ISSN: 1694-7452 e-ISSN: 1694-8610
№2/2024, 447-457
УДК: 37.035.2
DOI: 10.52754/16948610 2024 2 44
Rakhimova Zilolakhon Bakhtiyarzhanovna
Рахимова Зилолахон Бахтияржановна Рахимова Зилолахон Бахтияржановна
Master's Student, Osh State University
магистрант, Ош мамлекеттик университети магистрант, Ошский государственный университет
rakhimova. zilol@gmail. com_
Kalygulova Sabyrkul Shamsitdinovna
Калыгулова Сабыркуль Шамситдиновна Калыгулова Сабыркуль Шамситдиновна
Dr. Professor, Osh State University
профессор, Ош мамлекеттик университети профессор, Ошский государственный университет skaly gulova@gmail. com
Вестник ОшГУ, №2/2024
Relevance. There are a number of factors that affect students' performance in learning English. These can be both internal and external factors. The present study focuses on the internal factors that influence students' success in learning English. Theories have been put forward and research has been conducted to identify the influence of students' mental attitudes and personality characteristics. According to these theories, mental attitudes shape a person's behaviour and attitudes. Students' personality characteristics are also believed to influence their academic performance. A questionnaire covering the personality characteristics of English language learners was used for the study. The traits analysed were extraversion, introversion, openness to experience and conscientiousness. It was also investigated how these characteristics influence the level of motivation and choice of English language learning methods. Students with pronounced extraversion prefer to interact with native speakers and work in groups, while introverts prefer individual methods such as reading and writing. The results indicate a significant influence of students' attitudes and personality traits on their success. Taking into account students' personality traits can significantly improve the effectiveness of instruction by allowing it to be tailored to the needs of each learner.
Keywords: personality traits, English language learning, students, motivation, extraversion, introversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, success.
Маанилуртук. Англис тилин уйренууде студенттердин жетишкендиктерине таасир этYYЧY бир катар факторлор бар. Бул ички жана тышкы факторлор болушу my^y^ Изилдее англис тилин YЙренYYДе студенттердин ийгилигине таасир этYYЧY ички факторлорго багытталган. Студенттердин психикалык мамилелерине жана инсандык езгечелYктерYне тийгизген таасирин аныктоого багытталган теориялар кетерYЛYп, изилдее жYргYЗYлДY. Ушул теорияларга ылайык, психикалык мамилелер адамдын ЖYPYM-турумун жана кез карашын калыптандырат. Ошондой эле, студенттердин инсандык езгечелYктерY, алардын окуусуна таасир этет деп эсептелет. Изилдее ЖYргYЗYY YЧYH студенттеринин инсандык езгечелYктерYH камтыган анкета колдонулду. Экстраверсия, интроверсия, тажрыйбага ачыктык жана тырышчаактык сыяктуу сапаттар талданды. Бул MYнездемелер мотивация децгээлине жана англис тилин YЙренYY ыкмаларын тандоого кандай таасир этери дагы изилденди. Экстраверт студенттер англис тилинде CYЙлегендер менен баарлашууну жана топтордо иштеенY жактырышат, ал эми интроверттер окуу жана жазуу сыяктуу жеке ыкмаларды жактырышат. Натыйжалар студенттердин мамилеси жана алардын инсандык сапаттары алардын ийгилигине олуттуу таасирин тийгизет. Студенттердин жеке езгечелYктерYH эске алуу окутуунун натыйжалуулугун олуттуу жогорулатып, аны ар бир студенттин муктаждыктарына ылайыкташтырууга MYMKYHДYк берет.
Ачкыч создор: инсандык езгечелYKтер, англис тилин YЙренYY, студенттер, мотивация, экстраверсия, интроверсия, тажрыйбага ачыктык, тырышчаактык, ийгилик.
Актуальность. Существует ряд факторов, влияющих на успеваемость студентов при изучении английского языка. Это могут быть как внутренние, так и внешние факторы. Настоящее исследование сфокусировано на внутренних факторах, которые оказывают влияние на успех учащихся в изучении английского. Были выдвинуты теории и проведено исследование, направленное на выявление влияния ментальных установок и личностных характеристик студентов. Согласно этим теориям, ментальные установки формируют поведение и взгляды человека. Считается также, что личностные особенности обучающихся оказывают влияние на их успеваемость. Для проведения исследования использовался опросник, охватывающий личностные характеристики студентов, изучающих английский язык. Были проанализированы такие качества, как экстраверсия, интроверсия, открытость опыту и усердие. Также было изучено, как эти характеристики влияют на уровень мотивации и выбор методов изучения английского языка. Студенты с выраженной экстраверсией предпочитают общаться с носителями языка и работать в группах, в то время как интроверты предпочитают индивидуальные методы, такие как чтение и письмо. Результаты свидетельствуют о значимом влиянии отношения студентов и их личностных качеств на их успех. Учет индивидуальных особенностей студентов может существенно повысить эффективность обучения, позволяя адаптировать его к потребностям каждого обучающегося.
Ключевые слова: личностные особенности, изучение английского языка, студенты, мотивация, экстраверсия, интроверсия, открытость опыту, усердие, успех.
Learning English is a complex journey that is influenced by many factors, including unique personality traits. Despite research on teaching methods and curriculum development, the role of personality in shaping language learning outcomes remains a key but often underestimated aspect. This aspect is becoming increasingly important in light of the rapidly changing educational environment and the growing need for adaptive approaches to learning. Students' success in the learning environment is closely related to their level of preparation for the learning process. In their daily lives, students encounter various forms of assessment, including exercises, homework, project work, papers and examinations. These activities help to determine the significance of student achievement in the learning process (Imetova & Zhakaeva, 2021; Niyazova, 2021).
Many factors can influence students' success in learning English. For example, Naderi and colleagues (2009) argue that demographic and psychological factors influence students' success. However, there is insufficient research to determine whether students' attitudes and creativity affect their success in learning English. Some students, especially introverts, may experience learning difficulties because of their tendency towards negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, and depression. When they encounter learning difficulties, they may feel anxious and not actively seek ways to overcome them. However, whether introverted or extroverted, this can significantly affect their success in learning English.
In general, understanding the influence of individual differences on English language learning is key to creating effective teaching methods. By taking these aspects into account, educators can tailor instruction to the needs and characteristics of each student, which promotes deeper and more effective learning. This approach can ultimately improve students' overall performance in English language learning.
Literature Review
Achievement is a measure of students' success in the learning process, assessed through grades awarded by the institution. It is determined at the end of the school period based on students' success throughout their education, especially during their school years, and is awarded by teachers. According to Payne's research (Payne, 2003), achievement tests assess students' knowledge and skills, especially in complex and realistic situations. The general conclusion is that achievement reflects the progress students make in their learning and can be measured by standardised or specially designed tests and assessed as part of the curriculum.
In Psychology of Learning Foreign Languages by P. Larke (2003), achievement in foreign language learning is seen as the result of successful acquisition of language skills and knowledge, as well as a psychological state that includes a sense of satisfaction with the results achieved. The factors that influence academic success can be categorised into three main categories: internal, external and personality traits of students. This is in line with Suryabrata's research (Suryabrata, 1983) who indicates that factors influencing students' success come from both external and internal spheres of their lives. In other words, both external and internal factors can have an impact on students' academic performance.
Internal factors affecting learning include physiological and psychological aspects. Physiological factors refer to the health and physical well-being of students, such as their general physical condition and possible illnesses. Psychological factors, on the other hand, relate to students' internal processes and emotional state, including their motivation, confidence and concentration.
External factors such as curriculum and educational environment also have an impact on learning success. For example, students may be forced to learn English due to the availability of relevant lessons in the school curriculum.
Measuring success through tests and assessments requires a careful approach. In a formal educational environment, teachers use various tools to test and evaluate student success. According to Salvador and Carmen (2001), there are two key changes in testing and assessment methods: a shift from behavioral to cognitive assessment in terms of validity and a shift from linear to a model of responses to elements in psychometrics.
According to Pour (2015), academic performance is a key indicator for assessing the effectiveness of the educational system in achieving its goals. This parameter reflects the level of knowledge and skills that students acquire in the process of learning. Academic achievement is assessed through achievement tests that measure how well students have mastered the learning material. Academic performance can be assessed both on the basis of test results and grades given by teachers.
Thus, academic performance becomes an important tool for assessing the effectiveness of the educational system in achieving its goals. This parameter reflects not only the quantity but also the quality of efforts made by students in the learning process.
Chaihiranwattana and Nooki (North Carolina) note that attitudes toward a second language can have an impact on the level of proficiency. Attitude can encourage students to achieve a certain level of proficiency in the second language. Gajalakshmi (2013) also emphasises that student attitude is an important component of second language learning and should be considered as an integral part of foreign language learning pedagogy. It is suggested that students' attitude is a key factor inseparable from the learning process, especially in second language learning, and has an impact on the attainment of proficiency.
Abidin, Mohammadi and Alzvari (2012) clarify the concept of attitude by identifying its three aspects: behavioural, cognitive and emotional. Each of these aspects plays an important role in shaping students' attitudes towards second language learning and influences their success in this process.
The cognitive aspect of attitudes towards learning a second language is related to students' perceptions of the importance of learning a language and their expectations of the learning process. This aspect includes students' beliefs about how important it is for them to master a second language and their expectations of the learning process.
The behavioural aspect of attitudes towards second language learning relates to students' actions in the context of learning. This includes the activities they undertake to learn the language, such as participating in lessons, doing homework, using supplementary learning materials and communicating in the language.
The emotional aspect of attitudes towards second language learning relates to the feelings and emotions that students experience in the language learning process. This may include confidence in their language learning abilities, a sense of satisfaction with achievement, and fear of failure or misunderstanding.
Students' individual personality traits are an important factor influencing their success in second language acquisition. Personality traits play a significant role in shaping learners' readiness to acquire a second language. This statement finds support in the works of many researchers who have conducted extensive research and presented their findings in scientific publications.
Research of the influence of personality traits on language learning is an important area that can help to develop more effective teaching methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of each learner.
Extroverts and introverts represent two opposite personality concepts that can significantly influence the foreign language learning process. According to Allen (2013), extroverts tend to have higher levels of social engagement and sociability, which contributes to the ease of communication in a foreign language. Their tendency to be sociable may create a more favourable environment for language practice in real-life situations.
On the other hand, introverts, according to Poure (2015), often prefer to learn in a quiet environment, avoiding many contacts and group activities. Their tendency towards introspection and deeper analysis may contribute to a more thorough study of grammar and language structure, but at the same time may make it difficult to communicate in the language in real life.
Extraversion and introversion, diligence and openness are four of the five basic personality traits known as the Big Five, which describe different aspects of a person's personality. Extraversion describes how outgoing and energetic a person is, seeking stimulation in the outside world, while introverts favour solitude, thinking about ideas and experiences internally. Diligence describes the degree of organisation, discipline, commitment and responsibility, while open-mindedness relates to the extent to which a person is open to new ideas, experiences and cultural differences. Each of these traits represents a continuum on which people may be at different points, and it is important to remember that they are interrelated and can influence each other.
In conclusion, the results of some studies suggest the influence of learners' attitudes and personality traits on their academic success. However, this study focuses on the overall effect of attitude and personality traits on English language learning success. We hope that students with positive attitudes and high personality traits, as evidenced by high scores in personality tests, will achieve outstanding results in English language learning.
Materials and Methods
This article uses a mixed-methods research design to comprehensively examine the differences in introverted and extroverted students' English learning styles. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, cognitive, affective and contextual aspects can be comprehensively investigated. The study consists of two phases: an initial quantitative phase to identify general trends and patterns, and a qualitative phase to explore individual learners' experiences and perceptions in more depth.
A study was conducted to explore how personality traits influence the learning of English as a second language among 47 first-year students enrolled in the College of International Educational Programs at Osh State University. It is especially worth noting that the students showed a high level of interest in the study and actively participated in all its stages, which contributed to a deeper understanding of the subject of the study.
Two independent variables were used: attitude and personality traits, and one dependent variable: academic performance. The data were collected by completing an attitude and personality questionnaire that could be compared with documented data, i.e., students' academic performance in English language learning. A unique questionnaire which consists of 15 questions related to students' attitudes and personality traits was created with the help of a new website survio for the researcher. The participants, who varied in age and English language proficiency, completed the questionnaires which included questions about their personality traits, language learning strategies, motivation and
English language proficiency. Statistical analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between personality traits and English language learning outcomes.
Data obtained as a result of the study
1. Information on the educational institution
The College of International Educational Programs of Osh State University, which is located in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic. The head of this educational institution is Ramashov Kumarbek Akmatalievich.
Division of study participants by native language
Language of instruction Number of responses
Kyrgyz 35
Uzbek 10
Russian 2
Separation of study participants by course of study
Year of study number of responses
1 22
2 25
The number of male and female students.
■ Male
■ Female
Appendix 1
Data Collection
1. Questionnaire: A structured questionnaire was developed to collect data on the influence of students' personality traits on their performance in English language learning. The questionnaire included questions aimed at identifying participants' levels of extraversion and introversion, as well as their academic success, how sociable and active students are, and whether they prefer working in a group or alone.
2. Interviews: Face-to-face interviews were conducted to elicit participants' views on how personality traits, including extraversion and introversion, affect their success in learning English. Interviews were conducted directly with participants, depending on their availability.
3. Informed Consent: Before each research study, we obtained informed consent from each research participant. This confirmed that they were participating in the study voluntarily. Participants were provided with information about the purpose of the study, the confidentiality of their responses, and their right to withdraw at any time without negative consequences.
Data Analysis:
Analysing the qualitative data from the study on the influence of personality traits on academic performance in English language learning allows several key aspects to emerge:
1. Thematic analysis: Major themes such as motivation, adaptation to the learning process, social skills, and self-regulation emerge from the data. These themes provide a better understanding of how personality traits influence academic achievement.
2. Initial Coding: Coding data allows information to be systematised. Codes reflect different aspects of personality, such as level of extraversion or introversion, level of self-regulation, and motivation.
3. Categorisation: Codes are grouped into categories such as 'personality traits', 'motivation', 'social skills' and 'academic performance'. This helps to see general trends and correlations between different aspects of personality and academic performance.
4. Pattern Identification: Analysis identifies patterns of behaviour and thinking that are characteristic of certain personality types. For example, extroverted students may take more initiative in socialising and participate more actively in the learning process.
5. Interpretation of results: Based on the patterns found, conclusions are drawn about how personality traits can influence performance in English language learning. For example, students with high levels of self-regulation may perform better in academic tasks and have more stable academic results.
6. Supporting the results with quotations: Quotes from the study participants are provided to support the findings of the analysis to illustrate the patterns and trends identified.
7. Contextualisation: It is important to consider the socio-cultural and educational context in which the study took place so that the findings are applicable to specific contexts and are not overemphasised.
The analysis of qualitative data showed that personality traits such as extraversion and introversion significantly affect students' performance in English language learning. Extraverted students tend to be more motivated and successful in communication, which favours their learning. Whereas introverts may have a deep understanding of the material but have difficulty in socialising and asserting themselves, which affects their learning success.
The study explored in depth the relationship between students' personality traits and their efforts to learn English, revealing multidimensional dynamics that significantly influence learning. Extraversion stands out as a key trait because extraverted personalities have a natural inclination towards social interactions that promote language acquisition. They are more inclined to communicate verbally, actively seeking opportunities for dialogue and group discussions, which positively affects their language fluency and proficiency.
In contrast, introverts, who prefer solitude and self-reflection, are often successful in aspects of language learning that require independent learning, such as listening comprehension and written
expression. Their approach may vary, but their deep understanding and attention to detail often result in a comprehensive mastery of complex linguistic concepts.
Openness to experience is another key trait that encourages curiosity, a willingness to embrace new ideas, and a desire to engage with diverse cultural perspectives. Students who possess this trait demonstrate a deeper understanding of the cultural subtleties embedded in the English language, which contributes to their linguistic and cultural competence.
Conscientiousness plays an important role in shaping learning behavioural responses as conscientious students exhibit a strong sense of discipline, organisation and goal orientation. Their systematic approach to learning, characterised by diligent study habits and the pursuit of excellence, facilitates consistent progress and achievement in English language acquisition.
How do you identify yourself (as an introvert or an extrovert)?
■ I consider myself introverted.
■ I consider myself extroverted.
Appendix 2
How do you prefer to spend your free
■ With friends or in social settings
Alone, engaging in solitary activities
■ Both equally
Appendix 3
With Alone, Both
friends or engaging equally
in social in solitary
settings activities
How effective do you find group work activities in improving your English language
25 20 15 10 5 0
Partially effective Highly effective
Appendix 4
These findings highlight the importance of considering and utilising students' individual personality traits when designing and implementing language instructional programmes. Educators, by recognising and adapting to these diverse learning styles, can create more inclusive and effective learning environments that meet the unique needs and preferences of each student. It is important to note that many students, although afraid to classify themselves as introverts, still clearly identify themselves as such, which can create additional barriers to their successful learning.
Based on the existing research data, it is learnt that students with high academic motivation tend to have higher academic performance. Such students usually show a desire for diligent and energetic learning activities, pay great attention to achieving their academic goals, strive to outperform their peers, and adhere to high quality standards. All these factors contribute to their academic success compared to those students who are not motivated to learn English. However, despite this, the level of academic performance remains relatively low, which may indicate that other factors may influence the relationship between motivation to learn English and academic performance.
Students' personality characteristics play a key role in the process of learning English. Extraverted students tend to be more open to communication and social interactions, which contributes to their oral language development. However, introverts, despite possible difficulties in socialising, often have more developed independent work and analytical thinking skills, which favours their writing.
Openness to new experiences plays an important role, as students who show interest in new ideas and cultural aspects are more likely to be successful in understanding a foreign language. Conscientiousness is also important, as students who show a high level of discipline and responsibility are more likely to succeed in language learning.
The results of our study highlight the need to take into account individual characteristics of students when developing educational programmes. Creating personalised learning plans and
supporting different learning methods can significantly improve students' learning outcomes and motivation.
Thus, our study highlights not only the importance of personality traits for successful language learning, but also the need to integrate individualised approaches into the educational process, which can contribute to more effective development of not only language but also personality skills in students.
In conclusion, this study confirms that students' personality traits have a significant impact on their approach to learning English. Introverted students tend to prefer individualised learning and may experience higher levels of anxiety, while extroverted students are more open to social interactions and prefer group activities. These results emphasise the importance of taking individual student characteristics into account when designing teaching methods.
This study has relevance for pedagogical practice as it suggests different approaches to teaching, taking into account the needs of students with a variety of personality traits. However, it should be noted that the study has limitations, including the small sample size and limited context of the study. Further research with more participants and in different educational settings is recommended to obtain more generalisable results.
Overall, this study makes an important contribution to the understanding of the influence of personality traits on learning and highlights the need for an individualised approach to education. Creating a supportive and stimulating learning environment that takes into account students' individual needs and preferences can contribute to their successful learning and development of not only language but also personal skills.
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