Madina Malikova
Master student of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute Phone number: +998(90)1117771 [email protected]
We all know that technology plays an important role in our life in the process of globalization. In particular, it is no secret that in the field of education, new ideas and opinions related to information technology are being developed day by day in order to learn and teach English. This article seeks to highlight how effective the use of information technology is in teaching English.
Keywords: Information Technology (IT), intensity, motivation, innovation, real communication, distance learning.
It is impossible to imagine our lives today without technology. The use of IT in the classroom not only increases the computer literacy of the younger generation, but also adapts them to distance learning. It is known that in 2020, due to a complex pandemic, people around the world benefited from the distance education system. In particular, it is no secret that in our country, from preschool to university students received distance education, which is inconvenient for students. That is why every child studying in our country should be ready to receive effective education not only using traditional, but also independent computer technologies.
With traditional methods of conducting a lesson, the main carrier of information for students is the teacher, he requires the student to concentrate, focus, and memory tension. Not every student is able to work in this mode. Psychological features of character, the type of perception of the child become the cause of failure. At the same time, modern requirements for the level of education do not allow reducing the amount of information a student needs to master the topic of the lesson.
However, when organizing a lesson using computer programs, information is provided to students in a colorful way, using animation effects, in the form of text, diagrams, graphics, and drawings. All this, according to modern didacticists, makes it possible to explain the educational material more clearly and accessible than orally. It is also very important that in such lessons the student can work individually,
advancing in the comprehension of new material at his own pace, returning to the incomprehensible, if necessary, or looking ahead.
According to Genc (2009, p. 137):
"The use of computers and any type of technology gives students freedom and support. Through technology, they are actively involved in the learning process, motivated, and, in other words, immersed in the lesson. The reliability and affordability of the materials is another advantage of the technology, which makes distance learning more popular. "
This means that Genc also believes that distance learning will increase through technology. Here, the effectiveness of teaching using information technology is proven once again.
The use of information technology intensifies the learning process. The teacher's use of presentations and various electronic pictures during the lesson speeds up the lesson much more than using manual labor on the board. This will not only speed up the learning process but also speed up the learning process. Increased student engagement leads them to a leading role, which is called "student-centered." Mollaei (2013) puts it this way:
"The introduction of technology in the classroom will radically reform the education system. Technology improves the quality of lessons and allows students to learn independently. And more emphasis is placed on student performance during the lesson. "
Technology classes are more motivating than traditional classes. It makes it easier to engage students in the classroom, and this method is both fun and effective. The computer is loyal to the variety of student answers: it does not accompany the work of students with laudatory or disapproving comments, which develops their independence and creates a favorable socio-psychological atmosphere in the classroom, giving them self-confidence, this is an important factor for the development of their individuality.
According to Katter (2015):
"Students spend more time working on computers than they do with textbooks, and the teacher can choose a lesson for each student."
This means that the technology makes the lesson more interesting, which in turn makes it easier to engage students in the lesson.
Another aspect of increasing the effectiveness of IT English lessons is that students listen to and imitate real English pronunciation. As mentioned in our previous articles,
"Indigenous English-speaking people are a source for foreign language learners so that they can imitate the pronunciation of this population without any doubts and easily learn new words in this way."
Admittedly, the teacher is the main base for children in English classes. In other words, the student first imitates the teacher. However, real language pronunciation during the lesson can only be conveyed to the student through technology. It follows that the teacher acts as the main bridge between the student and the technology as well as the technology lesson.
This requires the teacher to be able to select the materials correctly and apply them to the lesson. As Traissera (2018) mentioned:
"Technology is a tool for us, and teachers need to be able to choose it according to their goals."
The use of ICT and Internet resources in an English lesson allows teachers to more fully implement a whole range of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles. The use of computer educational programs in English lessons increases the efficiency of solving communicative problems, develops different types of students' speech activity, and forms a stable motivation for students' foreign language activities in the classroom. The combination of information technology with the project method allows students to practically apply their knowledge, skills and abilities, and therefore is one of the forms of organizing research and cognitive activities, in which cooperative collective activities are successfully implemented, which makes it possible to increase the motivation for learning a foreign language.
However, TEL English can be difficult for both students and teachers because of lack of Internet connection and technology resource in campus. As Pervukhina (2015) pointed out the following difficulties in the use of ICT:
• insufficient degree of school equipment,
• insufficient amount of DER,
• many teachers and students do not have computer and Internet skills,
• most teachers and students have Internet access only at home.
So Pervukhina described Internet disconnection and lack of technological equipment as disadvantages of TEL. These obstacles are associated with the
condition of the campuses. Thus, we can say TEL has not negative effects on students in knowledge.
Technology is becoming a requirement of today. This, in turn, raises the level of computer literacy required of every educator. Therefore, the development of concepts for the use of technology during the course is very important for society. Although technology enhanced learning and teaching is difficult for some users, it is becoming "a part of the body" if the "body" is imagined as Education system. The use of ICT and Internet resources in an English lesson is relevant today, because the teacher should be interesting for his students, keep up with the times, improve his teaching skills and the level of intelligence. New information technologies attract students and they are one of their main interests. Therefore, the use of information technology in the educational process contributes to the formation of positive motivation. The advantage of using a computer is that it allows us to improve the professional level of teachers. Acquaintance with new ICT is striking in its opportunities that open up for improving the educational process and the education system as a whole. New information technologies introduced in education contribute to its rise to a qualitatively new level. As we have seen above, a number of useful aspects of technology lessons are that teaching with the help of IT is not only unique, but also allows teachers and students to catch up with their peers over the world.
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