Научная статья на тему 'The impact of economic crisis on personnel management'

The impact of economic crisis on personnel management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nurgali Aldiyar Gabituly

Intensive economic growth, rapid development of business activity, favorable external economic environment, growth of welfare of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan open to enterprises new opportunities, but at the same time requires new great demands. For the enterprises of large and medium business introduction of a system of personnel management can become an important step in the way of realization of the purposes of the republic. Construction of effective system of personnel management allows to improve a control system of the enterprise at all levels and to increase efficiency of its activity.

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Интенсивный экономический рост, быстрое развитие деловой активности, благоприятная внешнеэкономическая конъюнктура, рост благосостояния населения Республики Казахстан открывают перед предприятиями новые возможности, но в то же время создают новые большие потребности. Для предприятий крупного и среднего бизнеса внедрение системы управления персоналом может стать важным шагом на пути реализации целей республики. Построение эффективной системы управления персоналом позволяет улучшить систему управления предприятием на всех уровнях и повысить эффективность его деятельности.

Текст научной работы на тему «The impact of economic crisis on personnel management»

Список литературы на английском языке /References in English

1. Voloshin D.A. Strategic management accounting // Economic analysis: theory and practice, 2015. № 16. 5 c.

2. Ivanov V. V. Formation of the system of management accounting on the basis of process management methods of companies / V.V. Ivanov, P.V. Bogachenko, O.K. Khan // Management accounting, 2015. № 1. 254 c.

3. Ivanov C.B. Management accounting as a necessary tool for managing a modern enterprise. [Electronic resource]. URL: http: // www. Gaap. En/ (date of access: 13.04.2017).

4. Bukan J., Koenigsberg E. Scientific management of stocks / trans. With the English. Moscow: Nauka, 1967. 188 c.

5. Zhuravlev A.A. A new approach to budgeting at metallurgical enterprises // Audit and economic analysis: Tools, methods, perspectives: Materials of the interuniversity scientific conference of students and graduate students. Novosibirsk, 2016. 34 с.

6. Kalnitskaya I. V. Modeling of financial condition and its role in enterprise management // Economic analysis: theory and practice, 2008. № 21 (126). November. 4 c.

7. Economic analysis: a textbook for universities / ed. L.T. Giryalevskaya. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2015. 302 с.

8. St. George's L.V. Management accounting of costs in industrial enterprises: a textbook / L.V. Yurieva, E.V. Dolzhenkova, M.A. Kazakova. Ekaterinburg, 2015. 224 s.


MANAGEMENT Nurgali A.G. (Republic of Kazakhstan) Email: [email protected]


Abstract: intensive economic growth, rapid development of business activity, favorable external economic environment, growth of welfare of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan open to enterprises new opportunities, but at the same time requires new great demands. For the enterprises of large and medium business introduction of a system of personnel management can become an important step in the way of realization of the purposes of the republic. Construction of effective system ofpersonnel management allows to improve a control system of the enterprise at all levels and to increase efficiency of its activity. Keywords: personnel management, motivation, salary.


ПЕРСОНАЛОМ Нургали А.Г. (Республика Казахстан)

Нургали Алдияр Габитулы - магистрант, факультет менеджмента, Алматы Менеджмент Университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: интенсивный экономический рост, быстрое развитие деловой активности, благоприятная внешнеэкономическая конъюнктура, рост благосостояния населения Республики Казахстан открывают перед предприятиями новые возможности, но в то

же время создают новые большие потребности. Для предприятий крупного и среднего бизнеса внедрение системы управления персоналом может стать важным шагом на пути реализации целей республики. Построение эффективной системы управления персоналом позволяет улучшить систему управления предприятием на всех уровнях и повысить эффективность его деятельности. Ключевые слова: управление персоналом, мотивация, зарплата.

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev set the task of entry of Kazakhstan into number 50 of the most competitive countries of the world. According to the President, Kazakhstan can become economic and financial center of Central Asia. Achievement of this purpose is impossible without system and purposeful work of the enterprises of Kazakhstan on increase of personnel management and return from activity of the personnel. Performance improvement and the role of personnel management is an increasingly popular topic. Business pressures are ever-increasing and organizations are now required to become even more effective and efficient, execute better on business strategy, and do more with less in order to remain competitive.

In modern conditions one of important bases of long-term advantages of the company is made by human resources, that is people, their labor morals, knowledge, skills and abilities, high qualification and aspiration to realization of goals, system of valuable orientations. Today's interests of organizational management are concentrated on rational use of the personnel. The new level of development of corporate management is reached by personnel management.

Efficiency and quality of personnel management of employees in the conditions of market economy in Kazakhstan get more and more importance as a factor of development and competitiveness of the enterprise. Experience of the developed countries showed economic advantages of use of organizing, creative and intellectual potential of workers and employees. According to universities of Western Europe in such countries as the USA, France, Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Italy and Singapore the human resource is used by more than 70% enterprises. In Spain, Australia, Japan, Canada, the Czech Republic-no more than for 50% enterprises. The group with a low indicator (about 25%) of use of human resources includes Russia, Mongolia, Ukraine, China, Poland and Mexico. Despite the considerable achievements concerning methodology and methodical work in the field of personnel management of employees in the majority of the Kazakh organizations of small and medium business separation and discrepancy in performance of the main personnel functions is observed [1].

Personnel management continues to remain the weakest link in system of the enterprise. Heads concentrate their main attention on production management, finance, marketing while improvement of the major sphere-management of human resources- is still underestimated.

The most difficult moment in a crisis situation for the enterprise is the loss of qualified personnel without which it is impossible to overcome crisis. Deduction of key employees becomes one of the main objectives of management at a crisis stage. However most heads of Kazakh enterprises pay attention to production management, marketing, finance, but they don't improve the system of motivation of personnel.

The problem is that in the conditions of surrounding instability and numerous dismissals of employees in all areas of economy the employees have been demotivated. So, the number of the unemployed in our country by December 2016 has made 5.1%.

The material reward has crucial importance in a labor motivation, and it's not only compensates the time, energy, intelligence which are spent by the worker in case of achievement of the objectives of the organization, but it shows weather the employee is appreciated and valued by the organization or not [2].

In the conditions of crisis the internal motivation of employees undergoes essential changes. The fear of dismissal or curtail of salary are the main problems for the employees. In this case the material stimulation of employees shall be built on the following principles:

1. In case of curtail of fixed part of the salary there should be a chance to earn money by variable parts such as achievement of certain necessary goals of the company, for example achievement of KPIs. Today more and more organizations pay salaries not for labor but for results. It is connected to the fact that the objectives reached by the workers motivate them to improve the quantitative and quality indicators of performance [3].

2. To make every employee know their duties and responsibilities that are connected to the main objectives and goals of the company.

3. To explain to employees how their salaries are formed, they have to know how specifically they are paid for their work. They have to know precisely: they should follow some conditions to get a bonus, an award; how the salary is calculated; in what terms payments will be made.

It is the fact that if the administration notices each manifestation of activity of workers and it encourages them, the activity of workers increases, they work more effectively, and the organization gets bigger profit. At the same time the system of material stimulation has to be favorable to both- the company and the employee [3].

4. To regulate and control the achievement of goals, it could be done by conducting reports or general meetings, etc.

In general the system of material stimulation has to stimulate employees on performance of the objects set by the management of the company.

Also psychological rules of effective motivation are rather known: the respect of the personality, sincerity, feedback, opportunities for growth, encouragement of group work and cooperation, not personal nature of punishments, the differentiated approach, etc. The choice of tools and rules in many respects is defined by organizational culture of the company, its size, the nature of business, a stage of life cycle [4].

Activity and energy of the head, creation and maintenance of fighting spirit of team during crisis are the major conditions for implementation of successful crisis management. Energy of fight for business, optimism, belief and consolidation is 30% of success, and it is possible, and it is more. Whether there will be people next to the leaders, or will they show loyalty and devotion to business, or they will keep belief in success - depends on what management style will be chosen as the operating.

References in English / Список литературы на английском языке

1. The capital. Business Information Center. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://kapital.kz/economic/47824/kolichestvo-bezrabotnyh-v-kazahstane-rastet.html/ (date of access: 30.03.2017).

2. Hiring The Best People. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://hiringthebestpeople.com/7waysmotivate.html/ (date of access: 02.04.2017).

3. The Business Research Lab. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.busreslab.com/index.ph p/articles-and-stories/research-tips/employee-satisfaction/rewards-recognition-motivation-and-turnover/ (date of access: 30.03.2017).

4. Reimar G.A., Ionov V.V., Soloviev N. Comprehensive assessment of staff. Personnel Management, 2012. № 7.

References / Список литературы

1. Капитал. Центр деловой информации. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://kapital.kz/economic/47824/kolichestvo-bezrabotnyh-v-kazahstane-rastet.html/ (дата обращения: 30.03.2017).

2. Hiring The Best People. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://hiringthebestpeople.com/7waysmotivate.html/ (дата обращения: 02.04.2017).

3. The Business Research Lab. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.busreslab.com/index.php/articles-and-stories/research-tips/employee-

satisfactionIrewards-recognition-motivation-and-turnoverI (дата обращения: 30.03.2017).

4. Reimar G.A., Ionov V.V., Soloviev N. Comprehensive assessment of staff. Personnel Management, 2012. № 7.


Nurgali Aldiyar Gabituly - Postgraduate;


Abstract: in modern conditions the performance management of employees is very important process. It includes setting the objectives for a year, supervision of employees and their performance, whether they achieve these goals or not, supervision of their production behavior, and also regular feedback to the workers if they do it well and if they need any improvements. Considering the current practice of use of performance management in the companies, it is possible to claim that the biggest problem with its realization are those purposes and tasks which company tries to solve with its help. Keywords: performance management, KPI, human resource management, appraisal.


ПЕРСОНАЛА Нургали А.Г. (Республика Казахстан)

Нургали Алдияр Габитулы - магистрант, факультет менеджмента, Алматы Менеджмент Университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: в современных условиях управление производительностью сотрудников является очень важным процессом. Оно включает в себя определение целей на год, надзор за сотрудниками и их результативностью, независимо от того, достигают ли они этих целей или нет, контроль за их производственным поведением, а также регулярную обратную связь с рабочими, определяя, делают ли они это хорошо или же нуждаются в каких-либо улучшениях. Учитывая существующую практику использования управления производительностью в компаниях, можно утверждать, что самой большой проблемой в ее реализации являются те цели и задачи, которые компания пытается решить с ее помощью.

Keywords: управление производительностью, КПЭ, управление человеческими ресурсами, оценка.

In the end of the year there is the formalized procedure of an appraisal when the head sums up the results of work of each subordinate in a year, estimating performance, production behavior, the worker's potential to growth or promotion with preservation of former level of a position and salary. The head holds personal meetings with each direct subordinate for discussion of concrete results of work and their marks, shows to the worker, in what area employee has to have more improvements and what s/he does well.

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