Научная статья на тему 'The main features and the principles of description of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin in the modern Ukrainian language'

The main features and the principles of description of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin in the modern Ukrainian language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zyuzkina Halyna Mykolaivna

The article deals with the process of word-forming of borrowed derivatives. The morphonological features of word-formative morphemes are described. The analysis of morphonological phenomena is given.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The main features and the principles of description of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin in the modern Ukrainian language»

The main features and the principles of description of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin...

Zyuzkina Halyna Mykolaivna, Kirovohrad Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University, postgraduate student at Philology and Journalism Department

E-mail: [email protected]

The main features and the principles of description of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin in the modern Ukrainian language

Abstract: The article deals with the process of word-forming of borrowed derivatives. The morphonological features of word-formative morphemes are described. The analysis of morphonological phenomena is given. Keywords: derivatives of foreign origin, morphonological phenomena.

With the formation and development of derivation as a science of the patterns and regularities of creation of new lexical units we indicate the growing interest to the derivational morphonology, because in many modern languages of different language families operate derivational patterns that produce derivatives by formal modification of their derivational morphemes.

Morphonological facts and patterns were studied in the works of R. Avanesov, S. Bernshtein, Ya. Bo-sak, S. Bromlej, D. Wort, W. Dressler, O. Zemskaja, L. Lopatin, V Kasevich, K. Kovalik, O. Kybrjakova, R. Ljaskovskij, Yu. Pankrats, S. Tolstaja, M. Trubetskoj, H. Ulashyn, B. Churhanova. Linguists outlined mor-phonological borders, defined its subject and objectives, highlighted the units of morphonology, suggested the possible procedures of emphasis and analysis of morpho-nological phenomena, tried to figure out their role.

The research of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin is considered to be topical, prospective and promising because without it it’s impossible to understand and interpret the processes of derivational adaptation ofborrowed words in the system of the modern Ukrainian language. One of these issues is morphonological regularities of morphs combinatory in a word, but morphonological combinatory in the vocabulary of foreign origin has not been investigated yet. The peculiarities of inclusion of a borrowed word into the processes of derivation and word-family formation require special scientific research as the establishment of foreign words in a recipient-language is based on the interaction of a word not only with the lexical units, but also on the derivational level (borrowed words, acting as motivators, are involved into derivational paradigms and derivational models, are related to specific means and methods of derivation).

The objective of the paper is to study the characteristics of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin in the modern Ukrainian language. The

achievement of this obj ective requires the solution of the following tasks:

1) to describe and analyze the suffixal method of word-formation of derivatives of foreign origin as the most productive for the derivational adaptation of borrowed vocabulary,

2) to establish the general characteristics of morpho-nological phenomena accompanying the above mentioned process,

3) to identify the basic principles of description of the derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin.

The most productive method both for formations of Slavonic origin and for the derivational adaptation of borrowed vocabulary is the morphological one. The morphological method involves adding affix-morphemes to a basis of a motivator (alone or in a combination) according to certain derivational models and certain rules that exist in a language. The inventory of formal transformations occurring on the border of a radical and a suffix proves how morphonologically important is exactly this morphemic joint [2, 92].

As a derivative of foreign origin formed according to the suffixal method of word formation we understand a formation which in synchronous language system is motivated by another lexical unit of foreign origin (derived or non-derived), also it’s the formation which has a radical and a suffix that are clearly distinguished and at the same time is a member of a series of words of the same type. The choice of a suffix is attributed not to the nature of a motivating radical but to the established and fixed in the Ukrainian language tradition of formation of derivatives due to the models of borrowed words that have already been adapted in the Ukrainian language with a certain derivational meaning.

New verbs of foreign origin more often appear as a result of the suffixal derivation from substantives of foreign origin and refer to a certain type of person’s


Section 12. Philology

activity. In the formation of verbal derivatives of foreign origin such suffixes are involved: -ува- (-юва-); 4рува-(-ирува-); 4зува- (-изува-); -ствува-; -и-; -нича-:

тампон — тампонувати, фонд — фондувати, марш — марширувати, фарш — фарширувати, iдеал — iдеалiзувати, стиль — стилiзувати, фiлософiя — фиософствувати, бригадир — бригадирству вати, рикошет—рикошетити, каламбур — каламбурити; секрет — секретничати, саботаж — саботажничати.

In the formation of adjectival derivatives of foreign origin such suffixes are involved: -н-, -ичн- (4чн-); -альн- (4альн-); -уальн-; -ивн-; -арн- (-ярн-); -орн-; -озн-; -ов-(-ев-); -ськ-; -ач- (-яч-); -ист-; -абельн-; 4в: партiя — партшний, метр — метричний, фрагмент — фрагментарний, тик—тиковий, тюль — тюлевий, миьйонер — миьйонерський, мушкетер — мушкетерський, жираф — жираф’ячий, баюра — баюристий, презентувати — презентабельний, диявол — дияволiв.

The formation of substantival derivatives of foreign origin which denote names of masculine gender takes place according to the interaction of a radical of foreign origin with the following borrowed suffixes -ист (-icm); -ер (-онер); -ир (4р); -ант (-ент); -атор (-итор, -тор, -ор) and with Ukrainian suffixes -ник (4вник, -льник); -овик; -ец' (-овец', 4вец'); -ар; -ан (-ин, -анин); -щик; -ач: рецидив — рецидивкт, мушкет — мушкетер, бригада — бригадир, банк — банкр, дуель — дуелянт, газифкувати — газифкатор, ремонт — ремонтник, депо — деповець, метрополитен — метрополтетвець, бетон — бетоняр, Осетiя — осетин, барабан — барабанщик, фiрма — фiрмач. Relevant nouns of feminine gender are formed from the corresponding masculine nouns of foreign origin with the following suffixes: -к- (-анк-, 4чк-); -ш-; -ниц'- (4вниц'-, -льниц’-); -ин'-; -ес- (-ис-); -их-: терорист — терористка, прем’ер — прем’ерка, педикюр — педикюрша, авантюрник — авантюрниця, гофрувальник — гофрувальниця, граф — графиня, поет — поетеса, страус — страусиха. Affectionate diminutive nouns of foreign origin are formed with the help of the following suffixes: -ик; -чик; -к-; -очк- (-ечк-); -ец': секрет — секретик, каламбур — каламбурчик, ттрига — штрижка, ферма — фермочка, фасад — фасадець. Abstract names of action are formed mainly according to the following word formation types with -н'н'-; -ацЦ- (-изацЦ-); -аж: шокувати — шокування, фрондувати — фрондування, калiбрувати — калiбрацiя, утфжувати — утфжащя, дублювати — дубляж. The derivation of abstract and collective nouns of foreign origin is carried out with

the help of the following suffixes -ств-; 4сть; -изм; -i/j/-; -ад- (4ад-); -инг (4нг): лакей — лакейство, шеф — шефство, лакотчний — лакотчтсть, дублетний — дублеттсть, кретин — кретитзм, бюрократ — бюрократiя, утверситет — унiверdада, прес — пресинг.

In the formation of derivatives of foreign origin there are limitations in compatibility of derivational morphemes. Implementing according to a typical model, the derivational process may encounter certain obstacles and fail. One of such obstacles is the formal limitations that are caused by redundant elements in a radical of motivating words, by structural inadequacy, accumulation of consonants in some positions and by similarities of final and initial sounds of motivating morphs. However, in the Ukrainian language there are certain ways to remove such obstacles — this is the existence of the following morphonological phenomena: reduction, alternation, interference, lengthening and accent modification. The choice of them, depending on the nature of the obstacles, can form a new word and complete the derivational process, but the obligatory condition for their implementation is preserving in a derivative that part of a lexical unit which carries the main semantic information [1, 113].

As morphonological phenomena we understand such phenomena that appear on the morphemic joint as a result of mutual accommodation of morphemes. So these are such transformations of morphemes in the derivational process that do not break the identity of morphemes but mark those functions that are fixed in the language to morphs of alternating morphemes. Depending on the changes that are exposed in the phonemic structure of morphemes (or radicals) in the formation of the suffixal derivatives of foreign origin, we have distinguished the following types of morphonological phenomena: reduction, alternation, interference (blending), lengthening (interfixation), accent modification.

1) alternation: наркоз — наркотизувати, стимул— стимулювати;

2) reduction: назальный — назалiзувати, популярный — популяризувати;

3) lengthening: тату — татуювати, крою — кро-кювати;

4) interference: рал1—ралкт, фортепяно — форте-пяновий;

5) accent modification: чесуча — чесучевий, перли — перлйстий.

The process of reduction of a motivating radical in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin is quite common and productive phenomenon. Morphonological


The main features and the principles of description of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin...

reduction is such a morphonological phenomenon according to which takes place the reduction of the final part of a motivating radical in the process of mutual accommodation of morphemes. The prevalence of this morphonological phenomenon in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin of different parts of speech is also different. The phenomenon of reduction can be primarily explained by the desire for harmonious sounding. We can classify this phenomenon according to the phonemic complexes and divide it into three groups:

1) reduction of vowel phonemes: декольте — деколь-тувати, dendi — дендизм, кенгуру — кенгуреня, лiбрe-то — лiбрeтист;

2) reduction of consonant phonemes: профеая — профеаонал, колотя — колотальний, сениьний — се-ншзм, гумантарний — гуматтарш, лeсбiянка — лес-бiянство;

3) reduction of phonemic combinations: клонус — клотзм, алeгорiя — алегоризм, бравувати — бравура, европеець — европейка.

In some cases for combining morphemes in a word we state such morphonological phenomenon as inserting some morphemes or their complexes. The lengthening of morphemes facilitates the combination of phonemes on a morphemic joint, with the help of this phenomenon some untypical for a Ukrainian word combinations of phonemes and repetition of similar morphemes difficult to pronounce are eliminated. It should be noted that in modern linguistics there is no generally accepted definition of those units that appear on the border of morphemes, different linguists classify it differently. In this research paper we consider it appropriate to define this process as the lengthening ofphonemes. This morphonological phenomenon cannot be qualified as the lengthening of a radical, because there are cases of the lengthening not only of radicals but also of suffixes. The term “insertion of unsemantic phonemes" also does not correspond, because not only single phonemes are inserted, but also their complexes. These phenomenon cannot be called interfixation of phonemes because the elements appear not only on the border of radicals and affixes, but also in the middle of motivating radical or in the final part of affixes. The lengthening of phonemes in the formation of suffixal derivatives offoreign origin is an ambiguous phenomenon and is determined by the complexity of defining to which morpheme (a radical or a suffix) additional unsemantic segments can be related. The criteria, in our opinion, may be either the use of inserted phonemes in a large number of derivatives with the same suffix (in this case, we refer them to the lengthening of suffixes) or the use of the

lengthened form in different derivatives with different suffixes derived from the same radical (in this case, we refer them to the lengthening of radicals).

We can classify this phenomenon according to the phonemic complexes and divide it into three groups:

1) the lengthening of vowel phonemes: in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin it hasn’t been registered;

2) the lengthening of consonant phonemes: тке — ткейний, комйьфо — комйьфотний, тату — та-туювати, лобi — лобювати; 3) the lengthening of phonemic combinations: Венещя — венещанський, мeркантилiзм — меркантил^тський, тариф — та-рифкувати, пресвтер -- прeсвiтeрiанство.

In derivational processes in some cases of morpheme combinations at the end of the first and at the beginning of second morpheme we register the same phonemes. In order to avoid the repetition of identical phonemes, they collide with each other, and consequently on the border of morphemes instead of two identical phonemes only one is pronounced. The low level of prevalence of this phenomenon, to some extent, is due to the fact that some linguists propose to qualify the interference of morphemes as a kind of another, more widespread phenomenon — the reduction of morphemes. Of course, it is impossible to simplify the statement that morpho-nological phenomenon of interference of morphemes has much in common with the reduction of morphemes. However, in our opinion, these two phenomena must be studied separately basing on the fact that between them there are fundamental differences:

1) both final phonemes of affixes and phonemes of motivating radical can be reduced, but the interference occurs only on the border of morphs;

2) while the reduction of a motivating radical on the border ofmorphemes are used structurally different types of phonemes and is reduced either a part of morphemes or a particular phoneme, then while the interference on the morphemic joint two structurally identical phonemes are combined resulting in loss of one phoneme. In the Ukrainian language in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin the interference of two types take place:

1) the interference of vowel phonemes: бордо — бордовий, шдиго — тдиговий;

2) the interference of consonant phonemes: екс-терн — екстерний, етруск — етруський.

One ofthe most common morphonological phenomena in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin in the modern Ukrainian language is the alternation of phonemes, which is defined as a interchange that appears on


Section 12. Philology

the border of combined morphemes and serves as an additional means that promotes combining opportunities of morphemes. On the material of different languages it was found out that the alternation in the final part of a motivating radical of suffixal derivatives is naturally determined: only certain types of initial phonemes can alternate with clearly identified phonemes. It is necessary to separate clearly morphonological alternation of phonemes from phonological alternation, which do not affect the identity of phonemes. If these phonemic alternations not only accompany the derivational process but they also are the additional means of derivation (indicate the direction of motivation) we qualify them as morphonological alternations as opposed to phonological ones which do not have morphonological, grammar and word-formative loading.

The alternation in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin can be classified according to the following principles:

1) the alternation of phonemes at the end of a motivating radical: {з'//д} суспензiя — суспендувати;

2) the use of suffixes in different phonological variants (allomorphism): рефлекторний — рефлективний;

3) the alternation in the middle of a motivating radical: {i//e} мшщя — мищейський.

Linguists consider borrowed words without stable accent traditions to be the most active conductor of many accent innovations. The accent fluctuations in borrowed words is inevitable: it suggests that borrowed words interact with the Ukrainian vocabulary and gradually are assimilated by it. The accent in suffixal derivatives of foreign origin is an additional morphonological means of derivation. The accent in the formation of these derivatives is described as a systemic unit that does not exist in isolation but in relation to other substances, so the concept of accent is studied due to the concept of mobility/nonmobility and accent position. The derivational nonmobile accent is the accent on the same morpheme in forms of motivating and motivated words: лабiринт — лабiринтовий. The derivational mobile accent is the accent on another morpheme of a derivative than of a motivating word: сорт — сортовий.

All of these morphonological phenomena in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin are used mostly in complex and can be so regular that they become a

characteristic feature at the level of word-formation type. Owing to this fact the study of morphonological phenomena in the formation of derivatives of foreign origin enables the extraction of morphonological models and morphonological classes of derivatives. The morphonological model of derivatives of foreign origin is the representation in the scheme of motivated suffixal derivatives all morphonological phenomena that appear in the formation of these derivatives and are characterized by relative regularity. The study of morphonological models derivatives of foreign origin is offered to be performed according to the following criteria:

1) the word formation type of a motivated word;

2) the part-of-speech correspondence of a motivating word;

3) the characteristics and quantity of morphonological phenomena that accompany the derivative process.

The relative regularity of morphonological models of derivatives of foreign origin makes it possible to speak of a generalized, complex and systemic unit — morpho-nological class. The morphonological class we define as an arranged set of morphonological models recorded in the formation of derivative of foreign origin. Thus, mor-phonological class as an integrated unit is determined by a morphonological model, morphonological transformations, part-of-speech correspondence of a motivating word and the word formation type of a derivative.

Thus, having analyzed the common features of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin we can draw the following conclusions:

1) to the need of assimilation of a significant amount of borrowed words by the means of the language corresponds exactly the derivational morphonology of the Ukrainian language, which studies the phonological structure of derivational morphemes, the process of formation of derivatives of foreign origin, the internal mechanisms of the combinatory of their derivational units;

2) the important part of the process of formation of suffixal derivatives of foreign origin is the analysis of all morphonological phenomena accompany this process;

3) the availability of the developed morphonological classification provides the comprehensive approach to the study of derivational morphonology of derivatives of foreign origin.


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2. Федурко М. Ю. Морфонолопя в^менникового словотворення. - Кшв-Дрогобич: Вимiр, - 2003. - 271 с.

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