Oriental Journal of Social Sciences
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Pages: 63-72
Inoyatkhon Arzimatova
Associate Professor, PhD Fergana State University Fergana, Uzbekistan
Key words: society, reform process, leadership, initiative, work culture, spiritual and material well-being, management methods, moral responsibility,
communication culture, patriotism.
Received: 01.03.22 Accepted: 11.03.22 Published: 25.03.22
Abstract: This article analyzes the moral responsibility of leaders, modern management methods, the main aspects of the development of their moral and aesthetic culture in today's era of renewal in society.
Inoyatxon Arzimatova
Dotsent, PhD
Farg'ona davlat universiteti Farg'ona, O'zbekiston
Kalit so'zlar: jamiyat, islohotlar Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqolada
jarayoni, yetakchilik, tashabbuskorlik, mehnat jamiyatdagi bugungi yangilanish davrida madaniyati, ma'naviy va moddiy farovonlik, rahbarlarning ma'naviy mas'uliyati, boshqaruv usullari, ma'naviy javobgarlik, zamonaviy boshqaruv usullari, ularning muloqot madaniyati, vatanparvarlik. axloqiy-estetik madaniyatini
rivojlantirishning asosiy jihatlari tahlil _qilinadi._
Иноятхон Арзиматова
Доцент, PhD
Ферганский государственный университет Фергана, Узбекистан
Ключевые слова: общество, Аннотация: В данной статье реформаторский процесс, лидерство, анализируются моральная ответственность инициатива, культура труда, духовное и руководителей, современные методы материальное благополучие, методы управления, основные аспекты развития их управления, моральная ответственность, нравственно-эстетической культуры в культура общения, патриотизм. сегодняшнюю эпоху обновления в _обществе._
It is known that the formation of spiritual maturity in young people is one of the foundations of the formation of civil society. Today, the upbringing of a spiritually and physically harmoniously developed generation is an urgent task for us on a national scale. Consistent and decisive continuation of our work on the way to this noble goal is today at the center of our policy.
Educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and respect for our national values, protection from various ills and threats, increasing the effectiveness of propaganda work is one of the pressing problems of today.
The rapid development of Information Technology and globalization processes are setting new tasks in the areas of human factor, education, new pedagogical technology. In fact, more than a hundred years ago, the knowledge that a person received in the process of education was enough for his whole life. Because the exchange of Information, its update has been very slow. The development of Information Communication Technology has also led to the fact that educational programs become obsolete in the short term. Their creation should be in proportion to the newly formed professions and specialties. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the role of each parent in the integration of the idea of national independence into the younger generation is also very important. It is necessary for parents to realize how important their children are in preschool education, their spiritual spiritual development, this period is an important stage of continuous education and upbringing. It will be desirable to achieve a consistent adaptation of the family to the system of educational institutions.
It is natural that the process of reforms in the country, the changes taking place in the life of society create a new responsibility to the leadership. Therefore, for the manager, the issues of initiative, dedication to the introduction of advanced work culture, awareness of people's moods, living with their concerns, creating new jobs, ensuring the spiritual and material well-being of the people will rise to the level of the main criteria. After all, "life itself requires us to form a system of professional, efficient and effective public service, to open the way for innovative, enterprising, loyal to the people" [1].
THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS Today the process of globalization is also reflected in the information culture. That is, informatization is inextricably linked with the processes of globalization. Globalization is a continuous process that has a strong impact on the socio-political, economic life of society, the spiritual world of the individual. It follows from this that the presence of an information culture in each person is of practical importance for understanding, understanding the essence of events taking place around him, in social, economic and political processes, as well as for expressing his personal attitude.
In our opinion, that a deep study of the spiritual and moral aspects of society, a comprehensive analysis of trends in spiritual processes and the possibilities of spiritual life in modern human society and certain conclusions will create unique opportunities to prevent existing crises. Here it is necessary to return to the moral criteria that underlie the spiritual life of the East, to realize how they played a vital role in the activities and daily life of our ancestors, it should be borne in mind that they achieved perfection by choosing this path of historical development. It should be borne in mind that traditional oriental spiritual and moral criteria are not alien to the modern information and communication system, and they play an important role in the formation of a culture of spiritual information of a person.
The introduction of modern management methods is carried out by increasing the moral responsibility of executives. These successes can be achieved if corporate leaders, in general, increase the moral responsibility of executives:
first, democratization of governance on the basis of legitimacy;
second, the introduction of collective management in enterprises instead of administrative command management.
third, to increase the moral responsibility of managers in management. fourth, all of this work requires consistent updates.
The culture of communication associated with the activities of the leader includes: the art of speaking, listening skills, the ability to objectively evaluate and understand the interlocutor (partner, subordinate), the ability to communicate with any person and effectively influence him on the basis of mutual interest get.
Forming a leader is actually a very complex issue. Scientists and heads of state have been working on this issue for a long time. Because man is not immediately born a leader. Through consistent training and experience, talented people become leaders. In this sense, it is necessary to pay attention to the definitions of the concept of a leading person by the Ukrainian scientist AG Kovalev. According to him, leaders are divided into three types:
1. Negative types. They create a bad atmosphere in the community. He does nothing himself, he demands from others. Things will go their own way and in fact there will be an initiative from someone on the team as the work progresses. This type of leader does not manage the team well enough, resulting in a setback in the work.
2. Positive types. They create a sense of well-being in the team. One disadvantage of this type of leader is that they are overly demanding of others. As a result, there is a possibility of an uncomfortable environment in the team they lead.
3. Average types. They are between the negative and the positive type. These types work very hard and require the same from others. However, such a method of leadership is considered authoritarian, which leads to the judgment of others [2]. Professor A. Kovalev does not find any of these types satisfactory. However, it is noteworthy that the scientist's observations on the influence of leaders on their subordinates are noteworthy. Leaders are divided into groups and positions as they interact differently with others.
A leader who is well versed in the art of public speaking can use the power of words to draw people to himself, to become a true guide for them. This is not an easy task. The great Roman orator Cicero once said, "Sukhandon is such a quality that it is not easily attained and is born of a great deal of knowledge and labor." These words never lose their relevance. Knowing the theory of speech, studying the psychology of people, constantly practicing speech, and working hard on the word allows people to interact, to get their attention. Every action of the leader, every word he says is always in the spotlight of those around him. Sometimes, when I ask the question of what a leader should be, I look for an answer to this question from the wise sayings and exemplary stories of our great ancestors. In my opinion, a leader should first of all be distinguished from others by his behavior. It is necessary to pay special attention to the language in this regard.
The moral culture of a leader consists of the following qualities: Talent, research, modern knowledge, patriotism, devotion to the country, devotion, being a master of his profession, having an independent worldview, being a man of faith.
The moral culture of a leader consists of the following qualities: Talent, research, modern knowledge, patriotism, devotion to the country, devotion, being a master of his profession, having an independent worldview, being a man of faith. At the new stage of development of the society, significant results have been achieved in the field of training, retraining and placement of managers and management staff, and a national system with its own characteristics has been formed. Today, the issue of formation and implementation of a new system of personnel policy in the country and ways to address it have been identified. With this in mind, the personnel system in all spheres of state and public administration is being formed on a new basis.
Identification of current problems in these areas of improving the efficiency of personnel management and their timely solution at the level of modern requirements on a scientific and theoretical basis plays a special role in the formation and implementation of personnel policy in the country. In our country, great attention is paid to the training of high-level management staff capable of perfectly fulfilling the tasks related to the implementation of state policy aimed at building a democratic state governed by the rule of law and a strong civil society.
As a result of scientific research, Ukrainian scientist A. Kovalev demands that leaders have three moral qualities. They are: [3]
1. Principledness. A principled person acts in leadership with the public interest in mind, not his own. It is distinguished by its objectivity.
2. Discipline and attentiveness. A person works in leadership activities by combining material and spiritual interests.
3. Demanding. If the leader is not demanding, he will not succeed. He must be professionally demanding in the performance of his duties.
In addition to these qualities that make up the moral and aesthetic culture of the leadership, there are other human flaws. They hinder the formation of a leader's moral culture. For example, Professor E. Goziev points out the following fifteen such defects:
1. Inability to control oneself.
2. Deterioration of personal values.
3. Uncertainty of personal purpose.
4. The derailment of self-improvement.
5. Lack of problem-solving skills.
6. The presence of flaws in the creative approach.
7. Inability to influence people.
8. Insufficient understanding of the characteristics of management activities.
9. Weakness of leadership skills.
10. Lack of training to teach others, to teach them, to teach.
11. Low ability to unite the workforce.
12. Inability to attract the attention of others with news.
13. Lack of a culture of dealing with people.
14. Delay in the chapter on reason and intellect.
15. Weakness of business ability [4].
It should be noted that today, at a time when our country is striving for new goals in its development, reforms in all spheres of our society are reaching a new level, first of all, much depends on the honest and competent performance of their duties, as well as selflessness.
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