Научная статья на тему 'The market of Organik products in Russia'

The market of Organik products in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kovaleva I.V., Semina L.A.

The past 12 years, the number of countries practicing organic farming doubled and this is understandable, since the projected growth of the world market for organic food and beverages for more than 16 percent over the 2017-2020 years. In Russia is unique export potential of organic agriculture in the world market, so Russia has enormous natural resources for the production of environmentally friendly products. Currently in the Russian Federation is concentrated 20 percent of freshwater in the world, 9 per cent of the planet's arable land, and 58 percent of world reserves of black earth. The area of agricultural land in Russia was 220.2 million hectares, including arable land area of 121.5 million hectares, with 40 million. Hectares of fallow agricultural land, on which over 20 years there has been no fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides are not used, they are absolutely suitable for use in organic agriculture.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The market of Organik products in Russia»

И.В. Ковалева - профессор кафедры управления, д.э.н., Алтайский государственный аграрный университет,[email protected],

I.V. Kovaleva - Professor of management Department, d. e. n., Altai state agrarian University;

Л.А. Семина - профессор кафедры экономической безопасности, учета, анализа и аудита, д.э.н., Алтайский государственный университет, [email protected],

L.A. Semina - Professor of the Department of economic security, accounting, analysis and audit, d. e. n., Altai state University.


Annotation. The past 12 years, the number of countries practicing organic farming doubled and this is understandable, since the projected growth of the world market for organic food and beverages for more than 16 percent over the 2017-2020 years.

In Russia is unique export potential of organic agriculture in the world market, so Russia has enormous natural resources for the production of environmentally friendly products. Currently in the Russian Federation is concentrated 20 percent of freshwater in the world, 9 per cent of the planet's arable land, and 58 percent of world reserves of black earth.

The area of agricultural land in Russia was 220.2 million hectares, including arable land area of 121.5 million hectares, with 40 million. Hectares of fallow agricultural land, on which over 20 years there has been no fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides are not used, they are absolutely suitable for use in organic agriculture.

Keywords: organic, development, market, products.

Problem statement. The Food market in the modern context shows an explicit priority in the direction of the Development of the sector of organic production. The Development of the Market of organic Products is due to many reasons, the main ones are: the fear of repercussions and distrust of genetically modified Products; the perceived health risks of Products of mass production; negative attitudes towards traditional Products because of the recent time epidemics (mad cow disease, avian influenza, foot and mouth disease, etc.); detailed Information Company, aimed at promoting environmentally friendly products and others.

Case study. The Theoretical and Methodological basis of the study amounted to works of domestic and foreign scientists on problems of agricultural production; development of land relations; research and recommendations of the Russian Academy of agricultural sciences of the Russian Federation, laws, presidential decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, normative-legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the EU regulation on the development of ecological agriculture, IFOAM standards. Methodological framework served as a systemic approach allowing ensuring comprehensiveness and focus. Also used were analytical, abstract-logical, settlement and constructive, economics and statistics, economic-mathematical, monographic research methods.

Results. The Organic Production is practiced in more than 160 countries worldwide and more than 37 million hectares of farmland. In Russia for production of organic certified 150 thousand hectares of agricultural land. The largest share of the production of organic products in developing countries, such as India, Mexico, Uganda and others. It is expected that the growth leader in the sphere of organic agriculture to 2020, will be the Asia-Pacific region [1, 2].

The need of the Market in organic Products is stimulated at the State level is in the United States and the European Union. In addition, environmental Development Programs are adopted by enterprises, and universities and colleges offers training programs for certified ecological farmers.

In Western countries, the United States, Japan and other developed documents regulating the market of organic products in line with national and regional peculiarities of food production and consumption: the EU-Regulation 834/2007; United States-National Organic Program; Japan-Japanese Agricultural Standard [2].

Russia stands in the way of forming the market clean, safe products, and here very important quality control mechanism of organic agricultural products. Worldwide proved quality control system through independent certification systems, which in turn controls the State.

The main reasons for the backwardness of the Russian market of organic products from the United States and European countries is the absence, until recently, a unified domestic standards of environmentally safe products, passive role of the State, low ecological culture of the population, lack of information, etc. In the recent past, the speech about organic products could not go just because in Russia there was just is lack of food as such.

Worldwide and in Russia belong to appreciate organic foods segment. Consumers of organic products, as a rule, it is the middle class and above. Consumers are the most active women and men aged 25 to 45 years old, highly educated, middle-and higher-income residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities [1, 5].

Marketing research show that while only 2-3% has of Russians consume organic Products. At the same time pay for a healthy meal ready for about 58% of the population of Russia, and only 21% know about organic products in detail. It speaks about a huge deferred demand. It should be noted that the demand for organic products in Russia is largely constrained by: distrust of domestic producers and the risk of buying counterfeit; inadequate presentation of products in trade networks; higher price compared to traditional products (up to 400%); low living standards of Russians; especially reduce in the past two years.

According to IFOAM, the market for organic products in 2011 year has grown by about 12% from 60.9 to 68 billion-while growth in the consumer market as a whole during this period amounted to only 4.5% [3]. In 2012, the turnover of the Russian market of organic products amounted to 120-140 million dollars, and in 2014, according to the

Union of organic farming-190 million dollars. More than 90% of this volume was import-mostly from Europe, who sells products made in Russia, including from Russian raw materials purchased. If existing trends the market of organic products may to 2020, achieve 200-250 billion dollars. The Study of Grand View Research, Inc. Observes showed organic food market will grow annually by an average of 15.5% for 2016-2020 years timeframe. The total volume of the world market for organic products is projected to 2020 g. approximately 212 billion dollars.

According to the "Agrojekoinform" Market potential of ecological production in Russia by 2020, 300 billion rubles [1]. The potential of the internal Market in organic products in Russia, taking into account the export capacity of approximately 700 billion USD. In socio-economic terms it is more than 15000-certified organic agricultural products and about 1 million new jobs created with a high income in rural areas. In Russia about 50 enterprises have passed certification according to the international standards of the EU. If we take into account all agricultural enterprises in Russia, their share will not exceed 5% of the total (200 billion rubles). On the basis of the status of agrarian sector of the economy in the Russian Federation, at the present stage can appreciate the development prospects of the Russian export of organic products. Environmental standards are often used in private farms, small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia.

Over the past 10 years, the number of countries practicing organic farming has doubled. In Russia concentrates a unique export potential of organic agriculture in the world Market, so Russia has enormous natural resources for the production of environmentally friendly products.

The area of agricultural land in Russia was 220.2 million hectares, including arable land area of 121.5 million hectares, with 40 million hectares of fallow agricultural land, on which over 20 years there have been no fertilizers, herbicides are not used and pesticides, they are absolutely suitable for use in organic agriculture.

The appeal of agricultural Products in part of ecological cleanliness attracts foreign partners for joint projects in the region for the production of organic agricultural Products. In Russia a unique export potential of organic agriculture in the world market, so Russia has enormous natural resources for the production of environmentally friendly products. A significant role in shaping the territory's economy and way of life of the population plays the agriculture in the region.

The basis for this is the large area of arable land-6.5 million ha (5.6% of arable land), the presence of 5 soil-climatic zones, hundreds of varieties of crops, developed animal husbandry (dairy, poultry, pigs, sheep), as well as skilled resources. Therefore, the formation and development of the market of organic products in the Altai region is strategically important and promising.

Altai region in the 2015 year served as leaders in gross charges oats (483.1 thousand tons), or 10.7% of total production of oats and buckwheat in Russia (370.1 thousand tons), or 43.0% in total fees, according to the size of cultivated areas (465.0 thousand ha) or 48.6% of all crops in Russia [8].

At the same time, the dynamics of mineral and organic fertilizers and their effects yield crops shown. The fluctuations in yield minor while significantly reducing mineral fertilizers.

This factor has a significant impact on the appeal of agricultural Products in part of ecological cleanliness and attracts foreign partners for joint projects in the region for the production of organic products for agriculture economy. Moreover, natural-climatic conditions allow cultivating ecological products, like the production of rapeseed-36.5 thousand. Tons, or 3.6% of the overall fees (10), figure 1.

Productivity corn culture, 1966-2015 years

Figure 1 - The Bringing of mineral and organic Fertilization and productivity corn culture [1, 7, 8]

Altai region is one of the most environmentally advantaged regions in Russia. In this direction, develops multiple promising investment projects. Regional authorities are actively supporting rural and recreational tourism, which were instrumental in attracting foreign investment to the region and increase tourist flow of cross-border territories, in

particular, China [3.4]. This raises the need to intensify the use of environmental management instruments and mechanisms.

An effective environmental management system begins with an understanding of how an organization can interact with the surrounding elements of the Environment the Organization's activities, products and services that can interact with the environment Wednesday, called environmental aspects. Processes the organization considered for determining environmental aspects of design and development. Production processes, packaging and transportation.

When implementing an environmental management system, the Organization should identify environmental aspects which it can control and over which it can influence. Environmental change negative or positive Nature, wholly or partially resulting from environmental aspects.

The Criteria and Methods of identifying significant environmental aspects when developing criteria should consider factors such as the characteristics of the environment Wednesday, information on legislative and other requirements to which the Organization has undertaken to comply, and the views of stakeholders (internal and external). Some of these criteria may be applied directly to the environmental aspects of the Organization and other-related environmental influences on Natures.

The Identification of significant environmental aspects and associated impacts need to identify those areas that you want to monitor or improve, this is an ongoing process that enables an organization to better understand its interaction with Wednesday the environment and its contribution to the continuous improvement of environmental performance through improved environmental Management System.

For the identification and understanding of the environmental aspects of the Organization should use: The Causal link between the elements of the activities, products and services of the Organization and the potential or actual environmental changes Wednesday; Environmental attitudes of stakeholders, as well as; Possible environmental aspects identified in government regulations, regulations and permits in other standards or documents of industrial associations, academic institutions, etc. [5].

Although there is no single approach to the identification of environmental aspects, the approach chosen may include, for example, consideration of the following aspects emissions into the atmosphere; discharges in water; releases to land (soil); use of raw materials and natural resources (for example, land use, water); the environmental concerns of the local community; use of energy; energy losses (e.g., heat, radiation, vibrations); waste and by-products; physical characteristics of objects (e.g., size, shape, color, etc. )

An effective environmental management system begins with an understanding of how an organization can interact with the surrounding elements of Environment the Organization's activities, products and services that can interact with the Environment, called environmental aspects. Processes the organization considered for determining environmental aspects of design and Development. Production processes, packaging and transportation, services that can interact with the Environment, called the environmental aspects [5,6].

Conclusion. The Research Result of environmental aspects Identification will allow the Organization

to function effectively, in the part of production management and resources. The effective functioning of the environmental management system is determined by the frequency and level of environmental aspects; developed by legislative requirements in part the maximum allowable values of emissions and discharges, the established technical regulations of production. Adoption in Russia the law governing relations in the production of organic products will allow to (f) and l (w) x get the proper certification and will be method.

Traditionally sought-after areas provided for environmental services are design and ecological support of investment activity; the development of declarations and passports industrial safety of hazardous production facilities; justification and development of industrial environmental control systems, etc.


1. Federal State statistics service [electronic resource]. Rezhimdostupa: http://www.gks.ru/dbscripts/munst/munst01/DBInet.cgi [in Russian].

2. Malinda W. Gilmore, Jacob Oluwoye, Regine Mankolo and Jeanette Jones, 2013. The Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Soil-NOx Emissions on Ambient Air, O3 and NOx Levels: A Conceptual Model Framework. Environmental Research Journal,718. DOI: 10.3923/erj.2013.1.8URL: http://medwelljournals.com/abstract/?doi=erj.2013.1.8

3. Municipal database. / http://www.gks.ru/dbscripts/munst/munst01/DBInet.cgi # 1[in Russian]

4. A.C. Otieno, R.A. Kapiyo, B.O. Oindo and M. Buyinza, 2012. Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Policies on Natural Resources in Uganda: Perspectives from South Busoga Forest Reserve. EnvironmentalResearch Journal, 6: 81-93.DOI: 10.3923/erj.2012.81.93.DOI: 10.3923/erj.2012.81.93

5.Poiseev I.I., Zamorshhikova A.A. Market of environmental services/I.I. Poiseev, A.A. Zamorshhikova//International Journal of applied and fundamental research. -2013. -No. 8-1. - P. 73-74.[in Russian].

6.RussiaBeyondTheHeadlines//|^&fflK^#ffi;0 : l^I^^Ip^IÍX. - Access mode: http ://ekd.me/2014/11/altai-krai/]ru[in Russian].

7. Serov G.P. The Environmental audit. The conceptual and organizational framework. -I.: "Exam", 2000. -768 p. [in Russian].

8. Statistical Yearbook. Altai Krai. 2010-2015: Stat. collection/territorial body of the Federal State statistics service for the administration of the province. -Barnaul, 2016. -348s.[electronicresource].-Access mode: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/453123097[in Russian].

Т.В. Кугушева - доцент кафедры теории и технологий в менеджменте, Факультет управления, Южный федеральный университет, ([email protected]),

Т-V. Kugusheva - associate Professor of theory and technology in management, Faculty of management, southern federal University, ([email protected]);

А.О. Куржиева - бакалавр 2 курса направления 38.03.02 Менеджмент Факультет управления, Южный федеральный университет, ([email protected]),

A.O. Kurzhieva - bachelor of 2 courses 38.03.02 Management Faculty of management, southern federal University ([email protected]);

Д.С. Ласкова - бакалавр 1 курса направления 38.03.01 Экономика, Экономический факультет, Южный федеральный университет, ([email protected]),

D.S. Laskova - bachelor of 1 year direction 38.03.01 Economics, Economic faculty, southern federal University, (laskova_2011 @inbox.ru).




Аннотация. Бизнес-процессы современной организации в настоящее время обеспечиваются достаточно большим потоком работ, связанных с подготовкой, передачей и хранением различных документов. Документооборот организации сопряжен с наличием сложных и обременительных процедур. Исключение же их не возможно. Однако существенно сократить различного рода расходы, в том числе временного характера, возможно с помощью систем электронного документооборота. На сегодняшний день электронный документооборот очень распространен, однако в среде предприятий, относящихся к малым, он не пользуется таким спросом, в сравнении с предприятиями среднего и крупного бизнеса. Вместе с тем, системы электронного документооборота позволяют упростить работу с документацией и сократить текущие расходы любого предприятия, в том числе расходы, связанные со временем и косвенные производственные потери. В статье рассматриваются проблемы и перспективы внедрения СЭД на предприятиях малого бизнеса.

Annotation. Business processes of a modern organization are currently provided with a sufficiently large flow of work related to the preparation, transfer and storage of various documents. Document management of the organization is associated with the presence of complex and burdensome procedures. The exception of their impossible. However, it is possible to significantly reduce various costs, including temporary ones, with the help of electronic document management systems. Today, electronic document management is very common, but among enterprises belonging to small, it is not in such demand, in comparison with medium and large businesses. At the same time, electronic document management systems make it possible to simplify the work with documentation and reduce the running costs of any enterprise, including time-related costs and indirect production losses. The article discusses the problems and prospects of introduction of EDM system in small businesses.

Ключевые слова: электронный документооборот, СЭД, малый бизнес, работа с документами, перспективы развития системы электронного документооборота.

Keywords: electronic document management, EDM system, small business, work with documents, prospects of development of electronic document management system.

Общеизвестно, что деятельность любой организации сопряжена с различного рода коммуникационными процессами, которые требуют фиксации во времени и пространстве. В этой связи документооборот и делопроизводство лежит в основе функционирования любой организации. Документопотоки при этом могут иметь самый разнообразный характер, что связано со множественностью информационно-коммуникационных связей организации, как правило выходящих за пределы её функционирования. Иными словами, организационные структуры и сотрудники, в них входящие, коммуницируют не только между собой, но и с внешней средой, образуя при этом поток разнообразных писем, договоров и иных форм документации.

Достаточно продолжительное время в основе формирования документооборота организации лежал бумажный документооборот. При этом требовались существенные временные затраты не только на изготовление документа, но и на его передачу. Расходы организации в этой связи формировались не только на собственно изготовление бумажного варианта документа, но и его последующую транспортировку. То есть доставку документации респонденту не только во внешнюю среду организации, но и в пределах внутренней среды организации в том случае, если она имеет развитую филиальную сеть.

Развитие современных технологий, в основе которых лежат информационные средства управления, цифровизация и компьютеризация всех организационных бизнес-процессов, явилось стимулом для

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