Научная статья на тему 'The impact of steroid nature compounds on the mutual connection level of overall indicators of winter wheat'

The impact of steroid nature compounds on the mutual connection level of overall indicators of winter wheat Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Ismoilova Karomatkhon Mahmudjonovna

It was investigated the impact of monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (MASGA), Uchkun, Retkil on growth of winter wheat in weak and middle salinized soil. It was determined that low concentration of specimens affects positively to winter wheat and reduces the degree of correlative connection of overall indicators of plants at the effect of external environment stress factors.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The impact of steroid nature compounds on the mutual connection level of overall indicators of winter wheat»

Ismoilova Karomatkhon Mahmudjonovna, Gulistan State University E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract: it was investigated the impact of monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (MASGA), Uchkun, Retkil on growth of winter wheat in weak and middle salinized soil. It was determined that low concentration of specimens affects positively to winter wheat and reduces the degree of correlative connection of overall indicators of plants at the effect of external environment stress factors.

Keywords: monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid, wheat, Uchkun, correlation, salinized soil, fertility.

Introduction. Nowadays there are a large number of chemicals (stimulators, herbicides, retardants and others) used or experimented in agriculture throughout the world, their degree of impact to plants (genotypes) is considered to be one of the actual questions of present day.

Today the scientists who carry out investigation throughout the world are considering to be prior the idea of implementing natural banding depending on the impact management of exogene factors on the growth of plants. For this reason, the impact of steroid nature compounds on growth of autumn wheat is widely studied. The impact of physiologically active substances on the growth and development on plants has been investigated by researchers [1; 2; 3; 4]. Nevertheless, such investigations were rarely held with grain plants at the climate of soil inclined to salinity. The goal of holding the investigation is to determine the impact of steroid nature compounds on the mutual connection level of overall indicators of winter wheat breeds.

Methods and objects of the investigation

The object of the investigation is the breeds of wheat Dustlik, Chillaki, Vostorg, Tanya, Boyovut-1 and monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid, Uchkun, Retkil specimens. The observations were carried out as an experiment in the field of in weak and middle salinized soil. All the phenological observations and calculations were compiled on the basis of the methodological recommendations developed by UzCSRI [5]. In order to calculate the coefficients of correlation (r), determination (r2) and variation (cv, %) the program of statistics SPSS-14 was used. In order to define the determination

of indicators Rch, Rm formulae were used and to define the


distance between them d = 1-r formula was used [6]. Results and discussions

Fertility is considered as one of the important indicators of assessing and choosing agricultural plants. At the same time fertility is counted as one of the most complicated and poly-genic indicators. Its complicity is explained with the dependence on external and hereditary factors. The degree of soil salinity is one of the factors that affects fertility. As it is noted

in scientific sources in the condition of highly salinized soil fertility is less for 70-80 percent. One of the factors affecting fertility is biological specifications of breeds. This information is reflected in the table below. The fertility of Chillaki breed in weak salinized condition is 50.1 c/ha, and with the impact of steroid nature compounds is 54.5 c/ha, Retkil-52.7 c/ha, MASGA-54.6 c/ha and TGA 0.5%: MASGA with the impact of 10-6- 55.1 c/ha. These data shows that fertility is for 5 c/ha more with the impact of steroid nature compounds. The results of calculations showed that little real difference (LRD) is 1.10 c/ha. We shall remind that if the difference between the variants is more than 1.10, this difference is considered real. The same results were noted with other breeds of autumn wheat. So with the influence of steroid nature compounds fertility of winter wheat breeds increased.

In middle salinized soil condition fertility was on average 45.4 c/ha and it was achieved to get additional 2-4.3 c/ha harvest with the impact of steroid nature compounds.

Obtained results showed that with the help of steroid nature compounds in salinized soil conditions on average 4-5.5 c/ha additional harvest of autumn wheat was taken.

The results of the investigation showed that the impact of steroid nature compounds on growth and development of autumn wheat breeds is different. It depends on the specifications of steroid nature compounds and it was noted that TGA (0.5%): MASGA (10-6 M) compounds of them are the most effective compounds. For this reason the impact of this compound on fertility, harvest elements of autumn wheat breeds has been analyzed more deeply (Table 2). According to the information from the table in weak salinized soil (in observation) the number of bushing was 2.56 pcs, and with the impact of steroid nature compounds ((0.5%) of TGA, 10-6 M of MASGA) this indicator will be 3.64 pcs. It is seen from these data steroid nature compounds affected autumn wheat breeds positively and it was known that the number of bushes became more for 1.08 pcs. In its turn, this caused to increase the amount of fertility and harvest elements. As the result in highly salinized soil in observation the harvest was

on average 51.05 c/ha, but with the impact of steroid nature observation it was determined that the harvest was more for compounds the indicator was 56.17 c/ha, in comparison with 5.12 c/ha.

Table 1.- The impact of monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid (10-5M), TGA(0.5%): MASGA(10-6M) Uchkun (0.01%), Retkil (0.01%) specimens on growth of winter wheat

Experimental variants (breeds) Fertility, c/ha / at ditional harvest as regards observation

Chil-laki additional harvest Dustlik additional harvest Vostorg additional harvest Tanya additional harvest Boyovut -1-1 additional harvest

Weak salinized

Observation 50.1 - 52.4 - 49.2 - 50.0 - 53.5 -

Uchkun 54.5 4.4 57.6 5.2 53.8 4.6 54.1 4.1 57.9 4.4

Retkil 52.7 2.6 55.7 3.3 51.9 2.7 52.5 2.5 56.7 3.2

MASGA10-6M 54.6 4.5 57.4 5.0 53.7 4.5 54.6 4.6 57.7 4.2

TGA(0.5%): MASGA(10-6M) 55.1 5.0 57.9 5.5 54.3 5.1 54.9 4.9 58.6 5.1


Middle salinized

Observation 45.4 - 47.8 - 44.2 - 44.0 - 46.4 -

Uchkun 49.6 4.2 52.3 4.5 48.8 4.6 48.0 4.0 50.8 4.4

Retkil 47.4 2.0 50.6 2.8 46.9 2.7 47.1 3.1 49.4 3.0

MASGA(10-6M) 49.1 3.7 52.1 4.3 48.7 4.5 48.5 4.5 50.3 3.9

TGA(0.5%): MASGA(10-6M) 49.7 4.3 52.4 4.6 48.8 4.6 48.2 4.2 50.9 4.5

LAD0.5 = 114

In middle salinized soil in observation, bushing was on average 2.22 pcs, but with the impact of steroid nature compounds, the indicator was 3.08 pcs. Fertility in observation was 45.56 c/ha, but with the impact of steroid nature compounds the indicator was 49.96 c/ha. So with the impact of steroid nature compounds in the condition of middle sali-nized soil additional harvest was 4.4 c/ha.

At this point, it should be underlined that in observation the weight of the head and a grain in the head was 0.89 g. but in the solution of steroid nature compounds the weight was 0.62 g. the same result was registered in the fields of middle salinized soil. Registering of this condition is natural. Because with the impact of steroid nature compounds the number of

bushing, particularly the number of heads is a lot. It is known that increasing the number of heads leads to decreasing of its weight. For this reason because of the increase of the number of plant the weight of its head and grain is less.

The salinity degree of soil influences the length of the head of a plant. In weak salinized soil condition (in observation) the length of a head is 9.18 cm, in middle salinized soil condition this indicator if 8.82 cm. so soil salinity brings to the situation that the head of a plant is shorter for 0.36 cm. When plants were processed with steroid nature compounds in the condition of weak salinized soil the height was 9.77 cm, in middle salinized soil the height was 9.32 cm. This shows that with the impact of steroid nature compound the head was longer for 0.45 cm.

Table 2.- The impact of the degree of soil salinity TGA (0.5%): MASGA (10-6M) on the harvest elements of winter wheat (Mean value by types)

Statistic indicators Bushing Length of a bush. cm Weight of a bush. g Weight of a grain in a head. g Growth degree. % Fertility. c/ha

In weak salinized soil condition (observation)

Mean value 2.56 ± 0.06 9.18 ± 0.11 0.89 ± 0.03 0.61 ± 0.02 66.60 ± 0.41 51.05 ± 0.39

In weak salinized soil condition 0.5% solution of TGA

Mean value 3.64 ± 0.07 9.77 ± 0.16 0.62 ± 0.02 0.39 ± 0.01 78.81 ± 0.53 56.17 ± 0.34

In middle salinized soil condition (observation)

Mean value 2.22 ± 0.06 8.82 ± 0.12 1.04 ± 0.03 0.71 ± 0.02 60.03 ±0.82 45.56±0.29

In middle salinized soil condition 0.5% solution of TGA

Mean value 3.08 ± 0.06 9.32 ± 0.14 0.68 ± 0.02 0.46 ± 0.01 69.82± 0.81 49.96 ±0.33

Figure 1. The impact of steroid nature compounds on the degree of correlative connections among quantitative indicators of autumn wheat

Note: Numbers mean indicators, here 1 - Bushing, 2 - head length, cm 3 - weight of a head, g 4 - weight of a grain in a head, g 5 - Growth,%; 6 - Fertility, c/ha; r < 0.3: r = 0.3-0.5: r > 0.7 r = -0.3-0.5

For the last years introduction of modern informational technologies gives an opportunity to implement modern statistic methods in biologic research. The most important is the opportunities of completing complicated calculations with high quality and very quickly. As the result it was determined the degree and structure correlative connection among quantitative indicators of organism. It became known that in unfavourable condition the degree of correlative connections among quantitative indicators of an organism increases [7; 8; 9; 10]. Our presentation reflects this situation. It was determined that in weak salinized condition (in observation)

degree of correlative connections among investigated quantitative indicators increased. In this situation average determination (determination is square of correlative coefficient and determines limitation of delimit of quantitative indicators) coefficient is 0.11 and with the impact of steroid nature compounds this indicator is -0.03. As it is seen when nature compounds are implemented, the degree of mutual correlative connections among indicators is low. This means that steroid nature compounds impacts the growth and development of autumn wheat positively and grants favourable condition. This makes the degree of mutual correlative connections among indica-

tors lower. Weak correlative connection between bushing (l) (numbers and indicators, the lines between them mean the degree of correlative connections) and head length (2) was determined. Here correlation coefficient is less than 0.3. Converse correlation among bushing (l) and weight of head (3) and weight of a grain in a head (4) was registered. This increase of bushing number causes the increase the quantity of head and it caused that the weight of a grain is little. For this reason, there was registered converse correlation among these indicators. It was registered strong correlation between weight of a head (3) and weight of a grain in a head (4). Registering of this condition is natural. If the quantity of grain is a lot, weight of a head increases. We have already mentioned that in weak salinized soil condition with the impact of steroid nature compounds the degree of correlative connections among indicators is little. According to the data in the table one can see that fertility (6) mostly depends on weight of a grain in a head (4) and head length (2). There was registered weak correlative connection among these indicators. In observation middle correlative connection between the number of bushing (l) and weight of a grain in a head (4), but with the impact of steroid nature compounds weak correlation was registered.

In middle salinized soil it was registered strong converse correlative connection between head length (2) and fertility (6). In middle salinized soil condition it was registered that fertility (6) depends on growth (5) and growth (5) depends on weight of a grain in a head (4).

In accordance with the obtained results, it should be noted that in salinized soil condition the degree of determination

of winter wheat quantity indicators increased. This indicator is 0.8-0.11 in salinized soil, but with the impact of steroid nature compounds equals to 0.03-0.04. As for this information soil salinity was negative impact on growth and development of a plant. As the result, it caused to increase the degree of correlative connections among quantitative connections of autumn wheat breeds. In its turn, the impact of steroid nature compounds made favourable condition for growth and development of autumn wheat breeds in salinized soil conditions. This brought out decreasing the degree of correlative connections among quantitative connections of winter wheat.


The following conclusion could be made in accordance with the results of the research:

1. Steroid nature compounds impacts the fertility and harvest elements of autumn wheat breeds. In weak salinized soil condition the harvest of autumn wheat breeds was more for 5.12 c/ha in comparison with observation, and in middle salinized soil condition for 4.40 c/ha correspondingly.

2. It was registered that TGA (0.5%): MASGA(10-6M) solution of steroid nature compounds has positive impact on winter wheat breeds.

3. Steroid nature compounds impacts the degree of correlative connections among quantitative indicators of winter wheat breeds. It was determined that with the impact of TGA (0.5%): MASGA(10-6M) solution the of correlative connections among quantitative indicators of winter wheat breeds decreased. This indicates that this solution has positive impact on the growth and development of wheat breeds.


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