Научная статья на тему 'The issue of improving economic infrastructures and processes of Angren during the days of independence'

The issue of improving economic infrastructures and processes of Angren during the days of independence Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Peremkulov J.A.

The article is devoted to the problems of improving modern economic infrastructures in Angren industrial city thoroughly analyzing city’s economic condition and issues, factors of their occurring in the eve of independence and the processes of developing modern infrastructures. Besides, the article illustrates progresses of city’s infrastructure being not only in mining industry, but also its comfortable geographical location in transportation corridor in local and external transition, the processes of forming Angren special-industrial zone to reorganize industrial enterprises and to involve foreign investments.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The issue of improving economic infrastructures and processes of Angren during the days of independence»

New university

Economics & Law 2015. № 11 (57)

ISSN 2221-7347


UDC 330

J.A. Peremkulov


The article is devoted to the problems of improving modern economic infrastructures in Angren industrial city thoroughly analyzing city’s economic condition and issues, factors of their occurring in the eve of independence and the processes of developing modern infrastructures. Besides, the article illustrates progresses of city’s infrastructure being not only in mining industry, but also its comfortable geographical location in transportation corridor in local and external transition, the processes of forming Angren special-industrial zone to reorganize industrial enterprises and to involve foreign investments.

Keywords: “Angren", “Okhangaron", coal mines, industry, raw materials,

SDPS (State district power station) of Angren, infrastructure, privatization, businessmen ’s chamber, railways, automobile roads, transportation district, “Angren" international logistical center, “Angren " SIZ (Special industrial zone), etc.

In The Middle Ages the river, which flew from Qurama and Chotqol mountains, was known as Iloq, the valley also took this name. In the time of Amir Temur’s dynasty this area was called Shosh-Iloq [11, p. 48]. In XX century the valley was referred to as “Okhangaron”, that in Persian-Tajiks language means “okhan” - iron and “garon” - workers, so “ironsmiths” [9, p. 319]. Recently people had an opinion that the word “Angren” came from incorrect Russian pronunciation of the word “Okhangaron” [10, p. 144]. But, the philologist-scientists announced, Uzbek people who spoke in the “kipchak” dialect had been calling the water channel as “khangran” or “khangren”. So, nowadays there is an idea, that the term “Angren” is called as a place for channel [11, p. 72].

In 1933 the geologists had found a coal field from the valley and from May 1942 the railroad Tashkent-Angren, which was 118 km, had been brought in use for carrying the feedstock to the capital of Soviet Union (the political Center) [11, p. 119.]. Four coal mines, which were organized in 19421945, had carried on 475.000 tons of raw materials per a year from this railroad and delivered to the battlefront of the World War II [8, p. 112].

The workers-settlement, which was built near the coal mine, had taken the title “Angren city” from May 17 in 1946. [8, p. 111] In 1946 a brick-making plant, in 1947 building materials plant, cement mill, in 1949 bakery, in 1954 briquette factory, in 1957 meat factory, in 1959 the station “Subter-

©Перемкулов Ж.А., 2015.

DOI: 10.15350/2221-7347.2015.11

Перемкулов Жамшид Аллаерович - старший научный сотрудник-исследователь, Институт истории Академии наук Республики Узбекистан, Узбекистан.


Новый университет

Экономика и право 2015. № 11 (57)

ISSN 2221-7347

ranean gas” and other enterprises had begun working in Angren [11, p. 120-121]. In 1965 there were 21 industrial plants, 13 building factories, 6 transport enterprises in use [8, p. 114.]. In order to provide these industry services with electricity, a new diesel electro station with 900 kilowatt/hour power began working from 1946. In 1959 the Angren SDPS with 5 turbo generators completely had been brought to use [11, p. 120-121].

In order to carry the materials to the countries of Soviet Union by trucks, on September 1957 a motor road Angren-Pop, which connected the valleys Fergana and Okhangaron through the mountain pass Qamchiq, was brought to use [11, p. 120-121]. All raw materials, which were given from city’s industrial enterprises, had been distributed by the political Center, in spite of them the foodstuff had been brought from other soviet republics.

As the result of industrial disorder of this economical system in the period of 1985-1990, the city’s Economic Foreign Affairs had been collapsed. So, the produced products were picked in city’s storehouses and the factories were to stop working for some time. This economic collapse had brought great loss for the budget of the city. On VIII-IX session of the nineteenth convocation of executive committee of People’s Deputy of Angren city, which was held on April 12 in 1989 the problems of economical shortage in the budget of the city had been analyzed. It’s known that, not-paid tax from reproducing cotton cloth, silk and woolen materials was 60.000 rubles, not-paid duty for not having bread and other necessary fruits and vegetables in time and not having refrigerators for saving goods at the shops was 40.000 rubles [1, p. 127]. It was a great amount of money at that period, which means the existence of serious problems in the sphere of industry and manufacture of food products.

From the beginning of 1990, the volume of work in industrial factories of Angren has decreased. There were 26 industrial plants in the city, 20 of them had reduction in growth rate and manufacture of products was lowered to 44 million sums. 50% of this money belonged to the factory “Uzbek rubber techniques”, 40% was for “Cement” plant and the rest was for dairy enterprise [3, p. 8].

The reports of 1990 noted, that there were 174 small factories and 151 associations in the city. But 74 small factories and 50 associations had been acting only on documents. The other 200 factories and associations had worked with illegal brokerage at the markets [3, p. 12]. So 61,5% of economic infrastructure of the city had belonged to small traders. Other products had been stored in warehouses and the manufacture completely had been stopped.

On August 31 of 1991 the Republic of Uzbekistan proclaimed its independence, the country worked out a way of transition to market economy, which brought to an important task of economic policy - privatization of public domain. Even in 1991, 350 small, rental, joint and private factories were privatized by local business subjects. 151 of them began to work as associations, there were 127 small factories, 1 joint-stock company, 13 rental and 2 joint plants, 14 limited liability companies [3, p. 7].

From the first years of independence Angren began involving foreign investments for reproducing raw materials [3, p. 8]. Particularly, in 1992 Turkey gave 35 million dollars for building a plant, which would produce kaolin [3, p. 9].

When the Union of Independent Countries was organized, the country had begun to establish bilateral relationship of equal interests with other soviet republics. Particularly, our country signed contracts with Ukraine [13, p. 1], Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and other republics [3, p. 8.]. In 1992-1993 the city signed a document of economic, cultural and social cooperation with Tajikistan’s towns Khujand [2, p. 24] and Chkalov [4, p. 47-49].

After passing to a new economic system, the joint factories began to open in Angren. For example, in October 12 of 1996 a joint factory “Uzbek-Iran” was organized, and sold more than 350 kinds of products [15, p. 1]. In 1996 “Angels food”, which had 50% of “Angren milk” association’s stocks, involved foreign technologies and began producing dairy products by modern requirements [18, p.1].

In the framework of the government program “On stimulating business subjects”, according to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dating 16th March of 1996, the Chamber of products manufacture and businessmen was organized in Angren [13, p. 1]. At the end of 1996 the number of private factories of this chamber became 220 [17, p. 1]. In this period there were 1881 body corporates, which were busy with individual enterprise and 867 small-scale factories in the city [19, p. 1].


New university

Economics & Law 2015. № 11 (57)

ISSN 2221-7347

The policy of privatization was continuing, 54 factories of the city were seized from public domain in 1997. 4 of them became open joint-stock companies, 36 were personal properties and the other 14 formalized other types of ownership [5, p. 17]. Shortly, non-governmental institutions occupied 88% in the amount of more than 900 organizations and factories of the city.

The governmental register of 1999 indicates the existence of 965 factories in Angren: 129 big employers, 62 medium entrepreneurs, 162 small businesses and 612 micro companies [19, p. 1].

The volume of industrial manufacture was 3,2 billion sums in 1991 [3, p. 8] and became 6 billion sums in 1996, so in five years it increased for 1,9%. Producing public foodstuff was 801 million sums in 1991 [3, p. 8] and became 1,8 billion sums in 1996: it increased for 2,25% [16, p. 1]. In 1996 416 cooperative associations of Angren manufactured products of 50 billion sums, which was equal to 59% of provincial indicators [5, p. 9]. It means the city played an important role in the manufacture of Tashkent region.

The city governance reported, that at the end of 1999 industrial factories of Angren manufactured products of 17,6 billion sums and foodstuff of 3,9 billion sums, the investments of money for capital constructions became 4 billion 360 million sums [19, p. 1]. In infrastructure of Angren between the years of 1996-1999 the foodstuff production increased to 2,16% and products manufacture raised to 3%.

From 2000 the government began to pay more attention to involve foreign investments to the city. Many industrial factories of Angren signed contracts with foreign investors. For example, the association “Coal energy” disposed of shares for 24 million sums, the joint-stock company “Industrial thick paper trade” sold investment shares for 19 million dollars [20, p. 1]. As a result, there were 11 joint factories in the city coming to 2000 [19, p. 1]. So, the city’s economic infrastructure appreciably reached.

The government proclaimed a program on submitting manufactured products of Angren for the necessities of the republic. So, the fossil coal and building materials of the Oblik mine in Angren are delivered for being use in the constructions built by “Uchkuduk” airport, in the corporation “Samarkand trans-building”, in the underground of Yunus-abad direction and in the trust “Tashkent bridge building”. The city began to bring ready products for reconstruction of buildings in the republic [21, p. 2].

The next stage is paying attention for renewing technology of big industrial objects in the system of economic infrastructures. On August of 2003 the complex of rotor began working in the coal mine Angren - it was established by joint venture of Uzbekistan and Germany [22, p. 1]. It helped to improve the manufacture of coal industry.

The state policy has been stimulating interests of business subjects and private sectors in Angren. According to the 29th decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dating March 14 of 2005, 17 enterprises and facilities were sold as private property. In general the sold state factories, facilities, stocks and shares were equal to 194,8 million sums. In 2005 another 625 individual businessmen subscribed to this list [6]. The city manufacture reached to 74,5 billion sums, the manufacture of public foodstuff raised for 1,12 [6]. It means, the volume of producing grew for 4,23% than in 1999. The distribution of small and medium business in products manufacture reached to 1,25%. 1808 new work places were opened in the city.

On developing economical infrastructures of the city, the great attention was paid to the food industry. The new technologies were involved to the bread-baking plants, dairy and meat-packing factories, which had seized their operation. In the process of their reconstruction, the factories as “Makhmud bread trade” and “Angren MEAT MILK”, “Angren net productivity” re-produced products for 264 million sums in 2010. This indicator became 695,3 million sums in 2011. So, in a year the manufacture if the factory raised 2,5 fold.

The economical industries expanded in Angren and the light industry entered to the market. In 2011 textile mills as “SANGREN TEX” ва “ACCORT TEXTIL” come into operation and in a year they manufacture products of 8.396.600.000 sums.

In 2011 all enterprises of Angren manufactured products of 119 billion sums. So, the volume of manufactured products grew to 160% than in 2005: manufacture of industrial products to 119,2%, production of foodstuff to 144,8%, working on a contract to 90,7%, commodity circulation to 122,2%,


Новый университет

Экономика и право 2015. № 11 (57)

ISSN 2221-7347

cash security to 116,5%, personal services to 102,5% [7]. It means industrial manufacture, serving system and objects of personal services have been developing in the city’s infrastructure.

The comfortable location of Angren city helped to connect Fergana valley with other regions of the republic. The opportunity of getting connected to Tashkent through the “Obliq” mine and then to communicate with Kazakhstan, Russia and Baltic states is very important for Angren. On February 19 of 2007 the government issued a decree “About electrolyzing the railway junction “Tashkent-Angren”. The Germany development bank, Kuwait Arabic economic development fund entered their investments on realizing this project. These two banks and State joint-stock railroad company “Uzbekistan railways” appropriate funds of about 79.395.000.000 dollars [12, p. 128].

On the framework of this project, the company “Mostovnik” of Russia undertook the contemporary construction of two railway bridges, the syndicate CNTIC-TTD of China would install modern electro equipment and communication facilities, the syndicate InterEng Messtechnik Dmbh - ZTE of Germany and China would involve up-to-date technologies of signalization and telecommunication. The electrolyzed railroad area “Tashkent-Angren”, which was 114 kilometers, was erected on July of 2010 [24, p. 1.]. It helped to establish the relations with Tashkent and develop the economical infrastructures in comfortable conditions.

The development of logistic system in the years of Independence devoted much attention in the progress of Angren city. In 2009 the government issued a decree “About organizing the Angren logistic center”. The decree contributed to the reduction of price and term of transportation, to facilitate the implementation of transport infrastructures and to promote fast and qualified deliver of cargo [37]. The state unitary business “Special cargo transportation”, the branch house “Transit cargo terminal”, storehouses of mineral and chemical fertilizers, alimentary and national economy products were organized on the basis of this corporation. The center also included “Angren cement” corporation, “Uzbek auto industry” joint-stock company, “Uzbek oil and gas” national holding company, the enterprise “Uzbek oil trans” and the customs station of foreign economic relations [23]. In 2010 the number of company lorries became 250. There were 1094 workers in the company, 665 of them were highly skilled driver [23]. In the period of 2010-2013 “Angren logistic center” delivered 16 million tons of cargo to the Fergana valley and then to other places of the country.

In accordance with the decree of the President of Uzbekistan, another electrolyzed railroad “Angren-Pop” began the construction as the continuation of the railway “Tashkent-Angren” in 2013. This composition played an important role in forming unique railway system in the republic, in social and economic development of Fergana valley, creating new international transit railway district “China-Central Asia-Europe”. State joint-stock railroad company “Uzbekistan railways” and the fund of developing and reconstructing of the Republic of Uzbekistan funded of about 1,08 billion dollars to this project, “Eximbank” of China gave 350 million dollars on credit and the World bank issued a loan of 195 million dollars [38].

The railway construction cost 1 billion 730 million dollars, it includes electrolyzed railroad area of 123 kilometers, 2 tunnels more than 19 kilometers, few manufactured buildings, tenth of stations and infrastructures. More than 5000 workers were involved to the construction of this railroad [29]. 3000 Chinese, 1000 workers of the state joint-stock railroad company “Uzbekistan railways” and the trust “Tashkent bridge building” and 1000 local citizens were among them. These full-scaled works in the sphere of transportation exerted a great influence on city’s economic life and the progress of infrastructures.

The government is paying more attention on developing the economy and infrastructures of the city, on making the best use of economical abilities and resources of the region. For developing large-scaled industrial factories and increasing their productivity, on April 13 in 2012 the President of Uzbekistan issued the decree № 4436 “On proclaiming Angren city as a Special Industrial zone” [26].

On the 29th of May in 2012 the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan assigned main tasks for Special Industrial zone on manufacturing competitive products in the inner trade and world market: constructing modern high technologies and involving investments for their effective use; complex using the producing and resource abilities of Special industrial zone; manufacturing high-scaled products on the basis of local raw materials by developing cooperative relations between the special industrial zone and the companies of the republic; and finally, developing social infrastruc-


New university

Economics & Law 2015. № 11 (57)

ISSN 2221-7347

tures of transportation, engineering and communication. The direction of this resolution includes the branches on working with investors, registering participants of the industrial zone, developing infrastructures of the industrial zone [26].

The enterprises of the industrial zone authorized greatly in the resolution about Angren SIZ. They were given tax and customs privileges and preferences for 3-7 years, which depended on the volume of investments. The connection of infrastructural objects and communicators were also guaranteed [33]. This opportunities and privileges helped to facilitate the progress of industrial factories in the city.

This opportunities and privileges led to the growth of city’s economy and infrastructures. In 2012 the number of plant facilities in Angren industrial zone grew to 229. There were 18 light industry factories, 41 food industry plants, 55 manufacturing installations of building materials, 6 engineering and metal-working industry, 109 other branches of production [8]. In 1990 there had been only 26 plant facilities, so in 22 years this indicator grew to 8,8%.

Adopting this resolution resulted in increasing the volume of investments in plant facilities of Angren. On May of 2012, the companies “Welton International”, “Kito Investment” of Singapore and “SEID Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.” of Austria framed the plan of construction “Angren Sugar” limited-liability company (LLC), which would cost 108,5 million dollars [30]. On implementing this plan, “Angren sugar” LLC funded 55 million dollars and Singapore Capital company involved 53,5 million dollars for credit [25]. Open joint-stock company “Kharezm sugar”, which was situating in the northwest of the republic, had been satisfying only 50% of citizen’s demands on sugar [30]. The 40% of its produced sugar was used by confectioneries of the republic. The plant “Angren sugar” was put into operation from 2014, its manufacturing daily capacity is about 1000 tons, which gave the opportunity to supply all population need for sugar completely [27].

In 2013 another 8 investment projects of industrial zone drew up their plans, that cost 186,5 million dollars. These major projects helped to the progress of “Uzbek oil gas” national holding, “Uzbek building materials” joint-stock company, Olmaliq iron and steel mill, “Uzbek leather shoes” company and factories of food industry. The investors from Great Britain, South Korea, Singapore, Austria, India and Bulgaria funded these projects [33].

The major local and foreign companies and firms as “Uzbek chemistry industry” factory and “Uzbek auto industry” plant, “Uzbek pharmaceutics industry” concern, chamber of commerce and industry framed 22 progressive projects in 2013, which cost 245 million dollars [33].

On implementing these projects, on 19th December of 2013 the Japan government involved credit on the terms of STEP for conducting modern garbage disposers and water supply systems for the factories of Angren SIZ [32].

On 29th of May in 2013 the Cabinet Minesters of the Republic of Uzbekistan proclaimed a resolution “About the arrangements of implementing investment project “on manufacturing pipe lines of copper with different diameters in the area of Angren SIZ”. According to the resolution, the raw materials of “Olmaliq mining and smelting mill” were given for re-production to “Angren pipe plant”. These enterprises produced 8000 tons of pipe lines of copper with different diameters per a year [36]. From 2014 they began to draw up bilateral contracts and export 90% of their products to Switzerland, China and Turkey [34].

On 27th November of 2013 the company “Xingjian Hengrui International Trade Co.Ltd” (“Jun Long Industrial” ХК МЧЖ) of People’s Republic China and the direction on Angren SIZ signed a contract on the project of manufacturing coal briquettes, which worth for 3,2 million dollars [31].

On December of 2013 State Corporate enterprise “Uzbek energy” and the company “EG Lightings” of South Korea implemented the joint venture “EGL-NUR”, which is producing diode lanterns. The factory produced 4000 lanterns of 120-175 watt per a year. In 2014 the factory manufactured products of 10 million dollars [35].

The analysis of above mentioned materials shows the progress of Angren city’s economic infrastructures. This industrial city had appeared for supporting the front borders in the years of Second World War, and then became a source of raw materials for Soviet Union. All manufactured raw materials of the city were at the disposal of political center. In the days of Independence the government fulfilled multiple works for economic growth of the city. For example, the city’s infrastructure was


Новый университет

Экономика и право 2015. № 11 (57)

ISSN 2221-7347

reformed, foreign investors helped to implement modern technologies, the capability of producing and exporting goods of industrial factories was improved. The new branches of industry were founded. The comfortable geographical location of the city facilitates the appearance of transport ways from the city. Angren logistic center gave opportunities to be transport link between Fergana valley and other regions of the republic. The construction of railroad in the direction of “Tashkent-Angren-Pop” would lead to be the chain of world economical transit way “China - Central Asia - Europe”. Angren SIZ created new workplaces and implemented the progress of industry and infrastructures of the city.


[1] State town archive of Angren. 7-collection, 1-list, 203-file.

[2] State town archive of Angren. 136-collection, 1-list, 1-file,

[3] State town archive of Angren. 136- collection, 1-list, 2-file.

[4] State town archive of Angren. 136- collection, 1-list, 64- file.

[5] State town archive of Angren. 136- collection, 1- list, 172- file.

[6] Angren shahar hokimiyati joriy arxivi. Toshkent viloyat xalq deputatlari Angren shahar kengashi “Sanoat, transport, qurilish, aloqa va aholiga xizmat ko’rsatish” komissiyasi bayonlari. Angren, 2005 -2009.

[7] Angren shahar hokimiyati joriy arxivi. Toshkent viloyati Angren shahrini 2013-2015 yillarda ijtimoiy va iqtisodiy rivojlantirish bo’yicha taqdimot. Angren, 2013.

[8] Angren shahar hokimiyati joriy arxivi. Xalq deputatlari Angren shahar Kengashining 13-sessiyasi hujjatlari. Angren, 31 dekabr, 2011 yil.

[9] Used materials

[10] История новых городов Узбекистана. Ташкентская область. (Отв. ред.: д.и.н. Г.Р. Рашидов.) Ташкент: «Фан», 1976.

[11] O’zbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi. 1-jild. Toshkent, 2003.

[12] S. Qoraev. O’zbekiston viloyatlari toponimlari. Toshkent, 2005.

[13] I. Yormatov. Saodat vodiysi. Toshkent: “Navro’z”, 2012.

[14] Press and internet materials

[15] Tadbirkorlar palatasi tuzildi. // Angren haqiqati. 32-son. 22 iyun, 1996 yil.

[16] Angren - Anjero-Sudjensk shaharlari o’rtasidagi hamkorlik amalda. // Angren haqiqati. 41-son. 17 iyul, 1996 yil.

[17] Eron mahsulotlari Angrenda. // Angren haqiqati. 79-son. 16 oktabr, 1996 yil.

[18] Hayot - umid demakdir. // Angren haqiqati. 7-son. 22 yanvar, 1997 yil.

[19] M. Isoqulova. Bugungi yangilik ertangi yutuq. // Angren haqiqati. 8-son. 25 yanvar, 1997 yil.

[20] M. Isoqulova. Amaliy harakat. // Angren haqiqati. 9-10- (748-749) sonlar. 4 fevral, 2000 yil.

[21] Islohotlar taraqqiyotga xizmat qiladi. // Angren haqiqati. 15-16-sonlar. 25 fevral, 2000 yil.

[22] Faollar yig’ilish. // Angren haqiqati. 11-12-sonlar. 11 avgust, 2000 yil.

[23] M. Rajabboy qizi. Sara mahsulot xaridorsiz qolmaydi. // Angren haqiqati. 7-8-sonlar. 25-yanvar, 2001 yil.

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[24] M. Isoqulova. O’zbekiston-Germaniya: hamkorlik samarasi. // Angren haqiqati. 32-son. 8-avgust, 2003 yil.

[25] N. Usmonova. Intizom bor joyda. // Angren haqiqati. 49-son. 12 noyabr, 2010 yil.

[26] N. Yusupova. Elektrlashgan temir yo’l ishga tushdi. // Angren haqiqati. 30-son. 30 iyul, 2010 yil.

[27] Л.Махмудова. Сахарный завод в СИЗ «Ангрен» // Новый век. №25, 21-27 июня, 2012 год.

[28] http://www.Lex.uz/Pages/Get/Act

[29] "Angren shakar" zavodi - yangi korxona! www.toshvil.uz/uz/news/1658.html

[30] Angren logistika markazida 16 million tonna yuk tashilgan. 5 aprel, 2013 yil. http://vatandosh.uz/2013/04/05/angren-logistika-markazi/

[31] O’zbekiston temiryo’lchilari va transport quruvchilari kasaba uyushmasining markaziy kengashi 39-sonli bayonnomasi. Toshkent, 16 iyul, 2013 yil. http://temiryulprof.uz/?p=1063

[32] "Angren shakar" O’zbekekistonda shakar zavodi qurilishi uchun 53,5 mln. dollar jalb qildi. 28 avgust, 2013 yil. http://sizangren.uz/news/display/

[33] O’zbekiston - Xitoy biznes forumi doirasida investision kelishuvlar imzolandi. 28 noyabr, 2013 yil. http://sizangren.uz/news/display/

[34] Визит японской делегации в рамках подготовки проекта по совершенствованию водоснабжения и канализации 21 декабрь, 2013 год. http://sizangren.uz/news/display/


New university

Economics & Law 2015. № 11 (57)

ISSN 2221-7347

[35] X. Salimov. Angren” industrial zonasi mamlakatimiz taraqqiyotiga xizmat qiladi. http://uza.uz/oz/business/25876/

[36] В УП "Ангрен кувур заводи" до начала работы на полную мощность остались считанные дни. 14 март 2014 год. http://sizangren.uz/news/display/

[37] Качественная продукция “EGL-NUR” 17 июнь, 2014 год. http://sizangren.uz/news/display/

[38] Завод по производству медных труб в Узбекистане. 25 июль, 2014 год.


[39] Международный центр логистики «Ангрен». www.toshvil.uz/rn/article/381.html

[40] Angren-Pop temir yo’l qurilishi uchun kredit ajratildi. 16 feral, 2015 yil.



УДК 330

Ж.А. Перемкулов


Данная статья посвящена вопросам развития современных экономических инфраструктур в промышленном городе Ангрен. В статье проанализированы экономическое положение и проблемы города, факторы их возникновения накануне независимости и процессы развития современных инфраструктур. Автор на основе большого объема источников раскрывает то, что инфраструктура города в современный период развивается не только за счет горно-рудниковой промышленности, но также, из-за удобного географического расположения. А также, в статье освящены процессы формирования специальной индустриальной зоны Ангрен для реконструкции промышленных предприятий и процессы привлечения зарубежных инвестиций.

Ключевые слова: “Ангрен", “Ахангаран", улольные шахты, промышленность, сырьё, Ангрен ГРЭС, инфраструктура, приватизация, палата предпринимателей, железные дороги, автомобильные дороги, транспортный коридор, международный логистический центр “Ангрен", СИЗ “Ангрен", и т.д.


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