УДК 371.3
doi 10.24411/2221-0458-2019-10010
Байкалова Е.Д., Чыпсымаа О.О.
Тувинский государственный университет, г. Кызыл
Baykalova E.D., Chypsymaa O.O. Tuvan State University, Kyzyl
В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы и проблемы формирования грамматических навыков в процессе обучения английскому языку в условиях тувинско-русского билингвизма: билингвальное состояние тувинских учащихся летней научной школы английского языка Kyzyl Summer Camp в Тувинском государственном университете, а также характеристика субординативного и координативного тувинско-русского двуязычия. По мнению авторов необходимо сравнение и сопоставление контактирующих языков (тувинского, русского и английского) в процессе формирования грамматических навыков английского языка в условиях тувинско-русского билингвизма. Представлен детальный анализ типичных грамматических ошибок в английской речи тувинских двуязычных студентов. На основании типологии трудностей грамматического характера предпринята попытка составить систему грамматических упражнений с учетом сходств и отличий грамматических систем трех контактирующих языков, типичных грамматических ошибок в устной английской речи тувинских студентов - участников летней научной школы английского языка. Ключевые слова: тувинско-русский билингвизм (двуязычие), билингвальное состояние учащихся летней научной школы английского языка Kyzyl Summer Camp, формирование грамматических навыков в условиях тувинско-русского билингвизма, грамматическая сторона устной речи.
The article discusses the issues of Tuvan-Russian bilingualism and problems of the formation of English grammar skills in the process of teaching Tuvan bilingual students in the summer scientific school of English called Kyzyl Summer Camp. According to the authors' conception there are differences and similarities of the three mapping languages (Tuvan, Russian and English). It is necessary in the process of forming grammar skills in the foreign speech of the bilingual students. In addition, a detailed analysis of typical grammar mistakes is presented. Based on the typical difficulties for Tuvan students the attempt to create and compile the system of grammar exercises
was made in the summer scientific school of English at Tuvan State University. Keywords: Tuvan-Russian bilingualism, bilingual state of Tuvan students in the summer scientific school of English at Tuvan State University, the formation of grammatical skills of Tuvan bilingual students.
The issues and problems of the formation of grammar skills in the process of teaching Tuvan bilingual students have not received the full study and coverage in articles and researches yet. It is necessary to work out scientific ways and means of warning and overcoming grammar mistakes and errors in the spoken foreign language speech of the summer school participants, which are due to the interference of the native and the Russian languages [1]. That is why the research directed to overcome the interference is considered to be topical and important for both the students and the English teachers in the republic of Tuva. We consider the process of teaching English for Tuvan students as the research object and the main aim.
The bilingualism of Tuvan students, who speak Russian as well, is considered to be natural because the Tuvans learn the Russian language in the process of their daily routine [2]. They have to use and speak the Russian language to solve the all-important daily tasks. Moreover, Russian has an important social function in the life of Tuvans. On the other hand, this kind of bilingualism is also subordinate, i.e. the native language of a Tuvan speaker dominates. There is also the natural coordinate Tuvan-Russian bilingualism in the Republic of Tuva. A lot of Tuvans are representatives of the coordinate Tuvan-Russian bilingualism [1-3].
As subordinate and coordinating bilinguals have different levels of Russian and Tuvan languages it is necessary to research and study
the bilingual state of the Tuvan students and the influence of the Russian and the Tuvan languages on the process of learning the English language [1].
The main signs of the poor proficiency of the foreign language are the following:
- lack of fluency of oral communication;
- low level of writing skills;
- monotonous grammatical structures;
- incorrect phonetic pronunciation;
- mistakes in the vocabulary and grammar structures [3].
The results of our experiment at Kyzyl Summer Camp are the following:
- Most bilingual students are subordinate bilinguals; they have already got and accumulated a certain stock of knowledge, skills and speech abilities in the Russian language;
- Tuvan children are able to communicate using all types of speech activities. Russian is a means of communication for them;
- There are a lot of mistakes in the Russian language among the Tuvan students which are connected and related with the phonetic, lexical and, in particular, grammar design of speech;
The formation of grammar aspect in the spoken English fundamentally changes the situation of language education at the scientific school of English at Tuvan State University "Kyzyl Summer Camp". Tuvan, Russian and English form a unique linguistic phenomenon trilingualism (multilingualism) [7]. All languages depend and complement each
other. Tuvan-Russian-English trilingualism is artificial because Tuvan students learn the third language (English) in non-natural language environment but in classrooms with the help of the teachers. In the process of teaching English there should be a reliance on the formed trilingualism. This will help to ensure the effectiveness, rationality and flexibility of the grammar formation during the process of teaching English at the scientific school of English at Tuvan State University. Therefore, in the conditions of Tuvan-Russian bilingualism it is better to use such methods and ways of teaching as comparing and contrasting English with the native language (Tuvan) and Russian. It is methodologically appropriate to take into account the nature of the trilingualism, it will allow English teachers to make the process of teaching more effective, technological and rational in terms of overcoming language, speech and psycholinguistic difficulties [5].
Moreover, Tuvan-Russian bilingualism is the environment in which the third (English) language is taught so it is important to learn features and peculiarities of the bilingualism. It will help improve the quality of teaching English and language proficiency. The practice and experience of teaching English at the scientific school of English at Tuvan State University show that students who can speak Tuvan and Russian can encounter different difficulties during the process of mastering English.
Coordinative bilinguals are in more "winning" position. They are fluent in Tuvan and Russian that is why they have richer language and speech experience. It helps to be more flexible in the process of communication and has an overall positive effect on mastery
of the English language. These students speak Tuvan and Russian equally so Tuvan language speech are not dominant and do not interfere on the grammar aspect of the English language. The interference of Russian has a certain effect in some cases. This kind of interfering influence can be eliminated with the help of the techniques and ways of teaching the language which have already been developed for the Russian-speaking students [1].
Subordinate bilinguals have more difficulties in mastering the English language. The negative influence of the native language is enhanced by the similar skills of the Russian language because new speech skills of the English language are opposed by the already formed of native and the Russian languages. In this case the interference is double from both the native (Tuvan) and non-native (Russian) languages.
It should be stated that Tuvan bilinguals have already learnt non-native language so the expression of the thoughts in a foreign language is not new for them when they are taught English at scientific school of English 'Kyzyl Summer Camp' at Tuvan State University [4]. Kyzyl Summer Camp participants are accustomed to the fact that they can express their thoughts by various means. They have already formed a number of the language and speech skills while studying the Russian language, for example, the ability to guess the meaning of unknown words and phrases in different situation or by the context, the ability to request the information or the ability to react. Consequently, the bilingualism has some advantages, positive aspects and potential opportunities that Tuvan students have in their linguistic experience as during the English lessons they can rely on
the formed abilities to master and perceive the non-native (Russian) language.
So, the solution of the English teaching problem depends on the presence or absence of the language (English) environment, on the Russian language level of knowledge, on the Tuvan and Russian influence on the English language (Tuvan-Russian-English trilingualism).
In the research during the scientific school of English 'Kyzyl Summer Camp' difficulties of the forming grammar skills were analyzed. The English teachers managed to learn similarities and differences of the languages, made up the system of difficulties that Tuvan students can encounter in the process of learning the third (English) language, which are different from the native language [2] . The English language was taken as the source language in the comparative analysis. In the linguistic comparison the general patterns were examined as well as specific characteristics of the English language, which require special attention, explanation and development. The comparison with the Russian language is valuable for introduction, explanation and learning the phenomena that are available in English and Russian but not in Tuvan, for instance, plural forms of nouns after quantitative numbers, gender, prepositions and personal pronouns etc. [3].
The languages differ from each other in different ways. Контактирующие языки отличаются друг от друга по разным показателям. The first difference is genealogical as English is a Germanic language, Russian belongs to the Slavic languages, Tuvan is the Turkic language. Secondly, the languages deffer typologically. It is known that English and Russian are flective languages while
Tuvan is agglutinative. English is one of the analytical languages and the word order plays an important role. The morphological system is poorly represented in the English language that is why the sentence members are often distinguished by the sentence place. Tuvan refers to the synthetic languages where the relations between words in a sentence are expressed by adding a number of grammar elements - affix morphemes. In contrast to English Tuvan is more developed by cases and personal endings but at the same time it has a specific word order [2].
Thus, as a result of comparing and contrasting the three languages we came up to the following conclusions:
1) Difficulties in the English sentence can be related to the place of the predicate. In English and Russian the predicate has the second position after the subject. In Tuvan the verb-predicate regardless of the sentence type and tense form is at the very end of the sentence.
2) The location and the place of the minor members of the sentence may have significant difficulties for the Tuvan students because they are after the predicate in English while in Tuvan they are before the predicate.
3) The analysis of the syntactic system of the tree languages helped us suggest that difficulties would be bigger and greater if there are more sentence members.
4) Difficulties may appear with the place of the prepositions because in the native language they have a certain place after the word to which they refer.
5) Phenomena of the English language, which are, absent in the Tuvan language may be of a particular difficulty, for example, the
English article.
6) The use of plural nouns after quantitative numbers presents a certain difficulty for Tuvan bilinguals.
7) Difficulties can cause personal and possessive pronouns because for the only personal pronoun in the third form of singular in Tuvan correspond three personal pronouns he, she, it.
8) Significant difficulties may be with the tense forms of the English verbs they are connected with the negative particle not, auxiliary verbs in negative and interrogative sentences [2].
The analysis of Tuvan, Russian and English allows to anticipate which grammar aspects will be difficult for Tuvan bilinguals. Therefore, we tried to correlate the results of linguistic-comparative analysis with the analysis of language errors made by the Tuvan bilinguals in order to confirm the system of difficulties as well as to identify and select grammar aspects, sequence of teaching grammar, types and number of grammar exercises [1-3, 7].
Speech grammar mistakes of Tuvan biliguals were recorded in the process teaching Tuvan students at the scientific school of English at Tuvan State University. The results of the morphological and syntax analyses of Tuvan students' mistakes confirmed the difficulties that were identified in the process of linguistic-comparative analysis of grammar aspects of the three languages.
Tuvan-Russian-English trilinguialism has its own specific features and characteristics that can affect the methods of teaching English and require a separate consideration.
We include the following features of teaching and learning the English language in
the given conditions:
- The language experience of the Tuvan students;
- Knowledge of the native (Tuvan) and non-native (Russian) languages in the process of mastering the English language;
- The role and place of the native language in the process of learning English;
- Interaction of contacting languages;
- Interference as the result of the interaction of the three languages.
Tuvan, Russian and English interact at the grammar level and Tuvan influence them as the mother tongue. The influence may be positive and can be carried out from both languages: from the mother tongue and from the Russian language. The Tuvan influence is stronger in cases of divergence of grammar systems and in cases of similarity of the languages. It is found in the nature of the typical mistakes of Tuvan students [1-2].
The analysis of the native (Tuvan) language and non-native (Russian) language allows us to conclude that in the process of teaching and learning English it is better to take into consideration the data of the linguistic-comparative analysis while teaching grammar of the English language, taking into account the effect that the languages are influenced by the native language of the students [6].
In conclusion, within the research the problems of the Tuvan-Russian bilingualism were conceptually studied and analyzed, the bilingual state of Tuvan students were determined. It is of particular relevance in the organization of the teaching ways and methods in the given conditions. The results of the research contain new opportunities for studying the problem of teaching English for
Tuvan students at Tuvan State University, new ways of teaching and learning a foreign which meets modern requirements of finding language [2].
Библиографический список
1. Байкалова Е. Д. Проблемы обучения двуязычных студентов-тувинцев грамматике английского языка / Е. Д. Байкалова. - Текст: непосредственный // Языковое образование сегодня - векторы развития материалы VI международной научно-практической конференции-форума. - 2015. - С. 7-17.
2. Байкалова Е.Д. Обучение иностранному языку в условиях многоязычия: монография / Е. Д. Байкалова и др. - Кызыл, 2016. - 131 с. - Текст: непосредственный.
3. Байкалова Е.Д. Морфологическая интерференция в процессе овладения английской речью в условиях взаимодействия тувинского, русского языков и английского языка как иностранного / Е. Д. Байкалова, Т. Х. Очур. - Текст: непосредственный // Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2016. - № 4 (59). - С. 190192.
4. Доржу Н. С. Обучение видовременным формам настоящего времени глагола английского языка студентов направления подготовки «педагогическое образование» профиль «технический труд» / Н. С. Доржу. - Текст: непосредственный // Мир науки, культуры, образования. -2015. - № 2 (51). - С. 58-61.
5. Артына М.К. Опыт использования интерактивных методов на занятиях английского языка в вузе / М. К. Артына, Н. С. Доржу. - Текст: непосредственный // Мир науки, культуры, образования. -
2016. - № 2 (57). - С. 100-103.
6. Доржу Н. С. Разработка учебных заданий на основе инструментальной программы-оболочки «hotpotatoes» / Н. С. Доржу, Ю. Д. Оюн. - Текст: непосредственный // Мир науки, культуры, образования. - 2016. - № 3 (58). - С. 49-52.
7. Чыпсымаа О. О. Этимологический комментарий языковых единиц как средство обучения иностранному языку / О. О. Чыпсымаа. - Текст: непосредственный // Вестник Тувинского государственного университета. Т. 4. Педагогические науки. - 2013. - 4 (19). - С. 121-129.
1. Baykalova E.D. Problems of teaching English grammar for bilingual Tuvan students / E. D. Baykalova/ - Text: direct // Language education today - directions of development. - 2016. - 7-17 p.
2. Baykalova E.D. Teaching a foreign language in the conditions of multilinguiasm: monographiya / E. D.Baykalova and other. - Kyzyl, 2016. - 131 p.
3. Baykalova E.D. Morpheme interference in the process of learning spoken English in the conditions of the three languages (Tuvan, Russian and English) contact / E. D. Baykalova, T.Kh. Ochur/ - Text: direct // Mir obrazovaniya, nauku, kultury. - 2016. -№ 4 (59). - P. 190-192.
4. Dorzhu N. S. O. Teaching Present tense forms for the students of pedagogical studies / N. S. O. Dorzhu. - Text: direct // Mir obrazovaniya, nauku, kultury. - 2015. -
№ 2 (51). - P. 58-61.
5. Artyna M.K. The experience of using interactive ways of teaching in class / M. K. Artyna, N.S.O. Dorzhu. - Text: direct // Mir obrazovaniya, nauku, kultury. - 2016. - № 2 (57). - P. 100-103.
6. Dorzhu N.S.O. Working out the exercises on the base of «hotpotatoes» / N.S.O. Dorzhu, Y. D. Oyun. - Text: direct // Mir
obrazovaniya, nauku, kultury. - 2016. - № 3 (58). - P. 49-52.
7. Chypsymaa O.O. Etymology of the language comments as a means of teching English / O.O. Chypsymaa. - Text: direct // Tuvan State University Vestnik # 4. Pedagogical science. - 2013. - V. 4. - № 4 (19). - P. 121-129.
Байкалова Елена Дмитриевна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ФГБОУ ВО «Тувинский государственный университет». E-mail: [email protected]
Чыпсымаа Оюмаа Олеговна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедрs иностранных языков, ФГБОУ ВО «Тувинский государственный университет». E-mail: [email protected]
Baykalova Elena Dmitrievna - PhD, associate professor of Department of Foreign Languages in Tuvan State University. E-mail: [email protected]
Chypsymaa Oiumaa Olegovna - Ph.D in Philology, associate professor of Department of Foreign Languages in Tuvan State University. E-mail: [email protected]
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию 20.08.2019