ISSN 2223-4047
Вестник Maeucmpamypu. 2022. № 12-6 (135)
N.K. Daminov, S.N. Nurullayeva
The article discusses several definitions of the concept of "interpretation " proposed by different translation experts, classifies the types of interpretation, discusses some differences between interpretation and translation, as well as the role of interpretation in the modern world.
Key words: oral translation, written translation, types of oral translation, simultaneous translation, consecutive translation, theory of oral translation, translator.
Oral translation is one of the most difficult types of translation, requiring not only excellent knowledge of the spoken language and topics, but also the ability to quickly, fully and easily convey the meaning of what was said.
Interpretation, as a process and result of translation activity, has many definitions. Let's take a look at some of them. Oral translation is a type of translation in which the original and its translation appear in the process of translation in an unfixed form. This fact predetermines the one-time perception of segments of the original by the translator and the impossibility of subsequent comparison of the translation after its completion. In oral translation, the creation of the translation text can occur either in parallel with the perception of the original, or after the perception of the original is completed [2, 91].
Oral translation is the process of translation from one language into another, carried out by an interpreter orally without recording the content of the message [6, 236].
Oral translation is a type of translation in which the original and its translation appear in the process of translation in an unfixed (oral) form, which predetermines the one-time perception of segments of the original by the translator and the impossibility of subsequent comparison or correction of the translation after its completion [5, 414].
Interpreting is an integral part of international events: business negotiations, conferences, exhibitions. The success of the event and the overall image of the company depend on its quality. Oral translation is perceived by ear, once, so it is not possible to think long and carefully on the text neither the translator nor the consumer of his translation [3].
Interpretation, or interpreting, is the activity which consists in establishing, either simultaneously (known as simultaneous interpreting) or successively (known as consecutive interpreting), verbal or gestural communications between two or more communicants who cannot, for whatever reason use the same character set. By definition, this method is only available when there is a need for interpretation. In any case, the term interpretation is ambiguous, as it can refer to both the process and the result. Interpretation or interpretation is an activity that facilitates oral communication or communication using sign language, simultaneously or sequentially, between communicators speaking different languages.
Interpretation is a concept that combines all types of translation and provides for oral presentation. This includes such independent forms of translation as consecutive translation and simultaneous translation.
When performing consecutive interpreting, the interpreter begins the translation activity only after the speaker has finished speaking, having completed his speech or part of it. The functioning of this type of interpreting is as follows: it follows the text of the original, either already fully pronounced, or pronounced intermittently: "paragraph-by-paragraph" - the translation follows the voiced group of sentences, less often "phrasingly", i.e. for individual offers. Consequently, consecutive translation includes two varieties: paragraph-phrase translation and consecutive translation proper.
When performing simultaneous translation, the interpreter listens to the speaker's speech and at about the same moment (with a slight delay - 1-4 seconds) pronounces the translation. Typically, such a complex type of interpretation is performed using technical means, in a specially equipped booth, the speaker's speech is transmitted to the interpreter through headphones, the interpreter, in turn, pronounces the translation into a microphone, from where it is broadcast to the listeners. Simultaneous translation requires the ability of an interpreter to simultaneously perform heterogeneous speech actions: listening in one language, translating into another language and speaking in this language. Consecutive interpreting requires a well-trained and skillfully used high-speed working memory from an interpreter, while simultaneous interpreting, above all, requires the ability to listen and speak at the same time.
© N.K. Daminov, S.N. Nurullayeva, 2022.
ISSN 2223-4047
BecmnuK Maeucmpamypu. 2022. № 12-6 (135)
Below we consider a more detailed classification of the types of interpretation:
oral consecutive one-way translation (translation of speeches);
oral sequential paragraph-phrase one-way translation (translation of speeches, lectures, etc.);
oral consecutive paragraph-phrase two-way translation (translation of negotiations, interviews, conversations, etc.);
Simultaneous translation.
Despite the fact that the tasks of this type of translation have much in common with the tasks of other types of translation activities, if you look at the main mechanisms for the implementation of oral translation and the conditions for its implementation, then this type has some specific differences from written translation. The understanding of this fact was associated with the expansion of the sphere in which interpretation was used in the second half of the 20th century. This prompted scientists to systematically investigate the patterns and features of this type of translation, as well as put forward a special theory of oral translation. Within the theory of interpretation, a distinction has also been made between the theories of consecutive and simultaneous translation.
There are three areas of ongoing research:
1. The study of the factors that affect the extraction by the translator of the information contained in the original. Short duration, one-time use, discreteness - these are the three main differences in the perception of oral speech. Pause, rhythm and tempo of speech affect the completeness of understanding. Information is extracted in separate portions as the chains of linguistic units are unfolded in the speaker's speech. Perception is based on
"meaningful strongholds". The "quanta" of information, already perceived by the translator, help him predict the next content of the text.
2. Consideration of oral translation as a special type of speech in TL. The oral speech of an interpreter differs from the usual "non-translated" speech. The reason for the differences lies in the fact that the translator's speech is focused on the original and is formed in the process of translation. Scientists are also studying the features of simultaneous translation within this direction.
3. The study of interpretation as a special type of translation, i.e. as opposed to written translation. At the same time, researchers pay special attention to identifying the quantitative and qualitative features of oral translation, which distinguish it from written translation and constitute its specificity [1, 67].
What qualities should an oral translator, regardless of what type of interpretation he performs?
1. Knowledge of the most frequent, commonly used translation correspondences and automated skill of their use.
Mere knowledge of translation correspondences without their quick use will not be sufficient for an interpreter, since he does not have time to "remember" equivalent lexical units. Fluctuations and long pauses during translation interfere with the normal perception of the TP and disrupt communication between people. Naturally, sometimes when translating the most difficult passages, the translator can afford a short pause for reflection. But in order for such a pause not to appear very often, the interpreter must use the most common translation correspondences with a high degree of automaticity. Then a short pause when thinking about a difficult moment will be perceived by the listener in the same way as a short pause for a person who speaks his native language and looks for the most appropriate words to express his thoughts.
2. An interpreter must be able to freely perceive foreign speech by ear.
3. The interpreter must have a good command of the technique of oral speech. He must have good diction, be able to speak loudly and correctly formulate the statement intonation.
4. An interpreter must have a good working memory - be able to keep IT (or its meaning) in memory until it is translated.
And although there are some differences between different subspecies of interpreting, they have something in common, something that is well defined when comparing interpreting with written translation.
Below we look at some of the differences between interpretation and translation:
The difference in the form of perception of the original text and the creation of the translated text
Operating with unequal segments of the original. In written translation, one statement after another is processed, but the translator has the entire text at his disposal, to which he resorts, correlating each statement with the full version. In turn, the interpreter perceives and translates the text segment by segment, not being able to refer to the entire original text at once.
The nature of communication with participants in interlingual communication. In written translation, the translator does not have a direct or feedback relationship with the communicants. The interpreter, on the other hand, has direct verbal contact with the communicants. This fact gives the translator much more opportunities in solving pragmatic translation problems [4, 88].
The modern business world is divided into many countries and nationalities. Globalization has literally destroyed the artificially created boundaries in the business sphere. Partnership agreements and transnational corporations and companies from various countries of the world are direct proof of this. However, there is another
ISSN 2223-4047
Вестник магистратуры. 2022. № 12-6 (135)
border that is not at all easy to overcome for quite a few - the language barrier. To conduct business and quickly solve professional and communication problems, an absolute mutual understanding of the parties is necessary. For these purposes, English is actively used. It is very functional and has the status of an international language. However, despite all its advantages, not everyone owns it. This problem is quite serious, since at the necessary moment it may not be possible to quickly and efficiently translate the necessary information from English or into English.
We have several options for solving this problem. A fairly large number of people rely almost entirely on modern science and technology. They entrust the translation to computer programs. It is possible to quickly find a translator program on the Internet and use it. This method is rather unreliable. It is not suitable for complex technical translation from English. Even the best software cannot adequately perform a serious technical translation from English. Computer programs do not take into account many nuances: the cultural component, phraseological units and other uses of the language. The only point of using these programs is to be able to quickly and very approximately find out the general meaning of the given text.
Another option is to try to translate the text yourself. You can try to do this by surrounding yourself with lots of grammar books, dictionaries, and other reference books. These efforts are quite commendable, but, unfortunately, they are only suitable for translating personal correspondence. To run a business, much more is needed, namely, the translation must be accurate, high-quality and fast.
The best option would be to have complex technical text delivered by a professional translator. His services will also prove to be very useful if you need to translate documents from time to time, or if interpretation is required during negotiations.
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DAMINOV NAVRUZ KUDRATOVICH - teacher, Samarkand state institute of foreign languages. NURULLAYEVA SEVINCHNURMAMATOVNA - student, Samarkand state institute of foreign languages.