THE IMPACT OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING ON PUPILS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
teamwork / methodological strategy / elementary school / project / motivation.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Samira Gafu Qizi Isakulova, Ezoza Ismatovna Khazratkulova

With the development of science and technology, Problem-based Learning (PBL) has gradually attracted people's attention, which has become an important issue about how to enable students to develop more. This paper mainly analyzes the previous studies to illustrate the different effects of PBL model education on students, especially when being compared with traditional model education methods. This paper not only examines the effects of PBL, but also the underlying reasons of these effects. Results show that PBL positively impacts students compared with traditional education. Also, it can improve students' active thinking, hands-on, and teamwork cooperative ability. These positive effects can help students adapt to future work and project learning. Meanwhile, the reason for these positive effects is the change in PBL and traditional teaching methods.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Samira Gafu qizi Isakulova

Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University [email protected] Scientific adviser: Ezoza Ismatovna Khazratkulova

[email protected]


With the development of science and technology, Problem-based Learning (PBL) has gradually attracted people's attention, which has become an important issue about how to enable students to develop more. This paper mainly analyzes the previous studies to illustrate the different effects of PBL model education on students, especially when being compared with traditional model education methods. This paper not only examines the effects of PBL, but also the underlying reasons of these effects. Results show that PBL positively impacts students compared with traditional education. Also, it can improve students' active thinking, hands-on, and teamwork cooperative ability. These positive effects can help students adapt to future work and project learning. Meanwhile, the reason for these positive effects is the change in PBL and traditional teaching methods.

Keywords: teamwork, methodological strategy, elementary school, project, motivation.


Ilm-fan va texnologiyaning rivojlanishi bilan muammoli ta'lim (PBL) asta-sekin odamlaming e'tiborini tortdi, bu esa o'quvchilarning ko'proq rivojlanishiga im-kon berish haqidagi muhim masalaga aylandi. Ushbu maqola asosan PBL modeli ta'limining talabalarga turli ta'sirini ko'rsatish uchun oldingi tadqiqotlarni tahlil qiladi, ayniqsa an'anaviy model ta'lim usullari bilan solishtirganda. Ushbu maqola nafaqat PBL ta'sirini, balki ushbu ta'sirlarning asosiy sabablarini ham o'rganadi. Natijalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, PBL an'anaviy ta'lim bilan solishtirganda talabalarga ijobiy ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Shuningdek, u talabalarning faol fikrlash, amaliy va jamoaviy hamkorlik qobiliyatini oshirishi mumkin. Ushbu ijobiy ta'sirlar talabalarga kelajakdagi ishlar va loyihalarni o'rganishga moslashishga yordam beradi. Ayni paytda, bu ijobiy ta'sirlarning sababi PBL va an'anaviy o'qitish usullarining o'zgarishidir.

Kalit so'zlar: jamoaviy ish, uslubiy strategiya, boshlang'ich maktab, loyiha, motivatsiya.

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



С развитием науки и техники проблемное обучение (PBL) постепенно привлекло внимание людей, что стало важным вопросом, позволяющим учащимся развиваться дальше. В этой статье в основном анализируются предыдущие исследования, чтобы показать различное влияние обучения по модели PBL на учащихся, особенно по сравнению с традиционными методами модельного обучения. В данной статье рассматриваются не только эффекты PBL, но и основные причины этих эффектов. Результаты показывают, что ПОО оказывает положительное влияние на учащихся по сравнению с традиционным образованием. Это также может улучшить активное мышление, практические навыки и навыки командной работы учащихся. Эти положительные эффекты помогают студентам адаптироваться к изучению будущих профессий и проектов. Между тем, причиной таких положительных эффектов является изменение ПОО и традиционных методов обучения.

Ключевые слова: командная работа, методическая стратегия, начальная школа, проект, мотивация.


Project-based learning (PBL) is a challenging, creative, achievable, supported, long-term project in which a student, a group of students, or an entire class engages in an activity. Project-based learning is a methodological strategy. Teachers perform a series of tasks based on solving questions or problems. Project-based learning is an effective and interesting way of learning. There are studentsthey acquire the competencies necessary for success in their lives. One of the most successful case studies of project-based learning (PBL) is the High Tech High school chain in San Diego, California. Founded in 2000 by Larry Rosenstock, High Tech High has become a popular model for implementing PBL. Schools in this network prioritize student-led, interdisciplinary projects that solve real-world problems. Project-based learning is a new trend in education, and we can't deny that it's effective. The understanding among various disciplines is relatively independent. PBL is to guide students to independent thinking so that students can integrate and apply knowledge of multiple subjects. To sum up, PBL is an education model based on projects. Compared with traditional education, PBL pays more attention to students instead of teachers. At the same time, PBL is more accessible for students to think actively and try their best to connect and use all their knowledge. This type of teaching is based primarily on the fact that the

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


student controls what he learns and, above all, that motivation does not decrease throughout the process. A student's eagerness to learn a subject makes him a learner of new knowledge.

For a project to be compatible with PBL, it must have 5 things:

Challenging: The project must require real thought to solve the problem.

creative: The project must have an open question with no. one correct answer. Students should be free (and encouraged) to express creativity and individuality in their projects.

Achievable: The project should be completed using what students should know from your class.

Supported: The project needs feedback on your way. There should be milestones for the project and you should use them to see and advise on what stage the project is at.Long duration: The project should be of sufficient complexity that it lasts for a reasonable period of time: from a few classes to an entire semester.

Teamwork Cooperative Ability Another essential impact of PBL on students is to develop students' teamwork cooperative ability. Since traditional education usually learns knowledge by reciting memory, it is difficult for students to

get the opportunity to exercise cooperation and communication skills. To a certain extent, this will result in students lacking the ability to work with others. From another perspective, in PBL, students will get more opportunities to try to cooperate with others. In the process of cooperation, students' teamwork cooperative ability will be exercised.

Purpose of the Study.

Why project-based learning?

1 .It seriously works

If you think about it, you'll realize that you've been doing project-based learning your whole life.

Learning to walk is a project like making friends in elementary school, cooking your first meal, and figuring out what the hell it is.

In the meantime, if you can walk, have friends, cook obscure food, and know advanced principles of economics, you can thank your PBL for getting you there.

2. It's interesting.

Many of the reasons for these positive results are that children actively enjoy learning through PBL. It is impossible to force students to be interested in memorizing information in order to repeat it in the exam. Give them something fun and the motivation will take care of itself.

One of the advantages of project-based teaching is the interdisciplinary bal-

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti


Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

ance, and one project can have several solutions within different disciplines. Students mu-freely choose their own strategies and approaches in solving problems, it affects their broad outlook. Project-based learning is an effective and interesting way of learning. Competencies necessary for students to be successful in their lives they take their tensions deeper. A learner in project-based learning will be active rather than passive, the project will attract their hearts and minds and encourages finding solutions to real-life problems for the niche. Conclusion.

In my opinion, such educational projects are different educational institutions for development and growth based on network forms of interaction between potential, because they are directly involved in the process of forming the international educational space affects, develops the level of global education and education to our universities to join the world market of services and compete successfully in it to help. This paper mainly provides a reference for other research on why PBL is superior to traditional education models and what impact PBL has on students. In addition, this paper helps provide ideas for more research on the advantages of PBL. However, this article also has limitations. It is mentioned in the report that some students may, for some reasons, such as wanting to work independently, not suitable for the existing PBL teaching method. In response to this question,research on PBL can focus on how to design PBL courses that can broadly help various levels of learning.


1. Lucas Education Research. (2017). Inquiry-based learning. Retrieved from http://www.lucasedresearch.org/


3. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7loyihaga-asoslangan-ta-lim

4. Ching, Y.-H., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2013). Peer feedback to facilitate project-based learning in an online

environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,


April 23-24, 2024

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