Parmanova A.B.
master student
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
The article describes the model of future foreign language teachers' foreign language communicative competence development through case-study technology. The model is based on objective, conceptual, subject-content, process-technological, and performance-evaluation blocks.
Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, case study.
Proficiency in a foreign language is currently one of the main tasks of professional training in a modern university. The presence of a foreign language communicative competence provides an opportunity for them to participate in international general cultural and professional communication to meet professional needs, as well as further professional self-improvement.
In the field of a foreign language, the result of training is the formation of a foreign language communicative competence. Increasing the level of foreign language communicative competence is the goal of the personal and professional development of the teacher of the foreign language.[1]
Training of a future foreign language teacher aimed at mastering foreign language communicative competence is possible if a certain model of the object under study is constructed.
We believe that for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of future foreign language teachers, the content of the work should be focused on the implementation of the approaches and principles of the implementation of foreign language communicative competence of teaching a foreign language at the university. The main approaches are competency-based, contextual, and linguoculturologi-
cal approaches. The implementation of the competence-based approach is manifested in the orientation of the training system to the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher and all its components, as well as in the allocation of communicative competence as a system-forming. The contextual approach is an approach focused on the professional training of students and implemented through the gradual saturation of the educational process with elements of professional activity. The linguoculturological approach is one of the most effective approaches aimed at developing and improving the skills and abilities of intercultural communication through the study of a foreign language as a cultural phenomenon.
The most important of principles are the following: 1) the communicative principle most clearly demonstrates the learning process through educational communication activities that are close to real, which is a necessary condition for objective knowledge of the linguistic culture of the language being studied; 2) the personality centered principle proceeds from the fact that a person is the center of their personal development; 3) the cognitive principle contributes to the spiritual and social formation of the individual.
Figure 1. Model of formation of foreign language communicative competence
In the structure of the model of foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher, the following blocks are distinguished: aim, conceptual, subject-content, process-technological, and performance-evaluation blocks. Let's consider the named blocks of the model to the methodology of forming professional and communicative competence among undergraduate students-future teachers of a foreign language.
The aim aspect is represented primarily by the learning goal. The main purpose of teaching a foreign language is to engage in specific activities - the transmission and receipt of information using a foreign language, that is, participation in the communication process. A foreign language lesson has a special specificity that a foreign language teacher should take into account in the course of their activities. Currently, the global goal of mastering a foreign language is to introduce a different culture and participate in the dialogue of cultures. This goal is achieved by developing the ability to cross-cultural communication. It is teaching, organized based on knowledge of a communicative nature, teaching foreign language communication, using all the necessary methods and techniques that are a distinctive feature of a foreign language lesson. [2]
Based on the structure of the foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher, we have identified several functions in which this competence is implemented. The blocks of foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher named by us will influence the performance of these functions. The functions we have identified are divided into two groups: goal-setting and operational-structural functions. Goal-setting functions include: teaching, developing, and nurturing functions. Operational and structural functions include organizational and supervisory functions.
Competence-based, contextual, and linguocul-turological approaches to teaching a foreign language and the principles of implementation form the concep-
tual block of the model for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher.
The subject-content block consists of the subject and procedural aspects. The subject aspect includes topics that provide professional interest for students, communication situations, and problem tasks. The procedural aspect includes the knowledge, skills, abilities, and qualities of the individual.
Within the framework of the topics offered to students of the 3rd year, we define the subtopics of the content of professional training, which should be the subject of consideration in foreign language classes. Each professional sub-topic includes a set of case tasks aimed at developing a certain skill (communicative).
The process-technological block includes the technology of training and the methods implemented in the exercises, the stages of training, as well as the forms of interaction. The process component is implemented through stages, techniques, and a system of exercises.
In the process of forming a foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher according to the proposed model, various forms of educational interaction are used. The group form of work is preferred during the general discussion of professionally oriented information. When performing tasks of a creative nature, work is organized in small groups. When working with receptive tasks or tasks that require preliminary preparation, the individual work of students plays an important role. [3]
In the course of our research, we also identified three levels of formation of foreign language communicative competence of university undergraduate students, in particular: low, medium, and high levels of formation of foreign language communicative competence. [4]
Indicators of the formation of foreign language communicative competence are speech skills; interaction in a group; problem identification and decision-making; search for information sources; information processing and decision-making (Figure 2).
Indicators High level Medium level Low level
Speech skills Can communicate in many situations. Can participate in dialogues on a familiar topic without prior training Can communicate in simple typical situations within the framework of familiar topics and activities. Student can maintain an extremely brief conversation an everyday topic Can take part in the dialogue if the interlocutor helps to conduct the conversation (repeats his statement and helps to formulate a remark). Students can ask simple questions and answer them.
Interaction in a group Offers questions for discussion in the group reasonably reject ideas. Understands the main points of clearly pronounced statements. Asks simple questions in a group discussion, understands individual phrases and the most common words. Checks the adequacy of the understanding of others. Does not participate enough in group discussion, understands some familiar words and very simple phrases.
Problem identification and decision-making Describes the desired and actual situation. Formulates the purpose and objectives of the activity Demonstrates an understanding of the problem and the sequence of actions to solve it. Demonstrates understanding of the problem. Sets tasks, the solution of which is necessary to achieve the goal.
Search for information sources; Extracts information from one or more sources and organizes it. Indicates the inconsistency of the information. Gets additional information in the dialog by asking questions. Realizes the lack of information, independently searches for sources of information. Does not realize the lack of information or uses the proposed method to get information from a single source.
Information processing and decision-making Interprets information in the context of its activities, provides arguments, and draws conclusions. Selects from the available redundant information necessary to solve the problem identifies arguments in it that justify a certain conclusion Finds the Russian source of information and translates it with an automatic translator. Do not process the received information.
Figure 2. Indicators of the formation offoreign language communicative competence
The model of formation of a foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher developed by us is characterized by integrity (all its blocks are interconnected and aimed at the final result), functionality (serves as the implementation of the functions), pragmatism (acts as a means of organizing practical actions aimed at achieving the desired result) and openness (built into the context of professionally training in higher education and is connected with the external socio-cultural environment). Despite the relative independence of individual elements, the overall structure of the created model assumes an unambiguous interpretation in the sequence of transition from one block to another to solve problems aimed at achieving the designated goal. [5]
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2. Galskova, N. D. Theory of teaching foreign languages: linguodidactics and methodology [Text]: textbook / N. D. Galskova, N. I. Gez - - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004- - 336 p. [Published in Russian]
3. Methods of teaching foreign languages in primary and basic secondary schools [Text]: a textbook for students of pedagogical colleges/ed. by V. M. Filatov. - Rostov n/A: Phoenix, 2004 - - 416 p. [Published in Russian]
4. Modern languages: learning, teaching, assessment. A common European framework of reference [Text]. - Strasburg, 1996. - 260 p. [Published in Russian]
5. Solovova, E. N. Methodology of teaching foreign languages: a basic course of lectures [Text]: a manual for students of pedagogical universities and teachers / E. N. Solovova. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Pros-veshchenie, 2005. - 239 p. [Published in Russian]