Научная статья на тему 'The new public administration paradigm directions'

The new public administration paradigm directions Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Chervyakova Olha Volodymyrivna

This article presents aspects of public administration paradigm of using disciplinary matrix, a public management model based on a feedback mechanism in the subject-subject interaction, which is the basis of theoretical and methodological establishment in public administration science (Public administration) in Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The new public administration paradigm directions»

UDC: 351

Chervyakova Olha Volodymyrivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometovskaya, 2, tel.: 0938710048, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-4368-5324

Червякова Ольга Володимирiвна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор кафедри публiчного адмж-стрування, Мiжрегiонaльнa Академы управлтня персоналом, 03039 м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвськa, 2, тел.: 0938710048, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-4368-5324

Червякова Ольга Владимировна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор кафедры публично -го администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039 г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: +380938710048, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-4368-5324


Abstract. This article presents aspects of public administration paradigm of using disciplinary matrix, a public management model based on a feedback mechanism in the subject-subject interaction, which is the basis of theoretical and methodological establishment in public administration science (Public administration) in Ukraine.

Keywords: paradigm, public administration, the subject-subject interaction, feedback to the subject-subject interaction, public administration.


Анотащя. У статт представлено аспекти парадигми публiчного управлтня за допомогою дисциплшарно! матрищ, моделi публiчного управлшня на засадах мехатзму зворотного зв'язку у суб'ект-суб'ектно'1 взаемодп, що створюють теоретико-методолопчт засади для становлення науки "публiч-не управлшня" (Public administration) в Укра'М.

K^40bî слова: парадигма, публiчне управлiння, суб'ект-суб'ектна вза-eмодiя, зворотний зв'язок у суб'ект-суб'ектно'1 взаемодiï, державне управ-лшня.


Аннотация. В статье представлены аспекты парадигмы публичного управления с помощью дисциплинарной матрицы, модели публичного управления на основе механизма обратной связи в субъект-субъектном взаимодействии, что есть основою теоретико-методологического становления науки "публичное управление" (Public administration) в Украине.

Ключевые слова: парадигма, публичное управление, субъект-субъектное взаимодействие, обратная связь в субъект-субъектном взаимодействии, государственное управление.

Target setting. Changing paradigms is the result of the rapid development of science and technology creates society with new skills, abilities and talents. The so-called skill-technological progress has created a society of innovation and information development. Modern society requires sustainable development and protection from threats. As a result, emerging sustainable society (sustainable) development and the civil public, covering all aspects of life and are presented with institutions today. Impact of intergovernmental, nongovernmental organizations on the development of civil society in Ukraine and on the interaction of state administration institutions and civil society formed the basis for the development of public administration and the need for scientific in methodological support of this process and formation the science of public administration in Ukraine.

Analysis of recent publications on issues. Fundamentals of Public Administration for the science laid Thomas Woodrow Wilson [20], the construction of the classical paradigm

in public administration investigated Patricia M. Shields [17; 18]. Among Ukrainian scientists who laid the conceptual foundations, theoretical and methodological aspects and prerequisites of public administration as a science: Atamanchuk G. [1], Baku-menko V. [2], Popov S. [2], Gaman P. [3], Nizhnik N. [4], Oluyko V. [4], Obolensky A. [5], Vashchenko K. [7], Surmin Y. [7], Knyazev S. [8], Molod-zov A. [10] and others.

The purpose of the article. This article proposes a new paradigm of public administration guidelines based on feedback mechanism in the subject-subject interaction as a theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of public administration science in Ukraine.

The statement of basic materials. As is well known paradigm (from the Greek napaSsvy^a, "an example, a model sample") is a set of fundamental scientific concepts, terms, units, and so on, that received and shared by the community or by a majority of its members.

Kuhn T. in his work "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" defines "paradigm" as the term is closely associated with the notion of "normal science." "... By introducing this term, I mean that some common examples of the actual scientific research practice — examples, that include law, theory, practical application and the necessary equipment, — all combine to give us the model, of which there are specific tradition of scientific research..." [9].

The historical background and the fundamental basis of the formation of public administration as a field of science is the science of "Public Administration", which was founded in March 1997. As a new branch of science, "Public Administration" has been listed by the order of the High Qualification Commission of Ukraine from 13.03.1997 № 86 in the list of scientist's specialists. The next step in the development of this scientific field have been identified specialty and their passports, opened graduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies for the preparation of the respective specialties in government, set up specialized academic councils, professional publications, organizing research work formed the theoretical and methodological foundations and infrastructure for the branch of science "Public Administration".

Unfortunately, today science divisions, and the field of knowledge "Public Administration" completely reformed in the industry "Public management and administration." Details will focus on public administration, which is on the one hand call time, and on the other the challenge projection globalization.

By the way, in Western Europe and the US training in academic areas is carried out mainly by the program (MPA) Master of Public Administration, and doctoral degrees in the field of public administration: the Doctor of Public Administration (DPA) and Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration (the Ph. D. in public administration), where public administration appeared in the scientific community in the 19th century.

In many countries around the world Lorenz von Stein (German scientist) recognized the founder of Science of Public Management. He defined public administration as an integrating science, in 1855, he argued that the public administration is a science, because knowledge is generated and evaluated according to scientific methods [16].

In the United States Woodrow Wilson considered the founder of the public administration. In 1887, in his article "Research Administration", he wrote about public administration: ".The future president wrote that "it is the object of administrative study to discover, first, what government can properly and successfully do, and, secondly, how it can do these proper things with the utmost possible efficiency and at the least possible cost either of money or of energy..." [20].

Formation of Science Public Administration in Ukraine requires, first of all, the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations built on components of a paradigm, a new "paradigm of public administration". The building of the disciplinary matrix a model considers detail components (guidance) of public administration paradigm, and that are institution of

civil society and public administration.

Institution — comes from the Latin institutio "device indication" in the dictionary of the Ukrainian language, institution — organization, establishment; division of the establishment [11]. At the same time, people — is a major institution of civil society.

In terms of Humanocentrism man — whether individual or community representative — should always be the goal and never — means it is Kant's ethical principles [15].

The institutions of civil society today in Ukraine are public organizations, religious and charitable organizations, creative unions, trade unions and their associations, associations, employers and their associations, community organizations, non-media companies and other non profit organizations, legalized under the law [12].

As for the state administration institutions, they are public authorities: the head of state or a collective body, legislature, executive and judiciary. In Ukraine — a president of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and central executive bodies, local authorities and other bodies of public administration in the administrative-territorial units of Ukraine; The Constitutional Court of Ukraine and courts of general jurisdiction; police and law enforcement agencies.

Interaction between state administration institutions and civil society institutions has created the possibility of subject-subject relations between them. That public administration (as opposed to public administration, where methodological aspects were based on

subject-object relationship between government and society) proposes the introduction of a new approach where methodological aspects of state determined in cooperation and equality as the authorities (state administration institutions) — and society (civil society institutions) in general.

Considering the above, the new public administration paradigm direc-tionscan represent as a disciplinary matrix (Picture 1).

Picture 1. The new public administration paradigm directions as a disciplinary matrix


a — the result of interaction between civil society institutions and state administration institutions;

n — number of civil society institutions;

m — number of state administration institutions.

The mechanism of interaction between civil society institutions and state administration institutions can be presents as a subject-subject interaction, which has built on the principle of feedback between them. For individuals, as defined in Wikipedia feedback means influence the result of the system of the nature of the operation [6].

In our case, consider the feedback as a mechanism of interaction.

Using the new public administration paradigm directions as a disciplinary matrix (Picture 1) and on the base
















of feedback mechanism, we construct a model of interaction between civil society institutions and state administration institutions and present it as a model of public administration (Picture 2).


Picture 2. The model of public administration on feedback mechanism principles





the state administration institu-

a.g — institutions of civil society; a.. — the interaction result a and a.„;

i] 0] iO7

R — Regulator.

As seen in Picture 2. The state administration institutions and civil society institutions are included in the model, which are the subject-subject interaction through the regulator. The regulator, in this case — is a tool that builds, corrects and regulates subject-subject relationship in a feedback mechanism. For example, a regulator can be: legal framework (international acts, laws of Ukraine, Decrees of the President of Ukraine, CMU, CMU regulations and other regulations); standards (international, national, sectoral, business rules, regulations, requirements, etc.); resources (natural, physical, financial, human resources), and specific tools of government, public and supranational organizations (contract programs, and even interpersonal relationships).

Based on these results, a model of public administration — is the inter-

action of civil society and public administration institutions, which is the subject-subject interaction and bases on a feedback mechanism.

Conclusions. In this way, in this article we offer the new public administration paradigm directionsin the form of disciplinary matrix and the model of public administration on feedback mechanism principles in the subject-subject interaction, thatcan be seen as theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of the science Public Administration in Ukraine.

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