Научная статья на тему 'The influence of work life balance and organizational pride on job satisfaction and its impact on organizational citizenship behavior in five and four star hotels employee'

The influence of work life balance and organizational pride on job satisfaction and its impact on organizational citizenship behavior in five and four star hotels employee Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Work life balance / organizational pride / job satisfaction / organizational citizenship behavior

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Fiernaningsih Nilawati, Nimran Umar, Raharjo Kusdi, Arifin Zainul

This study aims to analyze the influence of work life balance on organizational citizenship behavior through organizational pride and job satisfaction. This research was conducted on 209 five-star and four-star hotel employees in Malang City with sampling techniques using proportionate stratified random sampling then analyzed using Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GeSCA). The results of this study indicate that work life balance has a positive and significant direct effect on organizational pride and job satisfaction. Organizational pride and job satisfaction also positively and significantly influence organizational citizenship behavior.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of work life balance and organizational pride on job satisfaction and its impact on organizational citizenship behavior in five and four star hotels employee»

DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2019-07.20


Fiernaningsih Nilawati*, Doctoral Student Nimran Umar, Raharjo Kusdi, Arifin Zainul

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected]


This study aims to analyze the influence of work life balance on organizational citizenship behavior through organizational pride and job satisfaction. This research was conducted on 209 five-star and four-star hotel employees in Malang City with sampling techniques using proportionate stratified random sampling then analyzed using Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GeSCA). The results of this study indicate that work life balance has a positive and significant direct effect on organizational pride and job satisfaction. Organizational pride and job satisfaction also positively and significantly influence organizational citizenship behavior.


Work life balance, organizational pride, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior.

One important aspect to improve a company's competitiveness in facing the competition is the company's Human Resources (HR). HR development is not only based on the role of HR individually but also needs to pay attention to the role of individuals as an integral part of the company's internal environment. The results of the survey conducted by Tower and Watson show that employees in Indonesia have the highest voluntary attrition rate in Asia Pacific namely equal to 20,35% (ekonomi.kompas.com/2016). The phenomenon of the high number of turnover / move work in hotels in Malang was revealed by Satwari, Al Musadieq, & Afrianty (2016) which stated that one of the four-star hotels in Malang experienced a high turnover / move work (29%). The desire to turn over / move work occurs possibly because of unachieved levels of job satisfaction that is influenced by the behavior of superiors where the employee works. Based on this matter need to be examined further regarding work life balance and employee job satisfaction.

Work life balance (WLB) has an important relationship with employee attitudes towards their organization, as well as for the lives of employees. According to Frame & Hartog (2003:4) work life balance means that employees can freely use flexible working hours to balance their work with other commitments such as family, hobbies, arts, studies, and not only focus on their work. Ronda et al. (2016) shows that work life balance has a significant effect on job satisfaction while the research conducted by Shujat et al. (2011) show that work life balance does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction. The difference in the results of this study needs to be further examined to find out the results of the study with certainty.

In addition to the work life balance variable, there are organizational pride variables that are proven could influence job satisfaction. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by Machuca et al. (2015) which shows the influence of organizational pride on job satisfaction significantly. Haslam (2004) suggests that organizational pride is a positive feeling of an individual to the group derived from the judgment of others on the status of the group.

Job satisfaction has implications for other variables, including Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). OCB is defined as free behavior, not tied to the organization's formal reward system which conducted to improve organizational effectiveness (Chen et al., 2007). Shafazawana, et al. (2015) states that job satisfaction has a significant and positive

influence on OCB. Organ (1988) defines OCB as behavior that is an individual choice and initiative, not related to the organization's formal reward system but in aggregate increases organizational effectiveness. Therefore, it is very important to realize organizational citizenship behavior that is beneficial for the company. Companies must seek a climate that stimulates employees to behave extra roles that support the organization.

The Indonesian government today has developed the tourism sector as one of the national development priorities in 2018 (Bapenas, 2017). Hotel is one of the businesses that are developed to sustain the development of the sector so that the estimated number of hotels will be more and more and the competition will be intense. Malang City is one of the leading tourism destinations in East Java. Besides from being a City of Tourism Destinations, Malang City also functions as a support for Batu City Tourism and Malang Regency, especially in providing accommodation services. With this role, the development of the hotel occurred quite significantly. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of work life balance on organizational pride and job satisfaction as well as its impact on organizational citizenship behavior.


According to Kirchmeyer (2000) in Pouluse (2014) work-life balance is the achievement of satisfying experiences in all domains of life. Kirchmeyer stated that to achieve a satisfying experience in all domains of life requires personal resources such as energy, time and commitment to be well distributed throughout the domain. Individual actions balance three aspects of life, namely personal life, organization, and society can be called work-life balance (Poulose, 2014). In Irfan (2015) work-life balance is a broad concept which prioritizes between "work" (career / ambition) on one side and then "life" (pleasure, vacation, family and spiritual development) on the other side. According to Khan (2016) balance in the work-life balance context is a very subjective concept that implies a satisfying relationship felt by someone between the domain of life and work.

Haslam (2004) suggests that organizational pride is a positive feeling of an individual to the group derived from the judgment of others on the status of the group. Furthermore, according to Guthier and Rhein (2011) organizational pride consists of two types, namely emotional and attitudinal. The emotional type of organizational pride is the pride felt by individuals because of the success of an activity related to the organization. Then because it is in the form of emotion, this type of organizational pride is temporary, Whereas the type of attitudinal refers to the pride felt by individuals in their organization that comes from the general perception of the organization. Attitudinal leading to individual cognitive so that it can last long.

According to Robbins (1990) in (Prawinegoro, 2016: 192) job satisfaction is the attitude of workers who assess the difference between the amount of rewards received with what is believed to be accepted. Luthans (2011) provides a comprehensive definition of job satisfaction which includes reactions or attitudes of cognitive, affective, and evaluative and states that job satisfaction is a happy emotional state or positive emotion that comes from a job assessment or someone's work experience. Job satisfaction is the result of employees' perceptions of how well their work provides things that are considered important. In general, job satisfaction is the most important and often learned attitude. To improve job satisfaction, companies must respond to employee needs, and this has once again indirectly carried out various human resource management activities as described previously. However, other actions still need to be done in a way called the improvement of work life quality.

Podsakoff et al. (2000), defines OCB as discretionary individual behavior, which does not directly and explicitly get expectations from a formal reward system, and which overall promotes the effectiveness of organizational functions. Free and voluntary, because the behavior is not required by the requirements of the role or description of the position that is clearly demanded based on a contract with the organization; but as a personal choice. Organ (1988) defines OCB as behavior that is an individual choice and initiative, not related to the organization's formal reward system but in aggregate increases organizational effectiveness.

This means that the behavior is not included in the job requirements or job descriptions so that if not shown, no punishment is given (Novliadi, 2007)


Figure 1 - Conceptual Framework

The hypothesis of this study are:

H1: Work life balance has a significant effect on job satisfaction;

H2: Organizational Pride has a significant effect on job satisfaction;

H3: Job satisfaction has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior.


This study uses an explanatory (level of explanatory) pattern, meaning research that highlights the relationship between research variables and testing the hypotheses that have been formulated previously.

The population in this study are all permanent employees besides top managers who work in 4 and 5 star hotels in Malang City.

Based on the total population of 439 employees, the sample size can be determined using the Slovin formula with an error tolerance limit of 5% and a total sample of 209 respondents was obtained.. The sampling technique uses a simple random technique for each hotel proportionally for each stratum (proportionate stratified random sampling). Data from this study are primary data obtained directly using a questionnaire and then analyzed using Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GeSCA).

This study consisted of four variables, namely work life balance and organizational prides as exogenous variables, variables of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior as endogenous variables.

The work life balance variable has four indicators adopted from Clark (2000) border, Permeability, Flexibility and Blending. Variable of Organizational pride has two indicators adopted from Machuca et al. (2015) emotional and attitudinal. Job satisfaction variables use indicators from Glueck (1994), namely colleagues, working conditions, team work, work atmosphere and providing protection and shelter. Variable of organizational citizenship behavior has five indicators adopted from Organ (1988), namely altruism, Conscientiousness, civic virtue, sportsmanship and courtesy.


Based on the results of the respondents description from the study results can be seen that respondents who have male gender equal to (64.6%) and female equal to (35.4%); age of respondent < 25 years amounted to (15.8%), 26 - 35 years amounted to (47.4%), 36 - 45 years equal to (23.9%), and > 46 years equal to (12.9%); work duration of respondents for < 10 years equal to (80.9%), 11 - 20 years amounted to (18.2%), 21 - 30 years equal to (0.5%),

and > 30 years amounted to (0.5%); marital status of respondent who are married equal to (76.6%) and not married amounted to (23.4%).

Evaluation of measurements in the GeSCA analysis can be carried out for measurement models, structural models and overall models. The analysis results of the goodness of fit of the overall model as presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Result of Goodness of fit Index (Inner Model)

Goodness of fit Index Cut of Value Result

FIT > 0,500 0,731

AFIT > 0,500 0,728

Source: Results of the GeSCA processed, 2018.

FIT shows the total variance of all variables that can be explained by a particular model so that the proposed model can explain all existing variables with a value of 0,731, in other words, the diversity of work life balance, organizational pride and job satisfaction overall on organizational citizenship behavior which can be explained by this model is equal to 73,1% and the rest (26,9%) is explained by other variables. Means the model is good enough to explain the phenomenon reviewed.

The measurement model of work life balance, pride organization, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior variable respectively can be seen from the explanation which emphasized on the amount of loading factors > 0,5, average variance extracted (AVE) value > 0,5 and Cronbach Alpha coefficient > 0,7. Based on the results of the research data, the results showed that each indicator of the variable showed the value of loading factor and AVE> 0,5 and the Cronbach alpha coefficient 0,7.

The last stage of the model measurements from GeSCA is hypothesis testing. The testing criteria state that if the critical ratio value has asterisk marked (CR > T-table = 2.00) then it is stated that there is a significant effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. The results of the analysis can be found through a summary of Table 2.

Table 2 - Hypothesis Testing

Xogenous Variable Endogenous Variable Estimate SE CR

Work Life Balance Job Satisfaction 0.634 0.039 16.43*

Organizational Pride Job Satisfaction 0.618 0.043 14.26*

Job Satisfaction Organizational Citizenship Behavior 0.603 0.048 12.66*

* pvalue < 0.05; FIT = 0.596; GFI = 0.996.

The hypothesis testing of the effect of work life balance on job satisfaction produces a critical ratio (CR) of 5.570*. This shows that the value of the critical ratio has the asterisk marked (CR> T-table = 2.00). Therefore, it can be interpreted that there is a significant effect of work life balance on job satisfaction.

The hypothesis testing of the influence of organizational pride on job satisfaction produces a critical ratio (CR) of 0.470. This shows that the value of the critical ratio (CR) does not have an asterisk marked (CR <T-table = 2.00). Therefore, it can be interpreted that there is no significant effect of organizational pride on job satisfaction.

The hypothesis testing of the effect of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior produces a critical ratio (CR) of 3.260*. This shows that the value of the critical ratio (CR) has an asterisk marked (CR> T-table = 2.00). Therefore, it can be interpreted that there is a significant effect of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior.


The results of the analysis show that work life balance has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. In other words, it can be said that the ability to balance the demands of work with their family commitments, as well as other non-work responsibilities will further increase job satisfaction. Through work life balance, employees can meet their personal and

family needs in their work environment. With the fulfillment of employee needs, of course it will lead to satisfaction. Work life balance has an important relationship with employee attitudes towards their organization, as well as for the lives of employees.. According to Frame & Hartog (2003: 4) work life balance means that employees can freely use flexible working hours to balance their work with other commitments such as family, hobbies, arts, studies, and not only focus on their work.

The results of this study reinforce previous research that has analyzed the relationship of Work Life Balance (WLB) to job satisfaction, among others, carried out by Haar et al (2014) and supports the results of research conducted by Ronda et al (2016).

Based on the modeling results indicate that organizational pride variables have no significant effect on job satisfaction, in other words that the stronger the sense of pride of employees on company reputation does not always directly increase job satisfaction. Organizational pride refers to positive feelings of an individual to the group derived from the judgment of others on the status of the group (Alexander Haslam, 2004:77). The pride of an employee for the company where he works is very needed. The Organizational Pride will form the smoothness process of employees' duties implementation in the organization so that the work effectiveness of employees in the work organization can be realized and it will support the realization of employee job satisfaction.

The results of this study are not consistent with the results of previous studies that analyzed the relationship of organizational pride to job satisfaction conducted by Machuca et al (2015), which one of the results of his research shows that employees who feel proud of the work in the company will also feel satisfaction in the job (job satisfaction ). While the results of the study of Gouthier and Rhein (2011) which found that organizational pride indirectly has a significant effect on the level of work turnover (turn over intention) which is one indication of employee job satisfaction (job satisfaction).

The research results showed that job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, in other words that the stronger job satisfaction has a significant effect on the formation of organizational citizenship behavior variable. Job satisfaction is generally defined as various constructs that include employees' feelings about various things both intrinsic and extrinsic elements in the work (Wayne, 2006). In other words, job satisfaction reflects the feelings of happy (likes) or not happy (dislike) from employees towards their work. If the employee feels satisfied with his job, he certainly will behave positively in his workplace and give the best contribution to the organization where he works, including doing something beyond his duty and obligation that reflects Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).

The results of this study provide empirical support for the Social Exchange Theory (Blau, 1964) which states that in social interactions if one party benefits then it will try to return the favor. The results of this study are also consistent with previous research which aims to examine and analyze the relationship between job satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), among others, carried out by Foote and Tang (2007).


Based on the testing of the hypothesis, the results of the discussion, and the findings of the study then it can be stated the following conclusions:

• Work life balance has a significant effect on job satisfaction. This means that the higher the employees work balance will increase the job satisfaction of employees in five-star and four-star hotels in Malang City;

• Organizational Pride has a significant effect on job satisfaction. This shows that the stronger the sense of employees pride on the company's reputation then the job satisfaction of employees in five-star and four-star hotels in Malang will increase;

• Job satisfaction has a significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior. This shows that the higher the level of employee satisfaction will further shape the good organizational citizenship behavior for employees of five-star and four-star hotels in Malang city.


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