Таким образом, проведение коррекционной логопедической работы по формированию связной речи у дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи на материале авторских и народных сказок показывает положительную динамику и хорошие результаты коррекционной логопедической работы.
Список литературы
1. Алексеева М.М., Яшина В.И. Методика развития речи и обучения родному языку дошкольников / М.М. Алексеева, В.И. Яшина. М: Издательский Центр «Академия», 2010. - 400 с.
2. Алексеева М.М., Яшина В.И. Теория и методика развития речи детей/Учебник для студ. учреждений высшего образования. - 5 изд., стереотип. - М.: Академия, 2014. - 448 с.
3. Бородич А. М. Методика развития речи детей дошкольного возраста / A.M. Бородич. - М.: Просвещение, 2013. - 256 с.
4. Чиркина Г.В. Основы логопедической работы с детьми./ Под ред. Чиркиной Г.В. - М.: «Аркти», 2011. - 240 с.
5. Шорохова О.А. Играем в сказку: сказкоте-рапия и занятия по развитию связной речи дошкольников. - М.: ТЦ Сфера, 2006. - 208 c.
Khalilullina L.,
5 year student ofInstitute of Psychology and Education, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Mefodeva M.
Associate professor of Department of Foreign Languages, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
The issue of autism among children and teenagers is rather relevant nowadays as the number of children with autism spectrum disorders is constantly growing. The authors analyze the statistics of autism in different countries and emphasize the absence of such statistics in Russia. It is paid attention to the fact that in Russia there is no the state system of comprehensive assistance to children and teenagers suffering from early autism and there are not enough special (remedial) educational state institutions for children with autism.
Keywords: autism, TEACCH, ABA, to diagnose ASD, remedial educational institutions, developmental disability, intellectual disability.
The issue of autism is becoming relevant in many ways. The ratio of the number of sick people increases compared with previous years.
In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that humanity is facing a serious problem: the number of people with mental and neurological problems, including autism, is growing steadily. These diseases account for 11% of all global health problems. WHO claims that there are at least 1,100,000 cases of autism in China, 650,000 in the United Kingdom, 500,000 in the Philippines, and at least 180,000 in Thailand. Autism prevalence worldwide is growing up to 14% every year. In China, the growth rate is slightly higher, namely about 20% per year. The prevalence of autism in 2000 was investigated to estimate from 5 to 26 cases per 10,000 children, whereas in 2005 one case of autism accounted for 250-300 newborns. Unfortunately, it was more than the number of cases with isolated deafness and blindness, Down syndrome, diabetes mellitus or cancer diseases in childhood. According to the World Autism Organization, in 2008 one case of autism accounted for 150 children. As a result, the United Nations (UN), understanding the depth of the problem and the severity of the consequences for society, proclaimed April 2 as "World Autism Awareness Day". In 2012, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in average one case of autism for every 88 children. Over ten years, the number of children with autism has increased 10 times. But in 2018,
this figure changed - one case for fifty nine children [1,2,8,13].
The analysis of autism statistics shows that the largest number of people suffering from this pathology live in South Korea and America. There is no similar available statistics in Russia, but it can be assumed that in Russia there are about 200 thousand autistic children. At the same time a new published analysis of the data showed that the real ratio of boys and girls with autism is 3 to 1, but not 4 to 1, as it was previously thought. New data suggest that girls with autism are often diagnosed incorrectly, or they are diagnosed late or are not diagnosed at all. In most sources, the ratio of boys and girls with autism is 4 to 1. The new analysis is based on data of the studies that were conducted on the prevalence of autism in different countries. This indicator is being investigated after the National Autistic Society conducted a statistical survey. It has shown that the results of the diagnosis of autism for women are diminished. Women with ASD are found to be more sociable than men with this disorder, and their characteristic autistic symptoms are more difficult to notice. [5,8,9,12].
There are several corrective approaches that are used while working with ASD children. According to most investigations the greatest results can be achieved by applying several methods simultaneously. The conceptual basis is made by the TEACCH and ABA methods [3,4]. In addition to these methods, some other therapies are used, for instance Sensory-Integration therapy, Sandplay therapy, Horseback riding therapy, Pet
therapy, Kinesiotherapy, etc. All these therapies are used not only for ASD children but at the same time can serve positive incentives for them.
The TEACCH (Teaching children with Autism to Mind-Read) is used when it is necessary to create a special environment for a child removing all irritating factors from it. The whole day of a child according to this system is subject to a strict schedule. All things should have a definite place which is unchangeable. Remedial classes include a long-term stage of adaptation of the child and the establishing a contact with the teacher. Here the level of children development is taken into account, and according to it, individual learning is developed. Special educational and consulting work with parents of autistic children is widely used as well. No doubt that the using the TEACCH programme by experienced educators has many advantages [4].
Another modern behavioral approach, which in practice has proved its effectiveness in working with autistic people, is the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). This is a behavior modification technique that is suitable for severe forms of autism. Applied behavior analysis is defined as a branch of scientific knowledge, which is based on the principles and strategies of B.F. Skinner teaching and is aimed at improving the behavior of an individual and his adaptation to the conditions of the social environment [10].
ABA is by far one of the most justified and reliable methods within the behavioral direction widely used for the diagnosis, training and therapy of children with developmental disabilities including those with autism spectrum disorders.
For Russia, the Applied behavior analysis is a relatively new and little-known area. Russian researchers and practitioners are only taking their first steps in mastering methods and techniques developed to use them for diagnosing and treating autism spectrum disorders in children [6], while psychological practitioners and teachers almost never use the Applied behavior analysis.
As for the situation related to the current state of the autism problem in Russia, one of the leading researchers L. M. Shipitsyna notes a sad fact that there is no official Russian statistics on autism. The same confirm other Russian scientists (L.V. Mardakhayev, E.A. Orlova) considering that despite significant success that was achieved while conducting medical and psychological research, as well as interesting, encouraging results of the empirical work, the state system of comprehensive assistance to children and teenagers suffering from early autism is not created in Russia [7]. There are not enough special (remedial) educational state institutions for children with autism in Russia, except one that in Moscow and one in St. Petersburg. Most children and teenagers with autism are either in special schools, or in public schools, or in institutions of the health and social protection system [11].
However, in spite of certain positive changes regarding the autism problem, it should be emphasized that in Russia this category of children is usually not identified, they are not distinguished from the general category of children with developmental disabilities. It can be explained by the fact that in Russia, as a rule,
valid diagnostic tools specially designed to identify a group of children with autism spectrum disorders are not used. Psychologists and educators still prefer to use traditional methods of observation and testing to examine and diagnose these children. According to the test results, children with autistic disorders, as a rule, get into one of the following groups: children with intellectual disabilities, children with speech development problems and children with learning or behavior problems.
At the present time, there is an increasing need for joint efforts and coordination of specialists from different fields - teachers, psychologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists - as part of international cooperation and the exchange of experience in the early diagnosis of autism, as well as the development and implementation of effective long-term programs for psycho-correction and education of these children.
The training of specialists for working with children with autism today is going on within the framework of separate non-governmental organizations created by parents of children with autism that exist on donations from private individuals and funds, or in the format of volunteers. Focusing on teaching skills or developing the talent of a child with autism without working with his personality is not enough. The training of specialists on psychotherapy is a long and resource-intensive process. We need a comprehensive support at the state level.
Thus, it is possible to realize the promotion of a problem along the path of its solution only with the help of a single integrated program where different government departments should be involved.
The world practice shows that only a state aid system can significantly reduce the invalidization of people with autism. This is beneficial for the government because a reduction in the number of lifelong disabled people leads to a reduction in the burden of taxpayers. And people with autism get the opportunity to live like everyone else, benefiting society.
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4. Зюмалла Р. Обучение и сопровождение детей с аутизмом по программе ТЕАССН. Перевод с немецкого: А. Ладисов, О. Игольников. - Минск: Общественное ... «Белорусская ассоциация помощи детям-инвалидам и молодым инвалидам», 2005. -73 с.
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6. Морозова С.С. Аутизм: коррекционная работа при тяжелых и осложненных формах: пособие для учителя-дефектолога. - М.: Гуманитар, изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2007. - 176 с.: ил. - (Коррек-ционная.педагогика).
7. Специальная педагогика: учебник для СПО / Л.В. Мардахаев, Д.И. Чемоданова, Л.В. Кузнецова, Е.А. Орлова, Л.В. Соловьева; под ред. Л.В. Мардахаева, Е.А. Орловой. - М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2017. -447 с. - Серия: Профессиональное образование
8. Эдельсон С.М. Научные вопросы, связанные с биологией аутизма // Аутизм и нарушения развития, 2019. - Том17. - №1. - С. 4-14. doi:10.17759/autdd.2019170102
Хмелевська I. О.
викладач кафедри музичного мистецтва i хореографа Швденноукратського нацюналъного педагогг-
чного унгверситету гменг К.Д. Ушинського ORCID: 0000-0001-9129-2173
Khmelevska I.
Lecturer of the Chair of Musical Arts and Choreography of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K.D. Ushinsky
Статтю присвячено проблематищ формування штегрально! компетентносп майбутшх викладачiв музичного мистецтва та хореографп. Оглядово презентовано сутшсть, змют та структуру даного феномену, який дослвджуеться як квалiфiкацiйний метаконструкт, функ^ якого полягае в координаци процесiв ак-туатзацп та формування компетентностей вщповвдно до цiлей та завдань варiативно-творчого процесу мистецько! освгги. Ознайомлено iз основними результатами констатувального етапу експериментального дослiдження, дiагностувальний апарат якого складався iз показник1в акмеолопчно-компетентшсного, си-нергiйно-когнiтивного, рефлексiйно-праксеологiчного та перформативно-самопроектувального критерив. Представлено перебiг та результати експериментально! перевiрки ефективностi авторсько! методики формування штегрально! компетентносп майбутшх викладачiв музичного мистецтва та хореографп. Зокрема висвiтлено процес поетапного впровадження педагогiчних умов та методiв, розроблених у ввдповщносп до визначено! структури дослiджуваного конструкту.
The article describes the problems of the formation of the integral competence of future Musical Art and Choreography teachers. The essence, content and structure of this phenomenon, which is studied as a qualification meta-construct, which function is to coordinate the processes of updating and formation of competencies in compliance with the goals and objectives of the variative-creative process of Art education, are demonstrated. An opportunity to get acquainted with the main results of the summative stage of the experimental research, the diagnostic apparatus of which consisted of indicators of acmeological competence-based, synergetic-cognitive, reflex-ive-praxeological and performative-self-design criteria. The course and results of experimental verification of the effectiveness of the author's methodology for the formation of the integral competence of future Musical Art and Choreography teachers are presented. In particular, the process of phased introduction of pedagogical conditions and methods developed in accordance with the nuanced structure of the studied construct is highlighted.
Ключовi слова: штегральна компетентшсть, майбутш викладач^ музичне мистецтво, хореограф1я, експеримент, критерп, методи.
Keywords: integral competence, future teachers, Musical Art, Choreography, experimental research; criteria, method.
Актуальш вимоги до кватфшацшного рiвня фахiвцiв зумовлюють змют стандарпв вищо!
9. Clayton P.J., Fatemi S.H. The medical basis of psychiatry. - Totowa, 2008.
10. Cooper J.O., Heron T.E. & Heward W.L. Applied Behavior Analysis. Upper Saddle River, 2007.
11. Fombonne E. Epidemiological surveys of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders: An update // Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2003. - V. 33 (4). - P. 365-382.
12. Kanner L. Autistic disturbances of affective contact // Nerv. Child, 1943. - № 2-3. - P. 217-250.
13. Karashchuk L.N., Razzhivina M.I. Autism in the modern world // Personality in a Changing World: Health, Adaptation, Development, 2014. - 1(4). - P. 29-35.