Научная статья на тему 'The memorization of syntactic structures in learning French as a foreign language'

The memorization of syntactic structures in learning French as a foreign language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bajrami Bade, Gashi-Berisha Valbona, Birova Jana

Introduction. The principle objective of this study is to indicate the role of constructing a procedural model which would give a specific form to a more complex syntactic structure while facilitating its memorization at an advanced level of language studies, even at a university. Materials and Methods. The study is based on modeling the educational process at the university level. Results. The study reveals some difficulties in using certain French syntactic structures for Albanian learners. The authors provide the characteristics of an advanced language learner. Learning is considered as having two stages: the first stage consists of general procedures producing syntactic structures in order to construct a model or strategy of memorization (initial procedural rule); the second stage teaches this model through repetitive exercises. The analysis of such difficulties in grammar and the proposal of a strategy facilitating learning of FLE will allow Albanian learners to express themselves in French and become well-qualified teachers. Our goal is to offer students some tools they need to find out rules by themselves, acquire the ability to make forms or syntax turns to apply them and put them into practice. Conclusions. The authors intend to help students understand solid foundations of linguistic analysis, to familiarize them with syntactic structures of the most difficult expressions in the French grammar applying its fundamental rules and translating them in a precise and pleasant way to hear. Keywords

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Запоминание синтаксических структур при изучении французского языка как иностранного

Проблема и цель. Основная цель проведенного исследования определить значение и показать важность построения не конкретного правила, а процедурной модели, которая придала бы конкретную форму более сложной синтаксической структуре, облегчая ее запоминание на продвинутом уровне обучения, даже в университете. Методология. Авторами применяется моделирование образовательного процесса в университете. Результаты. Авторами исследования представлены выявленные трудности использования некоторых французских синтаксических структур албанскими студентами. Авторы приводят значимые характеристики изучающего язык на продвинутом уровне. Предполагается, что образовательный процесс состоит из двух этапов: первый этап состоит из общих процедур, создающих синтаксические структуры для построения модели или стратегии запоминания (первоначальное процедурное правило); второй этап учит этой модели через повторяющиеся упражнения. Анализ таких трудностей в грамматике и предложение стратегии, облегчающей изучение FLE (французского языка как иностранного ( FFL French Foreign Language)), позволят албанским студентам лучше выражать себя на французском языке и в конечном итоге стать хорошо подготовленными преподавателями. Наша цель состоит в том, чтобы предложить студентам инструменты, необходимые им для самостоятельного выяснения правил, приобретения способности создавать формы или синтаксические повороты и применять их на практике. Заключение. Мы стремимся помочь студентам понять прочные основы лингвистического анализа, познакомить их с синтаксическими структурами наиболее сложных выражений французской грамматики, соблюдая при этом ее фундаментальные правила, переводя их в точном и приятном для слуха виде.

Текст научной работы на тему «The memorization of syntactic structures in learning French as a foreign language»

Science for Education Today

2019, том 9, № 2


ISSN 2658-6762

© Б. Байрами, В. Гасхи-Берисха, Я. Бирова

DOI: 10.15293/2658-6762.1902.13

УДК 81+378.2


Б. Байрами, В. Гасхи-Берисха (Приштина, Косово), Я. Бирова (Трнава, Словакия)

Проблема и цель. Основная цель проведенного исследования - определить значение и показать важность построения не конкретного правила, а процедурной модели, которая придала бы конкретную форму более сложной синтаксической структуре, облегчая ее запоминание на продвинутом уровне обучения, даже в университете.

Методология. Авторами применяется моделирование образовательного процесса в университете.

Результаты. Авторами исследования представлены выявленные трудности использования некоторых французских синтаксических структур албанскими студентами. Авторы приводят значимые характеристики изучающего язык на продвинутом уровне. Предполагается, что образовательный процесс состоит из двух этапов: первый этап состоит из общих процедур, создающих синтаксические структуры для построения модели или стратегии запоминания (первоначальное процедурное правило); второй этап учит этой модели через повторяющиеся упражнения. Анализ таких трудностей в грамматике и предложение стратегии, облегчающей изучение FLE (французского языка как иностранного (FFL French Foreign Language)), позволят албанским студентам лучше выражать себя на французском языке и в конечном итоге стать хорошо подготовленными преподавателями.

Наша цель состоит в том, чтобы предложить студентам инструменты, необходимые им для самостоятельного выяснения правил, приобретения способности создавать формы или синтаксические повороты и применять их на практике.

Заключение. Мы стремимся помочь студентам понять прочные основы лингвистического анализа, познакомить их с синтаксическими структурами наиболее сложных выражений французской грамматики, соблюдая при этом ее фундаментальные правила, переводя их в точном и приятном для слуха виде.

Ключевые слова: модель обучения; основы лингвистического анализа; синтаксическая структура; сравнение; французский язык как иностранный.

Баде Байрами - доктор наук, доцент кафедры французского языка и литературы, факультет филологии, Приштинский университет в Приштине, Косово. E- mail: [email protected]

Валбона Гасхи-Берисха - доктор наук, доцент кафедры французского языка и литературы, факультет филологии, Приштинский университет в Приштине, Косово. E- mail: [email protected]

Яна Бирова - PhD, доцент кафедры французского языка и литературы, факультет филологии, Университет Кирилла и Мефодия в Трнаве, Трнава, Словакия E- mail: [email protected]

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2019, том 9, № 2


ISSN 2658-6762


1. Aliyeva N. A. Adjectival nodes in structural linguistics // Xlinguae. - 2017. - Vol. 10, Issue 3. -P. 357-371. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.30

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3. Cuq J.-P., Gruca I. Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde. Collection FLE. -Grenoble: PUG (Presse Universitaires de Grenoble), 2005. - 504 p. ISBN 2706113014, 9782706113017, bibliogr. (Français langue étrangère)

4. Grevisse M. Le bon usage. Dixième édition. - Belgique: Duculot, S.A. Gembloux, 1975. ISBN 28011-0042-0

5. Bartning I. L'apprenant dit avancé et son acquisition d'une langue étrangère // Acquisition et interaction en langue étrangère. - 1997. - № 9. - P. 9-50. URL: http://j ournals.openedition.org/aile/1316

6. Lah M. Raising awareness in university students of languages [La conscientisation des apprenants de langue au niveau universitaire] // Xlinguae. - 2017. - Vol. 10, Issue 4. - P. 320-335. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.26

7. Lojova G. Application of selected principles of the learner-centred approach to English grammar teaching // Xlinguae. - 2017. - Vol. 10, Issue 4. - P. 278-286. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.23

8. Semenova N. V., Grigoryeva N. O. The subjective time in a sentence [Субъективное время в предложении] // Xlinguae. - 2017. - Vol. 10, Issue 2. - P. 101-111. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18355/XL.2017.10.02.09

9. Tomescu A.-M., Ilinca C.-E. The use of numbers in idiomatic expressions (a contrastive study of French, English and Romanian) [Emploi des nombres dans les expressions idiomatiques (approche contrastive français-anglais-roumain) ] // Xlinguae. - 2018. - Vol. 11, Issue 1XL. - P. 336-346. URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85041998454&origin=resultslist& sort=cp-f&src=s&st1=The+use+of+numbers+in+idiomatic+expressions+&st2=&sid=26ac62b3 dfdcb6aed57e59364680635a&sot=b&sdt=b&sl=59&s=TITLE-ABS-KEY%28The+use+of+ numbers+in+idiomatic+expressions+%29&relpos=37&citeCnt=0&searchTerm=

10. Vikulova E. A., Chiglintseva E. S. That multifacet English like: how do you like it? // Xlinguae. -2017. - Vol. 10, Issue 3. - P. 348-356. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18355/XL.2017.10.03.29

11. Reboullet A. Guide pédagogique pour le professeur de français langue étrangère. - Paris: Hachette Éducation. coll. F. Pratique pédagogique, 1984. ISBN 10 : 2010004566 ISBN 13 : 9782010004568 http://www.atilf.fr/cilpr2013/actes/section-2/CILPR-2013-2-Julia.pdf

12. Reboullet A. Teaching guide for the teacher of French as a foreign language. - Paris: Hachette Education. al. F. Pedagogical practice, 1984. ISBN 10: 2010004566 ISBN 13: 9782010004568

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Science for Education Today

2019, Vol. 9, No. 2 http://en.sciforedu.ru/ ISSN 2658-6762

DOI: 10.15293/2658-6762.1902.13

Bade Bajrami Assoc. prof. dr.

Department of French Language and literature, Faculty of Philology, University "Hasan Prishtina" of Prishtina, Mère Tereza p. nr., 10 000 Prishtina, Kosovo

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5242-345X E- mail: [email protected] Valbona Gashi-Berisha

Assoc. prof. dr., Head of Department,

Department of French Language and literature, Faculty of Philology, University "Hasan Prishtina" of Prishtina, Mère Tereza p. nr., 10 000 Prishtina, Kosovo

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2795-4915 E- mail: [email protected] Jana Birova,

Assoc. prof. PhD.

Department of French language and literature, Faculty of Letters, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnava, Nam. J. Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava, Slovakia

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3378-7009 E- mail: [email protected]

Memorizing syntactic structures in learning French as a foreign language

Introduction. The principle objective of this study is to indicate the role of constructing a procedural model which would give a specific form to a more complex syntactic structure while facilitating its memorization at an advanced level of language studies, even at a university.

Materials and Methods. The study is based on modeling the educational process at the university


Results. The study reveals some difficulties in using certain French syntactic structures for Albanian learners. The authors provide the characteristics of an advanced language learner. Learning is considered as having two stages: the first stage consists of general procedures producing syntactic structures in order to construct a model or strategy of memorization (initial procedural rule); the second stage teaches this model through repetitive exercises. The analysis of such difficulties in grammar and the proposal of a strategy facilitating learning of FLE will allow Albanian learners to express themselves in French and become well-qualified teachers.

Our goal is to offer students some tools they need to find out rules by themselves, acquire the ability to make forms or syntax turns to apply them and put them into practice.

Conclusions. The authors intend to help students understand solid foundations of linguistic analysis, to familiarize them with syntactic structures of the most difficult expressions in the French grammar applying its fundamental rules and translating them in a precise and pleasant way to hear.

Learning model; Acquisition; Syntactic structure; Comparison; French foreign language.



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This work presents a rather virtual1 method of learning French syntactic structures that is equally suitable for self-taught learners (or people without a teacher) as well as for people who prefer to be guided by a teacher.

First of all, in the FLE class 2 , the memorization of simple syntactic structures is not a big problem for advanced learners. For them, this would be a simple innovation of their already acquired French; the knowledge of words and the rules of assembly which found French syntax have already been constructed jointly (because, as we all know, lexicon and syntax are inseparable in any linguistic act). What would present more as a difficulty of memorization is the particular syntactic structures. This is what we will see later in this presentation.

I begin with an historical presentation, then I show some strategies and practical tips to facilitate the path that requires significant efforts to the learner so that it can overcome the resistance of "forgetfulness", this nasty failure of the memory.

1. Memorization in FLE: theoretical and practical aspect

It was in the sixties that the discipline named FLE was born. Theoretical researches, especially those of educationalists specialized in teaching methodology3: Reboullet from 1957 to 2010, Chancerel and Richterich (1977), Fattier (1992)4 let us know that to memorize well, we need a good strategy. The challenge is that this strategy does not have a single mental form

(visual angle via an image, a real language realization, etc.) and that it does not manifest itself in the same way in all individuals; As a result, we are faced with a rather delicate subject when we speak or want to find a unique and easily applicable strategy for all learners of a foreign language. To talk of memorization is above all to describe the result of all the efforts we make to keep something in mind. Remembering any structure of a foreign language requires special efforts to achieve it automatically. Regarding the evolution of learning methodology over time, we can distinguish several currents or visions of learning: transmission (passive learner), behaviorism (with positive or negative reinforcement to develop automatisms, passive learners). Next, constructivist currents arrive and enter the learning process by highlighting the strong point of their theory: the construction of knowledge among learners.

Thus, three linguistic currents emerge in the field of methodology, cognitivism (the active learner, the teacher helps the learner only in his organization), constructivism (the younger we are, the more we have the facilities to learn and build something on an error that is a track of intervention), socioconstructivism (based mainly on discussion, exchanges).Before talking about memorization for learning particular syntactic structures, knowing a number of general points of support for this process (memorization)is important:

1st point of support: "We memorize better what we wrote than what we did not write.

1I call "virtual" method any imaginary trick (circle, drawing,

a square etc.) to better memorize a syntactic structure.

2The term FLE appeared in 1957 via the famous works of

André Reboullet, French teacher-researcher

3For a detailed description of the history of FLE, see the many articles in the Le français dans le monde (ISSN 0015-9395, and in particular the number 175. Seealso

Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde of Cuq and Gruca (2005). With outforgetting the half-yearly journal Documents pour l'histoire du français langue étrangère.

4 Fattier D. Enseignement fonctionnel du français à des publics spécialisés: bibliographie sélective, 1992, n° 27, LINX, 97-214.

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Writing reinforces the focus on new information. In other words, when you have written something, it is easier to memorize it because writing helps to memorize. As the popular proverb says, "words fly away, writings remain5".

2nd point of support: "It is easier to memorize something short, a small set of words for example, than a set of several words that are all chained to each other". If all the syntactic structures should be learned as they are, without separating them from each other, in small parts, memorization will not be easier. In this article, we will come back to this point several times.

3rd point of support: "One memorizes much better what one encircled in language than what one did not surround on all sides. This support has been much discussed in recent years in the field of "learning methodology". We have Natacha Le fauconnier's article 6 on the importance of Sketchnoting methodology in recent years7 in the process of learning a foreign language.

4th point of support: "We memorize much better what we have repeated than what we have not repeated. In other words, training helps in a very efficient way to memorize. Training is therefore very necessary to memorize a linguistic structure and be able to make the best use of it.

5th point of support: "We memorize much better with applications." Today, the most

widespread method is the one that has invaded the world, the application (we will not detail it here, nor its use and its features in a precise way because, in my opinion, even if it is very popular, its use remains a complement).

These points of support can be a crucial support for the learning of the FLE on the zones of the particular syntactic structures.

2. Syntax structure in FLE

A syntactic structure is a series of phonemes used for human language as raw material; in other words, language is composed of syntactic structures. A syntactic structure is made of combined words, arranged according to the principles of a grammatical rule. A syntactic structure is a syntactic schema. To know the syntactical scheme of a sentence, we have two linguistic aspects: Traditional Grammar (1a) and Contemporary Grammar which is built by: SN SV SP as in (1b):

(1) La fille mange une pomme.

a. Un groupe nominal sujet : "La fille" Un groupe verbal, composé du verbe "mange" et du groupe nominal COD "une pomme".

(1) The girl is eating an apple.

a. A noun group subject: "The girl", A verbal group, composed of the verb " mange" and the nominal group COD " une pomme".

5It is a Latin Axiom: " Verbavolant, scriptamanent" is used here in its first sense, in its immediate interpretation. In the past, this saying was used mainly to prove a serious commitment by an honest man; guarantee

6 Posted on 28.08.2017 on the following website: http://www.letudiant.fr

7 In another Internet site (http://apprendre-reviser-memo-riser.fr), published in June 2017 by Caroline Jambon (ex-

school teacher, editor and publication manager on her website), we learn that drawing in memorization has a superior effect. It reads, among other things: "To better memorize, reformulation and transformation are precious allies, and the use of the image and the hand promotes long-term quality memorization." Mrs Jambon makes available on her blog tools and effective methods to memorize more easily and in the long term

2019, Vol. 9, No. 2


ISSN 2658-6762

b. La fille is SN; mange is SV; une pomme

is SN.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Concerning the phrase, instead of saying nominal group of traditional grammar we say rather nominal phrase since the contemporary grammar is built by: SN SV SP and so on.

(2) The syntactical scheme of the sentence8


3. Remember a particular syntax structure: create a strategy

A particular syntactic construct is a sentence and part of the sentence that does not conform to the equivalent model of the learner's native language. It is earlier a syntactic structure with a specific form, specific to French. According to most didactic principles, the vocabulary is acquired thanks to its memorization based on the exposure of the word in front of multiple real contexts, various uses of a word or a structure would favor an easier memorization. After acquiring a number of vocabulary, an

advanced-level learner gradually learns for each syntactic construct the meanings that have been attached to it. The acquisition of verbal syntactic structures is the most difficult, then it will be confronted with the complexity of using multiple uses of prepositions up to the learning of French syntax. The novelty of this article is related to the fact that when you have to learn a difficult structure, a little complex but new, you must always have a pencil in your hand, write down what you want to remember, the new words, make a drawing to better memorize it.

There are three kinds of syntactic structures with special construction:

(3) a. The pronouns complements: Nous les leurs avons donné

b. Infinitives: Parler fait du bien.

c. Presenters: C'est Céline Dion qui chante.

These rules will not be applicable to all languages, hence the need to find a solution to better memorize particular syntactic structures.

3.1. Tips for better memorizing the pronouns complements

In what follows, we present the syntactic structures constructed with the complement pronouns. They will be placed before the verb of which they are the complements:

(4) a. Vous votre collègue de travail.

^ Vous la lui donnez.

donnez la lettre à


b. Je raconte l ' hi stoire à mon ami. => Je la lui raconte. ^ Racontons-la-lui.

8The lexical insertion of N '' means noun phrase or V '': verbal phrase because each lexical element carries a grammatical category symbol

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Strategy: draw a drawing of a circle with three places: the first two are reserved for the pronouns complements in the case of a declarative sentence or placed after the verb in an imperative sentence:


a. Je la lui raconte. ^COD ^ COI ^ VERBE

b. Racontons-la-lui. ^ VERBE ^ COD ^


c. Nous ne la lui racontons pas. ^ ne COD ^ COI^ VERBE

Indeed, the idea is to say that this circle has no room for negation or for the past participle of conjugated verb and neither for its form in the infinitive in the case where a semi-auxiliary verb is present: this would avoid a large amount of perfectly useless mistakes and would facilitate memorization:

(6) a. * Je ne la lui pas raconte.

b. * Je la ne lui pas raconte.

c. * Racontons ne -la-lui pas.

d. * Je dois ne pas la lui raconter.

Unfortunately, these rules will not be applicable to all imperative sentences. In the case where the imperative sentence is in the negative form, the place and order of the words is not the same as in the affirmative imperative sentences:

(7) affirmativ imperativ sentence


(8) negativ imperativ sentence

a. * Ne racontons-la-lui pas.

b. Ne la lui racontons pas.

Here, the pronouns are placed before the conjugated verb and the learner must manage to not forget this exception of more. In the case where there are two verbs in the sentence, the complementary pronouns are placed before the verb of which they are the complements:

(9) a. Je dois la lui raconter. b. Je vais la lui raconter.

c. Je viens de la lui raconter....

In the case where the verb is at a compound tense (passé composé, plus-que-parfait...) double pronouns are put in front of the auxiliary verb:

(10) a. Je la lui ai racontée.

b. * Je la lui vais raconter.

As for the negation in the case where there are two verbal elements in the sentence, the learner easily retains that just the first element goes to the negative form.

(11) Je ne la lui ai pas racontée. ne COD ^ COI ^ VERBE pas

On the other hand, in the case where there are two verbs with the negative form in the sentence, the learner must retain the fact that the semi-auxiliaries will never be preceded by the pronouns complements:

(12) a. *Je ne la lui dois pas raconter.

b. *Je ne la lui ai pas dû raconter.

Why ? Because, the pronouns complements are placed before the verb of which they are the complements.

(13) a. Je ne dois pas la lui raconter.

b. Je n'ai pas dû la lui raconter.

the order and occurrence of French complement pronouns, Grevisse tells us that "When a sentence must contain several pronouns, the expression must not suffer from embarrassment or obscurity: we must be able to grasp without difficulty the relation existing between each pronoun and the term which it represents. If this report does not appear clearly, you must repeat the name or change the turn. We will not say : Peut-on croire celui qui dit à son ami qu'IL LUI est tout dévoué ? ? It must besaid for example: Peut-on croire celui qui assure son ami d'un entier dévouement ?9

3.2 Tips for better memorizing the infinitives

Every infinitive refers to the name of a verb. It therefore has a nominal value in a sentence by expressing a trial coming from an action or a state. As a result, the French infinitive can express all the functions of a given name (subject, attribute, complement, etc.).

(14) a. Ne pas bavarder dans une bibliothèque.

b. Fumer est interdit dans ces locaux.

c. Séparer les blancs et les jaunes d'œufs et ensuite...

For a long time, we have known that the field of infinitive is one of the most difficult and poorly memorized domains of foreign learners. To find a solution, the learner has several tips mentioned at the beginning of our article. Here, we will present our tips, the ones that we think are the most effective and can serve as a strategy when learning French infinitives.

9 Grevisse, Maurice, Le bon usage, Dixième édition, Bel-

gique : Duculot, S.A. Gembloux, 1975, p.450.

Tip 1

For this trick, the learner must know, at the fingertips, the value (or the use) of the infinitives and the rules of the occurrence in order to use them properly.

Tip 2

Imagine that infinitives are noun phrases. This trick does not show the most practical way that an ingenious way can present but it serves as an additional effective trick to memorize them. Thus, by imagining the paraphrase presented in (15b), we better memorize the infinitive in (15a).

(15) a. Dormir/courir fait du bien. b. Le sommeil/ la course à pied fait du bien.

We believe that these tips are essential for anylearner in FLE because they represent a very short path to memorizing more complex syntactic structures by first learning their simple structures or their diminutive versions; for example the phrase Les bienfaits du sommeil ou de la course à pied sont multiples et vastes pour la santé could be simplified by Dormir et courir sont essentiels pour la santé. Seen in this light, in our opinion, the learning of French infinitives is rather an advantage or a very important tool for expressing oneself correctly in French.

3.3 Tips for better memorizing the presentatives (actualizers, introducers)

The presentatives allow the relief of a nominal expression representing a being or a thing (Here is my father) 10 .The presentative sentence is considered to be a sentence with a particular construction because these elements

"According to Julia (2016: 115) "This notion of 'presentative' is adopted in the majority of studies on French, probably because it sticks more to the observable reality; on

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Science for Education Today

2019, Vol. 9, No. 2


ISSN 2658-6762

that we call "presentatives" have a semantically speaking fixed meaning (to present a new referent in the speech) but, variable on the morphological side.

Presentatives are considered to be phrases of a word and a deep structure of a sentence. To better memorize a sentence in presentatives, one must first know the forms that come in different shades (voici, voilà, il y a and c'est, il y avait, il y a eu, il y aura/ C'était, ce sont, c'étaient, etc...)

The equivalents of presentatives voici and voilà are in most languages. What is problematic is the fact that the presentatives il y a and c 'est does not translate faithfully into Albanian.

Presentatives il y a and c'est

Presentatives il y a and c 'est almost always used with nominal groups (16), pronouns (17) or a completive subordinate (18).

(16) a. Il y a une table dans le salon. Il y avait du monde au restaurant.

b. C'est une table que je vois au


(17) a. Il y a lui qui va venir avec


b. C'est lui qui va venir avec


(18) a. Il y a que tu ne m'écoutes pas. (Oral communication).

the other hand, it struggles to penetrate studies on ancient languages, even the most recent ones (except Petit (2010a and b)), which still focus on defining Latin ecce, em or en "here, that's it", as' interjections' or 'demonstrative particles' according to the terminology inherited from ancient grammarians. "... Mrs. Julia also tells us that" when the presentatives correlate with the relative tools, they allow to form sentences whose element, nominal, pronominal, adverbial, is extracted to be highlighted " Page: 119.

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b. C'est que tu ne m'écoutes pas. (Oral communication).

Although traditional grammars show us the difference between il y a and c'est,, our examples presented here show the fact that they shared the same syntactic constructs. Learners must know that the verb être that which follows ce or c' can be conjugated at another time than the present of the indicative (seraient, étaient, etc.).In fact, to memorize French presenters, we suggest to our learners to answer by the sentence with il y a when the question is asked or imagined by the following form Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?

As for a syntactic structure C'est,, to memorize it better, it is necessary to imagine a representative value associated with a question of the type Qu'est-ce que c'est ?or Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette chose que tu vois au salon ? Qu'est-ce que c'est que cet énervement ? In this way, sentences pronounced, said or written would be correctly addressed in French.

4. Conclusions

We find in this article the few factors that favor memorization. Learners durably store the easy syntactic structures that they have understood. Misunderstanding causes significant difficulties in the process of recording data. The memory saves much better the elements surrounded, encircled, but also the new information associated with its environment. And, finally, according to our linguists mentioned in this work, memorization needs a lot of training

[Julia M., -A., (2016), Les présentatifs français voici, voilà et latins ecce, em, en : essai d'étude comparative, éd. Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013). Section 2 : Linguistique latine / linguistique romane, pp. 115-126. Nancy : 2016. Disponible sur Internet : http://www.atilf.fr/cilpr2013/actes/section-2/CILPR-2013-2-Julia.pdf. Journal "Diacronia" ISSN : 2393-1140]

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ISSN 2658-6762

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otherwise it would be insufficient, ineffective and inevitably unrealizable, not fixed.

done based on methodological advice and is used to describe some characteristics of the so-called advanced learner. The proposal to implement a strategy or trick to better memorize a syntactic structure will facilitate learning and allow students at the university level to have solid language bases and so they will speak better in standardized French and become future good teachers in FLE.

Here we have also seen that every sentence (written, spoken or heard) has a purely hierarchical meaning; it is organized in a linear order and carried out on an axis of time. The syntactic structure is made with lexical words (elements of the lexicon) and grammatical words (of functional elements), organized thanks to the

verification of the strokes (agreement in KGN) and the informational movements. This work is


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Submitted: 03 February 2019 Accepted: 04 March 2019 Published: 30 April 2019

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