UDC 336
N.N. Korsunova
At the present stage, the relevance of the use of innovative banking credit products by credit institutions for corporate clients has increased significantly. In that case, if corporate clients do not have their own funds for business development, they can not do without borrowed funds. In this regard, banks need all the time to develop and offer new types of Bank credit products for corporate clients in the conditions of increasing competition and declining profitability of banks. In this regard, it is particularly relevant to study the possibilities of developing innovative banking credit products for corporate clients. The main prerequisites for the development of Bank credit products are: an individual approach to the corporate client, the development of information and communication technologies.
Key words: innovative Bank credit products, corporate clients, ideas of creation of Bank credit products.
When creating an innovative Bank loan product, in the process of generating ideas for its creation, we have proposed an innovative integrated approach, project approach, value approach. At the same time, they take into account such features of approaches as orientation to the assortment line of innovative Bank credit products, selection of the most viable ideas for creating Bank credit products for corporate clients, as well as ensuring the search for new ideas for their creation.
Table 1
Innovative integrated approach in generating ideas for creating _Bank credit products for corporate clients[1]._
The name of the method in the approach Content
Brainstorming method There is a discussion, the participants of which in turn put forward ideas and try to develop them. The process of formulation of ideas and criticism of the proposals should occur at the same time. It creates a list of creative solutions that go further to the implementation, the production of the best ideas. Later the analysis of the obtained solutions is carried out.In this case, the preparation of ideas is carried out in advance, and there is no limit to the generation ofideas
Benchmarking method Continuous search of new ideas and their subsequent use in practice is made. During the application of this method, the Bank compares the performance of its Bank with the performance of competitors, as well as the study of the best experience of the ideas of creating Bank credit products for corporate clients.
Design Thinking The first step, called empathy, is to study the needs of corporate clients. The next step is to determine the nature of the problem and to think over the ideas on creation of Bank credit products for corporate clients using the principle prototyping and testing
According to table 1, it can be concluded that the innovative integrated approach allows selecting the most viable ideas for the creation of Bank credit products for corporate clients, as well as to ensure the search for new ideas for their creation.
© Корсунова Н.Н., 2019.
Научный руководитель: Уразова Светлана Александровна-доктор экономических наук, профессор, Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ), Россия
ISSN 2223-4047
BecmnuK Maeucmpamypu. 2019. № 4-2(91)
Table 2
Project approach in generating ideas for creating Bank credit products for corporate clients [2].
The name of the method in the approach Content
SWOT-analysis It allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Bank when creating a Bank loan product. Its main feature is a good understanding of the needs of corporate clients , the use of unique technologies ,effective advertising, ensuring the expansion of the product line of the Bank, as well as its entry into new markets.
BCG matrix Graphical representation of the results of creation of Bank credit products for corporate clients. Its main feature is the visibility of the results and the simplicity of its construction, with its help it is easy to develop a strategy for banks.With the correct construction, the objectivity of the analyzed parameters is noted.
ABC-analysis Allows you to determine how important the product line of Bank credit products to corporate customers. A-important; B-less important; C-unimportant. Easy to use and easy to perceive.
The Method Of Kano Allows to classify Bank credit products according to their importance for corporate clients: necessary, attractive, irrelevant.
According to table 2, it can be concluded that this approach allows to determine how important the product range of Bank credit products to corporate customers, as well as to determine the possibility of their creation in the Bank at a certain stage of its development. Table 3 Value approach in generating ideas for creating Bank credit products for corporate clients [3].
The name of the method in the approach Content
Value identification using P2M Determining the value of the idea of creating a Bank credit product for corporate clients, rethinks the system of transformation of ideas into the creation of new values.
Kunio Nakamura ideas program It helps to get rid of the old system of ideas of creating Bank credit products for corporate clients, as well as providing the basis for creativity and growth. It ensures the creation of value ideas through projects and involves their development with small and simple solutions
Total optimization of the management of banking credit products in the banking business It involves partial optimization of business ideas for the creation of Bank credit products for corporate clients, through the consolidation of their development, introduction to the banking market and development
On the basis of the proposed approaches to the generation of ideas for the creation of Bank credit products for corporate clients to propose a model of balanced innovation.
creation of technological banking technology
platform of banks management
project management on creation of Bank credit products for corporate clients
Fig. 1. Balanced innovation Model [4]
According to figure 1, this model includes a set of key and auxiliary technologies of the Bank used in the creation of innovative banking credit products for corporate clients.
Thus, creating its product line, the Bank should form it based on the needs of a certain group of corporate clients classified according to certain indicators, rather than the "average corporate client". In turn, service differentiation and market segmentation can yield results to attract corporate clients and ensure profits from the sale of new Bank credit products and services, they are usually effective only as short-term strategies.
List of references:
1. Compiled by the author of the course of lectures on the COURSERA platform for the course marketing of innovative products. Electronic resource. [Access mode]: https://www.coursera.org/learn/marketing-innov-produktov/(accessed 16.03.2019)
2. Compiled by the author on the materials of the course of lectures Basics of business planning and marketing on the COURSERA platform. Electronic resource. [Access mode]: https://www.coursera.org/learn/osnovy-biznes-planirovaniya-marketinga/lecture/ (accessed 16.03.2019)
3. Compiled by the author of the course of lectures on the management of innovative projects on the COURSERA platform. Electronic resource. [Access mode]: https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloud-front.net/_74a5afd2d062fa09ebdb31c059e8fc56_part1.pdf?Expires=1552867200&Signature=bgEfwxwuaYvFPz7-cTNg6vTtQgiqzgHPGQF38kGZFPMKBKZzDrK7ZyWcx2Hge8Uf179v2GfPMKwBA-7ia9H34IMiqI~LhJ-LTqGqulJ9Q1hdmgivJ3Sr~aFIIQ~ECF3JTZo1tOSmzJDkMg1FPEM~AeS2fYQDSQPc39Io0-TMv7s_&Key-Pair-Id=AP-KAJLTNE6QMUY6HBC5A (accessed 16.03.2019)
4. Compiled by the author of the course of lectures on the management of innovative projects on the COURSERA platform. Electronic resource. [Access mode]:https://d3c33hcgiwev3.cloud-front.net/_74a5afd2d062fa09ebdb31c059e8fc56_part2.pdf?Expires=1552867200&Signa-
ture=jk9~l7UGPBIDz8mdRJwFnnohE1 m593imdAxt4g 1 ld0gukthbwoebimjs-xKMoEQ0iFETL0oV20dIGubsJmds-vwQbjZCDhRD5maTNev3lYBRMzgFPurjKq-Qt0tAyu~s~YMWvm-
d2~~DXPlSF2Sjy0jiErQtMnL0UAECW4524Tc_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLTNE6QMUY6HBC5A (accessed 16.03.2019)
КОРСУНОВА НАДЕЖДА НИКОЛАЕВНА - магистрант, Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ), Россия.