Manzura Nematjon kizi Mamajonova
Teacher of Uzbekistan State World Languages University manzurawebster94@gmail .com
Inspiration has been comprehensively accepted by researchers, scientists, and educators as one of the necessary factors that contribute to the level, achievement of SLA. Dornyei (2001) mentioned that it is important to master skill of motivating learning in the classroom for teachers in order to achieve higher results in teaching and learning process. Motivated students are always energetic, active, anxious to buckle down, take the assignments seriously and don't require steady consolation. They enthusiastically stand up to difficulties, and could even inspire others. This article emphasizes on the role of motivation in Second language learning process. Numerous researchers studied how important to consider motivation in SLA and proved its effectiveness through various investigations. This article covers researches, evidences on significance of motivation and finding out more effective type of motivation in second and foreign language classroom.
Keywords: Second language acquisition (SLA), motivation, second language (L2), personality trait, language acquisition, instrumental motivation, integrative motivation.
Acquiring foreign languages require a strong motivation in order to achieve higher improvement. It is believed that learning foreign languages is easier and more effective in early ages. Most adults come across several difficulties during acquiring language. However even adults who obtained high motivation may achieve great results in SLA. Chambers (1999) pointed out that motivation is the stimuli to do something with pleasure, strong desire. Therefore, it is considered as a key factor to get expected results in language learning. Learning second or foreign language can be more successful when learners possess high interest to be aware of foreign culture, tradition and to communicate fluently with foreigners in their native language. This way of learning leads to successful results on second language learning as social interaction makes it easier to acquire language.
Motivation can be instrumental and integrative according to the individuals' purpose of learning language. According to Finegan (1999) integrative motivation promises learning second language successfully with various ways of using language in a particular context or pure pronunciation like native speakers. Contrary to this, behind Instrumental motivation lies the purpose of learning language in order to enter universities, take exam and get job promotion. Thus, some researchers think that this type of motivation maybe less effective as it lasts short time. As Gardner ( as cited in Jafari 2013) mentioned learners who possess integrative motivation obtain strong enthusiasm and positive attitude to acquire language. This view was supported by Ellis (1994) who stated that integrative motivation preferable one as it offers way for social, cultural interactions which makes learning more efficiently.
The earliest researchers who investigated the role of motivation on SLA were Robert Gardner and Wallace Lambert (Ochsenfhart 2012). Their survey on this study was published in 1972. According to their view point and gained results learners need to learn grammar, vocabulary or other aspects of linguistics as well as various symbolic elements of other communities. In this case, identification with other cultures presents great opportunity acquire their language. According to their research integrative type of motivation is more successful as it is a long term process. As we know, learning language takes long time and arises several obstacles during learning process. Nowadays, instrumental approach is also becoming essential in SLA. As accentuated by Holt (2001) students more frequently rely on instrumental motivation for learning L2 rather than integrative one.
Brown (2000) argues that both integrative and instrumental types of the motivation can be visible in one person at the same time. He cites international students who come to study to USA and learn language both for education purposes and want to interact with native speakers or be aware of their culture. This approach may be more effective as there are also interest to the language and exact purpose of second language acquisition.
In order to get exact answer to the case of which type of motivation is much more effective the research was conducted at school №295 in Tashkent. 2 pupils were chosen from this school. Ben is 16 years old and Daniel is 19 years old (real names were changed in terms of privacy). These participants were chosen because of their high motivation to acquire English language. They are outstanding in learning English language among their peers with their active participation, enthusiasm and
strong desire. Even after lessons they tend to stay and ask different questions, advice on how to learn English effectively in a short time. In order to identify the most effective type of motivation an oral interview, one week observation were designed during English lessons and analyzed collected data.
Primarily, interview was taken from participants so as to be aware of their type of motivation. Their answers were recorded. The interview was consisted of 15 questions including 5 questions about their personal life and family, 3 questions about their education, 7 questions about the ways of learning and purpose of learning English. The interview was held at the school after lessons on one-on-one basis. In the next stage subjects' motivation was analyzed by conducting various observations during the learning process. The lessons were based on two skills such as listening and writing as subjects were mainly focusing on improving their English skills as they were preparing to take IELTS exam. Every lesson was devoted to different skills.
The first lesson covered the listening skill. For the lesson Cambridge 11 were utilized in order to check their listening ability. Participants were given listening worksheets from test 1 section 1. Subjects were introduced with helpful instructions, tips beforehand which can be handful during doing listening task.
The next lesson was based on writing skill which is the most challenge for pupils. Participants were presented structure of opinion essay and useful vocabulary which they may address during writing their essay. They were given 4 essay topics and were given a chance to choose one of them by themselves and write an essay. The topics were on different themes.
The topics of Essay:
1. Some people think that fast food is a major cause of serious disease such as obesity therefore; some think it should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. Scientists and technology experts seem to be more valued by modern society than musicians and artists. To what extent do you agree?
3. Some people think that more money should be spent on protecting endangered species while others think it is a waste of valuable money. To what extent do you agree?
4. Some people believe that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career. Others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Participants were pleased with given chance them to chose the essay question they would like to write. Daniel chose the first topic about fast food which is related to American culture and Ben chose the last one about education. Both of them addressed to the topic according to their interests and desire.
Finally, collected data was analyzed in order to come to conclusion. Analyze was made by comparing participants' results on listening and writing. Observation part greatly helped to explore which type of motivation helps to progress in second language acquisition more and in a short time.
The interview which was taken from participants helped a lot on identifying their type of motivation and effectiveness of motivation on acquiring second language. It gave a chance to be aware of their personality, interests and purposes. Their attitude towards English was quite different. First four questions were about their personal life. Then we moved to their study life. Further questions were essential on finding out whether they are learner with instrumental motivation or integrative one. From the answers which were presented by Ben it was clear that he is going to be a manager at the hotel and he needs English so as to enter university. In addition, knowing languages is main requirement in his profession. Therefore, he is preparing for IELTS exam hardly. It was obvious that he has instrumental motivation by his answers about willing to acquire language not under the pressure of his parents but with highly motivation in order to get higher position in the society. Although he wrote his essay with well formed grammar structures, while speaking he made myriad of errors. For example, instead of "watch" he used the word "see" (see movies). Since, he had not such spontaneous interview and did not work on his speaking much.
Besides, conducted interview helped me to discover another type of motivation in the Daniel. He answered for the questions fully, with pleasure and gave direct, unique answers. He possesses integrative motivation as all his answers covered answers which is full of great interest to learning English and the culture of the country. He stated that, he likes watching English movies and listening to songs so much. He is planning to travel to abroad. He has big desire to be aware of other countries' traditions and to be in touch with native speakers. For the question about challenges he mentioned that he does not face so many obstacles as he enjoys learning and work hard on this.
After interview several lessons were conducted on their skills. This observation included itself writing and speaking activities. It was clarified from the observation that Daniel showed higher results on speaking while Ben was good at writing. Daniel cope with listening tasks easily and speak freely in English during the lesson, even his manners, behavior was like Americans because of his practice and enthusiasm to communicate in English as he watches English movies, different videos and listens to music a lot on a daily basis. This daily practice noticeably increased his listening and speaking skills. Although his essay was short and lack of linker words, he used correct structure and ideas also were strong enough. It was clear from his answers that he appreciates different cultures, traditions so much.
Contrary to this Ben faced some troubles on speaking because of less practice. Since, he emphasizes on reading, writing and grammar more than other skills. Every time when he was given some questions in order to attract him to speaking tasks he did not want to answer. Unfortunately, he tried to avoid answer as he is shy and possess poor vocabulary. He was given various advices many times such as practicing a lot, watching English movies and listening to audios in order to get rid of this shyness, anxiety and become more confident. However he did not want to waste his time to watching movies or practice speaking and could not shape integrative motivation at all.
It was visible during lessons that pupil with integrative motivation participated more actively at during the lesson and did everything I told on time. Even asked me to advise where he can meet foreigners and communicate with them as he eager to interact with them. He communicated easily with me in English with clear and fluent speech. He understood me without any difficulty. Ben also tried to be active and did all the tasks on time but was not as active as Daniel. Despite his higher results on reading and writing he did not work on his speaking and listening.
Finally, collected data was analyzed in order to come to conclusion. Analyze was made by comparing participants' results on listening and writing. Observation part greatly helped to explore which type of motivation helps to progress in second language acquisition more and in a short time.
According to gained results from the observation it has been proved that learners with integrative motivation tend to be more effective on acquiring target language. These learners are more active, eager to get any new information and work on themselves a lot independently while learners with instrumental motivation are
satisfied with classroom activities and do not work out of classroom much. Of course, instrumental motivation also plays significant role on achieving expected results but it is not strong enough as integrative one in order to acquire language perfectly and faster. They try to emphasize on their language skills more to achieve academic success. However, being aware of other data such as people's lifestyle, customs, traditions, may promise higher results in this process as it makes people thoughtful, open minded.
Although both of the types of motivation are considered as the most significant factor in L2 acquisition, integrative motivation is more effective in this process. It is obvious from the results on oral interview and observations, that learner with integrative motivation achieved higher results than the learner with instrumental motivation.
Reason of getting such results is instrumental motivation's effect on learner's attempt to acquire language as they have exact aim such as entering to university of prosper in career. Despite his great effort on learning English language, they do not possess desire to learn it for themselves. Integrative motivation leads to success with the help of great will, they learn English for joy. Therefore, they acquire language easily and in a short time.
Lambert (1963) has introduced a "social psychological model" which covered cognitive skills such as intelligence, language abilities, effective aspects which includes motivation and attitude. According to this theory he stated about the effectiveness of learning foreign language rely on motivation and attitudes towards the foreign language. The another researcher Gardner (1985) L2 motivation is learning foreign language because of desire and satisfy from the experience in this activity. Motivation particularly, includes three elements such as attitude towards language learning, desire to acquire the language and the level of motivation.
In conclusion, it is acknowledged that the role of motivation is so crucial on second language acquisition. Foreign language acquisition is complicated process for every learner which implied several factors such as attitude, motivation and character. Presented research indicates motivation has significant impact on second language acquisition. Motivation is the most essential and key factor among them which leads to success. Not only environment or student's aptitude but also teachers contribution is also significant on improving learners motivation as motivated learners engage with effective strategies more than other learners and ready to sacrifice their time and
strength to acquire language. I believe that inspiration, to the extent its idea is concerned, is a sort of solid upgrade which originates from a specific student's point of view of his/her own social milieu and drives this student to think about hard and brilliant (for example utilize suitable learning methodologies) lastly procure the capability of the objective language in a brisk and successful manner.
As Jacques (as cited in Anjomshoa 2015) stated students who study language exclusively as a college necessity don't esteem language learning all by itself. Less solid connections were clear between those equivalent students and an inclination for testing exercises. Also, challenge was a positive component for those learners who spot a high incentive on language adapting, yet not so for on edge understudies.
1. Anjomshoa, L. (2015). The Importance of Motivation inSecondLanguage Acquisition. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature. Retrieved from https: //www.arcj sell/v3 -i2/12. pdf
2. Brown, H.D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall
3. Chambers, G. (1999). Motivating Language Learners. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Retrieved from nepage&q&f=false
4. Dornyei, Z. (2001). Teaching and Researching Motivation. England: Pearson Education Limited.
5. Ellis, R. (1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
6. Finegan, E. (1999). Language: Its structure and use (3th ed., p. 568). Harcourt Brace.
7. Holt, J. N. (2001). Motivation as a Contributing Factor in Second Language Acquisition. The Internet TESL Journal. Retrieved from
8. Jafari, S. S. (2013). Motivated Learners and Their Success in Learning a Second Language. Finland: Academy Publisher. doi:10.4304/tpls.3.10.1913-1918
9. Ochsenfahrt, K. (2012). Motivation as a Factor in Second Language Acquisition. Munich: GRIN Verlag. Retrieved from