УДК 69 Kharchevina E. G., Iblyaminova M.R.
Kharchevina E.G.
Student of the Department of Architecture Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia)
Iblyaminova M.R.
Teacher of the highest qualification category Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia)
Аннотация: project documentation serves as the foundation of any construction project, determining its critical technical, economic, and operational parameters. conducting an expert review of project documentation ensures the reliability, quality, and compliance of the object with modern construction standards. this article thoroughly examines the significance of expertise, analyzes its main stages and benefits, and emphasizes its importance in minimizing risks at all stages of project implementation.
Ключевые слова: construction expertise, project design, safety, cost optimization, regulatory standards.
Construction is a complex process involving many specialists and advanced technologies. However, any mistake made at the design stage can complicate project implementation and significantly increase costs. To eliminate such risks, an expert review of project documentation is conducted. This review assesses all aspects of the
planned construction, ensuring compliance with construction standards and regulatory requirements.
The Role of Expertise in Construction
The expertise of project documentation performs a key function — it identifies deficiencies that may affect construction timelines, the object's operation, and its safety. Expertise not only helps to avoid technical errors but also optimizes design solutions to achieve economic efficiency.
Main Tasks of Construction Expertise
1. Control of Compliance with Standards.
Project documentation must comply with current construction norms and regulations (SNiP, SP, GOST, etc.). Experts check how well the project aligns with established standards and requirements.
2. Assessment of Engineering Solutions.
The design of engineering systems, such as water supply, electricity, and ventilation, requires high precision. Expertise helps identify calculation flaws and prevents problems during construction and operation.
3. Analysis of Structural Elements.
Accurate calculation of loads on load-bearing structures is critical for building safety. Expertise prevents design errors that could lead to damage or destruction of the object.
4. Cost Optimization.
A review of cost estimates allows experts to eliminate unjustified expenses and reduce the likelihood of budget overruns.
Advantages of Conducting Project Documentation Expertise
1. Ensuring Object Safety.
Expertise helps identify potential threats associated with building operation and address them in a timely manner.
2. Reducing Financial Losses.
Identifying errors at the design stage avoids significant costs for correcting defects during construction.
3. Adherence to Project Timelines.
A thorough review of documentation minimizes the likelihood of problems that could delay the construction process.
4. Legal Protection of Stakeholders.
The conclusion of expertise serves as proof of the project's compliance with regulatory requirements and protects the interests of all construction participants.
Practical Importance of Expertise
For example, during the design of an office building in a major metropolis, expertise revealed errors in calculating wind loads. These deviations could have led to structural deformation and additional costs in the future. Thanks to the construction expertise, the project was revised before the construction phase began, preserving the budget and avoiding potential accidents.
Conducting construction expertise of project documentation is not merely a formal procedure but a necessary step that ensures the safety, efficiency, and reliability of construction projects. Expertise minimizes risks associated with design errors, ensures the object's compliance with regulatory requirements, and optimizes its costs. Regular and mandatory expertise is the key to the successful development of the construction industry, as well as a guarantof quality and safety for future generations.
1. Decrof the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008 About the composition of sections of the project documentation and the requirements for their content. (дата обращения: 20.12.2024);
2. Shapiro, V.L., Surkov, A.A. Technical expertise in construction: fundamentals of theory and practice. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 2019. (дата обращения: 20.12.2024);
3. Anisimov, P.V. Effectiveness of construction expertise as a risk management tool. Scientific and Practical journal "Construction Science", No. 2, 2021, pp. 45-50. (дата обращения: 20.12.2024);
4. Balakin, A.I. Legal aspects of the construction expertise of project documentation in the Russian Federation. Moscow: Yurait, 2021. (дата обращения: 20.12.2024)