№10(127)_m ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ_октябрь. 2024 г.
DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2024.127.10.18321
Nargiza Narkabulova
Associated professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: Nargiza.narkabulova@gmail.com
Ulugbek Abduganiev
Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Наркабулова Наргиза Чоршаммиевна
Ташкентский государственный аграрный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Улугбек Абдуганиев
Ташкентский государственный аграрный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
This article describes the findings of a study conducted to investigate the effect of the mineral fertilizer standard on the biochemical content of the bunch of technical types of grapes. White grape varieties such as Bayan Shirey, Muscat Vengersky, Risling, Rkasiteli, and Kuldzhinsky, as well as black technical varieties such as Saperavi, Rangdor, Tavkveri, Aleatiko, and Kaberne Savinon, were used in the study. The cultivar vines were fed with N160P80K30, N180P100K40 (control), N200P120K50 and N220P140K60. Vine bushes have a canes of 80 buds, according to common recommendations. At the same time, the highest sugar content and total acidity were determined in the experimental version, fed in the norm N200P120K50.
В данной статье приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния норм внесения минеральных удобрений на биохимический состав ягод технических сортов винограда. В качестве объекта исследований служили бело ягодные технические сорта винограда Баян Ширей, Мускат Венгерский, Рислинг, Ркацители, Кульджинский и сорта с окрашенной ягодой Саперави, Рангдор, Тавквери, Алеатико и Каберне Савиньон. Виноградники изученных сортов подкармливали из расчета N160P80K30, N180P100K40 (контроль), N200P120K50 и N220P140K60. Нагрузка кустов глазками по общепринятым рекомендациям составляет 80 глазков. При этом наибольшая сахаристость и кислотность ягод определена в опытном варианте подкормки из расчета N200P120K50.
Keywords: Vine, technical varieties of grape, fertilizer norm, nutrition, leave, biochemical composition, berry.
Ключевые слова: виноград, технический сорт, норма внесения удобрений, подкормка, нагрузка кустов, биохимический состав, ягода.
The quality of grape products is directly proportional to the biological composition and technological qualities of the grape berries. From a technological standpoint, having detailed information about the chemical
composition of each technical grape type pulp introduced into processing allows for proper organization of the subsequent steps of processing and lays the groundwork for producing high-quality wine [1; 6]. Sugar and organic acids play a key role in the chemical composition of berries. The sugar level of the pulp is determined
Библиографическое описание: Narkabulova N., Abduganiev U. THE IMPACT OF MINERAL FERTILIZER LEVELS ON THE BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF GRAPE VARIETIES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 10(127). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/18321
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by weather and soil conditions, cultivation method, care, grape variety, and degree of maturity, and can range from 12% to 30% [2; 5]. Data on the biochemical composition of the berries of technical grape varieties and the quality of the product obtained from them, the kind of soil in which this grape is cultivated, and the amount of nutrient elements in it. Scientists' study results [3] include V.S. Petrov, T.I. Guguchkina, G.Yu. Aleynikova, and others. Grape products such as wine and juices from natural grass-suppressed vines received the greatest organoleptic assessment among Vidvijenes and Bianca varieties. Because such soils are extremely high in both mineral nutrients and organic stuff. It is important to remember that these suggestions are meant for CIS and European countries. They might not work as intended when directly applied to the unique soil and climate of the Uzbekistan Republic. Taking this into account, we conducted a study to establish the influence of mineral nutrition on the quality of a pile of technological grape varietals under various norms.
Materials and methods
The study used white grape varieties such as Bayan Shirey, Hungarian Muscat, Riesling, Rkatsiteli, and
Kuldzhinsky, as well as colored berry varietals Saperavi, Rangdor, Tavkveri, Aleatico, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The vine's planting pattern is 3 x 4 meters. The vines tested were fed at the following rates: N160P80K30, N180P100K40 (control), N200P120K50 and N220P140K60. According to common recommendations, vine bushes have an 80-bud load. When using mineral nutrition criteria, K.A. Serpukhovitina et al. [4] were consulted. The soluble dry matter in berry juice was determined using a Master-50H portable refractometer (Brix 0.0-50.0%; Atago Co., Tokyo, Japan) and expressed in degrees °Bx.
The level of mineral nutrition had a substantial impact on the chemical makeup of the pulp of technical grape types. In this respect, the experimental examples with the highest concentration of soluble solids in berry juice were fed the amount of the examined variety vines N200P120K50. The experimental example, in which the vines were fed in the N220P140K60 quantity, was additionally shown to collect more soluble solids than both controls, but significantly less than the experimental example stated above (Table 1).
Table 1.
Effect of mineral nutrition on the chemical composition of grape juice from white technical varietals, 2021-2023 yy
Cane pruning length, buds Total soluble solids (TSS), °Bx Total acidity, g/l
Bayan Shirey Hungarian Muscat Riesling Rkatsiteli Kul-dzhinsky Bayan Shirey Hungarian Muscat Riesling Rkatsiteli Kul dzhinsky
Not fertilised -absolut/ control 14,1 15,0 15,0 14,9 15,1 5,9 5,1 7,3 7,9 6,1
N160P80K30 15,2 16,0 16,3 16,7 15,9 6,3 5,3 9,2 9,0 7,5
N180P100K40 -control 16,3 18,9 18,0 17,2 16,4 6,6 5,4 10,1 9,5 8,1
N200P120K50 17,8 18,5 18,4 17,8 17,1 6,7 5,5 10,4 9,8 8,1
N220P140K60 17,2 18,3 18,3 17,7 16,5 6,7 5,5 10,2 9,9 8,0
The table data demonstrates that the minimum number of soluble solids is not fertilized - the absolute control option was selected. The N160P80K30 norms fed, and the control (N180P100K40) example took the following two slots, respectively.
The same tendency in the number of soluble solids was seen in the influence of mineral nutrition on the acidity of grape technical varieties' juice and pulp. The maximum quantity of acidity was found in the experimental example, where the vines were fed in the norm of N200P120K50 and N220P140K60, and the lowest acidity was not fertilized - in the absolute control option and in the experimental option fed in the norm of N160P80K30. Mineral nutrition has had the same effect on the chemical composition of black and white grape varieties. In this situation, the experimental examples with vines fed
at N200P120K50 and N220P140K60 had the maximum number of soluble solids in grape juice when compared to both controls. The lowest number of soluble solids was determined in both the non-fertilized absolute control version and the experimental forms fed in the N160P80K30 norm (Table 2). Furthermore, even black grape varieties, mineral nutrition has had the same influence on fruit juice acidity as in white grape varieties. In this case, the experimental options in which the vines were fed in normal amounts N200P120K50 and N220P140K60 determined the highest amount of grape juice acidity in comparison to both controls, and the lowest acidity was not fertilized - in the absolute control option and in the experimental option fed in the norm
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Table 2.
Effect of mineral nutrition on the chemical composition of grape juice from black technical varietals, 2021-2023 yy
Cane pruning length, buds Total soluble solids (TSS), °Bx Total acidity, g/l
Saperavi Rangdor Tavkveri Aleatico Cabernet Sauvignon Saperavi Rangdor Tavkveri Aleatico Cabernet Sauvignon
Not fertilised -absolut/ control 17,3 19,1 16,2 17,8 15,9 5,5 5,0 5,1 5,0 7,3
N160P80K30 20,1 23,2 20,0 21,8 18,7 6,5 5,9 5,6 5,0 9,1
N180P100K40 -control 23,2 25,0 22,1 24,3 20,6 7,0 6,1 6,0 5,3 9,6
N200P120K50 25,5 27,1 23,4 26,8 22,5 7,5 6,3 6,2 5,6 10,5
N220P140K60 25,3 27,1 23,2 26,5 22,1 7,5 6,2 6,0 5,5 10,0
Overall, the chemical composition of the pulp of technical grape cultivars is greatly impacted by mineral nutrition standards. In this example, the experimental
version fed had the highest sugar content and overall acidity in the norm N200P120K50.
When the normal amount of mineral feeding is raised or decreased, the sugar content and overall acidity of the berries juice decrease substantially.
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