The features of planning and formation the system of balanced indexes at
railway enterprises
N.M. Magomedova, M.V. Khlebnikova Rostov State Transport University
Abstract: The characteristic of developed operational expenses assessment system at railway enterprises has been presented. The analysis of legal entity economic state has been conducted. The results of the research have practical significance for the most important development fields on every management level of the railway industry. Institution analytical operational expenses assessment system is a combination of various economic processes, which are fixed, transmitted, stored and used for implementing operational expenses management. The main information features have been revealed: to reflect operational expenses state through the system of different indexes, store quantitative estimation and present the results in discrete view. Key words: railway enterprises, legal entity, economic department, operational expenses, accounting, decision making, assessment results, estimation.
The legal entity of the Russian Railways is a joint stock company with absolute public shares. It has the structure of multi branch concern which comprises legal entities and separate divisions. Each separate division has its own economic department which forms and handles initial economic information according to the current legislature and instructions, that monthly and quarterly makes reports concerning balance. Economic balances and reports are handed to the upper authorities in structural divisions of the railway. Once a year all departments independently their legal status also hand over current reports concerning definite charges and payments, such as taxes, material storage, fuel costs, debit and credit debts.
The planning of financial economic indexes is realized according to the following scheme. Taking into account the features of the legal entity the economic department develops some proposals on the basis of annual plan and considering the proposals of structural divisions. After confirming the basic indexes the economic and financial departments work out planning indexes and inform the structural divisions. The structural divisions in turn work out its own plans and agree them on with the economic department of branch division. Further, the
common plan of railway operation is formed. The department head approves the plan of structural and branch divisions concerning volume indexes as well as quality measures of rolling stock operation and economic - financial indexes. Accounting of operational expenses is made on the basis of unified nomenclature charges. The integrated accounting of operational charges on the railway is made up by the following departments and divisions: financial service, economic service, planning - financial service, planning - economic service and accounting office.
The economic service has its own department of planning and analysis of operational expenses. It works out prospective annual, quarterly and monthly forecasting of operational expenses on each costs element, such as materials, fuel, power supply for trains traction, other material charges, amortization on wagons, repair works and other common expenses of structural divisions and subdivisions of railway, adjustment of operational expenses forecasting on each cost element because of price changing on materials and service, month, quarter and annual analysis of all operational expenses.
All these features and planning order of legal entity in all structural divisions allow to determine the main principals of continuous tracking the transformation of operational expenses. The logical and informational bases of the offered concept are the approved scientific postulates of expenses mechanism, management experience, which comprises documentation development, its own view of the problem, practical and research interest [1, 2]. It provides the more reasonable decision making in the field of expenses mechanism.
One of the major conditions of the qualitative operational expenses analysis is the effective diagnostic system of legal entity financial state which allows structural divisions and the main department to obtain objective assessments of most important economic trends on the base of which operational expenses management measures should be worked out. In this connection the development of operational expenses assessment system is of primary importance especially in
terms of structural transformations on railway transport, tariffs policy changing and mechanisms of profits distribution between structures that are being formed [3].
The practical significance of the problem is connected with the necessity of corporation management foundation, structural divisions and detached enterprises of their efficiency complex assessment system. This system in its turn will affect the legal entity condition, its development prospects, efficiency of operational expenses management instrument application.
The market transformation of operational expenses provides the improvement of economic analysis system developed during the last few years and makes it possible to obtain information about operational expenses condition, their possible changes expectations, to conduct financial state analysis and reveal the main factors determining legal entity activity [4, 5].
The system shall monitor the changing trends of economic processes development at a definite enterprise and rapidly assess the internal and external factors influence. Thus, the operational expenses assessment system makes up institution organizational mechanism of legal entity economic system optimal functioning [6]. Solving analytic organizational problems forms a basis for early reveal of arising disproportions that considerably raises productivity of enterprise economic policy.
The application of work organization methodology in new system of legal entity operational expenses assessment provides the following results:
- stabilization of legal entity production potential development;
- increase of independence degree, objectives and managers' productivity in assessments of economic processes changes;
- formation of the economic analysis system on management levels as necessary base for the further improvement of analytic work;
- formation of the necessary information analytical base for practical matters discussion concerning activity improvement;
- increase of initial information reliability applied for regeneration and financial state assessment;
- increase of linear enterprises operation efficiency improvement concerning economic processes analysis and forecasting, reveal of potentials for operational expenses decrease on every management level.
The active influence on economic and financial analysis increase is the basic element of efficiency growth and one of the main conditions of objective management criteria assessment according to the management level [7, 8].
On the basis of the institutional problems analysis the complex of assessment measures has been carried out which includes: choice of subdivisions which take part in the operational expenses assessment implementation; hiring of highly qualified economists.
As a result of conducted research the concept base of providing assessment system technology has been worked out, that allows to implement a number of measures including several subsystems. The first measure is connected with the collecting and handling of economic information; the second comprises analytical information system allowing to provide operational expenses analysis on the basis of initial obtained data and taking into account management levels. All this provides the assessment of operational expenses with the mechanism of system regulation.
The railway branch feature in the author's concept required normative reference and methodic materials development [9]. The investigation of operational expenses record organizational aspects made possible to solve the following problems connected with the development of the aggregated operational expenses analysis forms and methods, management results application proposals, as well as evaluation in scientifically approved decision making.
In developed system of operational expenses assessment the significant part plays the analysis of legal entity economic state, its results having the prior
significance for development of the main management fields at railway enterprises [10].
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