УДК 616-001 DOI: 10.36028/2308-8826-2022-10-2-49-55
A.S. Al-Jaberi
Ural Federal University the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russiа Abstract
The purpose of the research is to identify the most common sport injuries and the most frequent location injury. Also, the study will show the reasons that lead to those sport injuries especially for football goalkeepers of Iraqi league for youth 2020-2021.
Materials and methods: The study involved goalkeepers of Iraqi Youth Football League aged 16-18 years. The study was conducted on the basis of 20 football clubs of youth group that takes part in 2020-2021 Iraqi Youth League. The survey descriptive approach was used because it was suitable for the goals of the study. The study was achieved depending on a random sample of 37 goalkeepers using the Steven Thompson equation. The study sample represents 92.5% of the study population. The study tool included the types of sport injuries, time, and their reasons. In order to answer the study questions, SPSS was used by calculating repetitions and percentages.
Results: Bruises are the most common type of sport injury of young football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League (95%), muscular laceration (89%). 68% of football goalkeepers of Iraqi Youth League were injured in the upper limbs and 32% of goalkeepers were injured in the lower limbs. The competitor's direct hits from and collisions with them are the common reasons of sports injuries among football goalkeepers of Iraqi Youth League (95%, 86%, respectively). 57% of football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League were injured during matches. 43% of goalkeepers were injured during training.
Conclusion: The study has reached to several conclusions including that the most common types of injury is the bruises (contusions), ruptures, and sprains. Most of injuries of goalkeepers of Iraqi league for young people are in the upper limbs.
Keywords: sport injuries, football, Iraqi League, goalkeeper, Prevention, Young players.
НАИБОЛЕЕ РАСПРОСТРАНЕННЫЕ СПОРТИВНЫЕ ТРАВМЫ ФУТБОЛЬНЫХ ВРАТАРЕЙ МОЛОДЕЖНОЙ ЛИГИ ИРАКА 2020-2021 гг. А.С. Аль-Джабери, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0001-9688-4928 Уральский федеральный университет им. первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина, Екатеринбург, Россия
Целью исследования является выявление наиболее распространенных спортивных травм и наиболее частых локализационных травм. Кроме того, исследование покажет причины, которые приводят к этим спортивным травмам, особенно у футбольных вратарей молодежной лиги Ирака 2020-2021 годов.
Материалы и методы. Объект исследования: вратари молодежной футбольной лиги Ирака в возрасте 16-18 лет. Пространственный домен: футбольные клубы молодежной группы, которая принимает участие в Молодежной лиге Ирака 2020-2021 годов и включает 20 клубов. Исследователь использовал описательный подход опроса, поскольку он соответствовал целям исследования. Исследование проводилось в зависимости от случайной выборки 37 вратарей с использованием уравнения Стивена-Томпсона. Образец исследования представляет 92,5% исследуемого населения. Инструмент исследования включал виды спортивных травм, время их возникновения и причины. Результаты анкетного опроса анализировались с использованием программы SPSS.
Результаты: ушибы являются наиболее распространенным видом спортивной травмы молодых футбольных вратарей в Молодежной лиге Ирака (95%), мышечные разрывы - 89%. 68% футбольных вратарей Молодежной лиги Ирака получили травмы верхних конечностей и 32% вратарей получили травмы нижних конечностей. Прямые попадания соперника и столкновения с ним являются частыми причинами спортивных травм среди футбольных вратарей молодежной лиги Ирака - 95% и 86% соответственно. 57% футбольных вратарей молодежной лиги Ирака получили травмы во время матчей, 43% вратарей - во время тренировки.
Выводы. В результате исследования выявлено, что наиболее частыми видами травм являются ушибы, разрывы и растяжения. Большинство травм вратарей иракской юношеской лиги приходится на верхние конечности.
Ключевые слова: спортивные травмы, футбол, Иракская лига, вратарь, профилактика, молодые игроки.
Football is considered the most popular sport in the world for both adults and young, where 270 million registered players, and more than 207 national associations [21]. The significant increase of popularity raised the participation, which leads to increased injuries [22] that leads to increase young's visits to doctors in football-related injuries. Sports injuries are one of the most serious problems facing football players, coaches and managers around the world. Football is among the games that its players suffer injuries comparison to other sports. Previous studies have shown that football has high injuries rate [13]. Football has more injuries than hockey, volleyball, [14], handball, basketball [20], rugby, cricket, softball, fencing, cycling, judo, boxing, and swimming. Football injuries negatively affect team performance [6].
The continuous increasing number of football injuries of both sexes for all age groups needs to take into consideration their consequences to take suitable measures [8]. These consequences have a negative impact on performance in addition to emergence of social and economic problems [4]. The goalkeepers suffers many different injuries during playing or and training [3]. The injuries are different in their severity; some are minor injuries that do not cause great damage, and do not need much effort or
time to be treated. But, serious injuries lead to serious damage to the player's career or even finish his professional life. Although the efforts are continuous to reduce the risk of injuries in youth sports, injuries percentage among young footballers may be higher than other team and individual sports. Most young footballers injuries are due to physical contact between players, where injuries happen during competition are higher than training [17]. All the risk factors can be aggravated by fatigue, as the risk of injury appears to be higher during the late stages of training and playing [11] as well as among players with low levels of aerobic fitness [18]. However, a little known about the epidemiology and characteristics of hand, wrist, and forearm injuries [15] in youth goalkeepers. As for young people, catching ball injuries that hit the fingers, shoulder injuries such as muscular laceration and dislocation, which resulted from falling on the ground in addition to palm joint injuries are the most common types [7].
The injuries happen when falling and the hand is extended in a direction, which is opposite to the normal range of movement whether this movement for shoulder, wrist or elbow joints. Sometimes, a fracture may happen for collarbone due to a direct blow or fall on the shoulder. A complete or incomplete dislocation may happen in the Ac-
romioclavicular joint. It may also occur as a result of a direct fall on the shoulder [5]. The goalkeeper is subject to a hand-and-toe fracture and dislocation of the fingers and elbow are rarely to occur. Dislocation of fingers might happen due to direct fall or when hit the ball [19].
Sport injuries in general and football injuries in particular represent an important and growing economic burden on health care system. Prevention of young people sports injuries has far-reaching benefits for public health, national economy, the patient, the family, and health care system. In respect to the number of children and young people participated in football, risk reduction of injuries among this large group of participants can minimize the serious complications of sports injuries [2], encourage continued participation in sport, and help improve the public health related to regular exercise. The coaches' role to limit and prevent injuries to players is easier if he is aware of the reasons of sports injuries in general, and football in particular. The coach knows the reasons of injuries that make him take action to prevent them. The current study attempts to identify the most common types, locations, time and reasons of sports injuries of football goalkeepers of the Iraqi Youth League to introduce valuable data to coaches about injuries to identify them, focusing on prevention, training improvement, and protect young players. Study questions
The goalkeepers play a significant role in the team. They are continually injured as other players in the team. Some injuries are mild and other are serious. The type of injury identifies the duration of absence. Hence, the study attempts to answer the following questions:
1. What are the most common types of sport injuries among football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League?
2. What are the injuries locations of the young goalkeepers according to their views?
3. What are the reasons of goalkeeper's injuries in the Iraqi youth league?
4.What are the times of injuries of young goalkeepers (during training or the match)? Aims:
1. Identify the most common sports injuries among football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League.
2. Identify the most common areas where the young goalkeepers have the injuries.
3. Specify the reasons of sports injuries among football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League.
The significance of the study is that it attempts to identify the most serious sports injuries among young football goalkeepers, their types, locations, time, and reasons. Such measures will minimize and avoid the risk of injuries and provide information that contributes to prevention of such injuries. Moreover, take appropriate steps to reduce the possibility and severity of injury, and the number of injuries in professional clubs by regularly updating their statistics.
Human domain: Goalkeepers of Iraqi Youth Football League age 16-18 years. Spatial domain: football clubs of youth group that takes part in 2020-2021 Iraqi Youth League and includes (20) clubs: (Naft Al-Wasat, Diwaniyah, Al-Karkh, Zakho, Al-Zawraa, Al-Talaba, Naft, Naft Al-Basra, Al-Quwa Al-jawiya, Samawah, Al-Mina, Amanat Baghdad, Naft Misan, Al-Hu-dod, Al-Qasim, Al-Senaat Al-Kahrabaea, Al-Shurta, Najaf, Erbil, and Al-kahraba). Time domain: The study was conducted from 20/9/2020 to 17/7/2021. The Study Approach The researcher used survey descriptive approach because it was suitable for the goals of the study.
The Study Population
The school population included young football goalkeepers (the club's main keeper and the first reserve goalkeeper) of Iraqi Youth League. They were 40 goalkeepers, which based on the official Football Federation and club records for the season (2020-2021). The Study Sample
The study was achieved depending on a random sample of 37 goalkeepers using the Steven Thompson equation. The study sample represents (92.5%) of the study population. The Study tool
The researcher used partially the study tool prepared by Jabali [1] in his thesis to obtain a master's degree in sports education. The researcher's focus in the this study tool was limited to the types, time, and reasons of sports injuries in young goalkeepers. The study tool consisted of four parts:
- Types of injuries: sprain, dislocation, cut, muscular laceration, bruises, abrasion, and fracture.
- Injuries locations: Upper and lower limbs.
- The reasons of injuries are: (insufficient warm- up, psychological situation, poor physical fitness, malnutrition, poor formation of training load, high level of competition, sudden movements, falling, direct hits from the competitor, and collision with the competitor).
- Time of injury: (during training or the match).
Table 1 - Repetitions and percentages of the most common sport injuries of goalkeepers of Iraqi league for youth according to the type of injury Таблица 1 - Повторяемость и частота типов спортивных травм вратарей иракской юношеской лиги (в процентах)
Players' response is represented by selecting one or more injury of upper or lower limbs, during training or the match. Study procedures:
The researchers achieved the study through the following steps:
- Going through previous studies, educational literature and discussing goalkeepers' trainers about the study topic.
- The study tool was prepared to fit the study topic, which was confirmed to be used in Al-Jibali study [1]. The study tool included the types of sport injuries, time, and their reasons.
- The study was achieved during the sports season (2020-2021). Data were collected through reviewing clubs' medical records then questionnaires distributed for all 37 goalkeepers and questionnaires retrieved.
- After collecting encoding data, they were handled statistically by SPSS software. Statistical processing
In order to answer the study questions, (SPSS) was used by calculating repetitions and percentages.
First: Results related to the First question
What are the most common types of sport injuries among football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League?
In order to answer this question, repetitions and percentages were used as shown in the results of table 1.
Table 2 - Repetitions and percentages of the locations of sport injuries of goalkeepers of Iraqi league for youth Таблица 2 - Повторяемость и локализация спортивных травм вратарей молодежной лиги Ирака (в процентах)
Type of injury Repetition Percentage
Cut 5 14 %
Dislocation 13 35 %
Contortion 29 78 %
Muscular laceration 33 89 %
Bruises 35 95 %
Muscle spasm 11 30 %
Muscle strain 9 24 %
Fracture 10 27 %
Injury location Repetition Percentage
Upper limbs 25 68 %
Lower limbs 12 32 %
Table 1 shows that bruises are the most common type of sport injury of young football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League by (95%), muscular laceration (89%), and the least common injury was cut by (14%). Major reasons are related to insufficient warm up, violent hit during playing due to precipitate and lack of experience, sudden movements, and paying little attention to warm-up exercises. It is possible that the stadium ground nature (natural or artificial grass) has an effect on some injuries [16]. Second: Findings related to the second question What are the injuries locations of the young goalkeepers according to their views? In order to answer this question, repetitions and percentages were used as shown in the results of table 2.
The results of table 2 show that (68%) of football goalkeepers of Iraqi Youth League were injured in the upper limbs and (32%) of goalkeepers were injured in the lower limbs. The above mentioned results match the Mar-om N, Williams RJ III. [9] study results, which indicated that goalkeepers' injuries are mostly happened more in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs. The main reasons of injuries are the direct contact with other players, collision with the players, falling on the goalkeeper
Table 3 - Repetitions and percentages of the reasons of common sport injuries of goalkeepers of Iraqi league for youth Таблица 3 - Повторяемость и причины общих спортивных травм вратарей молодежной лиги Ирака (в процентах)
arms, especially on the shoulder, in response to volleys and ground balls. Sometimes, one of the reasons is that the goalkeeper hits the goal's pillars, which is dangerous injury. Young goalkeepers usually attempt to catch strong balls using upper limbs especially the arms or fingers, which are likely to cause injury depending on the balls strength. Third: Findings related to the third question
What are the reasons of goalkeeper's injuries in the Iraqi youth league? To answer this question, repetitions and percentages were used as shown in the results of table 3.
Table 3 shows that the competitor's direct hits from and collisions with them are the common reasons of sports injuries among football goalkeepers of Iraqi Youth League by (95%, 86%), respectively. The least reason is related to the goalkeepers' psychological situation by (16%). These results match with the Nielson & Yde [10] study, which showed that direct contact among players causes injury. Sometimes, young goalkeepers direct collision or contact with the competitor or his team-mate during aerobics or ground balls whether in matches or training. Fourth: Results related to the fourth question What are the times of injuries of young goalkeepers (during training or the match)? To answer this question, repetitions and percentages were used as shown in the results of table 4.
Table 4 - Repetitions and percentages of time of sport injuries of goalkeepers of Iraqi league for youth
Таблица 4 - Повторяемость и процент спортивных травм вратарей иракской юношеской лиги в зависимости от периода получения травмы
Type of injury Repetition Percentage
Psychological situation 6 16 %
Poor physical fitness 21 57 %
Technique 18 49 %
Lack of sleep 17 46 %
Malnutrition 14 38 %
Direct hit from the competitor 32 86 %
High competition 14 38 %
Insufficient warm up 12 32 %
Collision with the competitor 35 95 %
Sudden movements 28 76 %
Falling 29 78 %
Injury time Repetition Percentage
During training 16 43 %
During the " match 21 57 %
Table 4 shows that (57%) of football goalkeepers in the Iraqi Youth League were injured during matches. (43%) of goalkeepers were injured during training. These findings match R. Ibrahim, et al. [12] study, which showed that the incidence of injury during matches was greater than training. The reason may be attributed to the rough play and the collision with the other players in direct hits with the competitors. The major reason of injuries in football is the direct contact among the players and direct hits from the competitors. The nature of interference, behaviour during play, the duration of the match, the playing place, and the player's position may lead to injury.
The most common types of injuries among young goalkeepers in football is bruises, lacerations, and sprain.
1. Al-Jibali, Asid. The most common Sport Injuries in Palestinian League of Professionals (unpublished M.A thesis) Al-Najah University, Palestine, 2016.
2. Clementson M, Bjorkman A, Thomsen NOB. Acute scaphoid fractures: guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. EFORT Open Rev. 2020;5(2):96.
3. F. W. Otte, S.K. Millar, and S. Klatt, "How does the modern football goalkeeper train?-An exploration of expert goalkeeper coaches' skill training approaches," J. Sports Sci., vol. 38, no. 11-12, pp. 14651473, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.
4. Fuller CW. Assessing the return on investment of injury prevention procedures in professional football. Sports Med. 2019.
5. Goodman AD, Etzel C, Raducha JE, Owens BD. Shoulder and elbow injuries in soccer goalkeepers versus field players in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, 2009-2010 through 2013-2014. Phys Sportsmed. 2018;46(3):304.
6. Hagglund M, Walden M, Magnusson H, et al. Injuries affect team performance negatively in professional football: an 11-year follow-up of the UEFA Champions League injury study. Br J Sports Med 2013.C 738.
7. Hilber F, Wiesenberg A, Kerschbaum M, et al. Functional deficits in the wrist and finger joints of goalkeepers after 20 years of playing recreational football. Sportverletz Sportschaden. 2019;33(3): 142.
8. Kuczinski A, Newman JM, Piuzzi NS, et al. Trends and epidemiologic factors contributing to soccer-related fractures that presented to emergency departments in the United States. Sports Health. 2019.C 27.
9. Marom N, Williams RJ III. Upper extremity injuries in soccer. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2018;47(10).
2. Most goalkeepers' injuries of Iraqi Youth League are found in the upper limbs.
3. Sports injuries are more frequent during matches than training.
4. Shoulder injuries because of wrong fallings, cuff knuckle injuries due to hold balls, and finger injuries because of poor ball catching.
5. The quality of sports tools like gloves, shoes, clothes, and the type of ground on which matches are played, which have great impact on injuries of goalkeepers.
6. Failure to perform medical tests and lack of use sports rehabilitation means is one of the reasons of goalkeepers' injuries that are severe, and they will be repeated, especially in the shoulder and cuff.
7. Low of technique leads to injuries.
8. Lack of strengthening shoulder and wrist joints during training will increase the chance of injuries.
10. Nielson, A. B. & yde, J. Epidemiology and traumatology of injuries in soccer. Am. J. Sports Med.1989; (17). 803.
11. Price RJ, Hawkins RD, Hulse MA, Hodson A. The Football Association medical research programme: an audit of injuries in academy youth football. Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(4):466.
12. R. Ibrahim, I. Kingma, V. de Boode, G.S. Faber, and J. H. van Dieen, "The Effect of Preparatory Posture on Goalkeeper's Diving Save Performance in Football.," Front. Sport. Act. living, vol. 1, p. 15, Aug. 2019, doi: 10.3389/fspor.2019.00015
13. Rahnama N, Reilly T, Lees A. Injury risk associated with playing actions during competitive soccer. Br J Sports Med 2002.C 9.
14. Soccer injury rates continue five-year climb. The NCAA News 1993:5.
15. Stubbe JH, van Beijsterveldt AM, van der Knaap S, et al. Injuries in professional male soccer players in the Netherlands: a prospective cohort study. J Athl Train. 2015;50(2):211.
16. T. Yamamoto, T. Matsushita, K. Ito, S. Matsushima, K. Yoshida, and R. Kuroda, "Trapezoid Fracture Associated with Scaphoid Fracture in a Football Goalkeeper," Case Rep. Orthop., vol. 2019, no. Figure 2, pp. 1-4, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.1155/2019/7949754
17. Tirabassi J, Brou L, Khodaee M, et al. Epidemiology of high school sports-related injuries resulting in medical disqualification: 2005-2006 through 2013-2014 academic years. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Nov;44(11):2925-2932. doi: 10.1177/0363546516644604.
18. Watson A, Brickson S, Brooks MA, Dunn W. Preseason aerobic fitness predicts in-season injury and illness in female youth athletes. Orthop J Sports Med. 2017;5(9).
19.White et al., "The physical demands of professional soccer goalkeepers throughout a week-long competitive microcycle and transiently throughout match-play," J. Sports Sci., vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 848-854, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1736244.
1. Al-Jibali, Asid. The most common Sport Injuries in Pal-
estinian League of Professionals (unpublished M.A thesis) Al-Najah University, Palestine, 2016.
2. Clementson M, Bjorkman A, Thomsen NOB. Acute scaphoid fractures: guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. EFORT Open Rev. 2020;5(2):96.
3. F. W. Otte, S.K. Millar, and S. Klatt, "How does the modern football goalkeeper train?-An exploration of expert goalkeeper coaches' skill training approaches," J. Sports Sci., vol. 38, no. 11-12, pp. 14651473, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.
4. Fuller CW. Assessing the return on investment of injury prevention procedures in professional football. Sports Med. 2019.
5. Goodman AD, Etzel C, Raducha JE, Owens BD. Shoulder and elbow injuries in soccer goalkeepers versus field players in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, 2009-2010 through 2013-2014. Phys Sportsmed. 2018;46(3):304.
6. Hagglund M, Waldén M, Magnusson H, et al. Injuries affect team performance negatively in professional football: an 11-year follow-up of the UEFA Champions League injury study. Br J Sports Med 2013.С 738.
7. Hilber F, Wiesenberg A, Kerschbaum M, et al. Functional deficits in the wrist and finger joints of goalkeepers after 20 years of playing recreational football. Sportverletz Sportschaden. 2019;33(3): 142.
8. Kuczinski A, Newman JM, Piuzzi NS, et al. Trends and epidemiologic factors contributing to soccer-related fractures that presented to emergency departments in the United States. Sports Health. 2019.С 27.
9. Marom N, Williams RJ III. Upper extremity injuries in soccer. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2018;47(10).
10. Nielson, A. B. & yde, J. Epidemiology and traumatology of injuries in soccer. Am. J. Sports Med.1989; (17). 803.
11. Price RJ, Hawkins RD, Hulse MA, Hodson A. The Football Association medical research programme: an audit of injuries in academy youth football. Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(4):466.
20. Yde J, Nielsen AB. Sports injuries in adolescents' ball games: soccer, handball and basketball. Br J Sports Med 1990.C 4.
21. https://digitalhub.fifa.com/rn/55621f9fdc8ea7b4/ original/mzidOqmguixkcmruvema-pdf.pdf
22. www.journalofathletictraining.org.
12. R. Ibrahim, I. Kingma, V. de Boode, G.S. Faber, and J. H. van Dieen, "The Effect of Preparatory Posture on Goalkeeper's Diving Save Performance in Football.," Front. Sport. Act. living, vol. 1, p. 15, Aug. 2019, doi: 10.3389/fspor.2019.00015
13. Rahnama N, Reilly T, Lees A. Injury risk associated with playing actions during competitive soccer. Br J Sports Med 2002.C 9.
14. Soccer injury rates continue five-year climb. The NCAA News 1993:5.
15. Stubbe JH, van Beijsterveldt AM, van der Knaap S, et al. Injuries in professional male soccer players in the Netherlands: a prospective cohort study. J Athl Train. 2015;50(2):211.
16. T. Yamamoto, T. Matsushita, K. Ito, S. Matsushima, K. Yoshida, and R. Kuroda, "Trapezoid Fracture Associated with Scaphoid Fracture in a Football Goalkeeper," Case Rep. Orthop., vol. 2019, no. Figure 2, pp. 1-4, Sep.
2019, doi: 10.1155/2019/7949754
17. Tirabassi J, Brou L, Khodaee M, et al. Epidemiology of high school sports-related injuries resulting in medical disqualification: 20052006 through 2013-2014 academic years. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Nov;44(11):2925-2932. doi: 10.1177/0363546516644604.
18. Watson A, Brickson S, Brooks MA, Dunn W. Preseason aerobic fitness predicts in-season injury and illness in female youth athletes. Orthop J Sports Med. 2017;5(9).
19. White et al., "The physical demands of professional soccer goalkeepers throughout a week-long competitive microcycle and transiently throughout matchplay," J. Sports Sci., vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 848-854, Apr.
2020, doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1736244.
20. Yde J, Nielsen AB. Sports injuries in adolescents' ball games: soccer, handball and basketball. Br J Sports Med 1990.C 4.
21. https://digitalhub.fifa.com/rn/55621f9fdc8ea7b4/ original/mzid0qmguixkcmruvema-pdf.pdf
22. www.journalofathletictraining.org.
Аль-Джабери Амиир Салах (Al-Jaberi Ameer Salah) - аспирант Института физической культуры и спорта; Уральский федеральный университет им. первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, Екатеринбург, ул. Комсомольская, 70, к. 717, 620078, E-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0001-9688-4928
Поступила в редакцию 12 апреля 2022 г. Принята к публикации 12 мая 2022 г..
Аль-Джабери, А.С. Наиболее распространенные спортивные травмы футбольных вратарей молодежной лиги Ирака 2020-2021 гг. / А.С. Аль-Джабери // Наука и спорт: современные тенденции. - 2022. - Т. 10, № 2. -С. 49-55. DOI: 10.36028/2308-8826-2022-10-2-49-55.
Al-Jaberi A.S. The most common sport injuries of football goalkeepers of Iraqi league for youth 2020-2021, Science and sport: current trends, 2022, vol. 10, no.2, pp. 49-55. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.36028/2308-8826-202210-2-49-55.