THE MAIN INNOVATION APPROACHES IN THE TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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innovation approach / innovation method / foreign language / education / teaching

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Qurbonova G.Y., Raxmonberdiyeva S.A.

The article is devoted to the innovation approach in teaching a foreign language and rising effectiveness opportunities of using innovation method in the lessons.

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UDK 81-13.37

Qurbonova G. Y. teacher

Raxmonberdiyeva S.A.


Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city



Annotation: The article is devoted to the innovation approach in teaching a foreign language and rising effectiveness opportunities of using innovation method in the lessons.

Key words: innovation approach, innovation method, foreign language, education, teaching.

In the modern world there is a constant development of the social sciences, the learning process is also constantly being improved and developed. Traditional education no longer fully satisfies the needs of society, the knowledge gained at the same time is not enough for vigorous work and career growth. The personal aspect, the ability to think creatively and put your plans and ideas into practice comes to the fore. Therefore, the sphere of foreign languages is changing in accordance with the new trends of the time and new or improved old active teaching methods are used.

Changes occurring in modern society require the improvement of foreign language training of students in schools and universities. One of the priorities at this stage is considered the competence approach. In the process of formation and development of communicative competence, various technologies, methods and techniques are used

As you know, in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, the concept of "method" has two meanings, namely:

1. Method as a methodical system.

2. Method as a method and direction to achieve a specific goal in teaching and learning. What is included in the concept of "method"? The teaching method is a basic category of a technique, a way of knowledge, a way of research and solving a problem. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, this term has a narrower meaning: a generalized learning model based on one of the directions and based on specific approaches. When selecting modern teaching methods, it is necessary to consider the following criteria for the compliance of methods, which should:

1. To create a creative comfortable atmosphere to stimulate the interests of students;

2. To affect the student's personality as a whole, including his emotions, feelings and sensations;

3. To activate the learner so that he becomes the main actor in the learning

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com

process and actively interacts with other learners;

4. Learn to work on learning the language independently;

5. To envisage the use of various forms of work in the audience: steam room, group, individual and frontal. As practice shows, the last decades of the development of pedagogy were marked by the emergence of many new interesting methods and approaches in teaching foreign languages. Foreign teachers of the 60s - 70s developed and introduced into practice a humanistic approach to learning. The essence of this approach is to focus on the personality of the student.

In turn, the humanistic approach led to the emergence of a number of new non-traditional teaching methods: the method of relying on physical actions, the method of "quiet" learning, the method of "community" and others. Skillful application of individual organizational forms and techniques characteristic of these methods helps to significantly increase the effectiveness of the learning process and the motivation of the trainees. It is believed that the humanistic approach to learning has led to the emergence of a communicative approach that has become widespread throughout the world and is used in various educational settings. Everyone has the Passov's communicative method, Shatilov's communicative-cognitive method, the method of communicative tasks. They have been successfully introduced into the practice of teaching foreign languages. What exactly is the term "approach"? The approach to learning is the realization of the leading, dominant idea of learning in practice in the form of a specific strategy using one or another learning method. That is, it is a broader concept than "method". There are many different approaches, we will try to briefly consider the most basic of them:

1. Behaviorism - the world around affects the learning process, not the genetic factor (B.Skinner);

2. Cognitive - the student is an active participant in the learning process (the theory of socioconstructivism);

3. Humanistic - based on the thoughts, feelings and emotions of students in the learning process;

4. Communicative - the main goal considers the mastery of a foreign language as a means of communication between people;

5. Personally oriented - taking into account the individual characteristics of students;

6. Global - language learning is not split up into separate types of speech activity, but is based on the material of nonseparated blocks, which are worked out entirely, "from top to bottom";

7. Deductive - from the general to the particular: explanation of the rule and its training in practice;

8. Inductive - from the particular to the general;

9. Structural - mastering a number of grammatical structures - samples, arranged in a certain sequence according to the degree of complexity of their mastery;

10. Lexical - mastering vocabulary in all its diversity and compatibility, the

"MnpoBaa HayKa" №10(19) 2018 science-j.com

formation of speech skills;

11. Eclectic (combined) - the use and combination in the framework of one method of the features inherent in the opposite methods;

12. Integrated - the formation of skills and abilities in all four types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading and writing;

13. Auditory - listening is the leading type of speech activity.

Teachers need to deliberately and aggressively master the intensive and interactive learning technologies. For example, such as games, trainings, case method, game design and other techniques. The one who owns new knowledge retains competitive advantages. In this case, we are talking not only about students or graduates of educational institutions, but also about teachers with extensive professional experience.

Of course, all the above-mentioned methods and approaches play an important role in the process of learning a foreign language. But the personality of the teacher is still dominant, since it is he who decides which methods and approaches to choose to accomplish the main goal - the formation of students' basic language knowledge and skills. Summarizing all the above, we should say that different teaching methods require different approaches to conducting classes, and the teacher should require students to master the knowledge and skills that he aimed them in the learning process.


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3. Худайберганова Э., Гулиметова Б. М. Современные методы и технологии преподавания иностранных языков в высшей школе [Текст] // Филология и лингвистика в современном обществе: материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Москва, июнь 2016 г.). — М.: Буки-Веди, 2016. — С. 94-97

"Мировая наука" №10(19) 2018


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