THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON EMPLOYEES BЕHAVIOR IN THE TIMES FOLLOWING THE OUTBREAK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
COVID-19 / Employee behavior / disease / Economic Outlook / pandemic. / COVID-19 / поведение сотрудников / болезнь / экономические прогнозы / пандемия

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sayed Murtaza Rabey Ibn Mir Ghulam Haidar

The purpose of this research paper is to examine Impact of COVID-19 on Employee behavior following the outbreak. The pandemic-related economic pause and lockdown differentially affected the employment opportunities of persons working in different sectors. Workers whose jobs could be performed remotely from home, such as teachers and customer support specialists, continued to work from their home office. Workers who provided essential services, such as health care professionals and grocery store clerks, continued their usual work routine. But job opportunities for many other workers outside these protected groups quickly evaporated. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus (CODIV-19) a pandemic. Which means a global disease outbreak threatening the whole planet.

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Цель данной исследовательской работы изучить влияние COVID-19 на поведение сотрудников после вспышки. Экономическая пауза и изоляция, связанные с пандемией, по-разному повлияли на возможности трудоустройства лиц, работающих в разных секторах. Сотрудники, чья работа могла выполняться удаленно из дома, например учителя и специалисты службы поддержки клиентов, продолжали работать из своего домашнего офиса. Работники, оказывавшие основные услуги, например медицинские работники и продавцы продуктовых магазинов, продолжали свой обычный рабочий распорядок. Но возможности трудоустройства для многих других работников за пределами этих защищенных групп быстро испарились. 11 марта 2020 года Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) объявила коронавирус (CODIV-19) пандемией. А это означает глобальную вспышку болезни, угрожающую всей планете.


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Sayed Murtaza Rabey ibn Mir Ghulam Haidar Second year economy master student of Termez state university Email: [email protected],

Abstract: The purpose of this research paper is to examine Impact of COVID-19 on Employee behavior following the outbreak. The pandemic-related economic pause and lockdown differentially affected the employment opportunities of persons working in different sectors. Workers whose jobs could be performed remotely from home, such as teachers and customer support specialists, continued to work from their home office. Workers who provided essential services, such as health care professionals and grocery store clerks, continued their usual work routine. But job opportunities for many other workers outside these protected groups quickly evaporated. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus (CODIV-19) a pandemic. Which means a global disease outbreak threatening the whole planet.

Keywords: COVID-19, Employee behavior, disease, Economic Outlook, pandemic.

Аннотация: Цель данной исследовательской работы - изучить влияние COVID-19 на поведение сотрудников после вспышки. Экономическая пауза и изоляция, связанные с пандемией, по-разному повлияли на возможности трудоустройства лиц, работающих в разных секторах. Сотрудники, чья работа могла выполняться удаленно из дома, например учителя и специалисты службы поддержки клиентов, продолжали работать из своего домашнего офиса. Работники, оказывавшие основные услуги, например медицинские работники и продавцы продуктовых магазинов, продолжали свой обычный рабочий распорядок. Но возможности трудоустройства для многих других работников за пределами этих защищенных групп быстро испарились. 11 марта 2020 года Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) объявила коронавирус (CODIV-19) пандемией. А это означает глобальную вспышку болезни, угрожающую всей планете.

Ключевые слова: COVID-19, поведение сотрудников, болезнь, экономические прогнозы, пандемия.

Annotatsiya: Ushbu tadqiqot ishining maqsadi COVID-19 ning kasallik tarqalishidan keyin xodimlarning xatti-harakatlariga ta'sirini o'rganishdir. Pandemiya bilan bog'liq iqtisodiy pauza va to'xtatilish turli sohalarda ishlaydigan odamlarni ish

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bilan ta'minlash imkoniyatlariga turlicha ta'sir ko'rsatdi. O'qituvchilar va mijozlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash bo'yicha mutaxassislar kabi ish joylari masofadan turib bajarilishi mumkin bo'lgan ishchilar o'zlarining uy ofislarida ishlashni davom ettirdilar. Sog'liqni saqlash sohasi mutaxassislari va oziq-ovqat do'konlari xizmatchilari kabi muhim xizmatlarni taqdim etgan ishchilar odatdagi ish tartiblarini davom ettirdilar. Ammo ushbu himoyalangan guruhlardan tashqarida bo'lgan boshqa ko'plab ishchilar uchun ish imkoniyatlari tezda bug'lanib ketdi. Jahon sog'liqni saqlash tashkiloti (JSST) 2020 yil 11 martda koronavirusni (CODIV-19) pandemiya deb e'lon qildi. Bu butun sayyoraga tahdid soladigan global kasallik avj olishini anglatadi.

Kalit so'zlar: COVID-19, Xodimlarning xulq-atvori, kasallik, Iqtisodiy nuqtai nazar, pandemiya.

CODIV-19 is an infectious disease caused by coronavirus. 'Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases| such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.' (WHO, 2020a). They are transmitted between animals and humans. They include fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties, tiredness with possible symptoms of aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea (WHO, 2020a)

The objective method of scientific knowledge was used in the research process. An objective analysis was made of the origin of the coronaverus and the fact that the verus, which has become a global problem, is becoming a global threat. In the course of covering this article, Alexander W., et al. "The scientific article entitled The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Outcomes and Expectations served as a source of logical consistency.

Coronavirus is a new virus which has been discovered with its outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Now, it has spread at a lightning speed to affect several countries. According to WHO (2020b), on March 31, 2020, this virus has reached 202 countries, areas or territories with 693,224 confirmed cases and 33,391 deaths. Many countries have demonstrated leadership by implementing emergency measures to prevent the infection spreading. In this context, schools and university, kindergartens, cinemas, museums, restaurants have been closed, public gatherings and events have been cancelled, people quarantined, travel restrictions, close borders and cancelled flights from and to countries with a high level of contamination (e.g. China,




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Italy, France, India, Spain, US, Canada...) Besides the negative impact on the individual, a pandemic can lead to sharp shocks to the worldwide economies and societies (MacIntyrea, 2020; Shigemura et al., 2020). According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) latest Interim Economic Outlook (2020), 'the coronavirus Covid-19 presents the global economy with its greatest danger since the financial crises. 'Even in the best-case scenario of limited outbreaks in countries outside China, a sharp slowdown in world growth is expected in the first half of 2020 as supply chains and commodities are hit, tourism drops and confidence falters. Global economic growth is seen falling to 2.4% for the whole year, compared to an already weak 2.9% in 2019' (OECD, 2020). This situation can have a negative impact on business sustainability and individual employment. In fact, this has triggered furloughs and layoffs (World Economic Forum, 2020). Employees, in this case, need to take care of themselves, of their families and to try to maintain their job position. What about their mental health in this context? Faced with this epidemiological catastrophe, individuals have presented anxiety-related behaviors, translated into a significant shortage of sanitizers, medical masks (Shigemura et al., 2020) and toilet paper (Corkery & Maheshwari, 2020). Which suggests that the coronavirus is not only a physical health's risk, but it also weighs heavily on the mental health of individuals. The best example is the tragically apparent suicide of a 37-year-old government worker, in Japan, who was responsible for looking after isolated returnees from Wuhan (China) (The Japan Times, 2020). In China, COVID-19 outbreak has led to tremendous psychological problems that have created an emerging serious challenge for mental health services in China (Li et al., 2020) Indeed, it seems that during a pandemic outbreak, especially in the case of an unknown new virus, individuals' mental health issues can sometimes be largely overlooked. The objectives of the present paper were twofold. First, to examine COVID-19 impact on employees' mental health in organizations. Secondarily, to evaluate the main organizational interventions, from human resource management perspective, which may mitigate this impact. As we write this paper, the coronavirus is spreading so fast. Considering its novelty, studies, which have investigated its impact on individuals' mental health, are sparse. In addition, there are few studies that have examined this epidemiological catastrophe from a managerial perspective.

This study makes two important contributions to the literature. Despite the numerous challenges in its implementation, the work-from-home model during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a revelation for employees and organizations. Mapping to the situational theory, work-from-home was an immediate response to the

Theoretical Background of Study

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pandemic. However, going forward, organizations will have to adapt themselves to the drastically changing ecosystem. Thus, our endings shed light on the organizational adaptation theory concerning the work-from-home model in the post-lockdown and pandemic-recovery situation. Organizations will have to react upon their current processes and redone functioning to react and conform to the changes happening in the societal context. The adaptation process would include taking cues from the general and economic conditions, the changing nature of employees' work, cinemas, museums, restaurants have been closed, public gatherings and events have been cancelled, people quarantined, travel restrictions, close borders and cancelled flights from and to countries with a high level of contamination (e.g. China, Italy, France, India, Spain, US, Canada...) Besides the negative impact on the individual, a pandemic can lead to sharp shocks to the worldwide economies and societies (MacIntyrea, 2020; Shigemura et al., 2020). According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) latest Interim Economic Outlook (2020), 'the coronavirus Covid-19 presents the global economy with its greatest danger since the financial crisis'. 'Even in the best-case scenario of limited outbreaks in countries outside China, a sharp slowdown in world growth is expected in the first half of 2020 as supply chains and commodities are hit, tourism drops and confidence falters. Global economic growth is seen falling to 2.4% for the whole year, compared to an already weak 2.9% in 2019' (OECD, 2020). This situation can have a negative impact on business sustainability and individual employment. In fact, this has triggered furloughs and layoffs (World Economic Forum, 2020). Employees, in this case, need to take care of themselves, of their families and to try to maintain their job position. What about their mental health in this context? Faced with this epidemiological catastrophe, individuals have presented anxiety-related behaviors, translated into a significant shortage of sanitizers, medical masks (Shigemura et al., 2020) and toilet paper (Corkery & Maheshwari, 2020). Which suggests that the coronavirus is not only a physical health's risk, but it also weighs heavily on the mental health of individuals. The best example is the tragically apparent suicide of a 37-year-old government worker, in Japan, who was responsible for looking after isolated returnees from Wuhan (China) (The Japan Times, 2020). In China, COVID-19 outbreak has led to tremendous psychological problems that have created an emerging serious challenge for mental health services in China (Li et al., 2020) Indeed, it seems that during a pandemic outbreak, especially in the case of an unknown new virus, individuals' mental health issues can sometimes be largely overlooked. The objectives of the present paper were twofold. First, to examine COVID-19 impact on employees' mental health in organizations. Secondarily, to evaluate the main organizational

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 3

educational, natural and social sciences O ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

interventions, from human resource management perspective, which may mitigate this impact. As we write this paper, the coronavirus is spreading so fast. Considering its novelty, studies, which have investigated its impact on individuals' mental health, are sparse. In addition, there are few studies that have examined this epidemiological catastrophe from a managerial perspective.

Theoretical Background of Study This study makes two important contributions to the literature. Despite the numerous challenges in its implementation, the work-from-home model during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a revelation for employees and organizations. Mapping to the situational theory, work-from-home was an immediate response to the pandemic. However, going forward, organizations will have to adapt themselves to the drastically changing ecosystem. Thus, our endings shed light on the organizational adaptation theory concerning the work-from-home model in the post-lockdown and pandemic-recovery situation. Organizations will have to react upon their current processes and redone functioning to react and conform to the changes happening in the societal context. The adaptation process would include taking cues from the general and economic conditions, the changing nature of employees' work, their readiness to return to work, and the psychological impact of the crisis on their attitude and well-being. We also contribute to the literature on creativity. While there is evidence of creativity in aloneness or voluntary isolation, ours is the rest study to need people's creative tendencies when they were required to work-from-home by their employers under conditions of forced isolation. This is because individuals spent uninterrupted and quality time on a task of their choice. Solitude engendered their intellectual capabilities and creative thinking. Thus, time spent in mandatory seclusion enhanced employee's involvement with the task, and fostered creative outcomes.

The Effect of COVID-19 on Employment The social distancing measures and stay-at-home orders imposed in many cities of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and other countries during the COVID-19 crisis are having a large impact on employment, leading to a sharp rise in unemployment and other workers being given reduced hours or temporarily furloughed. DATA ANALYSIS AND INERPRETA TION 1. Gender of the respondents


1 MALE 80%

2 FEMALE 20%

TOTAL 100%

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• The survey shows that, out of the all respondents' majority (80%) of the respondents are Male.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (50%) of the respondents belongs to the age group 20-30.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (61.2%) of the respondents belongs to yes. where the respondents say or believes or thinks that COVID-19 effected on employee behavior.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (54%) of the respondents belongs to negative impact. where the respondents say or thinks that COVID-19 has negative impact on employee's behavior.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (38%) of the respondents belongs to e-commerce. where the respondents say that COVID-19 has positive impact on e-commerce sectors.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (55.1%) of the respondents belongs to mass media communication. where the respondents say or thinks that COVID-19 has least impact on sectors.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (48%) of the respondents belongs to daily wages. where the respondents say that COVID-19 has most negative impact on daily wages.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (65.3%) of the respondents belongs to health sector. where the respondents say that COVID-19 has unaffected on health sector's employee's behavior.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (73.5%) of the respondents belongs to working from home. Where 73.5% the respondents say that during of the COVID-19 managing the employee's behavior by working from home.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (80%) of the respondents belongs to The companies which have inline working. Where 80 % the respondents say that during the COVID-19 companies which have online working also have growth.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' that majority (75%) of the respondents belongs to decrease. Where the respondents say that product ivies of decrease.

• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (100%) of the respondents belongs to no. Where all the respondents say that employees don't want reduce their salaries.

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• The survey shows that, out of all respondents' majority (62.5%) of the respondents belongs no. Where the respondents say employees want to wear mandatory masks.


• The COVID-19 critical sudation all companies be careful of the employee's mental health.

• According of my knowledge the companies for motivation of their employees at the future don't have need reduce the salaries of employee.

• Majority of respondents suggested that most of companies at the future need to ready for very critical sudation.

• And experts predict that the impact of the coronavirus will not just be a short-term boost to ecommerce but one that's here to stay, even after COVID-19. This is because people will get comfortable with the comfort and convenience it offers and the benefits of contactless payments, both of which are likely to cause a permanent behavioral shift towards digital purchases.

• In fact, market analysts say that the ecommerce industry will be the biggest beneficiaries of the coronavirus pandemic.

• Masks don't work for viruses unless they're n95s, and they cause discomfort and minor to moderate health problems, so they should never be mandatory, especially for a virus less lethal than flu for people under 70.

The conclusion of this study On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus (CODIV-19) a pandemic. Which means a global disease outbreak threatening the whole planet.

COVID-19 has most negative impact on employee behavior following the outbreak. The pandemic-related economic pause and lockdown differentially affected the employment opportunities of persons working in different sectors. Workers whose jobs could be performed remotely from home, such as teachers and customer support specialists, continued to work from their home office. Workers who provided essential services, such as health care professionals and grocery store clerks, continued their usual work routine. But job opportunities for many other workers outside these protected groups quickly evaporated.

The lockdown and social distancing to combat the covid-19 virus has generated significant disruptions on consumer behavior. All consumption is time bound and location bound. With time flexibility but location rigidity, consumers have learned to improvise in creative and innovative ways. The work-life boundaries are now blurred as people work at home, study at home, and relax at home. Embracing digital technology is likely to modify existing habits. Finally, public policy will also impose


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new consumption habits especially in public places such as airports, concerts, and public parks.

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2. Bartik, Alexander W., et al. "The impact of COVID-19 on small business outcomes and expectations." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.30 (2020): 17656-17666.

3. DeFilippis, Evan, et al. Collaborating During Coronavirus: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Nature of Work. No. w27612. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.

4. Liang, Leilei, et al. "The effect of COVID-19 on youth mental health." Psychiatric Quarterly (2020): 1-12.

5. Butu, Alina, et al. "The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis upon the Consumer Buying Behavior of Fresh Vegetables Directly from Local Producers. Case Study: The Quarantined Area of Suceava County, Romania." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17.15 (2020): 5485.

6. Rajkumar, Ravi Philip. "COVID-19 and mental health: A review of the existing literature." Asian journal ofpsychiatry (2020): 102066.


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