THE MODEL OF FOSTERING LEARNER AUTONOMY OF FUTURE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chekhratova O.

The article presents the characteristics of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers as a component of the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions according to the requirements of the society for professional training of highly qualified teachers. The article considers the definition of “pedagogical model”; describes the pedagogical conditions necessary for its implementation; identifies methodological approaches and principles of fostering learner autonomy, and considers theoretical conditions for the creation of the model. The article identifies the structure of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers, describes their components and relationships. It is assumed that based on using the presented model, a certain pedagogical technology will be developed to foster learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers, in order to increase the level of students’ academic achievements and motivation, as well as the ability to take responsibility for their own learning.

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40 East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 praktika sovershenstvovanija kommunikativnoj kompetentnosti. M.: Prosveshhenie, 2015, s. 183 (In Russian)

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pedagogicheskie problemy razvitija lichnosti v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve HHI veka. Kislovodsk, 2006. s. 109 (In Russian)

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9. Raven Dzh. Kompetentnost' v sovremennom obshhestve. Vyjavlenie, razvitie i realizacija/ Dzhon Raven. - M.: KOGITO-TSEPTR, 2002. s. 345 (In Russian)

10. Shishov S.E. Kompetentnostnyj podhod k obrazovaniju: prihot' ili neobhodimost'?/S.E. Shishov, I.G. Agapov//Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii. Mart-aprel' 2002, s. 58-62. (In Russian)

УДК 378.14

ГРНТИ 14.35.09

Chekhratova O.

Postgraduate Students, Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine


Чехратова Елена Андреевна

аспирант кафедры педагогики, иностранной технологии и перевода Харьковский национальный экономический университет имени Семена Кузнеца



Summary. The article presents the characteristics of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers as a component of the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions according to the requirements of the society for professional training of highly qualified teachers. The article considers the definition of "pedagogical model"; describes the pedagogical conditions necessary for its implementation; identifies methodological approaches and principles of fostering learner autonomy, and considers theoretical conditions for the creation of the model. The article identifies the structure of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers, describes their components and relationships. It is assumed that based on using the presented model, a certain pedagogical technology will be developed to foster learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers, in order to increase the level of students' academic achievements and motivation, as well as the ability to take responsibility for their own learning.

Аннотация. В статье представлена характеристика модели формирования учебной автономии будущих учителей иностранного языка как компонента организации образовательного процесса в системы высшего образования, которая обусловлена социальным заказом на профессиональную подготовку высококвалифицированных учителей. Статья рассматривает определение понятия «педагогическая модель»; описывает педагогические условия, необходимые для её реализации; выделяет методологические подходы и принципы формирования учебной автономии, а также рассматривает теоретические предпосылки для создания модели. В статье определены структурные блоки модели формирования учебной автономии будущих учителей иностранного языка, описаны их компоненты и взаимосвязи. Предполагается, что на основе использования представленной модели будет разработана определенная педагогическая технология для формирования учебной автономии будущих учителей иностранного языка, с целью повышения уровня академических достижений студентов и их мотивации, а также умения нести ответственность за процесс обучения.


~East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 41 Key words: learner autonomy, pedagogical model, pedagogical conditions, motivation, responsibility, future teachers professional training.

Ключевые слова: учебная автономия, педагогическая модель, педагогические условия, мотивация, ответственность, профессиональная подготовка будущих учителей.

Introduction. As the modern system of education is being transformed, both teachers and students face a lot of problems connected with the pace and the quality of those changes. All the participants of the teaching-learning process are ready to move forward, but they may not know how to do it easily and efficiently. And, although, we are familiar with the term "student-centered learning" [3,16,20], it does not mean it is applied.

Professional training of future foreign language teachers is a major concern nowadays as mastering a foreign language is a key to successful personal development, which increases the chances of future employment [6, p. 33].

Teacher training programs are aimed at forming their professional competences, the development of motivation, responsibility, the ability to control and monitor. It is also essential that a future teacher knows how to work with his/her creative potential as teaching and learning process is always connected with development, improvement, creation. This explains the purpose of the article to create an up-to-date model of training highly qualified foreign language teachers, which will help to foster learner autonomy ensuring their ability for self-development. Thus, the study has to analyze the definition of "pedagogical model" to extract its components and pedagogical conditions for presenting the model; to reveal relationships between the model components, their influence on the whole teaching and learning process to foster learner autonomy.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

The reference literature defines the term "model" as an imaginary image/description/diagram, etc. of an object, process, or phenomenon used as its "representative" [21, p. 683]; a scheme, specially created material or mental object that presents essential properties, visual characteristics and relationships of elements and functions of the original object to achieve a new result [24].

From the pedagogical point of view, the basis of the model is a scientifically based theory of personality-oriented learning, which is realized with the help of both traditional forms, methods and means and innovative technologies [18].

In its turn, pedagogical modelling is a creative process of designing with a particular purpose. It is based on the previous analysis to ensure the reflection of the object qualities and characteristic components that determine the functional orientation of the object [7, p. 19]. Teachers use modelling to solve problems of planning, organizing and optimizing the educational process [15].

In pedagogical research, modeling combines theoretical and empirical knowledge which allows to adequately describe and properties, qualities, components of a system, obtain information about its

current state and conditions of functioning and development [12, p. 92].

Scholas emphasize that modelling always begins with defining the goal and assuming the result we plan to achieve. Then, we identify the properties of the object of the study, establish relationships between these properties and idealize them in the form of a diagram, graph, table, etc. [15], determine the elements of the system, their relationships [4].

It is important to note that a created model must have such properties and components which can be easily adapted in case of changing the process direction, internal or external factors or specification of the goal [10]

The creation of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers is based on the modelling process by H. Yelnykova [23], where the modelling is a creative process which contains a certain algorithm reflecting the relationships of the components.

Results and discussion. Taking into account the above-mentioned facts, we have developed a model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers. The presented model is an open system created to improve the skills and abilities of future teachers to increase the effectiveness of education in general, and the students' ability to use the acquired skills in their future professional activities.

The developed model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers is a set of psychological, pedagogical and managerial actions that accompany the professional training of a teacher. The model is aimed at regulating the mechanisms of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers in the course of their University studies.

We assume that model implementation will be effective if we clearly define the purpose of future teachers training; analyze the current state of students' skills; define a specific direction of the course; receive and provide systematic feedback; ensure the processing of the acquired information.

The use of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers ensures improvement of the quality of education; adaptation of the content of the studied subjects; interaction of all structural elements of educational process.

The model contains 5 blocks which are explained with subsystems.

The first block defined the purpose of creating the model - fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers based on the need of highly qualified teachers and implementation of student-centered learning.

The block explains the concepts, methodological approaches and principles taking into account while making the model as well as determines theoretical background of leaner autonomy and the current level of

42 East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 students' skills.

The following methodological approaches to the realization of the goal of the model were determined: competency-based approach, dialogic approach, personality-oriented approach, communicative approach, interdisciplinary approach, axiological approach, qualimetrics approach, systematic approach. Let us consider the approaches in more details.

The competency-based approach is the basis of the model, as competencies are the result of education. The use of this approach ensures the implementation of the Law of Ukraine on State Language Policy, namely the implementation of language education strategies; creation of positive environment for mastering a foreign language; improvement of the content of language education; improvement of educational technologies used for acquiring foreign language communicative competence [14].

The dialogic approach ensures humanistic and democratic styles of teacher-student relationships in the educational process, when students can ask their mentor for help and are not afraid of biased, subjective criticism. The dialogic approach promotes the formation of positive learning environment as all the members of teaching and learning process learn to listen and to be heard, to understand, to analyze, to productively interact and to help, support and motivate.

Dialogue is the basis of building relationships in student-centered learning, so authoritarian style of communication should be excluded. Pedagogical interaction and cooperation are the basis of a dialogical approach, as students and mentors become partners, influencing each other's personal and professional development.

We turn to a personality-oriented approach, revealing the role of a student in the educational process, their responsibility, creativity, preferences, own learning goals. The approach is aimed at the development of highly intelligent personality [1, 2]. Now the right of each participant of the educational process is recognized and allows him/her to be a person who is capable of making choices, has the right to realize their own motives and values, to form a unique attitude to life [12, p. 97].

The use of personality-oriented approach defines a teacher as a mentor builds the relationship with the learners based on the principles of cooperation and freedom of choice (educational goals, educational content, learning trajectory, learning strategies, educational materials) to meet educational and personal needs.

By adapting the education materials, we increase the level of efficiency of the educational process as a whole, as well as have a positive impact on the training of future teachers. By activating interest in future professional activity, developing creativity and initiative, we give students the right to choose at each stage of the educational process. [1].

The implementation of the principles of communicative approach is determined by development of potential opportunities for future teachers, their desire for self-improvement and



achieving a certain level of professional competence. Offering the tasks related to teachers' professional activities, we ensure professional motivation, stimulate the development of creative potential, form the professional orientation of an individual [11, 13].

The application of the interdisciplinary approach is explained by the fact that the professional activity of a foreign language teacher is not limited to teaching one discipline only, but to a wider range of subjects, issues of different topics. realities in an interdisciplinary context.

As higher education is defined as a set of systematized knowledge, practical skills, professional qualities and ethical values [25], axiological approach is vital for successful professional training. Education is a part of value orientation process of an individual, thus, the application of the axiological approach contributes to the formation of orientations for continuous professional development, self-awareness as a future specialist [22, p. 371]. Applying this approach in future teachers training program, we form a special attitude to their own learning, self-development and continuous improvement of already acquired skills.

To verify the obtained data, we use qualimetrics approach, which allows to express the quality of the studied object despite the multiplicity of its properties and characteristics [11]. Thus, we can consider the formation of learner autonomy skills as a qualitative phenomenon consisting of a group of indicators of lower level. The use of such approach allows to bring the necessary accuracy in understanding, monitoring and interpreting data.

The unity of the methodological approaches determines the use of a systematic approach which ensures interconnection of all the above-mentioned elements joint with a common goal.

The outlined methodological approaches verify the use of certain methodological principles in the process of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers. The selected principles are based on the basic principles of the concept of education in Ukraine and are divided into general didactic principles (conscious participation in the education process; thorough acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities; accessibility and individuality; systematization and continuity) and specific principles (motivation of activity, professional adaptation, cooperation, priority of practice).

The principle of motivation of activity is realized via students' involvement in all the stages of education process, from planning to control, as well as adaptation of educational materials, use of ICT as motivation is the basis of forming learner autonomy skills. The research [5] has shown that intrinsic study motivation is a key component of successful future professionals training and it helps to achieve better academic results.

By motivating students and involving them in active cooperation, we also implement the principle of professional adaptation, when a student considers a task not only from the point of view of a learner (difficult / not difficult or interesting / not interesting), but also



from the teacher's point of view, assessing task effectiveness, correctness, complexity, compliance with age and personal characteristics of a learner.

Student-centered learning is impossible without the introduction of the principle of cooperation - active interaction of a teacher with students, on-going feedback both from a teacher and students, and cooperative discussion of educational issues and problems in order to maintain positive educational environment.

An important issue in the process of forming future IM teachers is the formation of their foreign language communicative and professional competencies, so we must turn to the principle of priority of practice, which provides an opportunity to implement the acquired knowledge in practice, improving them not only extracurricular time. By motivating students to practice, self-development and reflection, we provide better professional training for highly qualified specialists. Moreover, learner autonomy skills can help choose and combine the types of speech activities needed to quickly and effectively achieve the communicative and educational goal, as well as analyze the needs and achievements of their colleagues.

The content block of the model describes the components of learner autonomy: psychological (motivation, reflection, self-control, self-correction), methodological (methods and techniques of learning) and communicative (the ability to discuss educational issues and problems) [9]. All components are interconnected and are essential for developing learner autonomy.

The procedural block describes the sequence of actions and activities to achieve the common goal -foster learner autonomy of future teacher. The block components were distinguished according to M. Meskon theory [8], where the following management stages are determined: planning, organization, motivation, control. We have changed the order of the stages, as we believe that motivation is the basis of forming learner autonomy skills.

Creating a positive education environment, trustworthy relationship between the participants of the teaching and learning process, motivating the student to interact is essential in fostering the skill. Choosing an individual trajectory of study, the student has the opportunity to pay attention to what he/she is really interested in, and thus increase intrinsic motivation, realizing their own academic goals. In the educational process, the students begin to understand how and why to perform certain learning tasks, to effectively use reflection, self-assessment and self-correction [19, p. 222].

The next stage is planning where first the overall study purpose determined, and then each student outlines their own educational goals. That goals can and should be different, as they are be related to the individual needs of each student, their values, individual learning trajectory, etc. The defined goals determine the choice of tools, forms and methods of the work.

East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 43

Implementing the organizational stage of the procedural block our task is to adapt the direction of the training program for future foreign language teachers and the content of the discipline (its modules, educational materials, sequence of tasks and assignments). This means that existing methodological complexes and textbooks are to be adapted with appropriate tasks or instructions, expanding the study opportunities.

It is advisory that the educational environment is interactive - ICT provides more opportunities for the development of responsibility, reflection, and mastering a foreign language. One more benefit of the interactive educational environment is the ability to quickly adjust the content and direction of activities. The interactive learning environment can be created via Google cloud services (Google Class, Google Forms, YouTube).

The final stage of this block is control (assessment from a teacher, peer and self-assessment). Self-assessment not only increases the level of academic achievement of students, but also allows them to better identify their own problems, mistakes and education issues in order to eliminate them in the future. Students should receive professional, objective and adequate feedback from a teacher in order to learn to analyze their own and their peers problems as well as to make conclusions about the educational process and ways of its improvement.

The next block of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers is diagnostic. It defines the criteria for learner autonomy formation, its level and diagnostic tools to be used in pedagogical technology. The block contains components, criteria and indicators of learner autonomy levels (teacher-dependent, group, individual) [17, p. 91-96]. Thus, we determined the cognitive, linguistic and socio-cultural, personal criteria of learner autonomy.

The psychological component of learner autonomy characterizes the ability of an individual to determine the nature of study motivation, analyze the learning process, reflect, assess their own success. Thus, here we use the personal criteria: the awareness of the importance of intrinsic motivation; interest in the content of learning (willingness to take responsibility for their own learning); the ability to analyze learning achievements (reflection, self-assessment, self-control, self-correction).

The communicative component determines the linguistic and socio-cultural criteria necessary for fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers: foreign language communicative competence (the level of academic achievements); awareness of the role of practice in foreign language communication (readiness to communicate in a foreign language).

The methodological component characterizes the cognitive component: the ability to set goals and plan, the ability to select and adapt educational materials and the ability to monitor educational process.

To ensure the successful implementation of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign

44 East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 language teachers in the educational process, the following pedagogical conditions should be met: creating positive educational environment, increasing the level of students' responsibility for the learning; implementing the components of learner autonomy in the content of education.

Conclusions and prospect for further research. Individual and professional development of a future teacher is vital for successful organization of teaching and learning process, thus, it is necessary to change the paradigm of professional training.

Developing the model, we assume that a teacher and students are partners with equal rights and the teaching and learning. While interacting, a teacher/mentor and students learn about the educational needs of each other and can set common and individual learning goals to adapt the educational content, make the learning process more beneficial and develop confidence and establish trustworthy relationship.

The constructed model reveals the essential characteristics of the process of fostering learner autonomy during the educational process. It is and open and dynamic system that reflects the unity of theoretical and empirical approaches to its construction and has interconnected structural components. The model is interdisciplinary (it is not limited to one particular subject as it describes the general trends in teaching various professional disciplines). The model is based on the demands of society and takes into account the needs of all participants in the teaching and learning process.

To successfully implement the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers we emphasize the fact that a prior analysis should be carried out to diagnose learner autonomy level, study motivation and students' ability to reflect.

The expected results of the introduction of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers are positive dynamics of students' academic achievements and the increase of their study motivation.


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Вера Алексеевна Шерегова

профессор кафедры Александра Игоревна Постельняк

старший преподаватель Светлана Вадимовна Медведева

старший преподаватель Тюменский государственный институт культуры, кафедра спортивного и современного танцев


Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются важные аспекты деятельности хореографа. Профессиональная сфера современного педагога-хореографа вбирает в себя целый комплекс самых разнообразных видов деятельности. Наряду с сугубо образовательной деятельностью и организационно-творческими аспектами специалисту необходимо выполнять множество других функций, требующих соответствующих профессиональных компетенций. Компоненты профессиональной компетенции, современного педагога-хореографа должны постоянно совершенствоваться. Компоненты профессиональной сферы педагога-хореографа в итоге интегрируются в индивидуальный стиль профессиональной деятельности хореографа.

Ключевые слова и понятия: хореограф, функции хореографа, профессиональная деятельность хореографа, компетенции хореографа, индивидуальный стиль профессиональной деятельности хореографа

Актуальность исследования.

Хореографическое искусство представляет собой одну из наиболее сложных форм обучения и воспитания. Танец не только включает в себя широкий набор двигательных элементов, но и способствуют развитию практически всех физических качеств: силы, гибкости, выносливости, скоростно-силовых и

координационных способностей. Наряду с физическим развитием спортивные танцы оказывают непосредственное воздействие на нравственное, умственное, эстетическое, волевое воспитание [Bl^d! Nie mozna odnalezc zrodla o dwolania.]. Помимо непосредственно

образовательной деятельности, хореограф выполняет большое количество организаторских и административных функций, взаимодействуя со специалистами смежных для искусства профессий: визажистами, костюмерами, режиссерами, декораторами, художниками, осветителями и др. Формирование указанных способностей у занимающихся требует от педагога-хореографа развитых профессиональных качеств, которые позволяют как эффективно управлять

педагогическим процессом, так и своевременно вносить коррективы, направленные на его совершенствование. Профессиональные

компетенции, которыми должен обладать педагог-хореограф включают знания, умения и навыки по постановочной, репетиционной, исполнительской, педагогической, организационно-руководящей и исследовательской деятельности [11]. В существующих условиях ключевой задачей образования становится совершенствование системы подготовки и повышения квалификации, учитывающие специфику проблем, с которыми приходится сталкиваться в профессиональной деятельности педагогам-хореографам.

Изученность темы. Общие закономерности педагогического процесса в высшей школе, рассматриваются в научных трудах Н.Е.Астафьевой, В.И.Загвязинского,

Н.В.Кузьминой, В.Д.Шадрикова и др. Общетеоретические основы профессиональной подготовки педагога-хореографа о развитии, обучении и воспитании хореографической культуры, артистизма и профессионального мастерства обучающихся изложены в трудах А.В.

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