This device will provide a wall of force that will be invincible against any effective attack.38
This destruction is not only of industrial machinery, but, depending on how it is used, of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the dynamite of the past. He was well aware of this danger.
It is not only the head but also the body that makes us human. It is both, the head and the body. Virtue and weakness are inseparable, like power and mass. If they were separated, man would cease to be a man. 39
3. Thoughts on Peace
Tesla, thinking of his contribution to humanity through scientific invention, naturally thinks of peace. Tesla, who aimed to create the infinite and eternal inventions from the origin of inexistence, moves with the love of humanity, which is peace. It is as follows:
IV.3.1. Concern for the state of international organizations
It is particularly regrettable that a punitive policy was adopted in framing the terms of peace, because a few years hence it will be possible for nations to fight without armies, ships or guns, by weapons far more terrible, to the destructive action and range of which there is virtually no limit. A city, at any distance whatsoever from the enemy, can be destroyed by him and no power on earth can stop him from doing so. If we want to avert an impending calamity and a state of things which may transform this globe into an inferno, we should push the development of flying machines and wireless transmission of energy without an instant's delay and with all the power and resources of the nation.40
IV.3.2. Opposition to national egoism No America First, No China First
What we now want most is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of that fanatic devotion to exalted ideals of national egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife. No league or parliamentary act of any kind will ever prevent such a calamity. There are only new devices for putting the weak at the mercy of the strong.41
IV.3.3. Dream of World Peace
"I wonder if the dream of world peace will come true someday. Let us hope it will. When the light of science will dissipate all darkness, when the former nations will be united, when patriotism will be identical with religion, when there will be one language, one nation, and one purpose, then the dream will become a reality."42
It is extremely difficult for the nations of the world to become one, to have one language and one religion, but we would like to inherit his wish for peace.
(1) Every human being encounters hardship, trials and inexistence. Even the super elite have hardships of bereavement and death from immediate family members. In a different era, the Buddha lived a wealthy life as a prince. He had a wife, child, princely wealth and social status. However, when he went out of the gate and met old people, sick people and funeral processions, he realized that he, too, would eventually grow old, become ill and die. In order to overcome this emptiness, he became an ordained priest, entered the path of asceticism and attained enlightenment. The ordeal, the experience of inexistence, opened the creation of a life of enlightenment. Every human being's encounter with inexistence is a chance for creation and invention. AA does not experience these trials, difficulties, darkness and inexistence. This means that true creation and invention are impossible. Tesla was able to create and invent because he suffered from cholera, headaches and hallucinations.
(2) He himself regretted that he had not been seen by a professional psychologist or psychiatrist during his Budapest years, although he had seen doctors on occasion. These symptoms, I believe, were caused by an imbalance between the mind and the body. As he was a physicist and engineer, there is no evidence of interaction with psychologists or philosophers as far as "My Inventions" is concerned. His life period coincided with that of such intellectual giants as Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Bergson (1859-1941), and Edmund Husserl (1859-1938). He met Edison but not these philosophers. Hypothetically, if he had met them, he might have found different remedies. Freud is particularly interesting from a psychiatric point of view, since they were born in the same year and went to the same country universities, Graz and Vienna. As for Bergson, he was 23 years old when Tesla was in Paris and was in his formative years of learning, so there was no reason to meet him, but he wrote "Matter and Memory" in 1896, discussing the mind and body. Bergson here mainly addressed aphasia and the balance between memory and the psyche. There, he introduced the mystique of the psyche and memory by discussing abnormal states, memory heightened by rapid recall of past memories, and the recall of memories once seen (déjà vu) even though one has never seen them before. Bergson's memory eventually becomes reality as the flow of life, energy, or what I call the energy of inexistence, which is compatible with Tesla's cosmic energy. This cosmic energy pervades and influences all things. This energy is the flow of life and so it is the source of life, nurture and even matter. Until recently, there was a great gulf between matter and life. Such as metals and minerals were not considered biologically susceptible. However, under the influence of Bose, who is called the father of Indian science, Tesla took the position that metals and minerals react and show the same sensitivity as living organisms. Bose discovered the biological reactions of metals, animals, and plants. Further he argued that all things are imbued with life. As Lao Tzu once told us, all things have life. My energy
of inexistence, cosmology, was debunked by Bose and also supported by Tesla, the genius of invention. Tesla and Bergson never met but Bose and Bergson did. Bergson heard and appreciated Bose's lectures near the end of his life. I suppose that Bergson can appreciate my philosophy. My philosophy and cosmology were supported by the quantum theorist Niels Bohr, the Russian physicist and geologist Vernadsky, the physicist and physiologist Bose, Tesla and Bergson. Tesla's work further solidified the spread and foundation of my philosophy. Concerning the cosmology, I declare the victory of Biocosmology, Biocosmological Association in the world.
(3) Bereavement and war are tragedies and should be avoided, and efforts should be made to avoid them. However, individual deaths are beyond our control. In the case of war, too, it is the leaders who initiate it, and once it has occurred, there is no choice but to call for a cease-fire. Death, war, is always a painful lesson to be learned but it is something to be endured. But after endurance, a new world opens up.
(4) Tesla's existence teaches us how to respond wisely to AA. Tesla, the historical inventor of mankind, predicted today's Internet Society and the spread of AA 120 years ago. There is an indescribable hardship. It would be too shortsighted to say that AA is beyond human creativity, because AA is based on such existential hardships. AA can certainly provide us with convenience and less labor. However, it is not a substitute for human control over the world. It is how AA is used. While it offers convenience and abundance, it can also be very costly if used incorrectly.
(5) When you give AA the power to use military force, just one wrong move can lead to the downfall of the human race. Convenience and danger are two sides of the same coin. Like the convenience of a car, it is convenient, but if it is wrong, it is a deadly weapon. Humanity should be aware of this situation: AA's capabilities can approach humans, but in principle, they cannot exceed them. AA's ability to approach humans is possible, but in principle it cannot exceed them, because AA cannot experience existential hardship or inexistence. The encounter of suffering/ inexistence is a continuum to the Infinity, the Eternity, the Transcendent-being and Love. It is the symbol of human dignity.
People who face difficulties are creative geniuses. <Notes>
1. Kiyokazu Nakatomi, Chiba Prefectural Matsuo High School, Chiba, Japan.
2. Nikola Tesla, "My Inventions, The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla", Edited, with an Introduction,
by Ben Johnston, Hart Brothers Austin, Texas, 1919, p.28.) I sketch it "My Inventions".
Cf. Marc J. Seifer, "The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla Biography of a Genius", Citadel Kensington Publishing Corp, New York, 1998.
3. Masaaki Shindo, "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla,", Takanashi Shobo, Tokyo, 2019, p, 153
4. "My Inventions", p. 54.
5. "The Bible", St. John 11:43 - 44, Oxford World's Classics, Oxford University Press,1997.
6. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", pp. 30-31.
7. "My Inventions", p.59.
8. Masaaki Shindo, "Invention Superman Nikola Tesla", Chikuma Shobo, Tokyo, 1997, pp. 88 - 91.
9. "The Bible", Luke 15:11 - 32: Parable of the Prodigal Son.
10. Kiyokazu Nakatomi, 'Current status of education in Japan', "Nothingness and Love of Japanese
Philosophy" Lambert Academic publishing. 2020, Germany, pp. 234 - 240.
11. "My Inventions", pp. 35-36.
12. "My Inventions", p. 34.
13. "My Inventions", pp. 59-60.
14. "My Inventions", pp. 71-72.
15. Nikola Tesla, Tesla Has Plan to Signal Mars, New York Sun, July 12, 1937.
Cf. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla," p. 40.
16. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", pp, 41 - 42.
17. "My Inventions", p, 47 - 48.
18. "My Inventions", p, 48.
19. "My Inventions", pp. 60 - 61
20. J.W. Goethe, "Faust", Der Tragödie Erster Teil, Reclam,1967.
21. "My Inventions", p. 61.
22. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla," Preface.
23. Masaaki Shindo, "The Unknown Genius Nikola Tesla", Heibonsha, Tokyo, 2015.
24. "My Inventions", p. 104.
25. "My Inventions," p. 103.
26. "My Inventions", p. 105.
27. Nikola Tesla as told to George Sylvester Viereck, A Machine to End War, Liberty, February 1935.
Cf. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", Masaaki Shindo. p. 175.
28. "My Inventions", pp. 101-102.
29. Crescograph: Patric Geddes, "An Indian Pioneer of Science: The Life and Work of Sir Jagadis C.
Bose", Longmans, Green, and Co, London, 1920, Japanese version title "Father of Indian Science Bose" Translated by Masaaki Shindo, Kosakusha, Tokyo, 2009.
The crescograph is an amazing magnifying glass that Bose devised to observe changes in materials and living organisms in the microscopic world. It is capable of magnifying by a factor of about 10 million. Today's electron microscopes magnify at about 1 million times. This has confirmed that plants are also susceptible to fatigue and recovery, although until now it was believed that plants were not as susceptible as animals. This was further extended to metals and minerals
and it was confirmed that metals and minerals are also susceptible. Bose, who discovered this, is called the father of Indian science. He became a member of the League of Nations Committee on Intercultural Cooperation, along with Einstein and others, and devoted himself to improving the scientific status of Indian culture. He impressed many people, including the great writers Romaine Rolland and Bergson. Bergson heard Bose's lecture at the Sorbonne and wrote the following words: "Nature has been forced to reveal at last the secret it has jealously guarded". Bose's organic view of the universe influenced Tesla.
30. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", pp. 178-179.
31. Nikola Tesla, Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency,
delivered before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, February, 1892. Cf. "Words of
Genius Nikola Tesla", pp. 114-115.
The idea of "Energy fills the universe" is totally compatible with my theory of energy of my cosmology, "On the Synthesis of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Theory" (2008, World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul National University). This paper is included in my book, "New Horizon of Sciences by the Principle of Nothingness and Love", Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012, Germany.
32. Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System, Brooklyn Eagle, 10 July, 1932. Cf. "Words
of Genius Nikola Tesla", p. 115.
33. How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies ("Did the War Cause the Italian Earthquake?") New
York American, February 7, 1915.
Cf. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", p. 177.
34. I demonstrated that Vernadsky established by himself the quantum theory independently Niels
Bohr (1885 - 1962) in "Organic Cosmology of Vernadsky and Asian Philosophies", International
Scientific Assembly, Moscow State University, October 2023.
35. In my paper," Organizational Entrepreneurship-Management Philosophy of a Local Company in
Japan", I discussed the invention of Shuji Nakamura. This paper is included in my book,
"Nothingness and Love of Japanese Philosophy", Lambert Academic Publishing, 2020, Germany.
36. Free oscillations of the earth, Heibonsha's "New World Encyclopedia", C%AF%E5%8B%95-1184602
Geodesy. Geodetic Society of Japan.
Free vibration of the earth at regular intervals
37. Nikola Tesla as told to George Sylvester Viereck, A Machine to Endo War, Liberty, February 1935.
Cf. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", p. 108.
38. Nikola Tesla as told to George Sylvester Viereck, A Machine to Endo War, Liberty, February 1935.
Cf. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", pp. 107-108.
39. Nikola Tesla, Problem of increasing human energy, 1900. Cf. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", p.
40. "My Inventions", p. 110.
41. "My Inventions", p. 101.
42. Nikola Tesla, Problem of increasing human energy, 1900. Cf. "Words of Genius Nikola Tesla", p.
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