Научная статья на тему 'The knight orders and the present: the methodological and historiosophical aspect'

The knight orders and the present: the methodological and historiosophical aspect Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Орешкин Михаил Вильевич, Орешкина Марина Александровна

The purpose of this article is to study the appearance of the knight orders archetype in our times. The methodological basis of the work is the historiosophical analysis and the theory of archetypes applied to the historical space and movement over time. The result of the work is determination of regularities of the knight order archetype movement over time. The field of application is scientific researches dealing with the study of elite communities.

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Целью статьи является изучение проявления архетипа рыцарских орденов в наше время. Методологической основой работы является историософский анализ и теория архетипов, применительно к историческому пространству и движению во времени. Результатом работы является установления закономерностей движения во времени архетипа рыцарского ордена. Областью применения являются научные исследования посвященные изучению элитных сообществ.

Текст научной работы на тему «The knight orders and the present: the methodological and historiosophical aspect»

DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-74



Oreshkin M.V., Oreshkina M.A.

The purpose of this article is to study the appearance of the knight orders archetype in our times.

The methodological basis of the work is the historiosophical analysis and the theory of archetypes applied to the historical space and movement over time.

The result of the work is determination of regularities of the knight order archetype movement over time.

The field of application is scientific researches dealing with the study of elite communities.

Keywords: archetype, knight order, movement over time, elite, history, the present.


Орешкин М.В., Орешкина М.А.

Целью статьи является изучение проявления архетипа рыцарских орденов в наше время.

Методологической основой работы является историософский анализ и теория архетипов, применительно к историческому пространству и движению во времени.

Результатом работы является установления закономерностей движения во времени архетипа рыцарского ордена.

Областью применения являются научные исследования посвященные изучению элитных сообществ.

Ключевые слова: архетип, рыцарский орден, движение во времени, элита, история, современность.

Foreword. The elite and the elitism, the connection of the past with the present - all this needs to be studied in detail and thoroughly in our extremely changeable world. Elite organizations existing just throughout the centuries give us an example for study. First of all, these are knight orders. Studying this very historical phenomenon we can better determine and understand the real significance of the elite in our world.

The review of foreign and domestic publications. The analysis of researches and publications provides the possibility to consider how the order organizations interact with the society and how their archetypes reach right up to the present throughout the centuries on the example of the Order of Knight Templars. As per many authors, the Order of Knight Templars is one of the oldest orders (and secret societies at the same time). It was established in 1119 [1]. The order existed till 1307. The full name of this knight organization is "The Order of Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon" [2]. With the course of time the Templars accumulated enormous wealth and stood apart sufficiently. They had complicated rituals and a system of signs. In 1306 the king of France Philipp 4th the Beautiful banished Jews from France. Next year he dealt shortly with Templars. D. Pipes saw the paradox in those events: why Jews were banished if Muslims were much more dangerous? Why did Templars suffer serving as the most valiant warriors of Christ? Even regularity can be derived from it: suspects of conspiracy are very seldom those who would be pointed out by the logic. The other way round, those people should be suspected who the least capable are of. [3]. The situation with Jews was well-understandable.

Mostly, they were banished in order to make the way free for "French domestic personnel" like merchants, craftsmen, moneychangers [4]. But it was much more complicated with Templars. They were not blamed, as Jews, for ritual murders and water wells poisoning [3], they were charged with infringement on the dominating Catholic ideology. In fact, the religion, the ideology and the politics were incorporated within an entire system at that time. They could smoothly replace each other. It also makes sense that the Jews and the Templars in France were done away with almost at the same time. Both Jews and Templars are united with the keyword "temple" [5; 6; 7; 8; 9]. The Christianity, the Islam and the Judaism (Moses's Judaism) are Abrahamic religions and all of them are temple religions as well [5; 6; 10; 11]. The Templars' proximity to Sufis was acknowledged by Templars themselves [12]. Other sources confirm it too [13] and show that there is "some brotherhood, community of people linked geographically to the Holy Land and to Provence (as well as some Jews and Muslims having a similar notion about "the hidden Messiah" and/or "the hidden Imam") continues keeping allegorically and transferring to the next generations the knowledge about the "lost", "hidden Reign of Peace being in direct relationship to Christ!" [9]. Moreover, the Templars discovered the transcendental plan of unity of the three temple religions just in the temple theology [14]. The connection of Templars to the Orthodox Church and to Russia is also very significant and interesting. It can be seen in icon-painting and in special Templars' adoration of Mother of God [15; 16; 17]. The wooden statue of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker kept in Moshaysk since 1380 till now can be actually the statue of Saint Bernard de Clairvaux who was one of the founders of the Order of Knight Templars [18]. The connections of Templars with Russia could be confirmed in Mozhaysk [19; 20] and implemented in Novonikolskiy cathedral, in linear and volume dimensions of which, even in its location, the reference dates related to the Order of Templars are encrypted in numbers and proportions. This order was widely represented in Poland too. Templars were situated in the border region - in Galician and Volhynian Rus and in Yotvingia [21].

Even more incredible transformations could be observed in the Order of Templars in 20th century: the so-called "spiritual templary" became the world outlook basis of "order circles" appeared in Russia in 1920-ties [5]. In the early 1930-ties the Order of Neotemplars was liquidated in Russia by the State United Political Administration. For the most part, this organization had a playing nature [13]. In West Europe the line of Templars' development must not have been ever interrupted. Thus in the beginning of the 21st century there are three organizations at least, which call themselves Templars and say that they have been tracing their genealogy since 1314. Particularly, we should mention the Neotemplars of Austria and Germany whose organizations were created by Adolf Josef Lanz more known as Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. There is the opinion that just those very ideas of Austrian Neotemplars formulated by Lanz were adopted by the national socialist party of Germany [13]. So is the dialectics of the archetype: on different soil it can bring very different shoots... It depends to a considerable extent on the historical memory of a nation. Just this can be estimated rather exactly.

Problem definition. The purpose of the article is to study the appearance of the knight orders archetype at our times.

Description of researches. Materials and results of researches. The attempts (successful and failed) to recreate and to construct order organizations amaze with their purposefulness and regular repeatability. For example, the attempt to create in USA "The Noble Order of Knights of Labour" in 1869 [22], which ceased to exist at the end of the 19th century. It did not get a long life as it had no core: there was no elite, it was just a form without content and the form was the framework of everything. There was no spiritual basis and the order did not have the main thing: the archetype of knights. There was an attempt to recreate the order structure inside the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the church of Mormons) in USA as well [23; 24].

The idea to create an order-like structure - The Monarchist League in Great Britain - was pretty successful. (The Monarchist League, PO Box 466111. E-mail:

[email protected]). It was created and led by the great grandson of Lev Tolstoy. The League declares the following principles: "The Monarchist League believes that both the history and the present confirm the fact that the monarchy was, is and will be of great importance in establishment and maintenance of stability, welfare and dignity of all countries and nations... Constancy and political impartiality being attributes of a strong monarchy guarantee the freedom from civil and military dictatorship to the people and perform the true care for the welfare of all the society. Being established in the United Kingdom the League has delegates and branches all over the world and unites all those who share its belief in advantages of the monarchy as a form of state structure in their country. The purpose of the League is to support the advantages of the monarchy" [25].

Some authors incline to consider the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in USSR and the Protective Squads (Schutzstaffeln, SS) in Germany as order organizations [13] but this question is too controversial: it is still more "like" than "as".

The most entire concept of an Order in the modern world was developed by Maksim Kalashnikov (Vladimir Kucherenko). The purpose of this "Order of New Sward-Bearers" is revival or Russia as an independent imperial state [26]. It can be supposed that the word "Order" actuates some mechanisms hidden inside us and bringing to the implementation of its archetype and then to the development of this archetype, as it were, "sprouting of seeds" throughout the centuries and even thousands of years.

Various structures can be material bearer of archetypes. For instance, it can be the genetic level appearing in complicated multi-shape and multi-level structure of the human psychics, i.e. of the brain as well [27]. It can be field structures accumulating information and where the human brain is only the device for transmission and reception and the antenna [27; 28], in view of the fact, e.g., that the nature of the planetary supermind is an integrated combination of biofields of billions of organisms for billions of years [29], the understanding of which V. Vernadskiy

could reach very closely at his time [30; 31]. The problem becomes more complicated as well because the human, both as individual and as community of people, can move from one reality to other and bear inside and get every time differently directed information not only in course of life but just during a day. These transitions occur in the common three-directional space [32]. Nevertheless, there are also other realities adjacent to our three-dimensional world [33] and if these transitions occur in the first case like in a plane - for this particular case we can talk about a volume.

We can mention as well that sometimes we do not see some obvious things. So children transfer information about games throughout thousands of years without transmitting it over adult people [imago]. It means in fact that those games, interests and archetypes of children's consciousness came to us from the depths of thousands of years almost in primeval form. Leaving the juvenile stage and becoming imago, people "forget" the information they entirely possessed in "tender age". But the transmission of information in age categories is obvious, independent and specific. It takes place in the same way in different sexes. We can even conclude that there is a child and a teenager subcivilization and it can be suggested as well that there are male and female subcivilizations within the global civilization of humankind.

However, notwithstanding the methods, channels, peculiarities, bearers and repositories of information about the archetype, this information is actually being transmitted and the channels are working. The information flows actuate the flows of energy. Thus the archetype lives travelling in our mind. The Order archetype hides the peculiar and powerful energy of sanctity the access to which we try to find so hard [5]. This can be seen so well in the idea of the temple as well. The temple on the earth is an implementation of forms of the perfect Temple and of the archetype, the construction of which was the very first act of creation [14]. The Knight Orders appearing in ancient times changed deeply in course of the history but kept their peculiarities. They adapted to requirements of the new society. So the model of a spiritual knight order created in the crusade environment was replaced with the model

of a corporation acting for the benefit of the (Christian) society [21]. Thus the modern Orders are a suitable form for solving various problems of the European and, sometimes, of the international elite [34]. In view of the fact that a compression of the historical time takes place [35,36] with subsequent merging of realities, the significance of Knight Orders can grow and even transform, giving a new quality to the Orders [26].

The archetype and the knight orders as elite organizations, being replicated in the society and in the time by means of the so-called "genetic code of the society", can resolve problems of intellect and information concentration, realize the continuity, contribute to development of the sound ideology and to good survivability of the society in general, becoming the spiritual basis of a sound society through the archetype of sanctity.

It can be suggested that Ukraine under today's conditions should "get" a couple of ecumenical knight orders. Studies of the very rich spiritual history of nations populating Ukraine and populated it before should become one of the primary tasks. Thus the true spiritual history of our nation should be reconstructed, where the Christianity is the top of its spiritual development. Support of the ideas of Christianity, both in their diversity and in their primeval purity, needs to be developed and protected as well.

In view of the above mentioned, the ecumenical program of spiritual revival of the nation should be determined and implemented as it is impossible neither to feed people nor to create proper living conditions if the main problem is not resolved - the Problem of Spirit. Here we have to understand clearly: the human freedom is to be realized through the freedom of choice and the freedom of will - the basic existence postulates of the positive spiritual life. We have to remember as well that the economic welfare of a person does not matter at all for the Order as for an organization. Another thing is important: how deep the person's spirituality is, if this is a person of faith and if having any real positive intellectual achievements.

Summary. The Order is not just a club or an organization with the right to join

and retire freely. The Order is a STYLE OF LIFE. And this is not for everybody and not everybody is up to it. It is important that the Order makes people unite beyond political, ideological and religious principles, actually - on the timeless basis of eternal values. And it is not just a union for itself but the union FOR A GOOD CAUSE.

And this all is overshadowed with the traditions. What else can keep the traditions better than the Order? The traditions are sacred in many aspects (to reasonable extent) because they are the element of the integral system of signs of the world. The traditions based on the true spirituality are timeless. However, on the other part, they have the particular reference "here - now". It can be especially observed when they appear because it occurs in certain place. So their dialectics is.

Therefore, positive traditions should be cultivated in a newly created Order, based on the experience of forerunners. For this purpose, the mutual communications of Order members has to be developed along with proper centres of communication. On one hand, this is something enclosed and intended for elite, and on the other hand - completely open for any member of the community. Various cultural events should become the "visiting card" of the Order. Joint measures of various purposes, frequent communication of the members of the Order are the most important factors of its period of formation on rather stony spiritual land of our country and our region. This can be the practical result of the considered approaches to the analysis of Knight Orders archetypes.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Oreshkin Mykhailo Vilevich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, senior scientist, director

Institute of Global Researches Lugansk, Ukraine gerzog_lug@mail. ru

Oreshkina Maryna Aleksandrovna, Candidate of History, academic secretary

Institute of Global Researches Lugansk, Ukraine gerzog_lug@mail. ru


Орешкин Михаил Вильевич, доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, старший научный сотрудник, директор Институт Глобальных Исследований

г. Луганск, Украина gerzog_lug@mail. ru

Орешкина Марина Александровна, кандидат исторических наук, ученый секретарь

Институт Глобальных Исследований г. Луганск, Украина gerzog_lug@mail. ru

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