Научная статья на тему 'The influence of globalization processes on strategic development of human capital of industrial enterprises of Ukraine'

The influence of globalization processes on strategic development of human capital of industrial enterprises of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ivchenkova E., Krikunenko E.

Визначено, що одним із інструментів, який дозволяє оперативно реагувати на зміни зовнішнього середовища, зростання конкуренції в усіх сферах діяльності є збалансована система показників. Характерною особливістю цієї системи показників є те, що вона використовує в якості методів управління діяльністю підприємств не тільки фінансові показники, які віддзеркалюють ефективність роботи господарюючого суб’єкту в минулому, що не вирішують проблеми, які виникають в режимі «реального часу», не дозволяють довести стратегічні цілі підприємства до всіх робітників, але й нефінансові показники, які відображають досягнення стратегічних цілей у різних аспектах бізнесу та на всіх рівнях управління. Доведено, що для забезпечення якості людського капіталу та активізації інвестицій у його розвиток в Україні необхідно сприяти стимулюванню процесу інноваційного розвитку в навчальних закладах, доповнивши його впровадженням інноваційних технологій у галузі одержання вищої освіти; забезпечити підготовку кадрів відповідно до сучасних вимог роботодавців за їхньою мобільністю, можливості генерувати нові ідеї і готовність до реалізації інновацій в рамках стратегічних цілей підприємства.Определено, что одним из инструментов, который позволяет оперативно реагировать на изменения внешней среды, рост конкуренции во всех сферах деятельности является сбалансирована система показателей. Характерной особенностью этой системы показателей является то, что она использует в качестве методов управления деятельностью предприятий не только финансовые показатели, которые отображают эффективность работы хозяйствующего субъекта в прошлом, что не решает проблем, которые возникают в режиме «реального времени», не позволяют довести стратегические целые предприятия до всех работников, но и нефинансовые показатели, которые отображают достижение стратегических целей в разных аспектах бизнеса и на всех уровнях управления. Доказано, что для обеспечения качества человеческого капитала и активизации инвестиций в его развитие в Украине необходимо оказывать содействие стимулированию процесса инновационного развития в учебных заведениях, дополнив его внедрением инновационных технологий в области получения высшего образования; обеспечить подготовку кадров соответственно современным требованиям работодателей по их мобильности, возможности генерировать новые идеи и готовность к реализации инноваций в рамках стратегических целей предприятия.It has been determined that one of the tools that allows rapid response to changes in the environment, the growth of competition in all spheres of activity is a balanced system of indicators. A characteristic feature of this system of indicators is that it uses not only financial indicators that reflect the efficiency of the business entity in the past, but also does not solve the problems that arise in real-time, as well as the strategic integers enterprises to all employees, but also non-financial indicators that reflect the achievement of strategic goals in various aspects of business and at all levels of management. It has been proved that in order to ensure the quality of human capital and to intensify investment in its development in Ukraine it is necessary to promote the stimulation of the process of innovative development in educational institutions, supplemented by its introduction of innovative technologies in the field of higher education; ensure training of personnel in accordance with modern requirements of employers on their mobility, the ability to generate new ideas and readiness to implement innovations within the framework of strategic objectives of the enterprise.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of globalization processes on strategic development of human capital of industrial enterprises of Ukraine»

UDC 331.101.262:338.45(477)

E. Ivchenkova,

PhD (Economics), ORCID 0000-0003-4739-0192,

E. Krikunenko,

Donbass State Machine Building Academy, Kramatorsk


Formulation of the problem. In the conditions of globalization of national economies, the regulation of sustainable social and economic development requires rapid adaptation to international competition, which is possible with increasing the competitiveness of man and society - the synthesis of his knowledge, innovations and information, as well as institutions of state and en-trepreneurship. Knowledge, information and their carrier - an educated person, able to generate ideas and new knowledge, as well as to innovate, becomes the main resource and at the same time the purpose of economic development of the state.

The development of the Ukrainian economy is accompanied by the reform of the mechanism of financial management by industrial enterprises, achieving competitive advantages becomes much more difficult to ensure only through effective financial management and investments in physical assets. This is due to the fact that, in emerging and highly competitive markets, a non-financial mechanism based on the valuation and management of intangible assets of an industrial enterprise has become increasingly important. Today, along with gaining profit and increasing capitalization of enterprises, priority directions of strategic development are the preservation and expansion of the share of the market of products sales, improvement of internal business processes, which are achieved through effective management of labor resources.

Analysis of the last researches and publications. In the writings of many authors, human resources are increasingly seen as human capital, which is the most valuable asset and, in line with the strategic goals of the company, provides the desired income and creates competitive advantages. The theoretical aspects of strategic management of human capital are devoted to the works of domestic and foreign scientists: V.M. Heyets, L. Ed-vinson, O.A. Grishnova, O.L. Eskova, R. Kaplan, D. Norton, Nils-Goran Olve, J. Fitz-Yenza, H. Ramper-sada and others. In the works of these authors, attention is paid to the management of the strategy through the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), but the proposed economic toolkits are aimed at managing the aggregate of resources. At the same time, there is no clearly formulated methodological approach to the strategic management of human capital, which is a key component of the country's strategic potential.

The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of globalization processes on the strategic development of human capital of industrial enterprises in Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material. Modern conditions of functioning of the Ukrainian economy, characterized by constant changes in the external environment, increasing competition in all spheres of activity, require the necessary search for tools that will allow them to respond promptly to their influence and develop a strategy for development, taking into account these factors. One such tool is balanced system of indicators. One of these tools is a balanced metrics system. A characteristic feature of this system of indicators is that it uses as methods of managing the activities of enterprises not only financial indicators that reflect the efficiency of the business entity in the past, which do not solve the problems that arise in the "real time", do not allow to prove the strategic objectives of the enterprise to all workers, but also non-financial indicators that reflect the achievement of strategic goals in various aspects of business and at all levels of management. Within the framework of a balanced system of indicators, a classic approach is used in determining the strategy "from the top down", which involves concentration of efforts on the external and internal market conditions, namely, on the following factors: the requirements of suppliers and buyers, the appearance of substitutes of products and technology, and so on. This approach requires careful assessment of the company's internal capabilities, which are measured by the level of human capital training and qualifications. The more important the employee factor to achieve the strategy, the more significant the combination of LSS with the system of personnel management. Fig. 1 shows a balanced system of indices of an industrial enterprise.

In order to describe the status of human capital (professional knowledge, skills and abilities) and its role in supporting the strategy, it is necessary to determine the degree of strategic readiness of human capital. Strategic readiness - an analogue of liquidity: the higher the degree of readiness, the faster the intangible assets can be converted into cash [1, p. 79].

The assessment of human capital readiness is carried out in two ways:

1) on the basis of strategic occupations;

2) based on strategic values.

Fig. 1. Balanced system of indicators: control loop (strategy tactics operational management) [1]

The central place in a strategically oriented system of motivation belongs to strategic readiness. Strategic readiness of human capital is formed in the process of implementation of the following stages:

1) definition of groups of strategic professions;

2) development of profiles of strategic competencies of employees;

3) identification of the capabilities and competencies of employees;

4) elimination of "breaks of competencies";

5) monitoring of the implementation of strategic tasks and drawing up a report on the strategic readiness of the personnel.

Strategic readiness of human capital contains a number of strategically important indicators: level of employee's preparedness, strategic compliance of the position, satisfaction with the results of their work and others, which are mainly non-financial nature and form the basis of strategic business cards.

The system of motivation based on strategic readiness due to its non-financial orientation makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the use of human capital in monetary terms. This system of motivation requires the addition of intangible parameters financial indicators of the budgeting system, which will lead to a balanced material and moral remuneration of the employee in the performance of strategically important tasks. Motivation of strategic readiness allows to increase efficiency of management of human capital of the enterprise, offering an alternative approach to the establishment of compensatory payments to employees, by setting a certain threshold of values of strategic indicators. Thus, the motivation for strategic readiness is an

effective tool for managing human capital, since it allows for a balance between financial and non-financial forms of employee incentives in line with the strategy. Fig. 2 presents a balanced system of motivation for human capital of an industrial enterprise.

Thus, despite the fact that the HRF of human capital is not able to provide a concrete monetary assessment of this intangible asset, human capital is an indispensable resource of domestic enterprises in the conditions of globalization, and therefore needs a scientifically sound management and evaluation exactly as the enterprise strategy requires.

With the accession of Ukraine to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and taking into account its aspiration for integration into the European Union, the domestic market of Ukraine is no longer a protected area in which Ukrainian enterprises can profit in the event of the impossibility of exporting their own products and global trends towards the decline of industrial machine building. Moreover, the common source of problem formation is the failure to take into account the role of the worker, his knowledge, skills and abilities. After all, this directly affects the quality of products, tools and technology used.

Significant energy intensity leads to the need for enterprises to reduce wages to establish a competitive value of products. A coming to the market of foreign corporations that do not have such problems will lead to an outflow of workers (especially qualified ones) from domestic enterprises.

Thus, the transformation of labor resources in the conditions of a market economy into human capital, re-

Indicators of a strategic map

Developmen t of criteria for assessing

employee performance

Key indicators of strategic readiness weig ht,% plan, units

- index of employee's readiness; - the percentage of qualified specialists; - index of satisfaction; - index of motivation; - Percentage of matching corporate goals with personal goals

Key Performance Indicators weig ht,% plan, units

number of proposals per employee; - Percent of prospective specialists; - Percentage of official increase on the results of training

Operational Budget Indicators

Evaluate the results and adjust the plans with the appropriate measures

Transfor mation of

the strategy to the operation al level

Operational performance indicators weig ht,% plan, units

number of internships per employee; - Limit of training expenses per employee; - average mark on the final exam; - growth of labor productivity

Fig. 2. Balanced system of motivation of human capital of industrial enterprise

quires enterprises to acquire a new system of self-sufficiency, including through the labor market.

Effective work in any market is ensured by adhering to marketing requirements, but for a commodity such as human capital, scientifically sound methodological support has not yet been developed.

The application of the concept of human capital in the practical activities of a modern Ukrainian enterprise has resulted in the presence of not two [3], but three groups of factors that have a direct impact on human capital (Table 1).

Table 1

Factors influencing the development of human capital of a modern industrial enterprise

General factors Individual factors Factors of Globalization and informatization

level of qualification of the worker strength education involvement in social networks

industrial relations natural abilities and talents sources of information

index of human capital official qualification the percentage of "virtual" friends in communication

the specific weight of the wage fund in the price of the goods, the gross domestic product abilities and skills knowledge of English (or other languages required by society)

a generalized indicator of economic development attitude to the place of work

possession of confidential information

General factors are due to the level of development of the state and practically can not be changed at each separate enterprise or changed person personally. Individual figures are specific to every person, and therefore they are considered for each individual individually and can be changed by a person personally or by the enterprise on which it operates. Therefore, they should be of the greatest interest to the management of the company, since managing human capital in an enterprise can only be done through these factors.

However, the third group of factors gets an increasingly important role. It is already an indispensable requirement for the formation of personnel of creative professions, but it also becomes important for workers' professions, because modern workers must also receive advanced training, knowledge of new technologies, often from foreign partners or foreign management. In this sense, the worker who speaks a foreign language becomes more competitive.

But for Ukraine, not only the problem of adapting the population to the foreign system of motivation in the country itself, but also the problem of motivation of external labor migration of the population is relevant, as Ukraine has continued to remain the exporting country of the labor force [4]. In addition, taking into account the global migration factor and the current situation with the number of migrants in the world and in our country, one can expect the problem of attracting foreign migrants to the Ukrainian economy. So far this problem is extremely poor, because most migrants from other countries in Ukraine do not work in the sphere of production, but in the sphere of trade or they are self-employed persons. This does not solve, on the contrary, it exacerbates the social tension in society and does not contribute to solving the main issue - an increase in the human capital of industrial enterprises. Today, globalization forms a single space, changing the socio-economic life of an individual state, characterized by increased international cooperation and increased openness an economy that has both a positive and a negative effect. From the second half of 2014, industrial production in Ukraine is rapidly falling, with the crisis most likely to cover the most complex and valuable industries (in terms of income and quality ofjobs): machine-building, chemical and metallurgical production. According to the Gosstat of Ukraine, in May 2015, industrial production declined by 20.7% compared to May 2014, and not only companies in Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts, but also their partners in other regions of Ukraine experience significant losses. According to the rating of the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016, in its competitiveness, our country has ranked 79th among 140 states (Ukraine lost three positions in the year, dropping from the 76th place). 12 factors were taken into account in rating formation, among them - quality of infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, innovative potential, level of technological deve-

lopment, development of finery, quality of education and others [5].

The welfare of the Ukrainian people in 2015, according to research by international agencies, has deteriorated: the country lost seven positions in the world ranking of the prosperity of the Legatum Prosperity Index and ranked 70th in 142 countries (last year Ukraine was 63rd). Despite all the electronic innovations, Ukraine continues to lag behind in the ranking of Innovation Index countries, which annually Bloomberg agency. This year, we managed to take only 41st place among 50 countries, although in the past we settled on the 33rd. But, at the same time, there are positive indicators. This year, Ukraine has improved its position in the prestigious world ranking Doing Business - rose from 87 to 83 places [5].

Our country succeeded in the ranking of human capital that the World Economic Forum holds annually. Thus, the sum of the indicators on employment, living standards, literacy, education and longevity of the population of Ukraine overcame immediately 32 positions and rose in the ranking of 63 positions in 31 among 124 countries [6].

Over the past year, Ukraine managed to make its economy much more attractive to foreign partners: in the world ranking of the investment attractiveness of the International Business Compass, compiled by the Hamburg Institute of World Economy, our country ranked 89th out of 174 countries. In 2016, Ukraine made a real breakthrough, rising just 17 positions in the global Global Services Location Index outsourcing ranking, which is the AT Kearney consulting company. Thus, for one year among 55 countries Ukraine managed to increase its positions from 41 to 24 places. To assess the attractiveness of a country for foreign companies, states view in several categories: financial attractiveness, business environment, skills and availability of manpower


Consequently, during the last decades under the influence of scientific and technological progress and technological competition, human development issues undergo significant changes. Human development is fundamental, since it is the human being that is the basic element of complex social and economic systems, which include national states.

Conclusions. To ensure the quality of human capital and boost investment in its development in Ukraine it is necessary: to promote the process of innovative development in educational institutions, supplemented by its introduction of innovative technologies in the field of higher education; provide training in accordance with the modern requirements of employers for their mobility, the ability to generate new ideas and readiness to innovate within the strategic objectives of the enterprise; to introduce incentives for individual investments in human capital by excluding from personal income tax funds the measures for the protection and strengthening

of health, education for themselves and family members, payments to pension and health insurance funds; regulate labor supply on the labor market, provide professional training and quality improvement of the workforce in line with the structural changes taking place in the economy, improve the financial security of the employment policy; to develop the system of vocational training and retraining, to promote the latest knowledge in the scientific, scientific and technological spheres; to consolidate in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" the right of employees of higher educational establishments who are authors of intellectual property objects, on the part of employer's income from the commercial use of an object.


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1вченкова О. Ю., Крикуненко К. М. Вплив гло-б&тзацшних мроцесш на стратепчний розвиток людського камггалу мромислових мвдмриемств Ук-раТни

Визначено, що одним iз шструменпв, який дозво-ляе оперативно реагувати на змши зовшшнього сере-довища, зростання конкуренцп в уах сферах дгяльно-CTi е збалансована система показнишв. Характерною особливютю ше! системи показнишв е те, що вона ви-користовуе в якосп методiв управлшня дiяльнiстю тд-приемств не тшьки фiнансовi показники, яш вiддзерка-люють ефективнiсть роботи господарюючого суб'екту в минулому, що не вирiшують проблеми, якi виника-ють в режимi «реального часу», не дозволяють довести стратегiчнi цш пiдприемства до всiх робiтникiв, але й нефiнансовi показники, якi ввдображають досягнення

стратепчних цшей у рiзних аспектах бiзнесу та на вах рiвнях управлiння. Доведено, що для забезпечення яко-сп людського капiталу та активiзацii швестицш у його розвиток в Украш необхщно сприяти стимулюванню процесу шновацшного розвитку в навчальних закладах, доповнивши його впровадженням iнновацiйних технологш у галузi одержання вищоi освгги; забезпе-чити пiдготовку кадрiв вшповшно до сучасних вимог роботодавцiв за ]_'хньою мобiльнiстю, можливостi гене-рувати новi iдеi i готовнiсть до реатзацп iнновацiй в рамках стратепчних цшей щдприемства.

Ключовi слова: людський капiтал, збалансована система показниюв, стратепчш цiлi, глобалiзацiйнi процеси, нефiнансовi показники, мотивация стратепч-ноi' готовностi.

1вченкова Е. Ю., Крикуненко Е. Н. Влияние глобализационных процессов на стратегическое развитие человеческого капитала промышленных предприятий Украины

Определено, что одним из инструментов, который позволяет оперативно реагировать на изменения внешней среды, рост конкуренции во всех сферах деятельности является сбалансирована система показателей. Характерной особенностью этой системы показателей является то, что она использует в качестве методов управления деятельностью предприятий не только финансовые показатели, которые отображают эффективность работы хозяйствующего субъекта в прошлом, что не решает проблем, которые возникают в режиме «реального времени», не позволяют довести стратегические целые предприятия до всех работников, но и нефинансовые показатели, которые отображают достижение стратегических целей в разных аспектах бизнеса и на всех уровнях управления. Доказано, что для обеспечения качества человеческого капитала и активизации инвестиций в его развитие в Украине необходимо оказывать содействие стимулированию процесса инновационного развития в учебных заведениях, допол-

нив его внедрением инновационных технологий в области получения высшего образования; обеспечить подготовку кадров соответственно современным требованиям работодателей по их мобильности, возможности генерировать новые идеи и готовность к реализации инноваций в рамках стратегических целей предприятия.

Ключевые слова: человеческий капитал, сбалансированная система показателей, стратегические цели, глобализационные процессы, нефинансовые показатели, мотивация стратегической готовности.

Ivchenkova E., Krikunenko E. The influence of globalization processes on strategic development of human capital of industrial enterprises of Ukraine

It has been determined that one of the tools that allows rapid response to changes in the environment, the growth of competition in all spheres of activity is a balanced system of indicators. A characteristic feature of this system of indicators is that it uses not only financial indicators that reflect the efficiency of the business entity in the past, but also does not solve the problems that arise in real-time, as well as the strategic integers enterprises to all employees, but also non-financial indicators that reflect the achievement of strategic goals in various aspects of business and at all levels of management. It has been proved that in order to ensure the quality of human capital and to intensify investment in its development in Ukraine it is necessary to promote the stimulation of the process of innovative development in educational institutions, supplemented by its introduction of innovative technologies in the field of higher education; ensure training of personnel in accordance with modern requirements of employers on their mobility, the ability to generate new ideas and readiness to implement innovations within the framework of strategic objectives of the enterprise.

Keywords: human capital, balanced system of indicators, strategic goals, globalization processes, non-financial indicators, motivation for strategic readiness.

Received by the editors: 18.07.2018

and final form 14.12.2018

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