Научная статья на тему 'The Legend of the twelve golden Fridays in the Western manuscripts. Part ii: Vernacular - ii. 3 Dutch, Low German, high German'

The Legend of the twelve golden Fridays in the Western manuscripts. Part ii: Vernacular - ii. 3 Dutch, Low German, high German Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ivanov S. V.

The paper continues the study of the manuscript transmission of the legend of the twelve Fridays adding material from the Dutch and German traditions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The Legend of the twelve golden Fridays in the Western manuscripts. Part ii: Vernacular - ii. 3 Dutch, Low German, high German»


Данная статья является продолжением публикации библиографических и справочных материалов по легенде о 12-ти пятницах. В этом разделе содержатся дополнительные материалы по нидерландским, нижне- и верхненемецким спискам легенды.

Ключевые слова: легенда о 12-ти пятницах, немецкие рукописи, библиография, источниковедение, the twelve golden Fridays, German manuscripts, bibliography, manuscript sources

This paper continues listing the manuscript materials for the twelve Fridays Legend; the previous parts are Ivanov 2012 and Ivanov 2013.


1. Dresden, Sachsische Landesbibliothek, Staats- und Univer-sitatsbibliothek, Mscr. Dresd. M. 33. a (1480s), contains two Flemish chronicles, some poems, and the Legend text on fol. 9v followed by texts on ‘bad days’ (dies egyptiaci) and prognostics for the year depending on the day of the week on which the New Year falls (a variant of the prophecies of Ezekiel).

On the MS see Falkenstein 1839: 404, Schnorr von Carolsfeld 1981: 439; see also Lievens 1963: 46-48, Reynaert 2004: 98.

2. Lincoln Cathedral Library, MS 301 (2nd half of the 15th cent.), contains a calendar, a prayer of Manasseh, the Legend text on fols. 9v-10v added by a later hand of the early 16th cent., Hours of the Virgin Mary, some other Hours, meditations by Henry Suso, many other prayers (including the 15 Oes of St Bridget, prayers to the Five Wounds etc.).

On the MS see Ker 1983: 127-133.

3. Brugge Stadsbibliotheek 326 (15th cent.), contains a calendar, various canons and prayers, the Legend text on fols. 69r-71r, in a section comprising also dies egyptiaci.

* Данная работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РГНФ (проект № 1304-00062).

On the MS see De Poorter 1934: 364-366; see also Toussaert 1963: 798, n. 16, Reynaert 2004: 97.

4. The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek KA 38 (15th cent.), contains prayers and vigils, and the Legend text on fols. 81r-83v.

On the MS see Catalogus KAW: xi.

5. Leipzig, Universitatsbibliothek 1658 (ca. 1500). A prayer-book, contains Indulgentiae ecclesiarum urbis Romae, prayers to Our Lady, to Mary Magdalena, and to St Anna, prayers in honour of the Holy Blood, as well as some prayers attributed to St Augustine. Our text is found on fol. 24v-26r.

On the MS see Lievens 1963: 111-112, Pensel 1998: 238-239.

6.* Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Neerl. 45. A composite volume containing hand-written as well as printed materials. Part IV of this volume comprises a printed law-book of Wester-lauwers Friesland (year 1485) and some pages filled in with handwritten texts (about 1500), including the Legend text on fols. 260v-261r together with three very short texts on the benefit of the mass, on the inscription on the Cross, and the names of the three Magi.

Edited by Gerbenzon 1954: 35-36; on the MS see Huet 1886: 47-48 (without reference to this text).

7. Deventer Stadsarchief en Athenaeumbibliotheek, I 24 (1729; olim 101 E 15) (early 16th cent.) contains excerpts from Gospel harmonies, prayers ascribed to St Bernard, texts on the Holy Sacrament, meditations on the life of Jesus, a dialogue between Jesus and a sinner, and the Legend text on fols. 294r-295v.

On the MS see Van Slee 1892: 10-11, Stooker, Verbeij 1997: 131; see also Spamer 1958: 340, Lampen 1937: 459, n. 3.

8. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, Neerl. 40 (ca. 1550) comprises a calendar, the Legend text on fols. 13r-15v, prayers, various devotional texts, writings of ps.-Eckhart, Martinus van Turnhout, Gertjo Jacobsen, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, ps.-Bridget of Sweden.

On the MS see Huet 1886, 45-46, Lampen 1937, 456-466, Lievens 1963: 47, Stooker, Verbeij 1997: 253-254.

9. Gent, Universiteitsbibliotheek 668 (middle 16th cent.). A prayer-book, contains various prayers and devotional texts, including among others the effusions of Christ’s blood, and our text on fols. 227v-229v as an addition by a later hand.

On the MS see Reynaert 1996: 15-24.

Low German

10.* Hamburg, Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Petri 30b

(late 14th - early 15th cent.), contains predominantly Latin texts such as Marian sermons, Stella clericorum, Manipulus curatorum by Guido de Monte Rochen, glossaries, and an Itinerary to the Holy Land by Burchard of Mount Sion. The paper leaves with later German additions - two prayers and the Legend text (fols. 29r-v), but also with a Latin Sunday letter - dated to 1430s.

Edited by Staphorst 1727: 344, new edition by Frederiksen 2008: 201-202; on the MS see Brandis, Maehler 1967: 66-71; see also Borchling 1899: 133-134, Lampen 1937: 459, n. 3.

11. London, University College, MS Lat. 17 (15th cent.), predominantly Latin texts, including a calendar, a Marian rosary, a Life of St Lawrence, various prayers, a verse in Low German and the Legend text on fols. 183r-v.

On the MS see Coveney 1935, 16-17.

12.* Luneburg, Ratsbucherei Theol. 2° 83 (mid-15th cent.).

Latin and Low German text, De septem vitiis, sacramentis et virtutibus, sermons by Peregrine of Opole, the Gospel of Nicodemus, Margarita decreti by Martin of Opava, Passionstraktat by Heinrich von St. Gallen, Apocalypse, the Sibylline oracles, and the Legend text on fol. 190v written right in the midst of the oracles.

Edited by Frederiksen 2008: 202; on the MS see Fischer 1972: 159-163, see also Borchling 1899, 167-169.

13. Lubeck, Stadtbibliothek, Ms. theol. germ. 4° 29 (2nd half of the 15th cent.), contains Franziskus und seine Gesellen, Passionstraktat by Heinrich von St. Gallen, SprUche der zwolf Meister zu Paris, the Legend text on fols. 309r-310r, the 15 signs before Doomsday, and a Spiegel der sunder.

On the MS see Hagen 1922: 20-21; see also Spamer 1970: 6.

14. Lubeck, Stadtbibliothek, Ms. theol. germ. 8° 88 (15th cent.), contains a Trinity Mass, prayers, Die geistliche Harfe, the Legend text on fols. 89r-91r, a Marian rosary, Passion of St Margaret, Horologium sapientiae by Henry Suso.

On the MS see Hagen 1922: 74-75; see also Spamer 1970: 6.

15.* Schwerin, Landeshauptarchiv, MS unidentified (15th cent.), a separate leaflet with the Legend text.

Published by Grotefend 1894, cf. also Grotefend 1898: 197.

16. Paderborn, Erzbischofliche Akademiebibliothek, B Alter-tumsver. Ms. 48 (16th cent.). A prayer-book, also contains litanies, a calendar, and the Legend text on fols. 249v-252r.

The next two MSS contain materials written in the Ripuarian dialect (the dialect of Cologne and its vicinities) which belongs to the group of the so-called Central German dialects of High German, but shares many features with Low German.

17.* Darmstadt, Universitats- und Landesbibliothek 968

(around 1525). A prayer-book, contains a Cologne calendar, many different prayers, the Legend text on fols. 305r-307v

Edited by Frederiksen 2008, 197-198; on the MS see Achten, Knaus 1959: 256-261, see also Kesting 1978.1

18.* Koln, Das Historische Archiv der Stadt, Best. 7008 (GB 8°) 170 (late 16th cent.). A prayer-book, contains Mass prayers, prayers to various saints, 7 Christ’s blood effusions, etc., the Legend text on fols. 163r-167r, followed by a story explaining the importance of the three special Fridays in the year on fols. 167r-175r, then 7 Masses for the souls in the Purgatory.

Edited by the present author (Ivanov forthcoming); on the MS see Menne 1937: 558-562.

High German

19. Augsburg, Universitatsbibliothek, Cod. II.1.4° 62 (late 14th cent.), written mostly in Latin, includes rhetorical treatises, a vocabulary to Lucian, a calendar of diocese Eichstatt, computistical and astrological matters, inter alia a versified (!) Latin version of the Legend with the German explanation (fol. 134v), a Passion Play, and Lamentations of Mary.

On the MS see Hilg 2007: 412-418. See also Ivanov 2013 (= Part I: Latin, № 69).

20. Munchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 4883 (1st quarter of the 15th cent.), contains Erkenntnis der SUnde by Heinrich von Langenstein, Christ’s Passion according to the time of day, the Legend text on fols. 101v-102r, 5 Gregorian masses, and a prayer.

On the MS see Schneider 1996, 411-413.

21. Heiligenkreuz, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 339 (1420-1435), contains the weather prognostics, Neu- und Vollmondkalender by Johannes von Gmunden, Fragen an Maria by Ps.-Anselm of Canterbury, some rhymed prayers, medical recipes, a text on thunder

1 Kesting erroneously attributes the text to Pope Clement VI while it is evident that the person meant under the name of Clemens could be only Pope St Clement I.

divination, the Legend text on fols. 186r-v, followed again by recipes and a prayer.

On the MS see Gsell 1891: 89 (without reference to the Legend text), Jackel 2011: 50-57.

22.* Munchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 7021 (1st half of the 15th cent.), contains some tutorial texts in rhetorics, Erkenntnis der SUnde by Heinrich von Langenstein, Disticha Catonis, a medical treatise by Mauritius with various recipes and charms, including the Legend text on fol 171v, then Practica by Bartholomaeus Salernitanus, a chronicle by Martinus Minorita, and various historical, medical and astronomical notes.

Edited by Veselovsky 1876: 330, from the transcription made by Halm, cf. Suchier 1910: 168, reproduced in Frederiksen 2008: 196; new edition (correcting some minor inaccuracies in Veselovsky) by Hahn 1973: 269. On the MS see Halm et al. 1873: 138-139.

23. Memmingen, Stadtbibliothek, Cod. 2,40.4° (1st half of the 15th cent.). A collection of medical and prognostical texts, recipes and charms, the Legend text on fols. 8r-9r (actually, only a preamble; the list of the twelve Fridays is missing).

See description of the MS at http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/ dtm/HSA/memmingen_700388020000.html

24. Wien, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 2994 (mid-15th cent.), contains Erkenntnis der SUnde by Heinrich von Langenstein, Visiones Georgii by Nikolaus von Astau, the Legend text on fol. 112r, and the legend of the 5 gifts of Holy Spirit.

On the MS see Menhardt 1961: 740-741; see also Kesting 1978.

25. Munchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cgm. 736 (third quarter of the 15th cent.), contains some topics usually transmitted within the so-called Iatromathematisches Hausbuch (a computistical text, an observation on the twelve months with dietary regulations, a selection of special and dangerous days, among them the Legend text on fols. 4r-v,2 texts on the zodiacal signs and the 7 planets, and charms), also hymns, a description of the churches in Rome, and a report on the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

On the MS see Schneider 1984: 192-196.

26. Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek MS 708 (year 1471), contains a collection of sermons (Einsiedeln-Zurcher Lectionary), a treatise BUchlein der ewigen Weisheit by Henry Suso, and various notes and

2 Although, it must be noted, the twelve Fridays Legend does not occur in other copies of this book. Nevertheless, in this case its inclusion is not coincidental since it is very well fits the contents of the book.

fragments, including the Legend text at the very end of the MS (fol. 168r-v), and on fol. 169r a part of the same text is added by an obviously later hand.

On the MS see Lang 2009: 274-275.

27. Giessen, Universitatsbibliothek MS 784 (1487-88), contains texts in Latin and German, including Stella clericorum, treatises by Henricus de Bitterfeld and Andreas de Escobar, prayers, a Speculum mortis, Spiegel des kranken und sterbenden Menschen, the Legend of Bishop Udo of Magdeburg, a collection of texts on the conception of the Virgin (including those by Johannes de Segovia, Johann Herolt, Ps.-Anselm of Canterbury, Dominicus Bollanus, Leonardus Nogarolus), Psalterium Mariae, some Marian rosaries, De corpore domini by Albertus Magnus, and the Legend text on fol. 167v in environment of 7 votive masses, 43 Gregorian masses, other prayers, and two calendars.

On the MS see Seelbach.

28. Prague, Narodni knihovna Ceske republiky I C 26 (2nd half of the 15th cent.), contains texts in Latin and German, such as treatises by Hugh of Saint-Cher, Bonaventura, Thomas Aquinas, biblical stories, Aesop’s fables, homilies on Gospels from Advent till the Trinity Sunday, the Legend of Bishop Udo, sermons by Johann Herolt. The Legend text occurs on fols. 37r-v accompanied by seven masses for the souls in the purgatory and seven masses of Pope Gregory.

On the MS see Truhlar 1905: 42-43, Dolch 1909: 4-5; see also Spamer 1958: 340, Kesting 1978.

29. Wroclaw, Universitatsbibliothek, Cod. I D 8 (late 15th cent.). A prayer-book, contains weapon charms, a letter of St Michael, many other devotional topics, and the Legend text on fols. 176v-200v.

On the MS see Klapper 1907: 36-38, Klapper 1916: 45, 63-65; see also Spamer 1958: 340.

30.* Braunschweig Stadtbibliothek 144 (15th cent.), contains mostly Latin texts, including Sermones de tempore by Nicolinus (?), and Sermones festivales et de sanctis. The Legend text occurs on fols. 17r-v along with some chronical notes in Latin.

On the MS see Nentwig 1893: 129-130, who also gives a transcription of the Legend text.

31. Heidelberg, Universitatsbibliothek, Cpg 629 (part 2, year 1514). A prayer-book, with many short notices, prayers, charms etc.,

the Legend text on fols. 146r-149r which is immediately preceded by the text on the seven masses revealed to Pope Gregory.

On the MS see Bartsch 1887: 158.

32. Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Germ. oct. 590 (16th cent.). A prayer-book, includes a rosary, a prayer of Christ’s 15 pains, a prayer of St Anne’s 5 joys, and the Legend text on fols. 96r-97r.

On the MS see Degering 1932: 225-227.

33. Prague, Narodni knihovna Ceske republiky, Cheb MS. 146 (1st half of the 17th cent.). The Legend text occurs on fols. I-II at the beginning of the MS, then follow some canticles, meditations for days, and a Christmas play.

See description at http://www.manuscriptorium.com.

Some brief remarks on the printed history of the Legend would be appropriate here. Kesting 1978 argues that the Legend text was printed in Augsburg in 1494, but I was not able to identify the edition; at least, it cannot be found in the Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke.

The first printed German version of the Legend text that I know of is to be found in the so-called Bauernpraktik produced in Augsburg in 1508. The text occupies fols. 5v-6r at the end of the booklet and seems to be a kind of attachment to the main body of the book which mostly contains topics related to the weather prognostics. The text was transcribed by Hellmann 1896, and reproduced by Frederiksen 2008: 197, see also Forster 1903, Suchier 1910: 168. On the further history of later editions see Rosenfeld 1964.

Borchling-Claussen (I, col. 312, № 684) mention an early print entitled De .xij. gulden frydaghen: wo men de vasten schal. Van .vij. missen de men den armen selen na lesen schal Eyn schon gebet van dem swaren bitteren lidende vnses heren iesu christi. It was allegedly published in Lubeck in 1521 by Hans Arndes, but the single known copy which was preserved in the Universitatsbibliothek Greifswald had already been lost by the time when Borchling and Claussen compiled their catalogue.

But the acme of popularity was reached later, in 18th-19th cent., when many popular leaflets with the Legend text appeared, some of them reprinted many times. Probably, the most widely spread was the booklet Geistliches Gnaden-BrUnnlein mit zwolf Rohren, und eine Geschichte oder Exempel, welche sich zu Dorfen in Unterlands-Bayern mit unser lieben Frauen, und einem armen Hirtenmagdlein zugetragen: wie auch ein Bericht von sechs Heil. Messen, so fUr

Lebendige und Abgestorbene eines unvergleichlichen Verdienst und Nuzens konnen applizirt werden which, with slight variations in title and content, was often reproduced since 1739 till the mid-19th cent. The Legend text after this popular print was published by Reiterer 1907 (reproduced by Frederiksen 2008: 199-200), see also Suchier 1910: 168, Jungbauer 1931: 74-75, Schreiber 1959: 201, Spamer 1970: 6, Jasper 1991: 202.

Sometimes the Legend went back from printed to hand-written and oral form, as probably is the case with a manuscript text from Styria dated to 1820 and published by Reiterer 1905. See also Suchier 1910: 174, Jungbauer 1931: 74-75, Frederiksen 2008: 199200.

With regard to the hand-written texts, it is worth noticing that the Legend in Dutch and German appears relatively late, in comparison to, for example, French (since 13th cent.) and Italian (since early 14th cent.) variants. The earliest securely dated German copy (№ 19) was written down in the late 14th cent. and is utterly indicative since the German text here arose as an explanation of a Latin poem.

As to the likeliest environment in which the Legend text occurs within the MSS, the Dutch and German copies are comparable to the Latin and French ones in that the Legend text is often accompanied by medical recipes and treatises (cf. №№ 21, 22, 23, 25), by calendars (№№ 2, 3, 8, 11, 16, 17, 19, 27), computistical and astrological texts (№№ 19, 22, 25), prognostics and divinations (cf. prophecy of Ezekiel № 1, dies egyptiaci №№ 3, 25, weather prognostics №№ 21, 23).

On the other hand, the Legend text is sometimes coupled with treatises and legends popular in the German-speaking area, such as writings by Henry Suso (№№ 2, 8, 14, 26), Passionstraktat by Heinrich von St Gallen (№№ 12, 13), the legend of Bishop Udo (№№ 27, 28) or Erkenntnis der SUnde by Heinrich von Langenstein (№№ 20, 22, 24).

But the most prominent difference lies in that the Dutch and German Legend texts in the vast majority of cases are found within the prayer-books or accompanied by prayers (№№ 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,

10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 27, 31, 32), and this environment is markedly different from their Latin, French and Italian counterparts. Especially notable is co-ocurrence of such prayers and devotional texts as Effusions of Christ’s blood (№№ 9, 16) which is very often found together with the Legend text in early French and Italian prints (cf. In questa opereta itenderiti quail sono li duodeci venerdi

preciosi che iesu christo comado che se douesseno ieiunare. Ancora le gotte de sangue quanto e il numero sua. Anchora la reuellatioe chebe sacto Alberto da iesu christo celebrando lhostia. Milan, ca. 1500), Gifts of Holy Spirit (№ 24) which later came to be incorporated into the body of the Legend text, Marian rosaries (№№

11, 14, 27), and a number of Masses (usually 7) revealed to Pope Gregory (№№ 18, 20, 27, 28, 31). This development seems to mark the transition of the Twelve Fridays Legend into the realm of popular beliefs.


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Catalogus KAW - Catalogus van de boekerij der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen: gevestigd te Amsterdam. Deel I. Amsterdam, 1874.

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S. V. Ivanov. The Legend of the twelve golden Fridays in the Western manuscripts. Part II: Vernacular - II.3 Dutch, Low German, High


The paper continues the study of the manuscript transmission of the legend of the twelve Fridays adding material from the Dutch and German traditions.

Keywords: «The legend of the twelve golden Fridays», Dutch and German traditions.

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