Научная статья на тему 'The influence of parenting styles on the formation of suicidal tendencies in adolescents'

The influence of parenting styles on the formation of suicidal tendencies in adolescents Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Abdullayeva V.K.

The article presents a study of the influence of parenting styles on the formation of types of suicidal tendencies. The object of the study selected adolescents aged 15 to 17 years with depressive symptoms and behavioral disorders. Were examined in 40 adolescents with a diagnosis of F91.2. Socialized behavior disorder. The relationship of family relationships and styles of parenting with the formation of self-injurious actions among teenagers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of parenting styles on the formation of suicidal tendencies in adolescents»




Abdullayeva V.K.

doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of Department, Department ofpsychiatry, addiction, child psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy of the

Tashkent pediatric medical Institute, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan


The article presents a study of the influence of parenting styles on the formation of types of suicidal tendencies. The object of the study selected adolescents aged 15 to 17 years with depressive symptoms and behavioral disorders. Were examined in 40 adolescents with a diagnosis of F91.2. Socialized behavior disorder. The relationship of family relationships and styles of parenting with the formation of self-injurious actions among teenagers.

Keywords: family type, parenting styles, adolescents, suicide, suicidal behavior.

Relevance: the increase in suicide activity in adolescence in recent decades determines the interest of a wide range of specialists, both Russian and foreign [1, 6]. The presence of the relationship of suicide attempts of children and adolescents with deviant behavior: escapes from home, school absenteeism, early Smoking, minor offenses, conflicts with parents, alcoholism, anesthesia, sexual excesses necessitate a detailed study of the impact of parenting styles on the development of suicidal tendencies [2]. In the problem of suicidal behavior of adolescents, one of the factors that determine the formation and development of this mode of behavior, the assimilation of its models, are family relationships [4]. The reaction of parents, the principles, types and specifics of relations between parents and their children, the style of family leadership and education can be important factors that determine the antisocial behavior of the child in the family and society, and affect its relations with other people in adulthood [5]. Adolescence is characterized by a high frequency of debuts of depressive States that arise against the background of ideas of physical disability and inferiority, with a tendency to suicidal behavior, not promptly diagnosed due to the emotional microclimate in the family [3].

Objective: to study the influence of parenting styles on the formation of suicidal tendencies in adolescents to improve and optimize medical and psychological care to this population.

Material and methods: 40 adolescents aged 1519 years with suicidal tendencies were examined. The group included patients with the presence of diagnostic criteria of socialized behavior disorder according to ICD-10-F91.2. For diagnostics of parameters of a family system was used the questionnaire "Scale of cohesion and flexibility of family system" Olson-Partner, and to determine the degree of suicide risk has been used "Colombian scale to assess the severity of suicidal risk"(Posner K., Brent D., Lucas C., 2009). To determine the socio-psychological factors and motives for committing suicide attempts, a survey of patients was conducted on the basis of a survey map of potential suicides.

Results of the study and discussion: the study found that the majority of the surveyed children and ad-olescents(72%) were from families who had dysfunctional family relationships. A group of socially neglected adolescents was identified among these persons through questionnaires. Among them, 45% grew up in a single - parent family, 25% - in a socially disadvantaged family, 30% of the study had problems in communication and establishing new social ties. In 53% of the surveyed, hereditary burden of alcoholization of parents and mental pathology of relatives was revealed, which in turn led to conflict relationships in the family, non-compliance with moral and social norms of behavior in the family and unsatisfactory material and living conditions. The study revealed adolescents living in dysfunctional families with the destructive nature of the relationship (70%), living with one parent (the cases of child abandonment and improper upbringing by type "hiphopera" -16%); families that had both parents, but one of them was non-native (usually a stepfather), and with it the teenager has developed a conflictual relationship (14%). Analysis of the data set, 26% of adolescents who are prone to delinquent and deviant behaviour, with a hedonistic lifestyle, which formed during the ambivalent parenting style in families with a low level of bans, which later was manifested by significant disciplinary sanctions, triggering subsequent suicidal attempts as patoharakterologicheskie reactions of protest. Suicidal tendencies of demonstrative-blackmail and manipulative character are revealed in 28% of surveyed teenagers from so-called" safe " families brought up in full-fledged families with good material prosperity, but growing in conditions of full emotional alienation with violation of interpersonal relationships with parents. According to the results of the diagnosis of "the scale of the family system", the largest number of families with the wrong extreme type of education was revealed, which led to the disruption of the functioning of the family system, the emergence of a crisis in interpersonal relationships. 70% of adolescents brought up in conditions of emotional deprivation and lack of attention and love from their parents were found. The study of the ambivalent type of family relations established complete alienation between family

members, which predetermined the appearance of depressive disorders in adolescents and the development of character accentuation and pathological personality formation. Conflict relationships in destructive families contributed to the development of affective blockade of intelligence with a negative concept of the environment, which only aggravated the situation disharmoniously developing personality and often caused negative emotions and involvement of adolescents in the so-called group of death of the virtual space of the cybernetic environment of the Internet, controlled by the curators of computer games.

Conclusions: thus, the study of the influence of parenting styles on the formation of suicidal tendencies in adolescents can identify risk groups for suicidal readiness among this group of patients, taking into account the types of family relationships and timely provide medical, psychological and psychocorrectional assistance to parents and children, to identify suicidal behavior at the earliest stages of its formation. In the prevention of teenage suicides, an important role belongs to the educational value of the family in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.


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2. Ivanova, T. I. Suicidal behavior in children with depressive disorders // Modern problems of mental health of children. Problems of diagnostics, treatment and research tools in child psychiatry. On April 24, 2007 Volgograd: Volggtu, 2007. P. 87-88.

3. Kalacheva I. O., Pronina L. A., Larionov V. A. Socio-personal factors influencing suicidal behavior in adolescents // Ross. psychiatrist. journal., 2006. 4. P. 41-45.

4. Karshibaeva G. A. Features of suicidal behavior in adolescence / / Young scientist, 2015. No. 7. P. 663665.

5. Gibson-Davis C.M. Effects of statewide job losses on adolescent suicide-related behaviors.Am J Public Health., 2014 Oct.; 104 (10):1964-70. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302081. Epub., 2015 Aug. 14.

6. Mars B., Heron J., Crane C. et al., 2014. Clinical and social outcomes of adolescent self harm: population based birth cohort study. BMJ, 349: Pg. 50-54



Дзугкоев С.Г.

Институт биомедицинских исследований филиал Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения науки Федерального научного центра «Владикавказский научный центр Российской академии наук»

(ИБМИ ВНЦ РАН), РСО-Алания, РФ, д.м.н., зав. отделом патобиохимии Дзугкоева Ф.С. ИБМИ ВНЦ РАН, РСО-Алания, РФ, д.м.н., проф., вед.н.с. отдела патобиохимии

Маргиева О.И. ИБМИ ВНЦ РАН, РСО-Алания, РФ, м.н.с. отдела патобиохимии Можаева И.В. ИБМИ ВНЦ РАН, РСО-Алания, РФ, м.н.с. отдела патобиохимии


Dzugkoev S.G.

Institute for Biomedical Research a branch of the Federal State budget institution Science of Federal Scientific Center "Vladikavkaz Scientific Center " (IBR VSC RAS), North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head. department patobiochemistry

Dzugkoeva F.S.

IBR VSC RAS, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, prof., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher department patobiochemistry

Margieva O.I.

IBR VSC RAS, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, Junior Researcher department patobiochemistry

Mozhaeva I. V. IBR VSC RAS, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, Junior Researcher department patobiochemistry

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