Научная статья на тему 'The oral skills class'

The oral skills class Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Chubchenko Yana. Olegovna

Current practice in oral skills pedagogy is discussed here in terms of how to structure an oral skill class and determine its content, along with implementing a variety of classroom activities that promote skills development, and issues related to classroom evaluation of speaking and testing via large-scale oral examinations.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The oral skills class»


Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) #4 (61), 2019

ческие реакции в процессе добровольческой деятельности, повышение социальной активности в обычной жизни, положительные оценки родителей и педагогов, инициативы участников в повышении эффективности проектов, наличие взаимопомощи, инклюзивной культуры в команде добровольцев и наличие мотивации к дальнейшей добровольческой деятельности.

Вывод: Проведенное исследование подтверждает вывод о том, что добровольчество, как форма гуманистической деятельности, основанной на принципах взаимопомощи и самопомощи, добровольной поддержки и участии в самореализации лиц с ОВЗ является распространенным и перспективным явлением в обществе и развитию социальной активности у молодых людей с ментальными нарушениями.

Проведенный анализ полученных результатов позволяет сделать вывод о том, что у молодых людей с ментальными нарушениями достаточно высокий уровень социальной активности, базирующийся, в основном, на желании помогать окружающим на добровольной основе. Участники волонтерского движения высоко оценивают значимость существования волонтерских инициатив. Были выявлены сферы общественно - полезной деятельности, которые предпочтительны волонтерам, и те, в которых они хотели бы принять участие, а также основные мотивы участия в добровольчестве - многие приходят помогать людям, общаться и получать бесценный опыт. Чаще всего волонтерами в инклюзивной среде сегодня становятся люди с инвалидностью, а также молодежь без особенностей здоровья.

Результатами реализации программы является: процесс интеграции в системе конструктивных отношений в обществе, трансляция полученных знаний; практика инклюзивного общения, формирующая основы социального наставничества и инклюзивной культуры; системный подход к инклюзивному туризму в Тюменской области; формирование новых компетенции в процессе бытовой абилитации и участия в образовательных модулях.

Список литературы

1. Азарова Е.С. Психологические детерминанты и эффекты добровольческой деятельности: автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степени канд. психол. наук. - Хабаровск, 2008. - 20с.

2. Арович, Я. Методы работы с волонтерами / под ред. М.Ю. Киселева, И.И. Комаровой // Школа социального менеджмента: Сборник статей. -Москва: Карапуз, 2004.

3. Костко Н.А., Попкова А.А. Опыт исследования социальной активности молодежных общественных объединений и молодежных сообществ// Тюмень: Печатник. — 2012.

4. Михайлова С. В. Десять советов по работе с добровольцами руководителю общественной организации

5. Официальный портал органов государственной власти Тюменской области [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://admtyumen.ru/ogv ru/society/social policv/re habilitation of disabled/more.htm?id=11534232%40c msArticle


Chubchenko Yana. Olegovna

assistant professor

Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok


Current practice in oral skills pedagogy is discussed here in terms of how to structure an oral skill class and determine its content, along with implementing a variety of classroom activities that promote skills development, and issues related to classroom evaluation of speaking and testing via large-scale oral examinations. Key words: oral skills, discussions, speeches, role plays, conversations, assessment.

When deciding how to structure and what to teach in an oral skill class, there are such questions to be considered as: Who are the students? Why are they there? What do they expect to learn? What am I expected to tech?

One of the basic things is the level of the students and their perceived needs. It is possible to determine the level by a placement test administered by the institution or by a diagnostic test given by the teacher. Also it is necessary to obtain information on learner needs by means of a student information sheet where they can report the amount of time they spend speaking English, their future goals? Their assessment of their speaking ability, confidence in speaking English, their pronunciation, listening ability.

Today, oral skills classes at all levels are often structured around functional uses of language. In non-academic context, these may include greetings, talking on the telephone, shopping, directions, and the like. With academic adults there are discussions, oral reports or presentations, etc.

When choosing textbooks or materials for teaching the oral skill class, teachers should take into account the following: if the text is appropriate for the audience, what sorts of topics can be used, if there is the focus on authentic communication. So more often teachers choose activities from a variety of sources and create some of their own material as well.

There are some major types of speaking activities that can be implemented in class: discussions, speeches, role plays, conversations.

Discussions are most common activity which is used in the oral skill class. Normally, the students are introduced to a topic via a reading, listening passages, or a video, then they get into pairs or groups to discuss a topic to come up with a solution, a response, or the like. Teachers must plan and set up a discussion activity carefully. First, planned (versus random) pairing or grouping may be necessary to ensure a successful discussion outcome. Second, students must be informed that everyone has a specific responsibility in the discussion, e.g. to take notes, report results, etc.; these decisions can be made by group members. Finally, students must understand clearly what they are to discuss, why they are discussing it, and what outcome is expected. So when planning a discussion there should be guidance beforehand and follow-up afterward. Students can be more motivated to take part in discussions if they are allowed to select discussion topics and evaluate their classmates' performance.

There are many excellent ideas for interesting discussions that can be modified to suit learners at different ability levels, e.g. the "Desert Island", where students are presented with the task of choosing 5 survivors out of a group of 10 possible candidates to start a new civilization after a nuclear war. Once groups reach a consensus, they must present their choices to the other groups and argue for them if the groups disagree. Or the "Cocktail party", where an actual social occasion is simulated. Students are given new identities, then they try to find their partner while introducing and asking questions without revealing their identity (e.g. a vegetarian and a manager of McDonald's). after students can make up a dialogue with their identities.

Another common activity in the oral skill class to be considered is the prepared speech. Topics for speeches can be various depending on students' level and the class focus. But, in any case, students should be given some freedom in determining the content of their talks. The teacher can provide the structure for the speech (narration, description, etc.) and its time limits and the students can select the content, e.g., asking students to "tell us about an unforgettable experience you had" allows them to talk about something that is personally meaningful while at the same time encourages narration and description.

Speeches can be boring for the listeners; so it can be a good idea to assign the listeners some responsibilities during the speeches. It can be done in advance, so some students can evaluate a certain speech using guidelines created by the teacher. In conclusion evalu-ators can be asked to summarize the speech content, note strengths or weaknesses, or to relate the speech topic to a personal experience.

The second type of speech is the impromptu speech. This activity provides students with more actual practice when speaking, and also it forces them to think, and to speak on their own.

Role play is the third major speaking activity. Depending on student level, role plays can be performed from prepared scripts. Real situations can be created and students can benefit from the practice.

Role-play is an effective technique to animate the teaching and learning atmosphere, arouse the interests

of learners, and make the language acquisition impressive. Incorporating role-play into the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and opportunities for a lot of language production and also a lot of fun.

Also there can be a model dialogue, presented aurally and/or in writing, after which students are encouraged to evaluate the situation so as to understand the factors affecting the linguistic choices made in the dialogue. The class can listen to and practice prototypical phrases used in the speech act, and then perform a role play as a final practice.

Conversations are the fourth major speaking activity. There is an emphasis in oral skill pedagogy on having students analyze and evaluate the language that they or others produce. It's not adequate to make students produce lots of language; they must become more met-alinguistically aware of many features of language in order to become competent speakers and interlocutors in English. Conversation, the most fundamental form of oral communication, is a kind of speaking activity which is suited to this kind of analysis.

One way to approach this activity is to assign students to find a native speaker and arrange to tape-record a 20-minute interaction with this person. Certainly, not all of the discourse resulting from this encounter will be truly "natural conversation", therefore, the teacher can encourage the student beforehand to come up with a few questions to ask the native speaker. In any case, the resulting interaction will provide a sample of spontaneous production from the learner to analyze.

The next step can be to transcribe a portion of their interaction. Once the transcript is produced, there can be different activities. Students can be asked to define "communication difficulties" and how these could have been avoided or repaired. The teacher can highlight some interesting sections in each student's transcript and then ask the students to analyze the interaction and determine why the teacher pointed them out as interesting.

Also students can be required to tape-record an interview with native speakers on a topic of their choice and then report the results to the class, e.g., learners can brainstorm some controversial issues (illegal immigration, gun control), choose the topic that most interest them? And then alone, in pairs, or in groups, survey native speakers about their opinions. The survey results can be then represented in the form of an oral presentation which in turn can be videotaped and/or audiotaped for teacher's evaluation.

When teaching speaking skills teachers should be adept at organizing class activities that are authentic, motivating, and varied. The use of authentic material must be the basis for in-class activities. Showing movies or recorded television programs can be enjoyable for students and can provide them with authentic practice in listening to native speaker speech. The teachers can also assign out-of-class learning activities, such as watching and/or listening to an English-language film, TV show, or radio program. This material then becomes input for subsequent in-class activities such as oral reports or discussions. Students can be encouraged to go to English-speaking businesses or embassies/consulates to find native speakers to observe or interact

with. Students can be encouraged to start an English club or to find an English-speaking conversation partner. Finally, the teachers can invite native English speakers to the class to give speeches, talks, or presentations, followed by questions from the students; learners can also be assigned to interview or interact with the guest speaker.

For example, there was an English club at the Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, where cadets and students could discuss with great interest topics they had chosen themselves in advance, also they could celebrate different English holidays together, watch English films with further discussion. Nowadays, there is the Global Understanding Program, where cadets and students can communicate with their international counterparts by means of videoconference. There are so many new things discovered in terms of cultural stereotypes, communication and even diplomacy. Also native speakers are invited to the class. All these help to develop MSU students and cadets' oral skills.

As for oral assessment, it's necessary to create assessment procedures which can test communicative effectiveness and communicative ability. It's necessary to mention that the results of oral assessment should be reported using terms that are clearly defined for and understandable to students.

Also there is a large-scale oral examination. It is quite a challenge for the oral skill teachers to prepare students to take it. Oral skills examinations from four international testing organizations are described here.

The University of Cambridge local Examinations Syndicate offers two large-scale speaking test. One is the oral interaction test in the Certificate in communicative Skills in English, in which candidates take part in three task-based interactions, lasting about 30 minutes: an interview with the examiner, a presentation with another candidate, and a discussion with the examiner and the second candidate. The test can be taken at one or four levels; at any given level the test taker is awarded a Pass or Fail based on the degree of skill in five areas: accuracy, appropriateness, range, flexibility, and size of contributions. The second test is a part of the Business language testing Service, a language assessment procedure for businesses and organizations to assess the English language skills of their employees, job applicants, or trainees. The 12-minute face-to-face speaking test, consisting of an interview, a presentation, and a discussion, is conducted by a trained examiner. Results are reported on a five-point scale of overall speaking ability and are supplemented with a detailed ability profile describing what the candidate should be able to do in English in the workplace.

Test of English as a Foreign language offers the Test of Spoken English. The 20-minutes test is conducted and recorded on audiotape and is composed of

12 speech-act based tasks presented in a printed test booklet and on the audiotape. Candidates are given some time to plan what to say, and then given 30-90 seconds to respond to each task. The test answer tapes are scored independently by means of five-point rating scale of communicative effectiveness. Each point contains descriptions of functional ability, response appropriateness, cohesion and coherence features, and linguistic accuracy. Results are reported as a single score on a scale of 20 to 60.

A large-scale oral examination, administered by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language Oral Proficiency Interview. It can be used to assess the language competence of teachers, workers, and students in a number of languages, including English. The 10- to 30-minute tape-recorded interview is administered by a trained Oral Proficiency Interview tester who structures the interaction to elicit the best possible performance from the candidate. Proficiency is defined at ten levels, from Superior to Novice Low. Each level is accompanied by an extensive description of what the speaker can do in various settings and with various tasks.

PhonePass English test provides an assessment of English speaking and listening ability that can be used to judge the English language ability of potential employees in the health care, hospitality, and information technology industries. The 10-minute test, which is given over the telephone and graded by a computer system, presents the candidates with a number of tasks, such as reading aloud, repeating sentences, producing antonyms of cue words, and answering questions. An overall score on a 2- to 8-point scale is reported.

In conclusion, oral skills are necessary for communication in, and with, the English-speaking world. The teachers do their best to promote the development of speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills in their students. The most profound impact on language teaching will come from the never-ending developments in technology. The teachers must remain open to these new developments in order to provide the best possible instruction for their students.


1. J. Charles Alderson, Liz Hamp-Lyons «TOEFL preparation courses: a study of washback» - Volume:

13 issue: 3, 1996. - page(s): 280-297.

2. H. Douglas Brown «Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to language Pedagogy». - Pearson Education ESL; 3 edition, 2007. - 569 p.

3. Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Marguerite Ann Snow, David Bohlke «Teaching English as a Second or foreign language» - Cengage Learning; 4 edition, 2013. - 720 p.

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