"Oriental Art and Culture" Scientific-Methodical Journal Volume 3 Issue 2 / June 2022 ISSN 2181-063X
Nilufar Khudoykulova [email protected] Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture
Abstract: This article presents the necessary suggestions and comments on the creation of a performance program, taking into account the specifics of piano science. The article also provides a brief description of the genres of piano works. The author recommended contemporary works of Uzbek composers in the national spirit.
Keywords: Repertoire, piece, sonata, etude, polyphony, exposition.
The radical changes taking place in the socio-economic and all spheres of the new Uzbekistan are having an incomparable impact on the well-being of the people. In particular, the activities of cultural and art institutions based on respect for our national values, traditions, revival of our traditions, their development, comprehensive study of positive experiences and trends in the world, achievements and results.
A lot of good work is being done to effectively establish and strengthen the capacity of the staff working in them. These developments are reflected not only in the path of peace and prosperity of the country, but also in the process of radical changes in the human mind, spiritual and ideological renewal and the activation of creative thinking.
As a result of the efforts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in this regard, the issue of education has become a priority in the socioeconomic, cultural and educational development of society. In particular, as the President said: "By the right of youth, we mean, first of all, their full right to live in peace and health and to receive education.
That is why it is always a priority for us to ensure that our young generation grows up harmoniously and receives a quality and perfect education. " In order to implement these words, the President has adopted a number of decrees and resolutions on the public education system. In particular, the Decree No. PP-5106 of July 5, 2017 "On increasing the effectiveness of state youth policy and supporting the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan", February 3, 2018 " Resolution of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On improving the activities of the Center for Secondary Special and Vocational Education" No PD-3504, 2017 Resolution No. PD-3032 of May 31, "On measures to further develop and improve the field of culture and arts",
The goal is to bring up the younger generation in line with modern requirements through the implementation of important documents, such as Resolution No. PD-2909 of April 20, 2017 "On measures to further develop the system of higher education." The current work in this direction testifies to the great efforts of the head of our state.
The Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture conducts extensive research on the effectiveness of the educational process in order to train intellectually gifted, independent-minded, highly qualified personnel.
In particular, it is no exaggeration to say that in the process of training young talents in the field of vocal and instrumental performance, one of the most important tasks is to further improve their performance skills on the piano, the systematic formation of general professional skills.
It is known that the role of the piano is invaluable in activating the musical thinking of students, in their future development as qualified musicians. At the same time, students studying music education study such interrelated disciplines as Music Theory, Harmony, Analysis of Musical Works, History of Music and Fundamentals of Status in accordance with the curriculum.
Such sciences, in turn, are closely related to the science of piano. In order to effectively carry out this integration, it is important to bring up the student as a real musician, a musician, to develop him in all respects and to broaden his horizons, to form a program of performance of each student in science.
After all, in the process of educating a talented musician, each piece of music included in the performance program is a unique tool that determines the ability, musical and artistic taste and high intelligence of the musician. Therefore, in music education, the program of performance is determined by the individual approach to each student.
It should be noted that in the formation of the student performance program, along with the works of Western European and Russian composers, it is advisable to include works by Uzbek composers for piano, which will help to activate the student in the field of national values.
Enriching the student's performance program with works of national melodies, promoting our national music through regular acquaintance with works by Uzbek composers and further increasing the student's interest in it are the field of music education today, in particular. it would not be a mistake to say that it is one of the main tasks of the modern educator.
It should be noted that in recent years in modern pedagogy there is a tendency to give more freedom to students in the formation of the program of performance. In accordance with the pedagogical goals and objectives set out in the science programs for mastering the piano, the semester program provides students with a wide range of musical works of different periods and styles.
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Achieving the effectiveness of such issues is based on the individual characteristics of each student. Thus, in the formation of the performance program, not only the student's performance capabilities and musical skills, but also his ability to master, psycho-emotional state, spiritual qualities, character traits, performance skills, etc. polyphonic and large series of works are studied selectively.
Informative information provided by the teacher to the students about the works included in the performance program is also important to further increase the effectiveness of education.
In this case, the historical and methodological information about each piece of music not only expands the scope of the student's knowledge, but also has a significant impact on the quality of the performance.
For example, the student is introduced to the program a small volume of completed lyrical or skillful (3.621-p), virtuoso (4.57-p) musical instrument, representing the inner experiences of the playwright. it is important to know that genres such as ballads differ from each other in terms of character, style of performance, rhythmic form, and emotional composition. Also, the content of each work chosen by the teacher to the student, including plays based on a particular artistic, philosophical, ideological idea of the composer, not only has aesthetic value, but also has an educational and moral significance. need to go.
In addition, the student should be able to form technical performance skills in the process of playing the piano and the role of plays in the development of etude. Such information includes small (side-by-side, sequential sounds, gamma-shaped passages, dotted rhythms) and large-scale technical style, which serve to "educate" the movements of the fingers, wrists, palms and hands of the works created in the genre of etude.
It is important to briefly explain to the student the types of created (wide range, chord, arpeggio, double note, etc.). The student should understand that the process of working on the study is difficult, and it is possible to achieve technical skills by working on its sentences over and over again. lum learns that it is not a set of exercises, but that it also has a type, such as high artistic works performed at concerts.
Also, composers who made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the etude genre were R. Schumann (Symphonic Etudes, op. 13), Ferenc Liszt (Etudes to Paganini's Capricorns, Concert Etudes, High Skills Etudes), K. Debussy. ("12 Etudes" 1915), K. Saint-Saens ("6 Etudes", op.52), S.Rakhmaninov ("Etude-paintings" op.33), I.Kramer ("Great Practical Piano School") (Grosse praktische Pianoforteschule, 1815), M. Clementi (The Road to Parnas (Gradus ad Paenassum, 1817-26), Karl Cherni (The School of Ravonlik (Schule der Gelaufigkeit), op 299, Among European composers such as Schule der Fingerfertigkeit (op. 740) and
Frederic Chopin (C-dur, F-dur. Op. 10), Georg Mushel (B-dur Etude) is one of the European composers.
As a result of getting acquainted with the works of such talented people as Muhammadjon Otajonov ("Aral", "Voyage", "Illusion"), Akmal Safarov ("Study-picture" fis-mall), the student's passion for this genre increased. rib, helps to achieve good results in piano performance.
Genres created in the polyphonic style also play an important role in the student performance program. Considering the positive effect of mastering polyphonic compositions on the development of harmonic hearing, it is planned to include polyphonic works in the curriculum of students majoring in vocal and instrumental education.
In works created in the counterpoint style, the peculiarity of this style is that each sound cadence does not correspond to each other, resulting in incomplete sentences. Of course, it can be difficult for students to master a polyphonic work based on the melodic sound of two or more melodic tracks at the same time.
The historical basis of student polyphony, that is, its first appearance in the IX-X centuries was known by the terms organum, diaphony and later in the "free style" A.Vivaldi (1678-1741), G.F.Gendel (1685-1759) to the peak of perfection in the works of composers. Listening to and mastering mp3 samples will have a positive effect not only on the performance of the work in this style, but also on the mastery of other disciplines in the field.
This is because, as mentioned above, the development of the ability to hear the gramophone-harmonics is achieved by mastering the melody of polyphonic works horizontally and vertically (p. 7.7).
Another important set of works in the student performance program is the complex form. It is known that this type of work develops the student's performance skills, creative potential. Through the complex forms of the program, the teacher cultivates such qualities as accuracy and rhythmic stability in student performance.
Through the knowledge of the analysis of musical works, the student achieves positive results in the performance by analyzing the compositional structure of the work. Mastering works such as variations, rondo, suites, sonatas and instrumental concerts, which are part of a complex set of shaped works, helps to develop creative thinking and further develop the student's talent.
The study of information about the works of Viennese classical composers, such as Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven, who made a significant contribution to the formation of the classical form of the sonata, in turn, completes the genres of classical style. It is very important in comprehension. (8, p. 22)
It is known that according to the evaluation criteria, a special commission of professors and teachers of the department conducts intermediate and final examinations in piano at the appointed time.
In this case, the student's knowledge of the historical, methodological, formal aspects of each work included in the performance program is determined by colloquium questions. The system of briefing the student by the teacher in the form of regular interdisciplinary communication will certainly be useful in the intermediate and final controls.
The great Uzbek composers G.Mushel, E.Kalandarov, I.Khamroyev, R.Vildanov, N.Zokirov, R.Abdullayev, A.Among the master artists such as Nabiyev, D.Sayidaminova, M.Otajonov, N.Giyosov, E.Salikhov, O.Abdullayeva F.Nazarov, A.Safarov, A.Abdusattorov, M.Mukhtorov, J.Charshemov, Sh.Sobirov, R. Young composers such as Abatbayeva and A. Otegenov are working effectively to create unique national and unique works in all of the above genres.
In the study of creative samples of our young composers, it is possible to make a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of modern composition, in particular, the system of new tones and forms, with works created on the basis of classical traditions.
In addition, the inclusion of works in the modern national style in the systematic, well-designed student performance program by the teacher increases his interest in science. For example, M.Otajonov's "Qoradali" (Khorezm folk song), "Karvon" (jazz composition for piano), H.Rahimov's "Bayram", "Shum bola", R.Abdullayev's "Frescoes", A.Otegenov's "Road", "Khojeli Akshami", "Road to my dream", "Kara Jorga", "Hope from the island", J.Charshemov's "Dutor sozi", "Shabiz", A.Safarov's White Palace ", A.Abdusattorov's" Streets "piano variation and others are among such works.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 PP-5847 "On the Concept of Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" In order to reform, raise the process of training modern, highly qualified personnel to a new level, modernize the higher education system, develop the social sphere and the economy of the republic on the basis of advanced educational technologies, all higher education institutions stage is being transferred to the credit-module system.
It is known that under the new education system, 60% of the total student workload is spent on independent study. With the above in mind, a well-chosen repertoire develops students' musical thinking and encourages independent learning and creative exploration.
This means that in the formation of the student performance program, the educator must take a serious approach and prepare the works in advance as a project for each student. In this case, the performance program given to a student with certain
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knowledge and skills should serve the purpose of further development of his abilities and competence. To do this, the correct distribution of the sequence of requirements for the science, the step-by-step principle should prevail (8. p. 74).
In conclusion, it is important for the teacher to plan the transition from simple to complex in the formation of the student performance program. After all, if every educator approaches his duties responsibly, he will be able to fulfill his duties with honor in training students to be independent-minded, knowledgeable, talented and qualified personnel.
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