THE INFLUENCE OF HYDROTHERMAL CONDITIONS ON THE CULTIVATION OF SPRING BARLEY IN THE RIGHT-BANK FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
spring barley / forecrop / fertiliser / climate / yield.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Zabarna T.

The article reflects the results of the research and reasonably obtained indicators on the effect of hydrothermal conditions on the formation of spring barley yields in the conditions of the right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Climatic conditions put us severe obstacles in obtaining the yield of spring crops. Against the background of the beginning of desertification, we may think that this concept applies only to the southern regions, however, this is not true, the climate is changing much faster than we assumed. In general, the assessment of soil and climatic conditions of the VNAU research field indicates that they are sufficiently favorable for the formation of high and sustainable yields of major crops, and above all spring barley, as evidenced by the data we obtained. On average for two years of spring barley cultivation after sunflower predecessor without using mineral fertilizers spring barley yield was 33.7 c/ha of grain. Upon application of N60P60K60 barley yield increased up to 46.0 c/ha. It was highest when 90 kg of nitrogen fertiliser was applied on a phosphorous-potassium background and amounted to 53.9 cwt/ha.

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10. Masliyov S. V. Influence of plant density on the yield of siliceous corn in the eastern part of the steppe of Ukraine. Bulletin of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy. 2016. №3. P. 11-14.

11. Merlenko I. M., Zinchuk M. I., Shtan S. S., Le-ontieva V. S. The use of plant growth stimulants and biological products as one of the factors of biologiza-tion of agricultural production. Soil fertility protection: materials International. scientific-practical conf. K. 2004. Vip. 1. Р. 105-114.

12. Rozhkov A. A., Gutyansky R. A. Dynamics of leaf area formation of spring barley plants depending on the influence of seeding rate and foliar fertilization. Bulletin of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy. 2017. №4. P. 32-37.

13. Symochko, L. Yu. (2008). Biolohichna aktyv-nist gruntu prirodnykh ta antropohennykh ekosystem v umovakh nyzynnoyi chastyny Zakarpattya. Naukovyy Visnyk Uzhhorodskoho Universytetu, 22, 152-154 [In Ukrainian].

14. Tishchenko MV, and others. The use of trace elements of the drug "Avatar" for the cultivation of spring barley in the field crop rotation. Bulletin of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy. 2018. №3. P. 32-38.

15. Tsykov VS, and others. The effectiveness of foliar fertilization of corn with trace elements is compatible with nitrogen fertilizer. Bull. In-that villages. household steppe. zone of NAAS of Ukraine. Dnipro. New ideology. 2016. №11. P. 23-27.


Zabarna T.

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University



The article reflects the results of the research and reasonably obtained indicators on the effect of hydrothermal conditions on the formation of spring barley yields in the conditions of the right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Climatic conditions put us severe obstacles in obtaining the yield of spring crops. Against the background of the beginning of desertification, we may think that this concept applies only to the southern regions, however, this is not true, the climate is changing much faster than we assumed. In general, the assessment of soil and climatic conditions of the VNAU research field indicates that they are sufficiently favorable for the formation of high and sustainable yields of major crops, and above all - spring barley, as evidenced by the data we obtained. On average for two years of spring barley cultivation after sunflower predecessor without using mineral fertilizers spring barley yield was 33.7 c/ha of grain. Upon application of N60P60K60 barley yield increased up to 46.0 c/ha. It was highest when 90 kg of nitrogen fertiliser was applied on a phosphorous-potassium background and amounted to 53.9 cwt/ha.

Keywords: spring barley, forecrop, fertiliser, climate, yield.

To quote the head of the Sokolov Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry. Sokolovsky, it is worth noting that Ukrainian soils are dying due to lack of moisture and nutritional deficiencies. The content of humus, which primarily determines the fertility of soils, is decreasing. In the last 130 years our Ukrainian lands have lost 30% of their humus content.

Olga Babayants adds that an interesting fact is that rainfall during the year remains almost at the same level as before, i.e. in the range of 390-420 mm. But due to the acceleration of evaporation, only about 100 mm remains in the soil instead of the required half. And the increased winds, blow away the remaining moisture. Another of the problems we are hard pressed to face in 2019 is the almost total lack of moisture in the arable soil layer almost everywhere. The terrible rains, increasingly heavy rainfall, well as a consequence, of course, were not productive, but rather stripped away the top humus layer of the soil. Yes, it is a challenge of nature, and a very tough one, but a man should be smart and should find a way out of any situation.

It should also be noted that winter crops, namely wheat, barley and rapeseed still grow and survive in the absence of moisture, but the ending may be unpredictable. The start of 2020 provides us with clues as to the

urgency of deciding what to sow, how to protect and shape the future crop. Unfortunately, the range of options for spring crops is very small. However, the search for crops that can do a bit of protecting and harvesting must be urgent. Therefore, in such cases, we increasingly turn to spring barley [1].

Researches on studying of technology models of spring barley growing for grain were conducted during 2019-2020 on the research field of Vinnitsa National Agrarian University.

Research was supposed to study the action and interaction of such factors: A - precursor; B - levels of mineral nutrition.

Gradation of factors 3x3. Repetition of experience three times. Placement of the variants is systematic. Area of the study plot is 30 m2.

Spring barley precursors - winter rape, corn, sunflower.

Soil preparation during the pre-sowing period depended on the predecessor and was aimed at maximum conservation and accumulation of moisture in the soil and elimination of weeds. Soil treatment included: after the harvesting of the previous crop, discing with BDT-7 heavy harrows and later ploughing with PLN-5-35 plough to a depth of 25 cm with further application of

mineral fertilizers at the rate of P60K60 kg/ha of multi-nutrient granulated superphosphate and potassium chloride. In spring, we had harrowing and pre-sowing cultivation and applied nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of N60 and N60 multi active substance in the form of ammonium nitrate.

The technology of spring barley cultivation was common for the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine and in addition to the issues raised in the study met zonal and regional recommendations.

The variety of spring barley KVS Dante was entered in the state register in 2017. The average yield of the variety in the five previous years was 31.3 - 42.8 cwt/ha. The plant height was 53.8 - 62.1 cm. Lodging resistance 8.4 - 8.8. Shattering resistance 8,8 - 9,0. Drought tolerance 8.2 - 8.4 points. Resistance to hel-minthosporiosis 7.8 - 8.4 points. Resistance against buntings 8.4 - 9.0 points. Resistance against powdery mildew 8.0 - 8.9 points. Protein content - 11.3 - 12.0%. Grain uniformity - 94.3 - 97.3%. Country of origin of the variety - Germany. Recommended zones of cultivation Steppe, Forest-steppe, Polesie.

Sowing of field experiment was carried out by seeder SN-16 in a unit with tractor T-25. Seeding method is conventional row-crop, with a row spacing of 15 cm. Seed rate was 4,0 mln. seeds per 1 hectare. Depth of seeding into the soil 2-4 cm.

In order to improve conditions for germination of spring barley seeds, soil compaction was carried out using 3KKSh - 6A ring and spike rollers.

In the phase of tillering in the tank mixture was used: herbicide "Dialen super" at a rate of 0.6 l / ha, fungicide "Impact 25" at a rate of 0.5 l / ha and insecticide "Decis f Lux" at a rate of 0.25 l / ha.

Spring barley grain was harvested in the phase of full ripeness by direct harvesting.

During the growing period of spring barley plants in the field experiment the following phenological observations, biometric measurements and laboratory analysis of plants and soil samples were conducted:

- Phenological observations of growth and development of spring barley were conducted in accordance with the "Methodology for the State Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops" and "Methodology for carrying out research on forage production". The main phases of plant growth and development were recorded: the beginning of the phase was considered to be not less than 10% of the plants, the full phase - 75% of plants [2,3];

- plant height was determined throughout the growing season by phase. The number of sampling was 25 plants, which were measured in different places along the diagonal of the recording area, and then the average height of plants on the plot was determined [4];

- Prior to harvesting, a sample sheaf was taken from each sample to determine individual plant productivity. The yield was recorded by mowing and threshing the grain from the entire recording area of each plot in the phase of full ripeness by Sampo 130 combine with further weighing [5];

- mathematical processing of the research results was carried out by dispersion and correlation and regression analysis on a personal computer using special

application software packages such as Excel, Sigma [6];

- economic efficiency of spring barley cultivation depending on the levels of mineral nutrition and predecessor according to the method [7] was calculated according to the data obtained.

Barley is an important feed grain in many areas of the world that are not suitable for maize production because of the climate, especially in northern countries such as northern and eastern Europe. Barley is the main feed grain in Canada, Europe and the northern USA. Half of the barley crop in the United States is used as calf feed. Most of the rest of the production is used in brewing, for which barley is the best grain. It is a key ingredient in beer and whisky production.

Double-row barley is traditionally used in German and English beers. In the US, six-row barley has traditionally been used for beer production, but both varieties are now widely used. In Ireland and Scotland, barley is the main component of whisky (distilled from green beer).

In the 18th century barley wine was a common alcoholic drink. In Italy barley was widely used as a surrogate for children's coffee. Nowadays barley coffee is experiencing a revival as an alternative to coffee for people who, for health reasons, should not consume caffeine. According to recent studies, consumption of whole barley beans can regulate blood sugar levels [8].

Considering the area sown and yields of spring barley of many cereal crops in Ukraine, as well as in the area of world agriculture, it takes one of the priority places. In general, the area of spring barley sown in the world is about 75 million hectares. In Ukraine, it is sown on an area of about 3-5 million hectares. Barley grain is in great demand and is widely used for both fodder and food purposes, in addition to being used as an indispensable raw material for the brewing industry. Spring barley yields in the early nineties were significantly higher than world levels, under current conditions only in some years. Part of the crop is consumed in Ukraine and the surplus is exported. [9,10]. Barley wheat is in high demand on the world market and therefore has a high price. Our state has a large potential of barley grain production and a real opportunity to increase its export and earn considerable money from it. With this in mind, it is advisable to considerably increase production and export of this crop in the coming years. However, it is necessary to increase the gross harvest of barley grain not by expanding the area under barley crops but by increasing the yield of the crop [11].

The growth and development of spring barley requires relatively little heat - the total sum of biologically active temperatures during the whole vegetation period is 1250-1450 ° C. Also, Pannikov V. D. notes that at all stages of its growth and development barley is very sensitive to the action of high temperatures and can suffer from it. The detrimental influence of such a factor is especially clearly manifested during the period of emergence into a tube - grain formation [12].

Scientists have established that an increase in temperature during the grain emergence period by 1° C above the average leads to a decrease in yield by 4.15.7% [13].

It is known that barley seedlings can withstand frosts as low as -3 ... -9 °C, but in the later stages, temperature drops below 0 °C are critical and sometimes fatal for the crops, the long-term effects of negative temperatures being usually fatal for the above-ground barley organs. However, it is proved that the occurrence of frosts in spring during barley flowering can have even worse consequences [14]. Thus, the temperature factor is extremely important for the formation of spring barley yield, and therefore, its quantitative manifestations should be taken into account to model the predicted activity. Barley is quite demanding in terms of moisture supply; the optimum for it is continuous water supply, but the critical periods are tillering -emergence and the end of emergence - earing [15].

Thus, barley, despite its unpretentiousness, has certain specific requirements for growing conditions, only intensified when it comes to obtaining brewing grain.

According to the findings of scientists, the maximum realization of the yield potential of spring barley plays the role of cultivation technology and climatic-weather conditions.

To solve the main tasks of barley growing it is necessary to take into account weather and climatic conditions of the region as a whole and the place of researches fulfillment besides improvement of agrotech-nical measures. Scientific literature indicates that in many countries yield losses due to weather conditions are as high as 30%.

Weather conditions play a decisive role in shaping the yields of all crops. Knowledge of environmental conditions and the response of crops to them allows not only to justify the functional capacity of plants, but also

to use their productivity potential more widely in a particular soil and climatic zone [16].

Vinnitsa region is located in the western part of Ukraine. It borders Moldova to the south, Chernivtsi and Khmelnitsky oblasts to the west, Zhytomyr and Kyiv oblasts to the north, and Cherkasy, Kirovograd and Odessa oblasts to the east.

The climate of the region is moderately continental, with mild winters and warm, humid summers. The average temperature in January is -4-6°C, and in July 18.6 + 20.5°C. The average temperature in January is -4-6°C, and in July 18.6 + 20.5°C. The period with temperatures of over 10°C is about 200 days. The sum of active temperatures is 2700°C. Precipitation is distributed unevenly across the region. The precipitation is distributed unevenly - 550-590 mm in the north-west and west and 480-520 mm in the south-east. About 70% of them fall in the warm period of the year. The height of snow cover is 513 cm. The unfavorable climatic phenomena on the territory of the region are blizzards (612 days), frost (15-17 days), fogs in cold season (37-60 days), thunderstorms with hail (1-2 days), in the southeast regions - dry winds. The north-western part of Vinnitsa refers to humid, moderately warm, and the rest of the territory - to insufficiently humid, warm, agrocli-matic zone [17].

Field studies on the formation of spring barley productivity depending on the action of predecessors and different norms of mineral fertilizer were conducted on the research field of VNAU during 20192020.

Climatic conditions of the territory of right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine, in particular the southern part of Vinnitsa region, where our research was conducted, were characterized by certain features (Table 1).

Table 1

Characteristics of temperature and precipitation conditions *

Month Precipitation amount, mm Soil moisture, % Minimum soil temperature, °C Average soil temperature, °C Mean monthly air temperature, °C Maximum air temperature, °C Minimum air temperature, °C


1 53 32 -7 -1 -3 9 -14

2 26 30 -4 3 2 14 -7

3 18 25 -3 6 6 21 -5

4 30 24 1 11 11 25 -2

5 55 26 4 16 17 28 2

6 33 24 12 21 23 33 8

7 32 19 11 20 20 36 7

8 8 12 12 22 22 39 8

9 33 12 3 17 17 34 -4

10 15 14 -3 12 13 29 -5

11 15 15 -6 8 7 25 -9

12 22 20 -6 3 3 15 -8


1 11 25 -4 1 1 9 -6

2 65 27 -5 3 3 17 -8

3 31 24 -2 7 7 20 -5

4 19 19 -2 10 10 24 -5

5 104 24 4 13 13 28 -2

6 70 25 7 19 21 33 2

7 38 19 12 21 22 34 7

8 9 13 11 21 22 36 8

9 32 11 7 19 19 36 1

*https://public.tableau.com/views/obile_15867828062590/sheet3?%3Adisplay_count=y&publish=yes&%3Atool bar= n&%3 Aorigin=viz_share_link&%3 AshowVizHome=no

The hydrothermal conditions in the years of the study were characterized by certain peculiarities. It should be noted that in general the average monthly air temperatures and the amount of precipitation during the growing season were favorable for barley cultivation.

April by its temperature indices was practically at the level with the presented multi-year norms, sometimes the average monthly temperature exceeded only by + 1 °C the climatic norm. However, April 2020 was significantly cooler than April 2019.

It is worth noting that the first ten-day period in April was marked by a noticeable dry spell. But already in the second decade of the month we could see precipitation in the form of wet snow and rain. Precipitation was heaviest during the third ten-day period, from 2330 April.

However, it is noted that the amount of precipitation through April 2019 was tangibly higher than the current situation in 2020. The total amount of precipitation that fell in April this year did not exceed or even reach the mark of the multi-year climatic norm. Therefore, the average daily ground temperature in April ranged from +8 to +9 °C. Soil moisture levels were within ± 18%. If we compare conditions in April 2020 with April 2019, we can say that the productive moisture supply in 2019 was also slightly higher than in the same period of the current year.

The April 2020 moisture figure ranged from 45% to 56%, while in 2019 the figure was between 57% and 65%.

This May has fallen below the temperature range in comparison to cooler temperatures. In addition, we have been accustomed to temperatures exceeding multi-year climatic norms lately, but May has made its adjustments and as a consequence, the current May temperatures were below the multi-year norm by +1 ... + 2 °C, comparing to the average.

Thus, the average monthly temperature ranged from+13 ... + 15 °C. May was marked by generous and abundant precipitation, sometimes accompanied by

thunderstorms and hail. The greatest amount of precipitation fell during the third decade of May.

It was noted that the humidity index in May 2020 ranged from 60% to 75%, whereas in 2019 it did not have such a wide range of fluctuations, ranging from 64-78%.

At the beginning of June, we recorded a long-awaited real "meteorological summer". The average daily air temperature was already at +15 °C. During the second decade of the month, it was as high as +19 ... + 25 °C.

The first and second decade of June, like the entire previous month, were also rainy. Heavy rains, thunderstorms, squally wind and even localized hail were recorded during this period. Since the end of June, the amount of precipitation had dropped considerably. The golden midsummer brought an increase in temperatures to 21.4 °C. The average monthly air temperature for July increased by 2 °C.

In general, the conditions of the Central agrocli-matic region of Vinnitsa oblast are favorable for the cultivation of spring crops, which is a good enough factor in the formation of the harvest of this crop.

To the characteristic of the factors that have an indisputable influence on the formation of the yields are primarily precipitation, daylight hours, air temperature and the sum of the effective temperatures, which directly affect all stages of crop growth. The relatively close proximity of the farm's area to the sea has created conditions of a temperate continental climate.

According to long-term observations of meteorologists, spring begins most often in the second half of March, when the average daily air temperature exceeds 0°C. However, spring frosts are recorded until the end of April (in some years they may occur in early May as well). Night frosts usually cease when average daily air temperatures rise above +5°C, and from then on, they do not occur until the end of September. The growing season is 199-205 days long.

Table 2

Climatic indicators for the central sub-zone of Vinnytsia district

№ p/p Climate indicator Value

1 Length of frost-free period, days 141-153

2 Sum of positive temperatures, over 0 °C 2665-2785

3 Length of growing season, days 199-205

4 Precipitation per year, mm 534-540

5 Precipitation per growing season, mm 369-425

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6 Average annual air temperature, °C 6,7-7,0

7 Average of absolute minima of air temperature -25

8 Air temperature, °C -32...-35

9 Absolute minimum of air temperature, °C +39

10 Absolute maximum of air temperature, °C 2318-2444

11 Sum of active temperatures over 10 °C 21 September

12 Average date of first frost, autumn 28 April

13 Average date of last spring frost 90

14 Average days with snow cover, days 8-13

15 Average of maximum snow depth, cm Ao 56

16 Average depth of ground frost, cm Ao 90

17 Maximum depth of soil freezing, cm Ao 30

18 Minimum depth of soil freezing, cm North-west

The average annual rainfall varies between 534 and 540 mm, of which about 80% falls during the vegetation period. As a rule, the first autumn frosts occur during the second decade of September (around 17 September) and the last spring frosts occur at the end of April (around 23 April). Snow covers the ground for up to 90 days. And the prevailing winds in the area are northwest winds.

In general, the assessment of soil and climatic conditions of the experimental field of VNAU indicates that they are sufficiently favorable for the formation of high and sustainable yields of major crops, and above all - spring barley.

One of the important elements of the crop structure is the number of productive stems per unit area. Its value depends on the density of standing plants and the number of productive stems on one plant in the phase of full grain ripeness.

The main components of the ear that participate in the formation of the yield are the length of the ear, the number of spikelets and the number of grains in the ear, and the weight of the grains per ear. The development of the ear is known to depend on many factors, the main ones being the genetic characteristics of the variety. The length of the ear depends on the varietal traits. In some varieties the ear is dense and the spikelets in the ear are closely spaced. In others, on the contrary, it is loose and loose, with large gaps between the ears. Clearly, varieties with a loose ear will have a greater ear length, but this does not mean that varieties with a shorter ear length (dense ear) have a lower yield.

As the number of spikelets in an ear has little to do with the productivity of spring barley, the second most important element in yield structure is the number of grains in the ear. The number of ears is determined by meteorological conditions and the technology model.

An important indicator of yield structure is the weight of grains per ear, which in turn depends on growth conditions and the transition to the later phases of the growing season. Of particular importance are fertilizers, crop protection against diseases, pests and lodging. Grain weight is not only a function of growth conditions, but is determined primarily by the length of the floral scales, which finish their growth at earing. Applying nitrogen fertilizer prior to the end of floral scale formation can help to increase it.

Our research found a positive role of mineral fertilizers on the formation of the number of productive stems. Thus, when growing spring barley after winter rape, the number of productive stems was 504-595 units/M2, after corn - 497-588 units/M2, and after sunflower - 488-580 units/M2.

Evaluating the parameters of ear productivity, we should note a positive effect of mineral fertilizers in the rate of N90P60K60 in the pre-sowing cultivation. The length of the ear of winter rape on the best nutrition level was 10,3 cm, number of grains in the ear - 24,7 units, and the weight of grains per ear - 0,98 g.

Cultivation of barley after the corn predecessor provided the following performance indicators: ear length - 10 cm, number of grains in the ear - 24.3 pcs, while the weight of grains per ear was 0.95 g.

The use of sunflower as a fore crop and application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N90P60K60 provided the length of the ear of 9.8 cm, while the number of grains in the ear was 24 pieces, and the weight of grains per ear was 0.93 g.

In the final phases of plant growth and development, higher yields are achieved through better grain filling. Grain fullness is best characterized by an indicator such as the mass of 1000 grains. It depends not only on meteorological conditions, but can also be regulated by appropriate winter hardiness, in particular levels of mineral nutrition.

In the variant with the winter rape predecessor the mass of 100 grains of spring barley was in the range from 35.3 to 39.7 g. The use of maize as a precursor contributed to the fact that the weight of 1,000 seeds was 34.8-39.1 g, while after sunflower it was 34.7-38.8 g.

Thus, a positive effect of mineral fertilizers in the rate of N90P60K60 on the indicators of individual productivity of spring barley was established, which at the same time had an impact on the overall productivity of the crop.

Grain productivity of spring barley is an integral index and is largely determined by the genotype of variety and growing conditions, and also makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the elements of cultivation technology in general. After all, the application of fertilizers produces about 50% of the total yield increase.

The results of our two-year research indicate that weather conditions during the growing season also have a significant impact on barley yields.

Thus, sharp temperature fluctuations during the initial growth period and insufficient moisture supply during the subsequent period had a negative impact on barley grain yield in 2020 compared to 2019.

The average yield of spring barley grown after winter rape in two years was 36.3 c/ha in the variant without fertilization, 49.3 c/ha when N60P60K60 was applied and 58.3 c/ha when mineral fertilizer N90P60K60 was applied (Table 3).

Table 3

Spring barley grain yields depending on the effect of the predecessor and mineral fertilizers, c/ha

The predecessor Level of mineral nutrition 2019 2020 On average over two years

Winter rape Without fertilizer 40,1 32,5 36,3

N60P60K60 53,0 45,6 49,3

N90P60K60 64,4 52,2 58,3

Maize (for grain) Without fertilizer 38,8 30,8 34,8

N60P60K60 50,6 44,8 47,7

N90P 60K60 62,1 49,7 55,9

Sunflower Without fertilizer 37,9 29,5 33,7

N60P60K60 49,9 42,1 46,0

N90P60K60 62,4 45,4 53,9

When using maize as a preceding crop, spring barley yields were as follows: 34.8 centners/ha - in the variant without fertilization, 47.7 centners/ha - with the use of full mineral fertilizer in the rate of 60 kg of the active substance. The highest yield in this variant was barley which was given N90P60K60 during pre-sowing cultivation and yielded 55,9 centners/ha.

On average for two years of spring barley cultivation after sunflower predecessor cultivation without mineral fertilizers ensured 33.7 c/ha of grain yield. Application of N90P60K60 increased barley yield to 46.0 c/ha. And it was highest when 90kg of nitrogen fertilizer was applied on a phosphorus-potassium background and amounted to 53.9c/ha.

Conclusions. The average yield of spring barley grown after winter rape for two years was 36.3 centners/ha in the variant without fertilization, 49.3 centners/ha - when N60P60K60 was used and 58.3 centners/ha - when mineral fertilizer N90P60K60 was applied.

When using maize as a preceding crop, spring barley yields were as follows: 34,8 centners/ha - for the variant without fertilization, 47,7 centners/ha - with application of full mineral fertilizer at the rate of 60 kg of the active substance. Barley had the highest yield on this variant and N90P60K60 was used for pre-sowing cultivation, which provided 55,9 c/ha.

On average for two years of spring barley cultivation after sunflower predecessor cultivation without mineral fertilizers ensured 33.7 c/ha of grain yield. Application of N60P60K60 increased barley yield to 46.0 c/ha. And it was highest when 90kg of nitrogen fertilizer was applied on a phosphorus-potassium background and amounted to 53.9c/ha.


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