Научная статья на тему 'The main goals and purposes of training future agrarian experts in higher educational institutions'

The main goals and purposes of training future agrarian experts in higher educational institutions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lazarev Oleg Viacheslavovich

At present, there are many institutions of higher education which train students in agriculture. The results of the study show that an agricultural educational system has contributed to the agricultural sector through training high-level agricultural professionals, ensured by raising the standards and technologies of research, which leads to the formation of a new generation of specialists.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The main goals and purposes of training future agrarian experts in higher educational institutions»

УДК 378.14:63


© 2014

О. В. Лазарев, аспирант

Уманский государственный педагогический университет имени Павла Тычины, Умань (Украина)

Аннотация. В нынешнее время существует большое количество учреждений высшего образования, которые готовят будущих специалистов для сельского хозяйства. Результаты исследования констатируют, что система сельскохозяйственного образования делает весомый вклад в развитие аграрного сектора посредством подготовки профессионалов-аграриев высокого уровня.

Ключевые слова: компетентностный подход, высококвалифицированные преподаватели, сельскохозяйственное образование, профессиональная компетентность.

Agricultural education is developing today. The current mission of agricultural education - to prepare and support individuals for careers, build awareness and develop leadership for food, fiber, and natural resource systems accurately articulates the vision of the future of agriculture. Preparing and supporting individuals for careers recognize their needs for lifelong learning. Building awareness is an integral part of that mission, as well [1]. The percent of the population involved in agricultural production is declining; thus, the general public is unable to understand food production completely from the beginning to the end. The development of leadership is the cornerstone of the National program, it also rooted in the early days of agricultural education.

Many sources of influence have formed today's content and program design of agricultural education in Ukraine. Social trends, such as declining number of people involved in agricultural production, have influenced the pedagogics content and program. Ukrainian legislation, the evolution of higher education, educational studies, and educational reform initiatives are also among the forces influencing such programs. Several educational reform strategies and the integration of academic and professional education have been among the state strategies.

Agricultural production embraces careers in agronomy, plant protection, fruits and vegetables growing, horticulture, aquaculture, floriculture, food technology, ecology and etc.

Many institutions and higher education establishments specializing in agriculture have been formed to provide leadership for agricultural production and education. This effort has increased visibility and responsibility for agricultural literacy.

Fewer mandates by the State and National organizations mean that mission is not a prescription for programs at every level, rather it should provide direction for agricultural educators in developing their own mission for their particular programs.

The main goals.

- To update instruction in and expand programs about the food, fiber, and natural resources systems. Updating instruction in agricultural education programs will always be a challenge. Evolving from primary production to the ever-changing science, business and technology of agriculture involves major changes in the content of instruction. Today's content involves agricultural science and technology, managed ecosystems for providing food and fiber, animal welfare, agribusiness marketing, global communications, public policy handling, environmental and natural resource management, food processing, safety and nutrition, forestry, horticulture, floriculture and landscape design, construction ... and the list continues.

Local teachers are charged with providing a broad array of technical information for the diverse occupational needs of their students. To meet this challenge, several universities have established curriculum laboratories to assist local teachers [2]. The National agricultural education uses its direct contact with agribusinesses to provide cutting edge curriculum for state and local use. Likewise, agricultural educators should increase their involvement in educating

more students about agriculture. The Ukrainian people must be literate about their food system if they are to continue to prosper.

- To serve all people and groups equally and without discrimination. People is the greatest resource for a productive agriculture and food system. Strength is found in diversity - ethnic, gender, physical, economical, and geographic. Historically, agricultural education was only attractive to male students in rural areas. However, with the growing number of diverse agricultural careers strength can be found in those who bring a broader scope of experience to the industry.

- To amplify and expand the «whole person» [3] or integral personality concept of education, including leadership, personal, and interpersonal skills. Effective teaching and learning goes farbeyond sharing information. A key ingredient of the successful of agricultural education is in the programs of pedagogics orchestrated by caring, well-trained teachers. The art of connecting formal instruction with application of information to real life situations makes learning relevant and stimulating. The inclusion of providing individual and group recognition for worthy accomplishments through different programs adds a valuable dimension to the educational experience. This affirmation fosters confidence, initiative, responsible citizenship, leadership, and the development of personal and interpersonal skills. Individuals must have these «whole person» characteristics, which go beyond cognitive knowledge, to be successful in their pursuit of a career.

- To develop educational programs that continually and systematically respond to the marketplace. A common expectation of agricultural educators at all levels is to connect and work with the agricultural industry they serve. The benefits to students range from direct placement in a business for their attitude to a job after graduation. The teacher and the instructional program benefit by having access to cutting edge information currently used in the industry.

- To provide the stimulation that fosters the spirit of free enterprise and develops creative entrepreneurship and innovation. A basic value of many involved in agriculture is the desire to own and operate a business. The agricultural education strategic plan cites preparing students for job employment is only part of the program charge, the true greatness of business is found in the spirit of competition. As a result, agricultural educators are expected to foster the recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities and business ownership and operation.

- To provide leadership and cultivate strong partnerships in the total educational system. Partnerships help to create successful agricultural education programs. Developing partnerships with other teachers not only promotes collaboration but provides continuity between students' coursework. Partnering with community colleges and universities provides greater access for students to attain a higher degree. Utilizing community and business leaders' resources assures access to work-based learning and community support.

- To elevate and extend our standards of excellence in classroom and laboratory instruction, supervised experiences, and student organizations. Agricultural educators have

the ability to enhance their content, delivery, and support by using keys identified through the local regional programs initiative. Three components (instruction, supervised agricultural experience and future professional activity) and three strategies (marketing, partnerships, and professional growth) serve as cornerstones of some programs. Successful teachers developed guide that is utilized by other teachers [4]. This sharing of ideas elevates and extends the standards of excellence which agricultural education is founded on. The purpose of agriculture programs in local public schools is to produce capable, knowledgeable, contributing citizens. As agricultural educators we must play an integral role in preparing and supporting students for agricultural careers, building awareness of the industry and developing leadership skills through education.

These goals are adapted to building the future and serving today as part of the strategic plan for agricultural education in Ukraine.

After years of providing instruction and preparing individuals for successful careers in agriculture, can we say that the job is done? Today, some individuals believe that little need exists for continued instruction in agriculture. They believe that teaching science and business skills will meet the food, fiber, and environmental challenges facing the world. In some respects, these individuals are correct. In the years ahead, agricultural education will become more focused on the science of producing and processing plants and animals as well as maintaining a healthy environment. The business skills needed by successful producers and agribusiness companies will continue to become more complex and challenging. If agricultural education does not change to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world we can expect to see little demand for this subject in the schools of tomorrow. Many of us in the profession understand that the real value of agricultural education is not necessarily the subject matter content, but the method of teaching that makes this educational program and process meaningful and enjoyable for both students and teachers. Therefore, it is critical that agricultural educators continue to examine, refine, and improve our educational process as we entered the 21st century.

For the past years, the National agricultural education has conducted a major initiative to prepare agricultural education for the new millennium. Ukrainian agrarian policy is to use a projects founded on principales of agricultural education create its preferred future, rather than to react and respond to positive changes. While we cannot anticipate all the changes that will occur during the next years, we can certainly decide what we would like to accomplish for our programs and students. For example, we know that we want our young people to have successful careers after they complete our programs. If we want our students and teachers to be successful, we must do our very best to understand their current needs and anticipate their needs in the future. This has provided background input into a preferred future for agricultural education. Not one participant in this initiative has said that we should abandon agricultural education Many scholars have said that the programs must change but none have advocated that it be discontinued.

The main purposes.

- Highly qualified teachers are the key to a successful future. There are several ways to ensure a successful future for agricultural education. Firstly, we must attract and keep high quality teachers. Secondly, young people entering agricultural education will ensure it sustains itself in future years. Thirdly, teachers need the support of strong state and national leaders to help them keep abreast of changes in teaching technology and methodology along with technical knowledge in agriculture.

- Another key to future success will be agricultural education's ability to deliver instruction to involve audiences in diverse settings. Our programs must become global in scope and available to students of varied age levels and backgrounds. Distance delivery of instruction

will become commonplace [5]. Agricultural literacy will become a more important focus for agricultural educators, and we will need to determine the primary customer for our literacy efforts. For example, we should consider targeting middle school and junior high students as the primary audience for our agricultural literacy efforts. By providing high quality instructional materials and programs for students, agricultural educators can focus their efforts on a specific target population. Some of these students will be taught by teachers trained to teach agriculture while other students will receive instruction from teachers with little formal training in agricultural education. To ensure successful integrated instruction, high quality materials must be developed and used by teachers of all subject areas for presenting information about agriculture to their students. Students can take advantage of opportunities for leadership and personal growth under a system where schools pay a membership fee that allows all students in these grades to participate in leadership and personal development activities that doesn't require individual membership fees. Students interested in pursuing careers can choose enter career preparation programs and join them as they advance in school [6]. Agricultural education must be responsive to the needs of increasingly diverse customer wants. Highly qualified teaching stuff with diverse backgrounds is essential for agricultural education to successfully meet the divergent challenges of the future.

- To ensure achieving this purpose we meet the needs of the agricultural industry and a more diverse customer population, teachers must think globally but be empowered locally. To meet the best needs of students, our programs must become more «community-based» [7]. Teachers can empower themselves locally by bringing a wide range of community stakeholders together to determine the type of agricultural educational programs the community needs and wants for students. Together the community and teacher decide what should be taught. This ensures community and school support for the agricultural education program and allows the teacher to focus on how to teach using some materials. Students interested in pursuing agricultural careers must have access to the instruction and materials about the global agricultural industry that continues to evolve. Teachers must stay abreast of agriculture worldwide and show how the world issues relate to the students' home community, district, region and country.

- Managing change successfully. Finally, we must look for new ideas and new ways of delivering our materials and programs. The rapid advances in knowledge and technology dictate that we must prepare students to deal with change. Change occurs at an accelerating pace and our students find it increasingly challenging to stay abreast of current information and technology. We must develop processes to help them deal with these challenges and help them feel comfortable working in a rapidly changing environment. Competition and cooperation will both be very important in the future and students will need to know when to focus their energies in collaboration with others and when to rely on their competitive edge to take advantage of their opportunities.

- A new vision for agricultural education. The National vision statement developed for agricultural education envisions that all people will value and understand the vital role of agriculture and natural resources in advanced personal and global well-being. For this vision to become reality, we must reexamine and refocus our efforts related to career preparation and agricultural literacy.

The abound opportunities of these years ahead and if we recruit bright young people into the profession and provide a support system to help them become successful educators, the agricultural sector will prospect while agrarian education will become more important than ever.


1. White R. W. Motivation reconsidered: The concept of competence Psychological Review. 1959. № 66. P. 279-333

2. Zemke R. Job Competencies: Can they Help you Design Better Training. Training. 1982. № 19. P. 18-31.

3. Whitaker Kathryn, What Goals and Purposes The Agricultural Education Magazine. Nov / Dec, 1998. Vol. 71, No. 3.

4. Competency-Based Teacher Education: Progress, Problems and Prospects / Ed. By W. R. Houston, R. B. Howsam. Chicago: Science Research Association, 1972. Vol. X. - 182 p.

5. Hutmacher Walo, Key competencies for Europe // Report of the Symposium Berne, Switzezland 27 - 30 March, 1996. Council for Cultural Co-operation (CDCC) / a Secondary Education for Europe Strasburg, 1997.

6. Mc Clelland D. C. Testing for competence rather than for «intelligence». American Psychologist 1973 № 28. P. 1-14.

7. Vaughn Rosco, Do We Still Need Agricultural Education? / The Agricultural Education Magazine. Jan / Feb 1999, Vol. 71 (4). P. 4-5.


© 2014

O. V. Lazarev, post-graduate student

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman (Ukraine)

Annotation. At present, there are many institutions of higher education which train students in agriculture. The results of the study show that an agricultural educational system has contributed to the agricultural sector through training high-level agricultural professionals, ensured by raising the standards and technologies of research, which leads to the formation of a new generation of specialists.

Keywords: competency approach, high quality teachers, agricultural education, professional competence.

УДК 37.013.42:373.5:316.62:34


© 2014

О. В. Левочкина, старший преподаватель кафедры «Менеджмента социального обеспечения»

Восточноукраинский национальный университет имени Владимира Даля, Луганск (Украина)

Аннотация: В статье расскрыто понятие, а также определены цели и задание технологии социально-педагогической реабилитации подростков. Выделены основные направления профилактики противоправного поведения. Проанализированы основные этапы (диагностический, коррекционный, этап реабилитации и профилактики) технологии социально-педагогической реабилитации подростков-правонарушителей.

Ключевые слова: технология, социально-педагогическая реабилитация, подростки-правонарушители, специальное учебное учреждение.

Постановка науковог проблеми та и значення. На су-часному еташ в Укра!ш набувае значення оволодшня не тшьки технолопями сощально! адаптацп, пристосування до нових ринкових умов, але, передуам, технолопями оновлення суспшьно! системи i вах И елеменпв. До таких технологш належать, насамперед, сощальш та сощально-педагопчш технологи.

Без знань теоретичних основ сощально-педагопчних технологш, принцитв технолопчного пвдходу у професшнш дiяльностi i конкретних методик роботи з дггьми та шдлгтками-правопорушниками стають немож-ливими ефективне планування, оргашзащя й здшснення сощально-педагопчно! дiяльностi.

Аналгзостантхдослгдженьзц1е!проблеми. На рубеж ХХ-ХХ1 ст. технолопзацп сощально-педагопчно! роботи, розробщ шновацшних технологш присвячено науковi пращ В. Заверико [1], М. 1ванова [2], А. Капсько! [3], С. Коношенко [4], Ю. Сурмша [5], М. Туленкова [5], С. Харченка [6], В. Шахрая [7], В. Шпак [8] та ш.

Формулювання мети та завдань статтг. Метою статп е розробка сощально-педагопчно! технологи, на яку б могли опиратися сощальш педагоги та iншi фахiвцi у дiяльностi для устшно! сощально-педагопчно! реабштацп шдлптав-правопорушнишв в умовах спещальних навчальних закладiв.

Виклад основного матергалу. На основi вивче-них лпературних джерел спробуемо сформулюва-ти свое розумшня технологи сощально-педагопчно! реабштацп шдлптав-правопорушнишв в умовах спещального навчального закладу: технолопчний комплекс, що мютить форми, методи й прийоми, якi спри-яють досягненню кiнцевоi мети сощально-педагопчно! реабiлiтацii пiдлiткiв-правопорушникiв - сощально-психолопчному вiдродженню соцiально-дезадаптованоi' дитини; вiдновленню функцш особистостi, !! психiчного, фiзичного i морального здоров'я, соцiального статусу;

поверненню особистостi до суспiльно корисно! пращ; формуванню позитивного ставлення до життя i навчан-ня.

Технологгя сощально-педагоггчног реабштацп тдлттв-правопорушниюв визначае також завдан-ня соц1ально-педагог1чно'1 реабштацп тдлттв-правопорушниюв, можливi напрями та етапи, мету, змют дiяльностi на кожному з еташв, методи, що при цьо-му можуть бути застосованi, та орiентовний розподiл обов'язкiв мiж фахiвцями спещального навчального закладу, представниками рiзних суб'ектiв сощально-педагогiчноi' реабiлiтацii [9].

На нашу думку, завданнями технологи сощально-педагоггчног реабштацп тдлттв-правопорушниюв на рiвнi спещального навчального закладу е: виявлення причин деформацiй розвитку дгтей та пiдлiткiв, пошук засобiв та заходiв !х усунення, оптимiзацiя умов життя, виховання та навчання пiдлiткiв-правопорушникiв, побудова адекватного педагогiчного процесу в умовах спецiального навчального закладу, що сприятиме розвитку особистосп пiдлiтка-правопорушника, сприян-ня розвитку сощального партнерства мiж фахiвцями з сощально! роботи, органами охорони здоров'я, освгти, зайнятостi, правовими службами, державними та не-державними органiзацiями з метою профшактики противоправно! поведiнки серед дией та молодi, надан-ня рiзноманiтноi' допомоги пiдлiткам, якi !! потребують, шляхом реалiзацii комплексу медичних, психолого-педагогiчних i соцiальних заходiв, корекцшно-розвивальних програм, спрямованих на ввдновлення (чи компенсацiю) порушених функцiй оргашзму, компенсацiю дефектiв i соцiальних ввдхилень.

Вiдповiдно до цих завдань технолопя сощально-педагогiчноi' реабiлiтацii' пiдлiткiв-правопорушникiв, (як i будь-яка iнша) мае певну чiтку структуру (алгоритм дiй), завдяки якiй може поетапно дiлитися та послщовно

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