Научная статья на тему 'The influence of hydrological and meteorological factors on the water quality of the Novosibirsk reservoir in the years of mean water content'

The influence of hydrological and meteorological factors on the water quality of the Novosibirsk reservoir in the years of mean water content Текст научной статьи по специальности «Естественные и точные науки»

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Ключевые слова
mean-water years / hydrochemical characteristics / external water exchange / precipitation / temperature / средневодные годы / гидрохимические характеристики / внешний водообмен / атмосферные осадки / температура

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — Dvurechenskaya S.Ya., Yermolaeva N.I., Kondakova O.V.

The influence of hydrological and meteorological factors (water temperature, precipitation, intensity of external water exchange, water inflow into the reservoir, discharge to the downstream, water level, reservoir volume) on the chemical composition of water (content of dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, nitrates, nitrites, compounds containing ammonium nitrogen, sulfates, chlorides, phosphates, a number of organic substances and heavy metals) of Novosibirsk Reservoir in the mean-water years was analyzed. The period of reservoir filling in spring and the period of water level standing at the normal maximum operating level in summer were investigated as the times most important for water quality and biota development in the reservoir.

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Влияние гидрологических и метеорологических факторов на качество воды Новосибирского водохранилища в годы средней водности

Установлено влияние гидрологических и метеорологических факторов (температуры воды, атмосферных осадков, притока воды в водохранилище, сбросов в нижний бьеф, уровня и объема водохранилища, интенсивности внешнего водообмена) на химический состав воды (содержание растворенного кислорода, взвешенных веществ, нитратов, нитритов, соединений, содержащих аммонийный азот, сульфатов, хлоридов, фосфатов, ряда органических веществ и тяжелых металлов) Новосибирского водохранилища в средние по водности годы. Рассмотрены периоды весеннего наполнения водохранилища и летней стабилизации уровня воды на отметке нормального подпорного уровня как периоды формирования качества воды водохранилища и наиболее активного развития биоты.

Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of hydrological and meteorological factors on the water quality of the Novosibirsk reservoir in the years of mean water content»

Транс$0рмацмa BKOCMCTeM ISSN 2619-0931 Online

Ecosystem Transformation


DOI 10.23859/estr-221214 EDN HFAYOK UDC 556.55


The influence of hydrological and meteorological factors on the water quality of the Novosibirsk reservoir in the years of mean water content

S.Ya. Dvurechenskaya* , N.I. Yermolaeva , O.V. Kondakova

Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Molodezhnaya 1, Barnaul, 656038 Russia

*[email protected]

Abstract. The influence of hydrological and meteorological factors (water temperature, precipitation, intensity of external water exchange, water inflow into the reservoir, discharge to the downstream, water level, reservoir volume) on the chemical composition of water (content of dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, nitrates, nitrites, compounds containing ammonium nitrogen, sulfates, chlorides, phosphates, a number of organic substances and heavy metals) of Novosibirsk Reservoir in the mean-water years was analyzed. The period of reservoir filling in spring and the period of water level standing at the normal maximum operating level in summer were investigated as the times most important for water quality and biota development in the reservoir.

Keywords: mean-water years, hydrochemical characteristics, external water exchange, precipitation, temperature

Funding. The work was carried out within the framework of the Government Plan of the Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (State registration number 121031200178-8) using the equipment of the Collective Center by the research ships of the Institute.


S.Ya. Dvurechenskaya, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3428-2133 N.I. Yermolaeva, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4529-034X O.V. Kondakova, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0774-577X

To cite this article: Dvurechenskaya, S.Ya. et al., 2024. The Influence of hydrological and meteorological factors on the water quality of the Novosibirsk reservoir in the years of mean water content. Ecosystem Transformation 7 (2), 144-159. https://doi.org/10.23859/estr-221214

Received: 14.12.2022 Accepted: 07.03.2023 Published online: 24.05.2024

DOI 10.23859^Г-221214 EDN HFAYOK УДК 556.55

Научная статья

Влияние гидрологических и метеорологических факторов на качество воды Новосибирского водохранилища в годы средней водности

С.Я. Двуреченская* , Н.И. Ермолаева , О.В. Кондакова

Институт водных и экологических проблем СО РАН, 656038, Россия, г. Барнаул, ул. Молодежная, д. 1

*[email protected]

Аннотация. Установлено влияние гидрологических и метеорологических факторов (температуры воды, атмосферных осадков, притока воды в водохранилище, сбросов в нижний бьеф, уровня и объема водохранилища, интенсивности внешнего водообмена) на химический состав воды (содержание растворенного кислорода, взвешенных веществ, нитратов, нитритов, соединений, содержащих аммонийный азот, сульфатов, хлоридов, фосфатов, ряда органических веществ и тяжелых металлов) Новосибирского водохранилища в средние по водности годы. Рассмотрены периоды весеннего наполнения водохранилища и летней стабилизации уровня воды на отметке нормального подпорного уровня как периоды формирования качества воды водохранилища и наиболее активного развития биоты.

Ключевые слова: средневодные годы, гидрохимические характеристики, внешний водообмен, атмосферные осадки, температура

Финансирование. Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания Института водных и экологических проблем СО РАН (номер госрегистрации 121031200178-8) с использованием оборудования Центра коллективного пользования научно-исследовательскими судами ИВЭП СО РАН.


С.Я. Двуреченская, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3428-2133 Н.И. Ермолаева, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4529-034X О.В. Кондакова, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0774-577X

Для цитирования: Двуреченская, С.Я. и др., 2024. Влияние гидрологических и метеорологических факторов на качество воды Новосибирского водохранилища в годы средней водности. Трансформация экосистем 7 (2), 144-159. https://doi.org/10.23859/estr-221214

Поступила в редакцию: 14.12.2022 Принята к печати: 07.03.2023 Опубликована онлайн: 24.05.2024


The construction of large hydraulic systems is the cause of a number of large-scale changes in the natural environment. Compared to natural conditions artificial reservoirs show reduction in flow rate, water exchange, water turbulence, and develop environment promoting the appearance of stagnant zones. The lower the water exchange, the lower is the dynamics of the physical and chemical properties of water in reservoirs. A decrease in flow rates leads to disruption of the flow of suspended particles and a decrease in their content in the water. In the summer-autumn period, water aeration improves and the intensity of self-purification processes increases due to the large area of water surface (Atavin et al., 1997; Matarzin, 2003). On the other hand, autochthonous organic matter is more intensively formed resulting from a significant increase in biological production as a result of the influx of suspended sediments, dissolved substances containing nutrients and organic compounds and an increase in the average annual temperature of water masses in the reservoir, i.e. when favorable conditions for eutrophication are created (Avakian et al., 1987; Nazari-Sharabian and Taheriyoun, 2022; Wang et al., 2022).

The rate and nature of environmental conditions depend on the volume of the reservoir, its hydrological regime and the intensity of water and biological resources management.

The water quality in reservoirs is influenced by local natural conditions, meteorological factors, the degree of eutrophication and pollution of the river on which the reservoir is formed, limnological features, quantitative indicators of external water exchange, hydrodynamics and hydrophysical properties of the water mass (Lecomte et al., 2022; Li et al., 2021; Nikanorov and Posokhov, 1985; Salnikov and Sappo, 2005; Timchenko, 2006; Wang, et al., 2023).

In reservoirs, the interaction of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and aquatic biota that developed in the original river ecosystem is profoundly changed. Regulation of the hydrological regime occurs through the artificial control, which for the most part determines the functioning of the reservoir, including its hydrochemical component. The urgency for competent regulation of the hydrodynamic regime is especially high, since the increasing technogenic impact on the ecosystem reduces the self-cleaning capacity of reservoirs (Alekin, 1970; Calijuri et al., 2015; da Rocha et al., 2015; Li et al., 2021; Rosenberg et al., 2011; Setegn, 2015).

Long-term changes in the hydrological and hydrochemical regime of the Novosibirsk reservoir and its downstream regions can be as example of the generation of water quality in a large natural-technogenic system (Chaikina, 1975; Dvurechenskaya and Yermolaeva, 2014; Lanbina and Karpeeva, 1985; Podlipsky, 1985; Savkin and Dvurechenskaya, 2014; Savkin et al., 2014, 2018; Vasiliev et al., 1990, 1997).

At present time, the reservoir ecosystem has found itself both under anthropogenic pressure and from complex of natural factors (Savkin, 2000; Savkin and Dvurechenskaya, 2018). The chemical composition of water in the Novosibirsk reservoir is formed mainly due to the inflow of the Ob River. Intake of chemicals with the Ob River water is predominant in the balance sheet account (93-95%). The largest lateral tributaries do not make any significant contribution to the water quality of the reservoir (no more than 4%). At the same time, they themselves may be subjected to increased environmental stress, mainly due to the contribution of the anthropogenic factors (Dvurechenskaya, 2012).

Water quality in reservoirs depends not only on the amount of pollutants supplied by the rivers, but also on the intensity of water exchange, water temperature, amount of precipitation, etc. As a result of the regulation of water flow by reservoirs, the flow of chemicals is also regulated (Han et al., 2018; Lecomte et al., 2022; Znamensky, 1981).

Thus, the study of water quality in reservoirs and the influence of various natural and anthropogenic factors on it is a very important and urgent task.

The object of this paper is to study the influence of hydrological and meteorological factors on the chemical composition of the water of the Novosibirsk reservoir in years of mean water content, during period of the reservoir filling, and during the summer period of standing at the normal operating water level; that is during the time of forming of the water quality of the reservoir and the time of the most active development of its biota.

Materials and methods

The work was carried out a study of the interaction between water quality of the Novosibirsk reservoir and hydrological and meteorological characteristics for years of mean water level (1990, 1992, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 and 2009).

Water samples were taken at the agreed sites in the upper, middle and lower parts of the reservoir (Fig. 1) using a Molchanov bathometer from a vessel at a depth of 0.6 h, where h is the depth of the reservoir at the sampling point. Water temperature was measured simultaneously with sampling.

The periods of spring filling of the reservoir and summer stabilization of water level at the normal maximum operating level have been considered. There are the forming of water quality in the reservoir and the most active development of biota just during these periods.

Samples were taken during the period of open water from April to August, as a rule monthly. Chemical-analytical works were carried out in the accredited Department for Quality Control of Natural and Waste Waters of the Federal State Institution "VerkhneObregionvodkhoz" of the Federal Agency of Water Resources of the Russian Federation according to standard methods for analyzing of natural waters1. In total, 527 water samples were analyzed. The values of COD (chemical oxygen consumption), the concentration of bicarbonate ions, chloride ions and calcium ions were determined by the titrimetric method. The dissolved oxygen was measured by the iodometric method (Winkler's method). The content of various forms of mineral nitrogen, phosphate ions and phenols was determined by the photometric method. The content of sulfate ions was measured by the turbidimetric method. Oil products were determined by the IR spectrometric method. The metals content was measured by photometric and atomic absorption spectrometry methods.

The following hydrological and meteorological parameters were considered: water inflow into the reservoir and discharges to the downstream, the level and volume of the reservoir itself, water temperature, atmospheric precipitation, air temperature, the intensity of external water exchange. Data on the characteristics of the hydrological regime of the Novosibirsk Reservoir (the daily values of the average for the reservoir water level, inflow to the hydroelectric station and discharge to the downstream were used from literary and reference materials2, 3. The coefficients of external water exchange are calculated according to the formula of V.N. Stefan as the ratio of half-sum of the volume of the inflow and discharge to the reservoir volume determined according to actual data on the water level for the periods of time under consideration (Kitaev, 2009; Matarzin, 2003).

Meteorological information (air temperature, atmospheric precipitation) was obtained from the site Meteomanz.com4. For the upper and middle parts of the reservoir data on the Kamen-on-Ob weather station were used, for the lower part of the reservoir — on the weather station of Ogurtsovo.

Statistical manipulation of the data was carried out in the PAST program package. To analyze the influence of a complex of environmental factors that a priori are dependent on one another, a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used (Ter Braak, 1986).

Results and discussion

Previously, we determined strong statistically reliable connections (according to the Spirman Correlation Coefficient) between the intensity of water exchange and a number of chemical substances for the high-water year. The differences in these connections for the years of different water content (for the low-water 2012 and the high-water 2013) were revealed. It was shown that in high-water years water quality is more affected by the hydrological characteristics, while in low-water years intra-reservoir's processes influence mainly (Dvurechenskaya and Kondakova, 2020; Savkin and Dvurechenskaya, 2017; Savkin et al., 2020).

1 Regulatory documents RD 52.24 included in the Federal list of measurement techniques approved for use when performing work in the field of monitoring environmental pollution. Web page. URL: https://center-souz.ru/water/70-2009-05-04-10-33-51 (accessed: 27.02.2024).

2 State Water Cadastre. Annual data on surface water regime and resources, 1990-2009. Part. 2. Lakes and Reservoirs. Vol. 1. Issue 10. Annual publication. West-Siberian Department on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Novosibirsk, Russia.

3 Information system on water resources and water management of Russian river basins. Web page. URL: http://gis.vodinfo.ru (accessed: 18.10.2022).

4 Meteomanz.com. Web page.URL: http://www.meteomanz.com (accessed: 20.10.2023).

The waters of the spring floods play a decisive role in the formation of water masses of reservoirs (Bogoslovskiy, 1980). The main inflow of water in the Novosibirsk reservoir occurs in May-June, in some years - also in April and July (Fig. 2). The period from July to August is characterized by the greatest development of the biota that also affects the quality of the water in the reservoir (Dvurechenskaya and Yermolaeva, 2014; Savkin et al., 2014).

The within-year variability in the hydrological characteristics of the Novosibirsk reservoir (on the example of 2005 - the mean one in water content) is shown in Figs. 2-3. The beginning and the end of the period under consideration was marked by thick vertical lines.

During the investigation period, the water level in April-June intensively increases as a result of the reservoir filling with spring flood waters, in July-August the water level is supported at the marks close to the normal maximum operating level (Savkin et al., 2014). The average long-term date for the beginning of filling the reservoir is April 14. The date of obtaining the normal maximum operating level is June 17. In the years under consideration the beginning of the filling fell on April 7 - 18, and the end was for the period from June 9 to July 9.

The Novosibirsk reservoir is a reservoir with a large water exchange (Fortunatov, 1974; Savkin et al., 2014). The average-year intensity of external water exchange is 6.65 times/year. The most intensive change in the water mass in the reservoir occurs in spring, with a maximum in May (Fig. 3). In the years under study the water exchange coefficient was equal to 6.21-6.82.

The results of the study of the water chemical composition of the Novosibirsk reservoir connection with hydrological and meteorological factors are presented in Tables 1-4.

The Canonical Correlation Analysis demonstrated that for the Novosibirsk Reservoir the eigenvalues of the first four axes explain 87.48% of the variance in the relationship of the chemical parameters of the water quality and the environmental factors. Moreover, the majority of the variance is explained by the first and second axes (Table 2). Hence, further discussions will be given for these axes.

Analyzing the data of Table 3, we can conclude that axis 1 is determined by all considered hydrological and meteorological parameters, and axis 2 is determined essentially by the water level, volume of the reservoir, precipitation and water exchange coefficient.

Table 4 shows that the strongest relationship of the concentration of chemical substances (all forms of mineral nitrogen, sulfates, phosphates, phenols, iron ions) was found with axis 1. On the other hand, COD, nitrates, chlorides, phosphates, and phenols, ions of iron, copper and chromium demonstrated significant relationship with axis 2.

As can be seen from the ordination diagram (Fig. 4), the content of chlorides, ammonium compounds, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, iron ions, manganese ions, magnesium ions positively correlate with water exchange coefficient, the inflow and discharge of water in the reservoir and negatively with the volume of the reservoir, the water level, the temperature of water and air, precipitation. pH values, concentration of dissolved oxygen, alkalinity (HCO3- ions) and oil products, on the contrary, are negatively associated with the water exchange coefficient, but positively correlate with the volume of the reservoir, water level, water and air temperature, and precipitation. No correlation was observed between hydrological and meteorological parameters and COD, BOD and phenol concentrations. These ingredients, apparently, are more dependent on the content of substances entering the reservoir with the waters of the Ob River.

Our analysis makes it possible to conclude the significant effect of hydrological and meteorological factors on a number of hydrochemical characteristics of Novosibirsk reservoir water quality. The researches of other authors also confirm the same conclusion (Delpla et al., 2009; Dvurechenskaya et al., 2010; Savkin et al., 2014, 2020; Skaland et al., 2022; Zhu et al., 2021).

The results obtained confirmed that the water temperature is one of the most important factors that influence the transformation of chemicals in the Novosibirsk Reservoir water. The water temperature affects the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological processes that occur in the reservoir, on which the oxygen regime and intensity of self-purification processes largely depend (Grechushniko-va, 2014; Dvurechenskaya et al., 2010; Pantelic, 2015). In the Novosibirsk Reservoir, an increase of temperature, in particular, leads to an increase in primary products and, accordingly, to the active consumption of biogenic substances and a decrease in their concentrations in water.

Fig. 1. Scheme of the Novosibirsk reservoir. 1 - sampling sites; 2 - boundary among reservoir parts; I - upper part, II - middle part, III -lower part.

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Fig. 2. Hydrological characteristics of the Novosibirsk reservoir in 2005. 1 - inflow into the reservoir, 2 - discharge to the downstream; 3 - water level.

114.0 113.0. 112.0 | 111.0 110.0 ■ 109.0108.0

Fig. 3. Monthly external water exchange coefficients of the Novosibirsk reservoir. 1 - in 2005, 2 - average for 1960-2021.

Table 1. The content of chemicals in the waters of the Novosibirsk reservoir in the years of mean water content. BOD - biochemical oxygen demand over 5 days; COD - chemical oxygen demand.

Component Mean value Standard error

pH 8.131 0.020

HCO3-, mg-eq/l 2.511 0.041

O2, mg/l 9.012 0.068

BOD, mgO2/l 2.818 0.086

COD, mgO/l 12.835 0.506

NH4+, mgN/l 0.451 0.029

NO2-, mgN/l 0.011 0.002

NO3-, mgN/l 0.269 0.023

SO42-,mg/l 13.928 0.429

Cl-, mg/l 5.859 0.198

PO43- mg/l 0.073 0.015

Ca2+, mg/l 30.222 0.492

Mg2+, mg/l 9.384 0.379

oil products, mg/l 0.206 0.020

volatile phenols,mg/l 0.002 0.0002

Fe3+, mg/l 0.339 0.019

Cu2+, mg/l 0.005 0.0003

Cr3+, mg/l 0.00047 0.00003

Ni2+, mg/l 0.001 0.0001

Mn2+, mg/l 0.031 0.004

Table 2. Percentage contribution of the explained dispersion of individual chemical parameters of water quality.

Eigenvalue % explained variance

Axis 1 0.0075 36.55

Axis 2 0.0057 27.41

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Axis 3 0.0026 12.67

Axis 4 0.0022 10.85

Table 3. Contribution of hydrological and meteorological parameters to factor axes. Kw - water exchange coefficient, t-air - air temperature in the studied month, t-air-previous - air temperature in the month preceded the work, t-water - water temperature in the reservoir.

Water inflow Water discharge Water level Storage volume Kw t-air t-air-previous Precipitation t-water

Axis 1 0.145 0.139 -0.312 -0.321 0.285 -0.398 -0.396 -0.145 -0.368

Axis 2 0.002 -0.011 -0.1812 -0.1809 0.106 0.013 -0.031 -0.187 -0.065

Table 4. Indices of the bonding forces of chemical substances with factor axes. The most significant bonds are highlighted in bold..

Component Axis 1 Axis 2

pH -0.086 -0.076

HCO3- -0.002 -0.041

o2 -0.031 -0.051

BOD -0.015 0.055

COD -0.103 0.122

NH/ 0.142 0.159

no2- 0.159 0.080

NO3- 0.258 0.315

SO42- 0.162 -0.031

Cl- 0.044 0.151

PO43- 0.315 0.139

Ca2+ -0.033 -0.047

Mg2+ 0.058 0.028

oil products -0.097 -0.007

volatile phenols 0.176 -0.206

Fe3+ 0.322 0.156

Cu2+ -0.006 -0.145

Cr3+ -0.164 0.135

Ni2+ -0.119 -0.024

Mn2+ 0.067 0.046

The determining influence of hydrological factors on the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir is also shown. There is a "dilution effect" at high water exchange rates due to significant flow of water in the reservoir. The important role of the hydrological characteristics that essentially affect the productivity of the catchment basin and the quality of water in reservoirs is also indicated in a number of other works (Nazari-Sharabian and Taheriyun, 2022; Wang, et al., 2022, 2023).

Some studies discuss the role of atmospheric precipitation in the formation of hydrochemical regime of reservoirs (Han et al., 2018; Lecomte et al., 2022). With more precipitation, the concentration of a number of chemicals, primarily biogenes (phosphates and all forms of mineral nitrogen) decreases. The pH-values do not change appreciably. However, the concentrations of the studied chemicals depend more on temperature and hydrological parameters of the reservoir than on precipitation. In the case of the Novosibirsk Reservoir a low level of effect of precipitation on the water quality can be an indicator of the features of the catchment area.


The water quality of the Novosibirsk Reservoir is affected both by natural factors associated with flow fluctuations of the Ob River, meteorological parameters, as anthropogenic factors, due to the regulation of its water reserves (the regime of flushes in the downstream), the intake of pollutants with the water flow of the Ob River and from point and diffuse wastewater sources.

It was shown that pH values, the concentration of dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, the content of chlorides, ammonium compounds, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, iron ions, manganese ions, magnesium

Fig. 4. Ordination diagram (CCA - Canonical Correspondence Analysis) of the dependence of chemical ingredients on environmental parameters; t-water - water temperature, t-air - air temperature, t-air previous - air temperature for previous month, Kw - water exchange factor, Volume - reservoir volume, Level - water level, BOD - biochemical oxygen demand over 5 days, COD - chemical oxygen demand, oil - petroleum products, precipitation - atmospheric rainfall.

ions, oil products are correlated with the intensity of water exchange, inflow and water discharge, with the volume of the reservoir, water temperature and atmospheric precipitation.

The Novosibirsk Reservoir is a water body with a small regulating prism and a large coefficient of water exchange. Apparently, the fact that for a number of chemical parameters, such as BOD -biochemical oxygen demand over 5 days; COD - chemical oxygen demand, phenols dependence on the considered hydrological and meteorological characteristics does not evaluated. Their content, apparently, is mainly determined by the influx of chemical substances brought by the Ob River.

The results of the work can be used to make the administrative decisions in the field of water use, taking into account the forecast of changes in the water and ecological status of the Novosibirsk Reservoir.


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Han, T., Li, Yu., Qin, J., Yang, Q., He, X.,2018. Hydrochemical changes and influencing factors in the Dongkemadi region, Tanggula Range, China. Water 10(12), 1856. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10121856

Lecomte, K.L., Pasquini, A.I., Manjarrez-Rangel, C.S., Alquiza, P., Segoviano-Garfias, J., Zanor, G., 2022. Surface hydrochemical dynamic in an artificial lake with anthropic impact: La Purísima reservoir, Central Mexico. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194, 128. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-022-09773-4

Li, S., Xu, Y.J., Ni, M., 2021. Changes in sediment, nutrients and major ions in the world largest reservoir: Effects of damming and reservoir operation. Journal of Cleaner Production 318(4), 128601.https:// doi.org/10.1016/jjclepro.2021.128601

Nazari-Sharabian, M., Taheriyoun, M., 2022.Climate change impact on water quality in the integrated Mahabad Dam watershed-reservoir system. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 40, 28-37. https://doi.org/10.1016/jjher.2021.12.001

Pantelic, M., Dolinaj, D., Lescesen, I., Savic, S., Milosevic, D., 2015. Water quality of the Pannonian basin rivers the Danube, the Sava and the Tisa (Serbia) and its correlation with air temperature. Thermal Science 19 (2), 477-485. https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI150325114P

Setegn, S.G., 2015. Water resources management for sustainable environmental public health. In: Setegn, S.G., Donoso, M.C. (eds.), Sustainability of integrated water resources management: water governance, climate and ecohydrology. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 275-287. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12194-9_15

Skaland, R.G., Herrador, B.G., Hisdal, H., Hygen, H.O., Hyllestad, S. et al., 2022. Impacts of climate change on drinking water quality in Norway. Journal of Water and Health 20 (3), 539-550. https://doi. org/10.2166/wh.2022.264

Ter Braak, C.J., 1986. Canonical correspondence analysis: a new eigenvector technique for multivariate direct gradient analysis. Ecology 67, 1167-1179.

Wang, J., Yin, W., Wang, L., Li, N., Xu, J.F. et al., 2022. Unraveling the effects of hydrological connectivity and landscape characteristics on reservoir water quality. Journal of Hydrology 613(3), 128410. https:// doi.org/10.1016/jjhydrol.2022.128410

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