THE INFLUENCE OF THE HUMAN FACTOR ON THE LEVEL OF SAFETY CULTURE IN THE ORGANIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Martynova V.A., Idrisova K.R., Egorov D.V.

The main causes of accidents at work and the theory of their occurrence are considered. The dependence of industrial traumatism on insufficient financing of measures to improve labor conditions and safety is shown. The main provisions of the state policy in the field of labor protection are given. The need to take into account the "human factor" is shown to achieve a high level of safety culture. The main guidelines of the personnel for its motivation for safe behavior have been revealed.

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Martynova V.A.

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Idrisova K.R.

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, assistant professor Ufa

Egorov D. V.

Gazprom transgaz Ufa Ltd, Lead Engineer Ufa



Summary: The main causes of accidents at work and the theory of their occurrence are considered. The dependence of industrial traumatism on insufficient financing of measures to improve labor conditions and safety is shown. The main provisions of the state policy in the field of labor protection are given. The need to take into

account the "human factor" is shown to achieve a high level of safety culture. The main guidelines of the personnel for its motivation for safe behavior have been revealed.

Keywords: safety culture, staff motivation, labor protection, occupational injuries, human factor.

To date, the Russian Federation has the following pattern of typical production: low wages of workers, obsolete or worn out equipment, regular accidents at work (according to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation for 9 months of 2017, the number of accidents at work with severe consequences - group, with heavy and fatal, was 3556 cases) [12]. Often enterprise managers do not make any attempts to introduce a safety culture, because they do not believe in the success of such initiatives beforehand.

However, many investors and banks assess companies precisely in terms of compliance with their health, safety and environmental requirements (Health, Safety and Environment, HSE) [17]. Companies with low rates of injury have an advantage over companies in which this indicator exceeds the average, since the likelihood of injury affects future reputational risks, as well as the possibility of litigation costs. [1]

According to the pyramid of events of Frank Byrd on three thousand micro-traumas one accident with a fatal outcome is necessary [1]. In order to reduce the likelihood of major accidents, systematic prevention of minor disturbances is necessary.

V.H. Heinrich, the creator of the so-called domino theory, believed that the majority of accidents were due to incorrect actions by the staff - 88%, 10% of accidents at work were caused by unreliable equipment, and the remaining 2% - "force majeure" [3]. According to this theory, the sequence of the five factors, each of which triggers the subsequent one, is the cause of the accident. The sequence of the above factors is as follows:

1) the origin and social conditions;

2) worker error;

3) incorrect actions in combination with mechanical and physical hazards;

4) an accident;

5) damage and injury.

Similar to a number of knuckles in dominoes, preventing the action of one of the factors can stop the entire sequence [5].

Unlike the "domino" principle, the theory of the multiplicity of causes (which is the development of this principle) asserts that one work accident can have many causes of different significance, which in a certain combination lead to its occurrence [7]. According to this theory, the main factors contributing to the occurrence of accidents at work are behavioral and related to the environment [18]. The category of behavioral factors includes factors related to the employee, such as wrong actions, lack of knowledge or skills, as well as abnormal physical and mental state. Another category of factors related to the environment includes improper protection of items of equipment that present potential hazards, as well as destruction of equipment as a result of wear and tear or erroneous actions by personnel [8].

For any enterprise, profit is the main goal, and to achieve it, it is necessary to increase the quantity and quality of products [11]. In most cases, the economic costs of non-production needs, such as improving

safety and working conditions, are undesirable, which significantly reduces the competitiveness of the enterprise and causes a high level of industrial injuries, including fatalities, and also increases the number of jobs with harmful working conditions [16].

Priority direction of the state policy in the field of labor protection is the preservation of life and health of workers. In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to achieve these principles, the employer is responsible for ensuring safe working conditions and safety. In order to fulfill the above duties, an OSH management system must be established in the organization, which is also provided by the employer [13].

Order No. 438n of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 19.08.2016 approved the Model Regulations on the Occupational Safety Management System (hereinafter - the Regulations). In accordance with the Regulations, the organization must develop a Policy on Occupational Safety (hereinafter - Policy), which is a public documented declaration of the employer about the intention and guaranteed performance of its duties to comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and voluntarily assumed obligations [10]. The Policy establishes obligations for the implementation of consistent and continuous measures to prevent accidents and incidents of deterioration in the health of workers, occupational injuries and occupational diseases, including through the management of occupational hazards, as well as to continuously improve and improve the effectiveness of OSH [9]. To fulfill the above obligations, the employer annually implements measures to improve labor conditions and safety and reduce occupational risk levels, developed in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.03.2012 No. 181n. According to Art. 226 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the activities mentioned above are financed by the employer in the amount of at least 0.2% of the cost of production (services, works).

Despite this, the practice shows that the employer, who is responsible for safe conditions and labor protection in the enterprise, is not motivated to fulfill this line of duty, and, being the manager of finance, often does not find it necessary to allocate them for labor protection [14].

Such a situation can not but affect the tendency of an increase in the number of jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, which in turn causes an increase in occupational injuries, occupational diseases, economic expenses and a fund of working time [2].

Unsatisfactory working conditions entail economic losses, which include:

- the costs of compensation and benefits, collective and individual protection of workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;


- Expenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the payment of early pensions for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

- costs due to losses of the working time fund due to unfavorable working conditions and injuries.

The increase in the number of working in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions observed in

Russia in recent years has ceased since 2014 [4]. The change in the situation is connected with the entry into force on 01.01.2014 of the federal law of December 28, 2013 № 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" (Table 1).

Table 1

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Indicator,% 29,1 29,3 37,05 36,87 35,93

In 2016, the highest proportion of workers working in harmful conditions was observed in organizations engaged in the extraction of minerals - the average for Russia is 55.6%. In the Siberian Federal District, it was 69.9%. The highest indicator for Russia is 94.7% in the Bryansk region [12]. The high indicator is explained by the large number of peat deposits, the extraction of which is characterized by unsatisfactory working conditions in the workplace.

According to the data of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in 2016, for the first time, 6209 people were diagnosed with occupational disease, which, as compared to 2015, decreased by 12.1% and increased by 7.2% compared to 2013.

The experience of Russian and foreign specialists has shown that by measures of application of only tech-

nical security systems and methods of declarative management style of an organization it is difficult to achieve a high level of safety in production. To achieve this, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the so-called human factor [15]. The correct attitude of the staff to their own safety and the safety of others, as well as motivation for the safe performance of the work will increase the safety culture in the whole production and significantly reduce the rates of occupational injuries and occupational diseases [6].

The formation of a safety culture takes place at two basic levels - organizational and individual (worker), by forming its main components: security values, norms of safe behavior and basic concepts that realize values and norms.

Table 2

Worker Safety Culture_

Organizational culture Individual culture (worker safety culture)

Values Motivation for Safe Behavior

Standards Standards Security Skills

Basic views Basic representations of the notion of worker safety, environment security, safe situation

To form a worker's safety culture, two main areas are distinguished (Table 2):

- the implementation of the values of security at the individual level by creating a motivation for safe conduct;

- Implementing safety standards at the individual level by developing safe behavior skills.

Proceeding from the foregoing, it can be concluded that the worker's safety culture consists of:

1) the ability of the employee and his desire to ensure his own safety and safety of others;

2) personal responsibility for this security.

To motivate staff to safe behavior, various motivational characteristics, such as employee orientation to safety, labor and communication orientations, are influenced [8]. It is worth noting that the relationship of employee orientation to safety and other motivational characteristics is traced in the actions of workers. In employees this orientation is not associated with any of the above characteristics [2].

Labor orientation includes:

- a sense of duty and moral responsibility in relation to work;

- Occupation by work;

- attitude to work as a means for self-improvement.

Communicative orientations include:

- striving for a favorable position in the team;

- the desire for recognition, high evaluation by authoritative people;

- interest in positive communication with colleagues;

- the desire to render disinterested help to colleagues.

For effective functioning of the personnel motivation system, it is necessary to take into account the motivational characteristics mentioned above.

In the largest Russian companies, the first steps have been taken to introduce a system of motivating staff for safe behavior and measures are being taken to ensure its successful functioning. What to say about the average and small business?]

To change the situation and improve working conditions for workers, prevent occupational injuries and occupational diseases, systematic work is required to study foreign experience and introduce best practices for domestic production. On the part of the state, the first steps have been taken to encourage the employer

to exclude harmful and (or) dangerous production factors or reduce their negative impact on workers through the use of effective personal protective equipment by adopting the federal law "On a special assessment of working conditions." The next step is the widespread introduction of personnel motivation systems for safe work. It is at the expense of the effectiveness of these measures, and not the concealment of accidents, that the main goal - "zero traumatism" - is possible.


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