Научная статья на тему 'The influence of social factors on improvement of state regulation of public passenger transport'

The influence of social factors on improvement of state regulation of public passenger transport Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Petrenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

The article describes the main factors affecting the activities of public passenger road transport. It is determined that the economic policy in the field of state regulation of public passenger transport should be considered as an important part of the General state economic and social policy aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. It is also proposed that the formation and implementation of economic policy should be associated with the creation of effective methods, procedures and mechanisms of social and economic justification of subsidies and the establishment of effective tariffs for transportation aimed at preserving and developing the public transport system, consistent with the development plans, as well as the rational management of routes in order to optimize them using a set of socio-economic constraints. It is proved that traffic safety management is the most important function of the state, which should be effectively and comprehensively implemented as part of the mechanisms and procedures of public transport management. The quantitative growth of vehicles in Ukraine is not accompanied by qualitative changes in the positive direction. On the contrary, the wear and tear of the vehicle fleet is increasing every year, which is the cause of increased environmental pollution, accidents and high transport costs. As shown above, one of the elements of such a system is the restriction of the age of minibuses allowed on passenger routes. The choice of social policy should be preceded by the modeling of its main characteristics and results, so it is advisable to create and use such models in the practice of state macroeconomic regulation. Improving the efficiency of state regulation should be provided by the tax regulation of the activities of passenger transport enterprises and private carriers through legal mechanisms, as well as a number of organizational measures to ensure the certification of routes, monitoring of transportation processes and their financing from the budget, improving the mechanism and procedures for information support of the processes of economic policy formation and its implementation.

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Рассмотрены основные факторы, влияющие на деятельность общественного пассажирского автомобильного транспорта. Определено, что экономическую политику в области государственного регулирования общественного пассажирского транспорта следует рассматривать как важную часть общей государственной экономической и социальной политики, направленной на повышение качества жизни населения. Также предложено, что формирование и реализация экономической политики должна быть связана с созданием действенных методов, процедур и механизмов социального и экономического обоснования дотаций и установления эффективных тарифов на перевозку, направленных на сохранение и развитие системы общественного транспорта, согласованных с планами развития, а также рационального управления маршрутами с целью их оптимизации при использовании совокупности социально-экономических ограничений. Доказано, что управление безопасностью движения важнейшая функция государства, которая должна быть эффективно и комплексно реализована в составе механизмов и процедур управления общественным транспортом. Количественный рост автотранспортных средств в Украине не сопровождается качественными изменениями в положительную сторону. Наоборот, износ автопарка ежегодно увеличивается, что является причиной повышенного загрязнения окружающей среды, аварийности и высоких транспортных расходов. Как показано выше, один из элементов такой системы ограничение возраста микроавтобусов, допускаемых на пассажирские маршруты. Выбор социальной по своей сущности политики должно предшествовать моделирование ее основных характеристик и результатов, поэтому такие модели целесообразно создавать и использовать в практике государственного макроэкономического регулирования. Повышение эффективности государственного регулирования должно быть обеспечено налоговой регламентацией деятельности предприятий пассажирского транспорта и частных перевозчиков через правовые механизмы, а также рядом организационных мероприятий, обеспечивающих паспортизацию маршрутов, мониторинг процессов перевозок и их финансирования из бюджета, совершенствование механизма и процедур информационного обеспечения процессов формирования экономической политики и ее реализации.

Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of social factors on improvement of state regulation of public passenger transport»

UDC: 351.81

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-164-174

Petrenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Electric Transport, Kharkiv National University of Urban Management. OHM. Beketova, 61000, Kharkiv, Str. Marshala Bazhanova, 17, e-mail: [email protected], tel.: +38 (093) 669 9 7 47

ORCID: 0000-0003-4027-4818 Петренко Олександр Миколайович, доктор техтчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри електричного транспорту, Хар-твський нащональний утверситет мкь-кого господарства ím. О. М. Бекетова, 61000, Хартв, вул/ Маршала Бажанова, 17, e-mail: [email protected], тел.: +38 (093) 669 9 7 47

ORCID: 0000-0003-4027-4818

Петренко Александр Николаевич,

доктор технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры электрического транспорта, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61000, Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, e-mail: [email protected], тел.: +38 (093) 669 9747

ORCID: 0000-0003-4027-4818


Abstract. The article describes the main factors affecting the activities of public passenger road transport. It is determined that the economic policy in the field of state regulation of public passenger transport should be considered as an important part of the General state economic and social policy aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. It is also proposed that the formation and implementation of economic policy should be associated with the creation of effective methods, procedures and mechanisms of social and economic justification of subsidies and the establishment of effective tariffs for transportation aimed at preserving and developing the public transport system, consistent with the development plans, as well as the rational management of routes in order to optimize them using a set of socio-economic constraints.

It is proved that traffic safety management is the most important function of the state, which should be effectively and comprehensively implemented as part of the mechanisms and procedures of public transport management. The quantitative growth of vehicles in Ukraine is not accompanied by qualitative changes in the positive direction. On the contrary, the wear and tear of the vehicle fleet is increasing every year, which is the cause of increased environmental pollution, accidents and high transport costs. As shown above, one of the elements of such a system is the restriction of the age of minibuses allowed on passenger routes.

The choice of social policy should be preceded by the modeling of its main characteristics and results, so it is advisable to create and use such models in the practice of state macroeconomic regulation. Improving the efficiency of state regulation should be provided by the tax regulation of the activities of passenger transport enterprises and private carriers through legal mechanisms, as well as a number of organizational measures to ensure the certification of routes, monitoring of transportation processes and their financing from the budget, improving the mechanism and procedures for information support of the processes of economic policy formation and its implementation.

Keywords: state regulation, passenger road transport, social factors, tariff policy, transport infrastructure.


Анотащя. Розглянуто основш фактори, що впливають на дiяльнiсть гро-мадського пасажирського автомобшьного транспорту. Визначено, що еконо-Mi4Hy пол^ику в обласп державного регулювання громадського пасажирського транспорту слщ розглядати як важливу частину загально! державно! економiчноl i сощально! полггики, спрямовано! на шдвищення якосп життя населення. Також запропоновано, що формування та реалiзацiя економiчноl пол^ики мае бути пов'язана зi створенням дieвих методiв, процедур i меха-нiзмiв сощального та економiчного обгрунтування дотацш та встановлення ефективних тарифiв на перевезення, спрямованих на збереження i розвиток системи громадського транспорту, узгоджених з планами розвитку, а також ращонального управлшня маршрутами з метою !х оптимiзацil при викорис-танш сyкyпностi соцiально-економiчних обмежень.

Доведено, що управлшня безпекою руху — найважливша фyнкцiя дер-жави, яка повинна бути ефективно i комплексно реалiзована у складi меха-нiзмiв i процедур yправлiння громадським транспортом. Юльюсне зростання автотранспортних засобiв в Укра!ш не супроводжуеться якiсними змiнами в позитивну сторону. Навпаки, зношення автопарку щорiчно збiльшyeться, що е причиною тдвищеного забруднення навколишнього середовища, ава-рiйностi i високих транспортних витрат. Як показано вище, один з елеменпв тако! системи — обмеження вжу мiкроавтобyсiв, що допускаються на паса-жирськi маршрути.

Вибiр сощально! за своею сутнiстю пол^ики мае передувати моделювання 11 основних характеристик i результатiв, тому таю моделi доцiльно створюва-ти i використовувати у практицi державного макроекономiчного регулюван-ня. Пiдвищення ефективностi державного регулювання повинно бути забез-печено податковою регламентацiею дiяльностi пiдприемств пасажирського транспорту та приватних перевiзникiв через правовi механiзми, а також рядом оргашзацшних заходiв, що забезпечують паспортизацiю маршрутiв, мо-нiторинг процеав перевезень та !х фiнансування з бюджету, вдосконалення мехашзму та процедур шформацшного забезпечення процесiв формування економiчноl полiтики та 11 реалiзацil.

Ключовi слова: державне регулювання, пасажирський автомобшьний транспорт, соцiальнi фактори, тарифна пол^ика, транспортна iнфраструк-тура.



Аннотация. Рассмотрены основные факторы, влияющие на деятельность общественного пассажирского автомобильного транспорта. Определено, что экономическую политику в области государственного регулирования общественного пассажирского транспорта следует рассматривать как важную часть общей государственной экономической и социальной политики, направленной на повышение качества жизни населения. Также предложено, что формирование и реализация экономической политики должна быть связана с созданием действенных методов, процедур и механизмов социального и экономического обоснования дотаций и установления эффективных тарифов на перевозку, направленных на сохранение и развитие системы общественного транспорта, согласованных с планами развития, а также рационального управления маршрутами с целью их оптимизации при использовании совокупности социально-экономических ограничений.

Доказано, что управление безопасностью движения — важнейшая функция государства, которая должна быть эффективно и комплексно реализована в составе механизмов и процедур управления общественным транспортом. Количественный рост автотранспортных средств в Украине не сопровождается качественными изменениями в положительную сторону. Наоборот, износ автопарка ежегодно увеличивается, что является причиной повышенного загрязнения окружающей среды, аварийности и высоких транспортных расходов. Как показано выше, один из элементов такой системы — ограничение возраста микроавтобусов, допускаемых на пассажирские маршруты.

Выбор социальной по своей сущности политики должно предшествовать моделирование ее основных характеристик и результатов, поэтому такие модели целесообразно создавать и использовать в практике государствен-

ного макроэкономического регулирования. Повышение эффективности государственного регулирования должно быть обеспечено налоговой регламентацией деятельности предприятий пассажирского транспорта и частных перевозчиков через правовые механизмы, а также рядом организационных мероприятий, обеспечивающих паспортизацию маршрутов, мониторинг процессов перевозок и их финансирования из бюджета, совершенствование механизма и процедур информационного обеспечения процессов формирования экономической политики и ее реализации.

Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование, пассажирский автомобильный транспорт, социальные факторы, тарифная политика, транспортная инфраструктура.

Problem statement. Passenger transportation services should be considered both as the city housing and communal services and in the context of the common problems. It is also possible to assign the passenger transportation services to a group of social services. Therefore, the search for generalizations in solving problems of public transport is important for the development of the entire complex of communal services on the one hand, and it should be compared with the analysis of the causes of the housing and communal services problems and the solutions found in this area on the other.

We can single out a number of problems that remain unresolved or find their more effective solution based on the modern development of the theory and methods of state regulation of public passenger transport. The problem of publicity of goals and content of economic policy, the transparency of methods and regulation mechanism remains partially solved. In this regard, it is necessary not only to adjust the mechanisms and procedures of regulation, but also to inculcate a culture of openness. The problem of methodological support of the economic policy of the regulation

of public passenger transport. It can be solved by creating a model for the formation and implementation for the economic policy of regulating public passenger transport, as well as developing new methods, procedures and mechanisms for the economic policy of public passenger transport regulation.

Analysis of recent publications on the subject. Problems of state regulation of public passenger road transport are highlighted in the works of both foreign and domestic scientists. A great contribution to the study of the peculiarities of the state influence on the transport system was made by such scientists as V. Grabelnikov [1], V. Dzhu-gan [2], A. Divinets [3], A. Zborovska [3], D. Ilchenko [4], V. Ilchuk [5], N. Kovalchuk [7], G. Koretska. [3], M. Leonov [7], V. Lukianov [6], A. No-vikova [7], T. Rovenchak [9], V. Ste-panov [10], A. Shevchenko [1], T. Yash-chenko [ 7] and others. However, despite numerous studies, the influence of social problems on the improvement of state regulation of public passenger road transport in Ukraine remains insufficiently highlighted.

The formulation of the goals (purpose) of the article. The purpose of

this article is to determine the impact of social problems on improving the state regulation of public passenger road transport in Ukraine and to provide suggestions for improving this process.

Presentation of the main research material. The price (tariff) policy is the central link in the formation and implementation of economic policies in relation to public passenger transport, therefore an important place is given to its analysis and improvement.

One of the regional problems is the availability among consumers of products, works and services of a significant number of privileged categories of consumers (citizens), defined by the legislation, the availability of social routes and the lack of adequate reimbursement from the budgets of the respective levels to economic entities of non-received incomes [7, p. 23]. This problem is particularly acute affecting life-supporting industries, such as transport, communications, energy, gas supply, housing and communal services, and it affects the results of financial and economic activity negatively, and also creates a situation where natural monopolies enterprises fall into a kind of "scissors". To compensate for losses, it is necessary to increase the revenue side on the one hand, that is to approve higher tariffs by overstating the planned cost of services, and insufficient financing and non-payment of consumers create a shortage of working capital on the other hand, that does not allow to carry out a number of necessary measures for maintaining the normal production-technological process at the enterprise.

Most of the life support functions are transferred to the lower territorial levels of management in the process of

decentralization where social programs are implemented in close proximity to the consumer in practice. The processes take place in a complex legal environment. Housing and communal services, which include the problems of housing ownership, utility payments and system of social guarantees provide economic and legal conditions [6, p. 121].

The task of efficient management of the municipal economy complex is put forward on the foreground which is expensive by its very nature, the costs for it are mainly realized through territorial structures in the current situation.

Certain results have been achieved in the implementation of economic reform programs in recent years. But a number of unresolved problems appeared along with the achievement of certain positive results that impede further advancement to the market and an increase of living standards of cities. A high level of monopolization, the predominance of a sectoral approach in solving problems of territorial administration and the lack of a unified tariff policy are related to them. The transformations are much weaker in the field of public passenger transport including in matters of regulation.

It is the need that studies the problems of state and municipal policy pricing services in the market economy regulation system are caused by these reasons.

Ukraine lacks a unified state policy, a weak legislative framework in the sphere of organizing the work of public transport and an imperfect methodological basis for forming the cost of services at present.

The results of the work analysis of public transport in Ukraine, obtained

by A. Zborovska, confirm the uncoordinated actions of the authorities of different levels, that lead to such negative consequences as lowering the quality level of public transport; replacement of buses, trams and trolleybuses by small-size minibuses; operation of emergency rolling stock; the growth of state subsidies [3, p. 25].

Undoubtedly, one of the important directions of functioning of the city passenger transport system is the financing of programs for the restoration and renewal of rolling stock of public transport. The work of state and municipal road transport enterprises is complicated by the aging of fixed assets, a decrease in labor productivity and an increase in the cost of maintaining the aging park in most cities [5, p. 129]. It is necessary to form and finance programs for the restoration and renewal of the rolling stock of public transport at road transport enterprises for that reason.

The owners of fixed-route taxis and buses which lack the necessary repair and diagnostic equipment and qualified personnel for preventive measures are replacing public transport companies as a result of these reasons. The increase in the market for passenger transportation of the number of small businesses entails a limited introduction of modern means of managing public passenger transport; insufficient qualifications and low discipline of bus drivers, violation of the norms of buses capacity. This is compounded by the ineffective system of preventive work and monitoring compliance with road safety requirements; the backwardness of the regulatory legal framework in the organization of route bus transportation in a market economy.

One of the ways of solving traffic safety problems when operating buses belonging to individuals engaged in the carriage of passengers is to initiate their association, which allows creating the necessary conditions to comply with the established safety requirements.

It should be noted here that private owners should have not only equal rights, but also equal duties. In general, we can talk about a system of conditions (requirements) that should be applied to the owners of vehicles (enterprises and individual entrepreneurs engaged in passenger transportations by public transport routes. They must observe and ensure:

• legislation regarding the transportation of privileged passengers;

• routes established by the state, including social (unprofitable) and tariffs;

• setting schedules and vehicle intervals;

• compliance with environmental standards in the transport operations;

• transport management by drivers of high qualification;

• serviceable transport [1, p. 5].

The last two requirements are aimed

at ensuring the necessary level of traffic safety, which is relatively low in Ukraine, as evidenced by the studies and publications of many well-known scientists, and this problem is defined in the Strategy for Improving Road Safety in Ukraine for the period up to 2020 [8]. The entire set of conditions is directly related to ensuring the quality of life of the population and is an example of the practical application of the theory of economic interest.

The chronic underfunding or the lack of non-received income from en-

terprises and private owners for the transportation of privileged persons is the main reason that hinders private owners of taxis and buses from transporting privileged categories of passengers and working on social routes.

There exists a very acute problem of financial and legal support of the territorial pricing policy in terms of tariff formation and financing of privileged passengers' transportation, transportation on social routes. This indicates the need to improve the methods of the tariff policy formation and methods for calculating tariffs for passenger transportation.

Public policy in relation to public transport should be considered as part of the general economic policy, and passenger transportation services are one of the types of services provided by a socially oriented state in this complex [10, p. 99]. Such policy affects all levels of state regulation as well as the micro level, but the main focus of the interests of the participants falls on the local level in relation to passenger traffic and the manifestations related to these problems. Therefore, the economic policy in the field of passenger transportation is considered as an important part of the general socially oriented economic policy.

Thereby, the formation and implementation of economic policy is a set of complex, diverse in their nature (heterogeneous), continuous or cyclic processes. This set should be based on effective models, methods, procedures and mechanisms, each or every one of which performs its role in the overall harmonized process.

The social orientation of such a policy should be generally accepted for a

number of reasons and it should ensure the reproduction of this type of services in the economic aspect.

Democratic and socially oriented government should aim at improving the quality of life of the population. In this regard, public passenger transport is necessary for a wide range of people including those who cannot fully bear the cost of paying for transport services and have the right to travel privileges according to the current legislation. So, the state regulation of public passenger transport is a necessary element of social services provided by the state to the population. Public transport has a direct impact on the quality of life of the population and it is possible to single out a number of indicators that should be taken into account when assessing the socio-economic efficiency of the economic policy being developed: convenience of routes; fare; compliance with schedules and movement intervals; the safety of passengers, the opportunity to use the benefits provided by the state authorities.

Regulation of the routes of city transport is necessary so that remote and sparsely populated points of the routes do not "fall out" of this service sector and which is not profitable for carriers in their purely commercial positions. The principle of ensuring an approximately equal level of quality of life for residents in different parts of the municipal entity is being implemented in this regard. Consequently, the regulation of routes does not balk at the idea of their optimization but involves the usage of a set of socio-economic (and, to a greater extent social) constraints.

A large number of beneficiaries are pensioners and people with disabilities,

for whom traveling in public transport is vital for health reasons. Such passengers use transport often to get 1-2 stops precisely because their state of health does not allow them to dispense with transport [2, p. 78]. Proposals for replacing benefits with targeted cash payments will solve many problems in the current economic situation.

Tariff regulation is necessary due to low incomes of the population and the developed specialization of labor, leading the majority of the population to the need to move to the workplace and back several times a day, to reach specialized trade enterprises, consumer services, cultural and sports institutions and organizations that are usually concentrated in one or more "cultural" centers of the city. It is advisable to know and predict the reproduction of services, incomes of the population, budget revenues and indicators of the population aging process within the framework of such regulation.

Tariff regulation implies social and economic subsidies for the transportation of privileged passengers and transportation on social routes on the one hand, and the establishment of effective tariffs for transportation from a purely economic position on the other, including logistics methods usage in order to preserve and develop the public transport system, coordinating such actions with the plans for the development of municipalities.

Tariff (price) policy is an integral part of economic policy and should be aimed at solving a number of tasks as follows:

• ensuring a single economic space in the region for all categories of consumers and producers;

• protecting the economic interests of domestic producers and suppliers of goods and services;

• protecting consumers from unreasonably high prices and tariffs;

• harmonious accounting (coordination) of the interests of enterprises and consumers of services by creating and using the appropriate mechanism;

• ensuring of self-finance of service providers, organizations that supply them;

• creating conditions for the development of competitive relations, stimulating resource conservation, reducing the costs of enterprises for the production of products and services, including counteracting the process of forming monopolies;

• reduction of subsidies from the budget;

• monitoring the observance of state discipline of prices and tariffs by all enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership [9, p. 121].

For the implementation of the objectives of the price policy should be carried out by:

• consistent price liberalization in industries where competition is possible;

• strengthening a state regulation of prices and tariffs in socially significant sectors of natural local monopolies.

The problem of assessing the quality of passenger transport regulation is led to a special place in a number of regulatory issues. A rating system for passenger transport has not yet been developed, and it seems appropriate to have such a rating system developed and implemented into local management practice in this regard [4, p. 12].

Traffic safety management is the most important function of the state,

which must be implemented effectively and comprehensively as part of the mechanisms and procedures for managing public transport. The quantitative growth of vehicles in Ukraine is not accompanied by the qualitative changes in a positive way. On the contrary, the depreciation of the vehicle fleet is increasing annually, which is the cause of increased environmental pollution, accidents and high transport costs. One of the elements of such a system is setting age limits on mini busses allowed on passenger routes as shown above.

Much attention should be paid to tax regulation and redistribution of tax revenues in favor of ensuring the obligations of the state for the transportation of passengers in the regulation of public transport. The regulation of passenger transport enterprises and private carriers should be carried out through legal mechanisms and certification of routes; management and regulation should use traffic monitoring and their financing from the budget, as well as a mechanism and procedures for informational support of economic policy formation processes and its implementation.

Tariff modeling should become a central link of the model which allows to study the main characteristics and predict the results of the economic policy of public transport regulation, and a general assessment of the effectiveness of such a policy should be associated with a comprehensive socio-economic assessment that takes social and economic indicators into account.

Thus, the solution of the listed problems can be found by creating a model and procedure for modeling the main characteristics and results of the economic policy of state regulation of

public passenger transport, as well as a set of methods and mechanisms for the formation of municipal economic policy for regulating public passenger transport and its implementation. Improvement of this policy can be ensured on the basis of implementation of a set of appropriate organizational and economic measures, it is necessary to develop a methodology for such assessment for their efficiency.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research. Based on the above, a conceptual approach to the formation and implementation of state and municipal policies on public passenger transport may be proposed, which includes the following main and fundamental points:

• economic policy in the field of state regulation of public passenger transport should be considered as an important part of the general state economic and social policy aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. City public transport will be presented both at the market and public sectors of the economy in this regard;

• the choice of social policy in its essence should be preceded by the modeling of its main characteristics and results, consequently, such models should be created and used in practice of state macroeconomic regulation;

• the formation and implementation of economic policies should be associated with the creating effective methods, procedures and mechanisms for the social and economic subsidies justification and setting effective transportation tariffs aimed at preserving and developing the public transport system, aligned with the development plans, as well as rational route management in

order to optimize them using a set of socio-economic constraints;

• enhancing the effectiveness of state regulation should be provided with the tax regulation of passenger transport enterprises and private carriers with effective legal mechanisms, as well as a number of organizational measures that ensure the certification of routes, monitoring transport processes and their financing from the budget, improving the mechanism and procedures for information support of economic policy formation processes and its implementation.

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