-5, зайцеобразных -1, грызунов -16, хищных- 11, копытных -3. На грани исчезновения находятся дрофа-красотка, каракал, джейран, устюртский баран и сайгак. Резко ухудшились условия зимовки крупных хищных птиц - орлов, орланов, грифов - ранее многочисленных.
Одним из ключевых представителей Устюртской фауны является сайгак. Этот вид можно рассматривать в качестве индикатора устойчивости использования биоразнообразия плато Устюрт. Сайгак играет важную роль в сохранении баланса равнинных экосистем и поддержании продуктивности естественных пастбищ. В последние годы сайгак практически перестал встречаться весной в своих традиционных местах окота на территории Каракалпак-стана. Отметим, что на Устюрте еще сохранились менее деградированные участки, которые представляют интерес с точки зрения организации охраняемой природной территории, как для редких видов, так и, особенно, для сохранения биомных видов.
Таким образом, современное антропогенное изменение ландшафтов в регионе Южного Приаралья оказывает огромное влияние на преобразование природных комплексов и становится важнейшим фактором существования животных. Важность поддержания видового разнообразия животных, как основы устойчивости экосистем к нарушающим воздействиям, ставит на повестку дня
вопрос о сохранении отдельных находящихся под угрозой видов, сохранении разнообразия генофонда в Южном Приаралье.
Список литературы:
1. Большаков В,Н, Пути приспособления мелких млекопитающих к горным условиям.- М.- Наука.- 1972.
2. Гашев Н. Млекопитающие в системе экологического мониторинга (на примере Тюменской области). Тюмень: ТюмГУ, 2000. 202 с.
3. Ивантер Э.В., Ивантер Т.В., Туманов Н.Л. Адаптивные особенности мелких млекопитающих: эколо-го-морфологический и физиологические аспекты. Л.:Нау-ка, 1985. 318 с.
4. Иноземцев А.А. Влияние новых условий природопользования на население наземных позвоночных // Экология. 1998.№3.С 201-205.
5. Реймов Р.Р. Грызуны Южного Приаралья.- Нукус, 1987
6. Соколов В.Е, Пузаченко Ю.Г. Пространственно-временная организация биосферы в связи с проблемами изучения ее устойчивости//Проблемы экол. устойчивого развития биосферы. М.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1988.С99-105.
Myrzakhanova M.N.
PhD in Medical science, professor, Department of jurisprudence, Kokshetau state university,
Myrzakhanov N.
doctor biological science, professor, Department of Tourism and Business, "Turan-Astana" university ЛИМФАТИЧЕСКАЯ И ИММУННАЯ СИСТЕМА
Мырзаханова Маржан Нуркеновна кандидат медицинских наук, профессор кафедры юриспруденции, Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш. Уалиханова
Мырзаханов Нуркен доктор биологических наук, профессор кафедры туризма и бизнеса, Университет «Туран-Аста-
Theoretical and practical aspects of evaluation and monitoring control systems. АННОТАЦИЯ
Исследованы теоретические и практические аспекты оценки и контроля систем управления. Keywords: control region, rating, formation evaluation scale.
Ключовые слова: контрольная область, рейтинговая оценка, формирование шкалы оценки.
The medicines, which have pronounced immunomodulating properties, without a doubt, should include interferons and interferon inducers [1]. It is possible to identify these drugs in a separate section, as their main pharmacological property is an antiviral effect. But interferons as an integral part of the cytokine network of the body are immunoregulatory molecules have effects on all cells of the immune system.
For example, interferon-a and TNF are synthesized in the early stages of immune response, are potent activators of NK - cells, which, in turn, are a major source of interferon-y production well before its synthesis T - lymphocytes. One can cite many other examples of immunomodulatory effects of interferon, so all interferons and their inducers are antiviral and
immunomodulatory drugs. As noted above, strong inducers interferons are nucleic acids and their various derivatives and especially poludanum and ridostin.
The medicines, which possess immunomodulatory properties, include immunoglobulin preparations: Human immunoglobulin, Intraglobin, Octagam, pentaglobin, Sandoglobulin, etc. However, their main purpose - replacement therapy, and they belong to the group of essential medicines.
Pharmacological effects of immunomodulators. In the analysis of the pharmacological action of immunomodulators should be considered a surprising feature of the functioning of the immune system that "works" according to the type of interconnected scales, that is, the presence of the load on a "bowl" drives the entire system [2]. Therefore, regardless of the
initial orientation under the influence of the immunomodulator, ultimately, to some extent it changes the functional activity of the entire immune system. The immunomodulator may have a selective effect on the corresponding component of the immune system, but the final effect of its impact on the immune system is always multifaceted. For example, substance X - induces only one IL-2. But this cytokine enhances proliferation of T-, B- and NK cells, increases the functional activity of macrophages, NK cells, killer T- cells, etc. IL-2 is no exception in this regard. All cytokines - the main immune regulators that mediate the immune system as a specific and non-specific stimuli, have multiple and varied effects on the immune system. Currently, cytokines is not revealed with severely specific activity. This position allows us to formulate the following principle [3]: any immunomodulator, selectively acting on the corresponding component of the immune system (phagocytosis, cellular or humoral immunity), in addition to the effect on this component of immunity, will to some extent have an impact on all the other components of the immune system.
Given this situation, it is nevertheless possible to allocate several directions immunomodulators main pharmacological actions relating provided in accordance with the classification of the various groups.
Immunomodulators of microbial origin
The main target in the body for the immunomodulators of microbial origin is phagocytic cells. Under the influence of immunomodulators is a strengthening of the functional properties of phagocytes: increased phagocytosis and intracellular killing of bacteria absorbed, as well as the production of proinflammatory cytokines, required for the initiation of humoral and cellular immunity. This can cause increased production of antibodies, activation of the formation of antigen-specific T-helper cells and T killer cells. Most full studied pharmacological action on the immune system semisynthetic licopid immunomodulator, which is the minimum component of the cell wall of bacteria. Licopid main target in the body are the cells of the monocyte-macrophage series. It enhances the function of almost all cells of the system, namely:
- Absorption and Kipling microorganisms due to the activation of lysosomal enzymes and reactive oxygen species;
- Kipling foreign cells (tumor and virus-infected);
- Expression of HLA-DR-antigens, resulting in increased antigen presentation (AH) cells of the immune system;
- The synthesis of cytokines (IL-l, TNF, growth factors).
Likopid has anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, reparation,
leukopoietic, anti-tumor (in the experiment), hepatoprotective and detoxifying effect. The current starting is licopid N-a-^TMnrnroK03aMMHMn-N-a^TMnMypaMMn-HanaHMn-D-M-3orayTaMMH, which is a fragment of the cell wall of bacteria. The drug has immunomodulatory effects by increasing the activity of phagocytes (macrophages and neutrophils), T and B lymphocytes. This increase the bactericidal, the cytotoxic activity of phagocytes, stimulates the synthesis of specific antibodies and cytokines. Application licopid in treatment can significantly improve the effectiveness of antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral therapy [4].
Immunomodulators thymic origin
Naturally, in accordance with the name of the main
target of immunomodulators thymic origin in the body are T-lymphocytes. When initially decrease in the indicator number of drugs that increase the number of T-cells and their functional activity.
Pharmacological action thymic synthetic dipeptide timogena is to increase the level of cyclic nucleotides in analogy with the effect of thymic hormone thymopoietin, which leads to the stimulation of proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells in mature T lymphocytes. Thus there is a normalization of the immunoregulatory index (CD4 / CD8 ratio), increasing the ability of T cells to give the proliferative response of T-mitogens, increased production of relevant cytokines. The consequence of this, as already mentioned axis is increased functional activity of the innate immunity factors: neutrophils, monocytes / macrophages and NK-cells. In particular, the increased ability of neutrophils and monocytes to capture the bacteria and forming active oxygen species. The mechanism of action, similar in chemical structure to the synthetic peptide immunomodulator timogenom bestim is to induce differentiation of precursor T-cell stimulation with preferential formation of Th1 cells and increased their proliferation. This is likely due to the formation of Bestim induction of IL-2 and interferon, which are the indicator of Th1 cells by cytokines.
The pharmacological action ofsynthetic immunomodulator thymic origin imunofana is as follows:
- Restoring the production of chemical hormone thymuline thymectomy in mice to values typical of normal animals;
- Increased in experiments in vivo and in vitro production of IL-2 by lymphocytes stimulated by T cells;
- Immuno-modulating effect on the production of proinflammatory cytokine TNF (increase of loss and reducing its high education);
- Stimulation in vitro formation of IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgA synthesis stimulation occurs in culture of lymphocytes derived from patients with selective IgA -deficit;
- Increase the absorption and destruction of trapped leukocytes bacteria;
- In vitro inhibition of IgE formation in cultures of lymphocytes obtained from the peripheral blood of patients with allergies;
- Adjuvant effect that is manifested by increased immunogenicity of vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis and hepatitis A.
In addition to immunological effects, an important property imunofana is its ability to create an antioxidant protecting the body by stimulating the synthesis of ceruloplasmin and catalase activity. Imunofan normalizes lipid peroxidation, inhibits cell membrane phospholipids and the formation to arachidonic acid. Thus the decomposition products of inflammation mediators.
Immunomodulators bone marrow-derived
Pharmacological effects on bone marrow-derived immunomodulator authorities mielopida multifaceted. In accordance with bone marrow-derived target immunomodulators in the organism are B-lymphocytes. In case of violation of hematopoiesis or immunopoiesis introduction mielopida common causes increased mitotic activity of bone marrow cells and directs their differentiation in the direction of B-lymphocytes. Expression is amplified pan-B
cell antigens, HLA-DR-antigen downregulation of early B-cell markers (Sc-l-antigen). Due to the presence in the composition mielopida MP-1 component, acting on T-helper cells occurs also under its influence increased differentiation of bone marrow cells towards mature T-lymphocytes. The presence of mielopida MP3 component acting on phagocytosis, enhances his influence granulocytopoiesis and enhance the functional activity of phagocytic cells. The totality of these properties mielopida causes an increase in T -, and B cells in peripheral blood phagocytes. Increasing their functional activity due to the ability mielopida stimulate the humoral immune response, significantly increasing the level of antibodies. It should be noted that the introduction of the drug restores the antibody formation in animals exposed to radiation, the effects of
cytotoxic drugs and antibiotics.
1. Ershov F.I. Antiviral medications: Directory. - M., 1998.
2. Petrov R.V. I or non me. Immunological mobiles. - M., 1987.
3. Khaitov R.M., Pinegin B.V. Modern immunomodulators: the basic principles of their application // Immunology.- 2000. - #5. -P. 4-7.
4. Rabinovich O.F. Treatment of patients with lichen ruber planus and immunomodulatory drugs likopid polyoxidonium // Immunology. - 2004. - #4. - P.226-229.