DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-1-71-77
The influence of phases determination on the quality of techniques mastering
in Yakut national wrestling "Khapsagai"
Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov1, Nikolay N. Sivtsev2*
'Naberezhnye Chelny branch of TISBI Management University, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-4294-3755, [email protected] 2Churapcha State Institute of Physical Education and Sport Churapcha, Russia 0000-0003-0728-3843, [email protected]*
Abstract: In combat sports special attention is paid to the quality of educational-training process improvement in the part of an approach to an optimal study of technical actions elements and their control. Coaches-teachers should purposefully work over the quality of techniques fulfillment, especially at the stage of initial training, taking into account their morphological-typological peculiarities. They would help to decrease time for sports results achievement. Materials. The article considers the question concerning studying the effort and angular parameters of sports combat techniques in general. We also present the results of studying the throws in Yakut national wrestling "Khapsagai" by means of three-dimensional video analysis system "Qualisys" with software program "Qualisys Track Manager". Research methods. Information sources analysis, video observation, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The effectiveness of the drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand is expressed in biomechanical characteristics improvement, depends on speed-strength oriented abilities of hip quadriceps. In order to increase speed-strength oriented abilities of these muscles it is necessary to use the exercises. They are characterized by more power and speed of their contraction, in the training process of "Khapsagai" wrestlers. Conclusion. Thus, taking into account the results, received experimentally, we revealed biomechanical basis of "Drop-back "unbending"" technique effectiveness with body grasp with the hand. They are expresses in a precise phases determination. It helps not only to control a technical action fulfillment, but also make timely the corresponding corrections; the training process is corrected for speed-strength oriented abilities increase. It also provides sportsmanship of "khapsagai" wrestlers formation and increase.
Keywords: educational-training process, angular parameters, efforts, techniques, "Khapsagai" wrestling, video analysis «Qualisys», throws, phases.
For citation: Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov, Nikolay N. Sivsev. The influence of phases determination on the quality of techniques mastering in Yakut national wrestling "Khapsagai". Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(1): 54-58. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-71-77.
In combat sports special attention is paid to the quality of educational-training process improvement in the part of an approach to an optimal study of technical actions elements and their control [1, 3]. Coaches-teachers should purposefully work over the quality of techniques fulfillment, especially at the stage of initial training, taking into account their morphological-typological peculiarities. They would help to decrease time for sports results achievement [2, 4].
Nowadays in the existing system of training combatants we see insufficient amount of scientific research works, connected with combatants' technical training, especially in national kinds.
Kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the
techniques in sports wrestling, as a rule, have three phases:
1) a person, who attacks comes out of the initial position into starting one;
2) opponent's lifting or his complete loss of balance. Registration of lifting can be realized visually, with the help of video analysis, at dynamometric platforms. It is difficult to define the final loss of balance, as we can't be certain if the opponent preserves the balance after a technical action;
3) flight and landing. This phase is registered visually.
In terms of this problem we carried out the experiment for the phases of throws determination in Yakut national wrestling "Khapsagai" with
biomechanical characteristics of the technique registration using motion capture camera system "Qualisys" (Sweden) with "Qualisys Track Manager" software. It was synchronized with dynamometric platforms. Light-reflecting markers were attached to anthropometric points of body segments. They correspond with the axis of rotatation in forearms, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joints.
For example, while watching the video of dropback "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand we divided the technique into three phases, where time registration shows the following: the 1st phase - during the 1st second, the 2nd phase -during the 2nd second, the 3rd phase - during the 3rd sec.
Fig. 1. The results of studying the left ankle joint during drop-back
grasp with the hand
"unbending" fulfillment with body
Fig. 1 shows the results of angular parameters of the left ankle joint during drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand: during the 1st phase - 114 degrees, during the 2nd phase -118 degrees, during the 3rd phase - 68 degrees.
Fig. 2 shows the results of angular parameters of the right ankle joint during drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand: during the 1st phase - 95 degrees, during the 2nd phase -77 degrees, during the 3rd phase - 68 degrees.
Fig. 3 shows the results of the right leg efforts during drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand: during the 1st phase the leg of the athlete under attack leans on 600 N, during the
2nd phase - on 900 N, during the 3rd phase - on 110 N, as the athlete under attack is in the air, on the person, who attacks.
Fig. 4 shows the results of the right leg efforts during drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand: during the 1st phase the leg of the person, who attacks leans on 320 N, during the 2nd phase - on 720 N, during the 3rd phase - on 800 N.
Fig. 2. The results of studying the right ankle joint during drop-
grasp with the hand
Fig. 3. The results of studying t
ee-joint during drop-back grasp with the hand
Fig. 4. The results of studying the right
ee-joint during drop-b grasp with the hand
Fig. 5. The results of studying the efforts of the left leg during drop-back
body grasp with the hand
ment with
Fig. 6. The results of studying the efforts of the right leg during drop-
body grasp with the hand
ment with
During the 2nd phase of the throw fulfillment the athletes start to unbend knee-joints and bend ankle joints in order to lift the opponent from the support. In this case the reaction force of support, which was registered at a dynamometric platform, increased significantly. At the end of the 1st phase of throws fulfillment the reaction force of support was almost the same with the weight of the athlete and was within the range of 600-320 N.
During the 2nd phase of throws fulfillment the reaction force of support was 900 N. The end of the second phase of the throw fulfillment was in terms of maximal knee-joints unbending, ankle joints bending and the reaction force of support decrease.
The 3rd phase of the throw started right after the 2nd phase and ended when the opponent touched the supporting surface.
In drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body
grasp with the hand the main phase, in our opinion, should be considered the 2nd phase - the phase of leg beat. During this phase realization maximal muscle efforts are demonstrated. The athlete, who attacks, tries to resist the efforts of the person, who is under attack, during the second phase. Using the power of own muscles he lifts the opponent from the support with the help of a leg beat. It happens as a result of legs unbending in knee-joints.
All these exercises help not only to increase speed-strength oriented abilities of hips quadriceps, but also improve intermuscular and intramuscular coordination during the phased of leg beat fulfillment.
The wrestlers have the following sequence of muscle inclusion into work during the technique fulfillment: first work hips quadriceps, calf muscles, triceps.
During the technique fulfillment there are the muscles, which take an active part in movement and less active ones. Very often when one and the same technique is fulfilled by different wrestlers the role of the muscles changes. During drop-back fulfillment among some athletes hips quadriceps, rectus abdominis muscle, shoulder triceps are more active, among other athletes biceps of the arm and calf muscles are more active.
It proves morphotypological peculiarities of the wrestlers, who fulfill the technique, in terms of the same movements mechanism.
The effectiveness of drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand is expressed in biomechanical characteristics improvement, depends on speed-strength abilities of hips quadriceps. In order to increase speed-strength oriented abilities of these muscles in the training process of "Khapsagai" wrestlers it is necessary to use the exercises. They are characterized by the greatest power and speed of muscles contraction.
We revealed strong interconnection between the results received with the help of 3D-video analysis and a motion sensor.
Thus, taking into account the results, received experimentally, we revealed the following:
- biomechanicalbasis ofthe effectiveness of"Drop-back "unbending" fulfillment with body grasp with the hand" technique fulfillment are demonstrated in a clear phases determination. It helps not only to control the technical action fulfillment, but also timely make necessary corrections;
-the training process is corrected for speed-
strength oriented abilities increase. It also provides sportsmanship of khapsagai wrestlers formation and increase.
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Submitted: 15.05.2022 Author's information:
Aleksandr A. Kuznetsov - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of "TISBI" Management University", 423806, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya naberezhnaya str., House 6, e-mail: [email protected]
Nikolay N. Sivtsev - Senior Lecturer, Churapcha State Institute of Physical Education and Sports, Russia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 678670, Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Churapcha, Sportivnaya str., House 2, e-mail: [email protected]